Version-1 (Sep-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Off-Season Production Potential of Two Sesame Cultivars Under Irrigation |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Lako B. Loggale || Abdelaziz A. Hashim |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109010105 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A one season (2001 – 2002) study was conducted at Kenaf Sudanese and Arab Company in Abu Naama. Two sesame varieties (Sesamum orientale L.); Promo and Khidir were used together with four irrigation intervals (5, 10, 15 and 20 days), in a factorial design completely randomized in four replications, to evaluate the influence of irrigation intervals on sesame crop. The data revealed that irrigation intervals had no influence on the plant height and weight per seed of the two sesame varieties, however, variety khidir tended to produce heavier seed than promo, but it didn't contribute to yield difference between the two cultivars. Data of number of capsules per plant exhibited that irrigation intervals influenced the two varieties differentially. Variety promo had more.........
[1]. Ageeb, O.A.A. (1969). Ann. Rep., Kenana Res. Sta. – Abu Naama, Sudan.
[2]. Farah, S.M. (1972) " " " " " " "
[3]. Khidir, M.O., and Osman, H.G. (1970). Correlation studies of some agronomic characters in sesame, Expl. Agric. 6: 27- 31.
[4]. Little, T.M. and Hills, F.J. (1978). Agricultural Experimentation,John Wiley and sons, New York.
[5]. Loggale, L.B. (2000). Ann. Rep. Sesame Research Programme, Kenana Res. Sta. – Abu Naama, Sudan
[6]. Osman, H.E. (1980). Ann. Rep., Kenana Res. Sta. – Abu Naama, Sudan..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance of Two Sesame Cultivars as Influenced by Supplemental Irrigation at Abu Naama |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Lako B. Loggale |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109010611 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Field experiments were conducted for four seasons to assess the influence of supplemental irrigation on two sesame varieties (Sesamum indicum L.) in a randomized factorial design with four replications. Treatments included three water moisture regimes (fully-irrigated, one supplemental irrigation and rain fed) and two sesame varieties (Khidir and Promo). The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences (p=0.01) between moisture regimes and plant height, number of capsules per plant, seed size and seed yield. During the experimental period the highest seed yield of 832 Kgha-1 was obtained from fully-irrigated treatment in year 2002 whereas the lowest..........
[1]. Ahmed, M. H. (1998). Release of cultivar Khidir for production in high rainfall areas, (Southern Gadarif and Damazine) Sudan Journal of Agric. Research, Vol. 1, No. 1 page: 89.
[2]. Ageeb, O. A. A. (1969). Kenana Res. Sta. Ann. Report.
[3]. Betram John Kuol (2004). Breeding for drought tolerance in sesame, (Sesamum indicum L.) in SudanBonn University Dissertation
[4]. Faisal, M. A., Farouk, A. S. (1972). Effects of N, P and K on yield of grain sorghum in the Central Rain- lands of Sudan, Experimental Agriculture, Vol. 8, No. 2: 151 – 154.
[5]. Farah, S. M. (1973). Kenana Res. Sta. Ann. Report.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Responses of Guar to Supplemental Irrigation in Heavy Clay Soils of Abu Naama |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Lako B. Loggale |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109011216 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A field study from 1999 through 2001 was carried out to investigate three water regimes effects on the performance and yield of guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.)Taubert], using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The water regime treatments studied were; fully-irrigated, one supplemental irrigation and rain-fed. In the research reported here, most of the parameters namely; plant height,number of pods per plant; biomass and grain yield is presented. Consistent significant differences between the fully-irrigated and rain-fed treatment (P = 0.05) was noted, in which rain-fed exhibited low results as compared to fully-irrigated. However, one supplemental gave variable.............
[1]. Black, A.L. (1982). Long-term N.P fertilizer and climate influences on Morphology and yield components of spring wheat. Agron. J. 74: 651-656.
[2]. Farah, S.M. (1983). Effects of supplementary irrigation on rain-grown Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Sudan J. Agr. Sci., Camb. 100: 323-327.
[3]. James, A.D. (1983). Handbook of legumes of world economic Importance 2nd. Edition, Plenum Press, New York and London
[4]. Khidir, M.O. and Osman, H.G (1970). Correlation studies of some Agronomic characters in sesame, Expl. Agric. 6: 27-31.
[5]. Little, T.A., and Hills, F.J. (1978). Agriculture experimentation designAnd analysis..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comprehensive Overview of Onion Production: Worldwide and Turkey |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Fatih HANCI |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109011727 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The onion belongs to Allium section cepa, which consists of twelve species, most of which are used as the vegetable, spices, or medicinal plants. A region of especially high species diversity occurs in Turkey and in the Irano-Turanian floristic region. In this review, changes in the world's and Turkey's onion cultivation areas, production quantities, and yields were examined for last 21 years. Also, monthly producer prices were examined for covering the period 2007–2016. The values of Turkey were compared with Republic of Korea having highest yield, and China having highest quantities. In the conclusion section, it has tried to explain the causes of price fluctuations in the light of findings.
[1]. Hanci, F, Gökçe AF, 2016. Soğan (Allium cepa L.) Islah Programı İçin Aday Hatların Oluşturulması. "Bahçe", Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, VII. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Özel Sayı, ISSN 1300-8943, v:45, s:274-277.
[2]. Lohano HD, Mari FM, Memon RA, 2005. Testing Onion market Integration in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 44:4 Part II. 717-728.
[3]. Erdal G , Erdal H, 2008. Kuru Soganda Üretim Fiyat Etkilesimi, Gaziosmanpasa Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25:33-39. Tokat. [4]. Minoia G, Mumtaz W, Pain A, 2014. The social life of the onion: the informal regulation of the onion market in Nangarhar, Afghanistan. Working Paper 26.
[5]. Şimşek E, 2016. Almon Gecikme Modeli ile Kuru Soğan Üretiminde Üretim-Fiyat İlişkisinin Analizi: Amasya İli Örneği, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 3(2): 118–125 2016
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ABSTRACT: Anatomically the ulna and radius of both birds are long type bones, consists of shaft and two extremities (proximal and distal). The proximal extremity of ulna and radius of commercial layer is more thicker than desi birds. The shaft of both bones of commercial layer is more thicker but less smooth than desi birds. The distal extremity of both bones of commercial layer is thick and wider than desi birds. The biometrical studies of ulna and radius of layer and desi birds includes, the length and width of proximal extremity of ulna were shown significant difference (p<0.05). On the other hand the circumference of proximal extremity of ulna of birds were highly significant (p<0.01). The length and width of distal extremity of ulna and were shown significant difference (p<0.05). Similarly the circumference........
Key words: Morphological, Osteometric difference, Ulna and Radius, Commercial layer, Desi chicken.
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[4]. Hifny A, Abdalla KEH, Alam El-Din MA. Relation of the length of the main bones of the wing and pelvic limb to the mode of locomotion in certain birds. Accepted and discussed. Proc. of XVII Kongress. European Association of Veterinary anatomists, 1988; 28: 8-19.
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ABSTRACT: The movement of commodity prices at the consumer level is known as inflation. Inflation means an increase in prices, whereas deflation means a decline in prices. In 2016, South Kalimantan experienced very low inflation, even the lowest since last four years. The low inflation of South Kalimantan is contributed by very low inflation and even deflation in volatile foods. Low inflation according to opinion in the community usually increases utility or welfare. But on the other hand low inflation can also represent a declining public purchasing power. There is an element of uncertainty in the welfare condition as a result of the volatile foods deflation. To unravel the uncertainty, we need a research.............
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ABSTRACT: This survey was carried out to analyze the characteristics of farmer's household participating on the rice farmer insurance program (RFIP) and to analyze response of rice farmer in the tidal land to the RFIP. The research used primary data from survei collected from 60 rice farmers in tidal land in Banjar regency, South Kalimantan and secondary data. The results showed that the education duration of respondents who participated in the program was 11.03 years, farmers who participated in the RFIP were more active in farmer group meetings, the average farming area for farmers participating in the RFIP was 1.23 ha, on average farming experience for respondents who participated in the RFIP was 18.47 years, rice farming income for farmers participating in the RFIP was Rp. 20,999,922.......
Keywords: Farming Insurance, Rice Farmer, Tidal Land
[1]. Agresti, Alan. 1990. Categorical Data Analysis. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. USA..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seed Systems of Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in Konso, Southern Ethiopia |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | TruayinetMekuriaw |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109014651 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Sorghum is the most important staple crop for the Konso people. To assess the level of sorghum diversity, three sorghum growing Kebeles, namely Arfyidie, Fasha and Gaho were selected purposively. A total of 190 randomly selected households based on the population proportion of each Kebele were interviewed using a structured questionnaire that elicited information on socioeconomic aspects of households, seed exchange systems and seed flow together with selection criteria as well as seed selection process and management.Group discussion was conducted to asses historical..........
[1]. Abay, F. & Boef, W. Bjørnstad W. 2011. Network analysis of barley seed flows in Tigray , Ethiopia : supporting the design of strategies that contribute to on-farm management of plant genetic resources. 1–11.
[2]. Adugna, A. 2007. The Role of Introduced Sorghum and Millets in Ethiopian Agriculture, Journal of SAT Agricultural Research 3 (1-4)
[3]. Alemu, K. 2015. Seed Production and Dissemination Systems Analyses : The Case of Ethiopia, Food Science and Quality Managment35, 25–38.
[4]. CSA (Central Statistical Agency) 2007. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Population Census Commission. Summary and Statistical Report of The 2007 Population And Housing Census (Addis Ababa: CentralStatistical Authority, 2008)
[5]. De Schutter, O. 2009. Seed Policies and the Right to Food: Enhancing Agro biodiversity Encouraging Innovation. Background Document to the Report A/64/170..
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ABSTRACT: To looking for the alternative lipid source for replacement of fish oil in the lobster formulated diet, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding varying substitution level of fish oil (FO) by traditional coconut oil (TCO) in the formulated diet on the growth, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein retention (PER), lipid retention (LR), survival rate and carcass composition of juvenile spiny lobster. Four experimental diets were formulated based on different composition of FOand TCO, containing 0% FO : 12% TCO (Diet A), 6% FO : 6% TCO (Diet B), 8% FO : 4% TCO (Diet C) and 10% FO : 2% TCO (Diet D). A total of 36 juveniles.......
Keywords: Traditional Coconut Oil, Fish Oil, Alternative Lipid Source, Absolutely Growth, Spiny Lobster.
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ABSTRACT: Living organisms (insects, mites, fungi) and toxin (aflatoxin B1 - AFB1) contamination in post-fermentation dry cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) of Standard and Premiumquality Typeswere evaluated. A total of 60 samples (30 each quality Type) was collected in farms (48) and warehouses (12) during five production months and analyzed for light filth (Wildman with stereo and scanning electron microcopies identification), fungi (total load, genera and species identification), AFB1(reverse phase liquid chromatography / fluorescence detection) and humidity (moisture content – mc and water activity – aw). Out of the total samples, living organisms presence (insects.......
Keywords: cocoa, fungi, light filths, insect, stereoscopy, electron scanning microscopy, Theobroma cacao, aflatoxin B1
[1]. Afoakwa, E. O., Paterson, A., Fowler, M. 2008.Factors influencing rheological and textural qualities in chocolate – a review.Trends in Food Science &Technolology,18, 290-298.
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ABSTRACT: In Nigeria, cocoa is an important cash crop that helps in generating income and poverty reduction; but there is a downward trend in cocoa production. The study investigated the socio-economic analysis of cocoa farmers in Ondo East and Ile-Oluji/Okeigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Data were collected through the use of well-structured questionnaires administered to farmers in selected cocoa producing local government areas. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and gross margin analysis. The result showed that most of the respondents (69.5%) were males while 30.5% were females. Few (40.5%) of the respondents had secondary education.......
Keywords: Socio-economic, Cocoa, Farmers, Ondo State, Nigeria
[1]. Akinniran, T. N, and Taiwo, K. B. (2016). Economic analysis of cocoa production in Ilesha Metropolis of Osun State. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science.Vol. 9(10).pp.84-85Available on: Accessed on 14th of July 2017.
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ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study was to diagnose and study the effects of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) on ruminal fluid and fecal compositions in dairy cows.SARA was diagnosed by measuring pH of rumen fluid collected by rumenocentesis four hours after feeding. Out of 100 dairy cows examined for SARA based on rumen fluid pH, it was noticed that 20 dairy cows had rumen fluid pH ranging from 5.2 to 5.6 for more than 180 minutes/day and were considered as positive for SARA and 80 cows had ruminal fluid pH more than 6.2 and were considered as negative for SARA. In the present study 20 SARA......
Keywords: Subacute ruminal acidosis, Dairy cow, Rumen fluid pH, Rumen protozoa, Rumenocentesis
[1]. Al-ZAHAL, O., KEBREAB, E., FRANCE, J., FROETSCHEL, M. and McBRIDE, B. W., 2008. Ruminal temperature may aid in the detection of subacute ruminal acidosis. J. Dairy. Sci., 91: 202-207
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Heterosis studies in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Debashis Saren || Asit Baran Mandal || Chaitan Soren |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1109018084 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A 6 × 6 parent full diallel set of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L) was studied for better parent and standard variety. The magnitude of heterosis from F1s was calculated for days to heading, days to maturity, tillers per plant, plant height, spike length, spikelets per spike, grain yield and 1000 grain weight. This study showed that the manifestation of heterosis in F1 hybrids over better parents and standard variety were present for grain yield and yield components. In general positive heterosis was observed for grain yield for both the best parent and standard variety. The increase in grain yield in F1 hybrids seemed to be due to high manifestation of hybrid vigour in the yield components. The maximum heterosis for better parent and standard variety for yield per plant were 194.10% and 193.97% respectively...
Keywords: Bread Wheat, Plant Height, Grain Yield, Better Parent, Standard Variety
[1]. Bhutta, W.M., J. Aktar, M. Anvar-Ul-Haq, I. Muhammad 2005. Estimation of heritability of some important traits in spring wheat(Triticum aestivum ,L.). Cadermo de Pesquisa Serie Biology, Santa cruz do Sul., 17(1): 20-27.
[2]. Bilgin, O., A. Balkin, K.Z. Korkut, and I. Baser 2011. Heterotic and heterobeltiotic
[3]. potentials of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids for yield and yield components. J. Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty., 8(2): 133-142.
[4]. Briggle, L.W., F.L. Cox, R.N. Hayes. 1967. Performance of spring wheeat hybrids F2, F3 and parent varieties at 5 population levels. Crop Sci., 76465-6470.
[5]. Chowdhary, M.A, Parveen N, Khaliq I, Khalif M. 2005. Estimation of heterosis for yield and yield components in bread wheat. J. Agri. Social Sci., 1(4): 304-308..
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ABSTRACT: The trends of Iraqi marine artisanal fisheries, northwest Arabian Gulf from 2008 to 2016 and from 1965 to 2016 were evaluated with emphasis on the management of river shad fishery. The data for total and species landings were collected from the landings site in Al-Fao port, Iraq during 2008- 2016, and compared with historical fishing information for the period 1965-2016. The results showed that despite the decline in the trend of the river shad landings, which was responsible for determining the general trend of Iraqi marine artisanal fisheries from 1965 to 2005, the general trend of total landing has been gradually increasing and this is due to the contribution of other species landings that have had the least contribution to Iraqi marine artisanal fisheries over decades compared to the river shad. The study suggests a number of management points to preserve the river shad stock in Iraqi waters...
Keywords: Marine artisanal fisheries, River shad fishery, Fishery management, Iraq
[1]. AL-Baz, A.F. and Grove, D.J. 1995. Population biology of sbour Tenualosa ilisha (Hammilton-Buchanan) in Kuwait. Asian Fisheries Science, 8: 239-254.
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[3]. Al-Husaini, M., Bishop, J.M. Al-Foudari, H.M. and Al-Baz, A.F. 2015. A review of the status and development of Kuwait's fisheries. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 100: 597-606.
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