Version-1 (June-2018)
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to examine the yield potential capability of several maize genotypes on environmental conditions with improved cultivation technology. The research method used is experimental method with field experiment and farmer's active participation approach (on farm). The experiment was layed out according to Randomized Complete Block Design, with 10 genotype treatments: Superior Variety of Sukmaraga, Superior Variety of Lamuru, BISI 18 Hybrids, Pioner Hybrids, BISI Hybrids 2, Arjuna Superior Variety, NK 22 Hybrids, Seraye Local Cultivar, and Bima Local Cultivar. Each treatment was replicated 3 times to obtain 30 experimental units. The observed data were analyzed by the analysis of variance at the 5% significant level and posthoc tested by the least significant differences at the same significant level. The results showed that the highest yield of genotypes,...........
Keywords: superior maize genotypes; hybrid and open pollination varieties, growth environment, improved cultivation technology.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | L'agriculture Oasienne Et Les Défis Des Changements Climatiques: Cas Du Maroc |
Country | : | Morocco. |
Authors | : | Hassan Ouabouch1 |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1106010512 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Le Maroc est un pays en transition démographique, économique et politique et les défis auxquels il est confronté sont considérables. L'agriculture y occupe une place importante au plan économique, social et environnemental. Premier secteur créateur de richesses et employeur le plus important du pays, elle est aussi le principal utilisateur et le responsable le plus direct de la gestion des ressources naturelles renouvelables. L'agriculture d'une façon générale et celle pratiquée dans les oasis à connu et va connaître davantage des changements de fond au cours du prochain quart de siècle, qui se répercuteront sur l'ensemble de l'économie et de la société ainsi que sur les territoires, les ressources............
Keywords: Oasis, agriculture, climate change, challenges, Morocco
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ABSTRACT: The study assessed the relative contributions of farm and non-farm activities of rural women to household quality of life in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria. Data was collected from 278 respondents, randomly selected from 8 local government areas in two agricultural zones of the states. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic tools of frequency count, percentage, mean, while Anova, Friedman and Probit regression tests were used to analyse the hypothesis. The socio-economic characteristics revealed that the women were young (average age was (40-48years), educated with 74.46% having formal education, experienced in farming (average was 9years), Married..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assesment of Nutritional Status of PCOS Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Neda Mohamed Nizaruddin || Ms.Kochurani. J. Thayil |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1106012731 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reproductive endocrinological disorders with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations affecting about 6-8% of women of reproductive years.Modest weight loss (5%–10% of initial body weight) can improve nearly all abnormal reproductive, metabolic, hormonal, lipid profile, and psychological parameters in women with PCOS.With regard to diet, clearly any diet that results in weight loss will be beneficial to a woman with PCOS, but given the likelihood of insulin resistance, one could speculate that low-carbohydrate and/or low-glycaemic index diets may be especially effective.So the present study was carried out to"Assessment of Nutritional Status of PCOS Patients".For this study sixty PCOS patients in the age group of 18-30 years were selected from Thrissur district by purposive sampling method.........
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ABSTRACT: The bioaccumulation level of six heavy metals in the cephalothorax and abdomen of Nematopalaemon hastatus in the coastal waters of Ondo State, Nigeria were investigated from April, 2014 to March, 2016. The species indicated allometric growth pattern with condition factor (K) ranging from 0.42 to 0.57. The metal bioaccumulation were in the decreasing order of Zn>Fe>Mn>Cu>Pb>Cd. The highest concentration of Zn (7.519mg/kg) was recorded in abdomen of N. hastatus in the wet season, while the lowest value of 5.786mg/kg was recorded in the cephalothorax in the wet season. The highest level of Fe (5.678mg/kg) observed was recorded in abdomen in wet season. Mn ranged between 3.550mg/kg(cephalothorax in the wet season) and 2.683mg/kg (abdomen in wet season..........
Keywords:Heavy Metals, Nematopalaemon hastatus, FEPA, cephalothorax, abdomen, Ondo State
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ABSTRACT: Transportation cost of oil palm seedlings with soil in the polythene nursery bags(~ 90% weight) from the nursery to the field is one of the major limitations to farmers in Cameroon.The general objectiveof this study was to reduce this cost while preserving their ultimate survival capacity. To achieve this, ten-month-old seedlings were off rooted(stripped: D), dressed (H: leaves cut to reduce transpiration surface), plasticized (P) and planted after storage for 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. Water loss was evaluated for all treatments before planting. Seven months after planting, the rate of plant survival, the number of new leaves, the collar diameter and the leaf area were evaluated. The results show..........
Keywords: Oil palm seedlings, transport facilitation, field recovery, plant dressing.
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ABSTRACT: This type of research is qualitative through the phenomenology of approach, but the results showed that the concept of empowerment is a form of implementation of Government policy which requires the liveliness of society in the development process so entwined synergy, where the community is involved not just as objects of development but also as subjects of development, Empowerment is conducted to promote and develop the mindset of farmers, increase Farmer, as well as grow and strengthen Institutional Farmers to be independent and empowered the high competitiveness in the elegant Farmer. Some of the activities are expected to stimulate more defenseless Peasants, i.e., in the form of education and training, counseling and mentoring, the development of systems and means of agricultural marketing
Keywords: Policy, Education, Training, Empowerment, Agriculture
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ABSTRACT: Sweet potato is one of the commodities currently being developed in South Central Timor District, but its productivity is much lower than the national productivity. The cause of Cylas formicarius pests. The use of chemical insecticides carried out by farmers today can lead to various negative effects that need to find another alternative to control pests or by searching for chemical pesticide substitution. One such substitution is to use vegetable pesticides derived from plants. Nature in South Central Timor District (TTS) provides many potential ingredients as vegetable pesticides. For example mimba (Azadirachta indica), babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides), soursop (Annona muricata), anona (Annona squamosa), kenikir (Tagetes erecta), papaya (Carica papaya), and betel forest (Piper caducibracteum). However, the effectiveness of these vegetable..........
Keywords: Entomopathogenic Fungi, Vegetable Insecticide, Local Isolate, Cylas formicarius, Sweet Potato.
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ABSTRACT: This research study analysed the conduct and performance of fresh fish marketing in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The broad objectives were to determine the structure and performance of fresh fish marketing in Yenagoa local government area of Bayelsa State. The specific objectives were to describe the socio economic characteristics of the respondents in the study area, analyse the structure and performance of fresh fish markets, and identify factors affecting profitability of fresh fish marketing in the study area. Primary data was collected through well structured copies of questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (means and percentages), and inferential statistics (Lorenz curve, the Gini coefficient and Gross Margin analysis) were used for the analysis of data collected. Multiple linear regressions were used to analyse the results. The results showed that 100% of the marketers..........
Keywords: Market, marketing, structure, performance, gross margin, fresh fish, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: Non wood forest products (NWFP) play a crucial role in the daily life and welfareof people all over the world. The aim of this study was to e assess the importance of Non-wood forest products in improvingof livelihood of rural communities in Wadisaleh locality-central Darfur state-Sudan. The data collection depends mainly on the primary data which includes general survey and observations to the study area. Five villages were selected randomly from the total villages in the study area. Total of 90 household were selected as sample size from these villages which constituted about 10%. The questionnaire was design to collect theinformation's from the household in order to achievethe objectives of this study. Beside these, focus groups discussion was conducted with stakeholder and chick.........
Keywords: Non-wood forest products, livelihoods, Rural Community, Central Darfur State, Sudan.
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ABSTRACT: Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) can be defined as all goods and services for commercial, industrial and subsistence uses other than wood derived from forests and their biomass that are sustainably extracted without changing their reproductive functions. These products are obtained either from fruits, seeds, leaves, barks, roots or as exudates. The importance of the non-wood forest products in terms of food and nutritional requirements are medicine, fodder for livestock, fiber, fertilizers, construction materials, cosmetic and cultural uses. The objectives of the study were to identify the main types and uses of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) and to assess their contribution in the income of the rural communities. About 100 households were chosen randomly and interviewed at Komya, Abuassal, Omkheirban and Boro villages in Bahr Alarab Locality in East Darfur..........
Keywords: Non-wood forest products, types, collection, processing, marketing and perception.
[1]. Agustino, S. ; Mataya, B. ; Senelwa, K., and Achigan-Dako, G. E. (2011). Non-wood forest products and services for socio-economic development. A Compendium for Technical and Professional Forestry Education.The African Forest Forum, Nairobi, Kenya
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ABSTRACT: The research work was carried out for detection of antibiotic sensitivity pattern of bacteria isolated from infected betel leaf sold at local markets of Dinajpur city, Bangladesh. Total 20 infected betel vine sample were collected from five different local markets (Leilimorr, Terminal road, Doshmile, Gopalgong bazaar, and Basharat) of Dinajpur. A series of test were conducted for isolation, identification and frequency distribution of different bacteria of betel leaf. A total of 20 bacterial isolates belong to five genera (staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, klebsiella spp. and Enterobacter spp.) were identified. Out of 20 samples, 6 were Staphylococcus spp. (30%), 4 were Bacillus spp. (20%), 1 were Escherichia coli (5%), 5 were klebsiella spp. (25%) and 4 were Enterobacter spp. (20%). The identified isolation was subjected to antibiogram study in which Staphylococcus spp. (6).........
Keywords: Antibiogram, Antibiotic sensitivity, Betel leaf, Bacteria identification.
[1]. AparnaPriyadarshiniPatra, Arup Kumar Mukherjee and LaxmikantAcharya(2011).Comparative Study of RAPsD and ISSR Markers to Assess the Genetic Diversity of Betel Vine (Piper betleL.) in Orissa, India. American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1: 200-211.
[2]. AraniDatta, ShreyaGhoshdastidar and Mukesh.Singh (2011).Singh Antimicrobial Property of Piper Betel Leaf against Clinical Isolates of Bacteria.International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research (IJPSR), 2(3): 104-109.
[3]. BholanathMondal, Indrabrata Bhattacharya and Dinesh Chandra Khatua (2014).Incidence of bacterial wilt disease in West Bengal, India Academia.Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(6): 139-146.
[4]. Bijan Kumar Das (2010). Incidence of Aleurocanthus spp. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) on betelvine (Piper betleL.) and their interaction with host plants. The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences, 2(2): 53-59.
[5]. D. K. Sengupta B. Dasgupta and P, Datta(2011). Management of foot rot of betel vine (Piper betleL.) caused by PhytophthoraparasiticaDastur. Journal of Crop and Weed, 7(2): 179-183. 159-164..