Version-1 (July-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical And Diagnostic Studies Of Myocarditis Result From FMD In Lambs |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Adeeb A. Dawood || Kamal M. Alsaad |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1107010110 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The study was conducted on (125) local suckling lamb breeds (5-30) days old and from both sexes, reflecting different farms of Basrah, Iraq. Their dams have no history of vaccination against FMD and show classical foot and mouth disease signs (reared in Basrah Governorate). Suspected lambs show neither oral blisters belong to FMD legions or rope salivation, nor lesions of interdigital space of a foot. However, all clinically examined lambs had heart problems, Reflected as murmur sounds, irregular heart rhythm and tachycardia on auscultation of the chest. Twenty five clinically healthy local lamb breeds were considered as controls. Completed clinical examinations have been carried out to all suspected and control animals. Diseased lambs show different clinical manifestations such...........
Keywords: FMD, Myocarditis, Lambs. Basrah, Iraq
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to calculate the marketing efficiency that measures efficiency of marketing processes for vegetable crops. Also, the work targeted calculating marketing margins and total marketing margin items in the marketing process. To meet research requirements and objectives, data were collected from 25 farmers of the 3 vegetable crops (open agriculture) farms in Abu Ghraib city in Baghdad province. The research found that marketing efficiency of marketers was 63.22%, 65.58%, and 60.31% for tomato, eggplant, and cucumber crops respectively. The total marketing margins were 212 IQD/KG, 235 IQD/KG, and 125 IQD/KG for tomato, eggplant, and cucumber respectively. The loss value for tomato, eggplant, and cucumber crops respectively were 31.56 IQD/KG.........
Keywords: agricultural Marketing , Margins Cost , Efficiency Marketing .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Resistant Tomato Genotype Cln2264g-La 4286 and Genetic Control to Late Blight Disease |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | EL-SakaZeinab Ibrahim |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1107011624 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Late blight is destructive disease in tomato plants in Egypt. The purpose of this research was to study the performance of the genotypeCLN2264G-LA 4286 with the resistance gene Ph-3 and its F1 hybrids which obtained byNCEBR-6, Peto-82, UCT5 and Super Strain B. Plants were evaluated under thegreenhouse and in the field conditions.Results indicated that the genotype LA 4286 was the highest resistance value to late blight disease followed by F1 hybrids Peto82 × LA 4286 and NCEBR-6 × LA 44286 based on symptoms severity. Most of varieties (parents) located in moderate to susceptible range of susceptibility to Phytophthorainfestans. The F1 hybrid NCEBR-6 × LA 44286..........
Keywords: Tomato, late blight disease, Resistance, Heterosis, Heritability, GCV, PCV, coefficient of variability.
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ABSTRACT: The fungicidal effect of essential oils (EOs) extracted from three aromatic and medicinal plants: Mentha pulegium, Eugenia aromatica and Cedrus atlantica was tested on three fungal diseases of autumn cereals: powdery mildew, spot blotch and wheat crown rot, caused by Erysiphe graminis, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Fusarium culmorum respectively. Two concentrations of 1.25 ml / L and 0.156 ml / L of the three EOs were tested in a greenhouse on barley, soft wheat and durum wheat varieties with a preventive method by soaking seeds before sowing or a foliar spraying at tillering stage. The best results were obtained by a concentration of 1.25 ml / L of the three EOs that completely controlled powdery mildew disease on durum wheat plants from seed soaking, and barley Acssad 68 plants when foliar sprayed. However, Rabat 071 seed-soaked barley, we found a decrease of powdery mildew disease...........
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ABSTRACT: This study analysed the effectiveness of monetary policy measures in driving agricultural output in Nigeria between 1981 and 2016. Specifically, the impacts of money supply, prime lending rate, deposit money bank credits to agriculture and inflation rate on agricultural output was examined using static and dynamic regression models. The data for each of the variables were collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. Dynamic error correction model formed the basis for the data analysis. It was found from the parsimonious ECM that one period lag of money supply and deposit money bank credits to agriculture have significant positive impact on agricultural output. A unit increase in the one period lag of broad money supply and deposit money bank credits increase...........
Keywords: Money supply, CBN, economic growth, development, monetary policy.
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ABSTRACT: Farm households as one economic unit always make production, consumption, labor and investment decisions. Capital support is an important instrument that affects the decision of farmers. The research was conducted in South Central Timor and Kupang Regency of East Nusa Tenggara Province with the sample of 118 farmer households. The research aimed to analyze the impact of the increase of capital support, transaction cost, input price and output price to farmer household production, income, and welfare. The Farmers Household Economy Model is built in the form of a simultaneous equation system and is estimated using the Two Stages Least Squares (2SLS) method. Increased transaction costs and the value of capital support have reduced the income of crop and livestock farming so that the household income of farmers decreased, but the impact of increased consumption and social investment expenditures..........
Keywords: Capital Support, Farmer's Household Welfare, Input Price, Output Price, Transaction Cost
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ABSTRACT: Increasing public awareness and a change in the attitude toward the use of pesticides, along with insects becoming resistance to common insecticides, have combined to indicate that an alternative and novel control method is needed to combat pest infestations. With nearly 1/3 of the worldwide food production being destroyed by insects [8],more viable control methods must be found to alleviate the strain on the global food supply caused by the increase in human population.Increaesdpopulation growthand finite resources required to produce food is pushing the world to find more efficient and cost effective ways to sustainably intensify food production systems, and narrowing yield gaps caused by failture to manage insect using targeted approaches is one potential strategy. ........... .
[1]. Campos, Manuel, and Thomas W. Phillips. "Attract-and-Kill and Other Pheromone-Based Methods to Suppress Populations of the Indianmeal Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)." Journal of economic entomology 107.1 (2014): 473-480.
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ABSTRACT: This work aimed to study the development in some fetal measurements, including crown-rump length (CRL), body trunk (TD), bi-parietal (BPD) and eye ball (EBD) diameters, and steroid hormone profile (progesterone and estradiol17-β, during gestation period of Maghrebian camels. A total of 14 pregnant Maghrebian camels 6-12 years, 400- 460 kg LBW and with known conception date) taken from the Center of Studies and Development of Camel Production, Marsa Matrouh Station, Marsa Matrouh Governorate, belonging to Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Agricultural Research Centre, Egypt. All animals were kept under similar environmental conditions. Real-time, B-mode diagnostic ultrasound equipment was used for sequential estimations of fetal measurements and pregnancy diagnosis. On each day of ultrasonoghraphic examination, blood.........
Keywords: Camel, fetal age, crown-rump length, trunk, bi-parietal, steroid hormones .
[1]. Ahmed Ali, Fhad Al-Sobayil, Refat Derar and Omar El-Tookhy (2013). Ultrasonographic fetometry and prenatal fetal sex assessment in camels(Camelus dromedarius) Theriogenology 80 : 609–618.
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