Series-1 (Oct-2019)Oct-2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT:The present study was carried out to assess the survivability of two different rhizobial strains, two rhizobial isolates and one isolate of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria(PSB) as co–cultured inoculants which were constructed by two methods either mixing equal weights of charcoal based inoculants of each bacterial candidate to stand as C1 co-inoculant, or mixing equal volumes of bacterial candidates' broth cultures prior to impregnation into partially sterilized charcoal to stand as C2 co-inoculant. Co-cultured inoculants were stored either at room temperature (25-30° C) or under refrigeration (4° C) for three months. Results revealed that bacterial viability in C1 and C2 co-inoculants...........
Keywords: Rhizobium, PSB, viable count, storage, mixed inoculant
[1]. Jadhav RN. Isolation of rhizobia from soybean cultivated in Latur area & study of its phosphate solubilization activity.Bioscience Discovery. 2013;4(1):100–103.
[2]. Deshwal VK, Singh SB, Kumar P, Chubey A. Rhizobia Unique Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria: A Review. International Journal of Life Sciences. 2013; 2(2): 74–86.
[3]. Walpola BC, Yoon MH. In vitro solubilization of inorganic phosphates by phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, African Journal of Microbiology Research. 2013;7(27): 3534–3541.
[4]. Tripura CB, Sashidhar B, Podile AR. Transgenic mineral phosphate solubilizing bacteria for improved agricultural productivity phosphate solubilizing bacteria for improved agricultural productivity In: T. Satyanarayana and B.N. Johri (eds.). Microbial Diversity Current Perspectives and Potential Applications New Delhi, India. I. K. International Pvt. Ltd. 2005, pp. 375–392.
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ABSTRACT: The study aimed to: identify the extent of agricultural extension staff knowledge on the concept and dimensions of agricultural value chains, determine their appreciation of the developing value chains importance, and identify the importance of cooperation between sources of agricultural extension service in the development of these chains. The study was conducted in Fayoum Governorate on a simple sample of Extension workers reached to 100 respondents in seven districts in Fayoum which represented about 90% of the whole extension workers. Data was collected through a questionnaire by interview.
The most important findings of.......
[1]. World Bank group "Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains", International Finance Corporation Washington, 2016.
[2]. Miller, Calvin-Linda Jones, "Financing the Value Chain in the Agricultural Sector - Tools and Lessons", Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for the Near East, Cairo, Egypt, May 2013.
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[4]. Birachi,Eliud - Andre van Rooyen,- Hubert Some,- FelisbertoMaute,- Jo Cadilhon,- AdewaleAdekunle - KeesSwaans , " Innovation platforms for agricultural value chain development" Innovation platforms practice brief 6, November 2013.
[5]. ICCo IndiaAgriculture Value Chain Development, 2017,
[6]. Ammani, A.A- Abdullahi, Y.M, "Developing Agricultural Value Chains: Implications for Agricultural Extension" Adv. Agric. Biol. 4 (4), 2015.
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ABSTRACT: The present study was undertaken to find out the seasonal variation in Solids Not Fat (S.N.F %) of milk Vita of Baghabarighat, Sirajganj, Bangladesh. The data was collected by day to day recorded data of milk vita from March 2018 to Febuary 2019. For our study, the year has been divided into three seasons – summer (March to June), Rainy (July to October) and Winter (November to January).Milk vita daily monitor and record SNF% of the received milk in two times morning and evening by using lacto scan (milk analyzer) to determine the S.N.F% in milk. The result of the present study on S.N.F% content of the receipt milk was (7.89 ± 0.015%), (7.85% ± 0.073) and (7.91 ± 0.015)......
[Key Word: S.N.F=Solids not Fat, Milk Vita=Bangladesh Milk Producers Co-operative Union Ltd.]
[1]. Auldist, M. J., B. J. Walsh and N. A. Thomson. 1998. Seasonal and lactational influences on bovine milk composition in Newzealand. Journal of Dairy Science 65(3):401.
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[3]. Cziszter L.T, S Acatincăi, F.C., Neciu, R .Neamt , DEIlie, L. Costin and I.Tripon (2012). The Influence of Season on the Cow Milk Quantity, Quality and Hygiene. Scientific Papers: Animal Science and Biotechnologies. 45: (2).
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ABSTRACT: Testicles of six bullfightingadult animals from "Brava dos Açores" breed were recovered at the slaughterhouse. Theepididymis tail was dissected; sperm was collected and evaluated for volume, cell concentration, and by flow cytometry for membrane and acrosomal integrity assessment measuring FITC-PNA and PI fluorescence, respectively.Semen was then frozen in 0.25 ml French straws and the same sperm assessments were performed after thawing. Sperm potential ability of fertilization was tested in vitro and in vivo. For in vitro fertilization, ovaries (n=210) were collected at the same slaughterhouse,cumulus–oocyte complexes (n=1134) were aspirated,matured for 24 h, fertilized in vitro and on day 7, embryos were classified.Frozen semen was also used to inseminate heifers. After collecting, sperm viability was86.5±4.2%, decreasing.....
Key Words: Sperm viability; Brava dos Açores; bullfight breed.
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to assess the socio-economic condition of the fishermen community known as Atrai river jolkor located adjacent to Atrai and Raninagar thana of Naogaon district. The fishermen were about 40% young and 30 % middle aged, where the family size of the fishermen varied from 5-11 persons with an average of 6.56. 86 % were Muslims and only one sixth of the fishermen community was Hindus. Among them 46% were illiterate, 34% could sign their name, while 20% were educated. The fishermen in the surveyed area were mostly poor, annual......
Keywords: Socio-economic condition, fishermen community, Atrai River
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ABSTRACT: In recent years, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus strains, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has complicated the treatment of S. aureus infections. The increasing rate of resistance of pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, to classical antibiotics, has directed research toward identification of other means to fight infectious disease. One particularly viable option in this regard is the use of bacteriophages. The aim of this study was the isolation of Staphylophages that lyse MRSA strains isolated from human. In this study, 13 isolates of S. aureus were collected from laboratories of some hospitals in Isfahan city. The Staphylophages were isolated from sewage by filtration and enrichment in S. aureus overnight culture. Bacteriophage isolation was......
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteriophage, methicillin, Antibiotic resistance
[1]. Son JS, Lee SJ, Jun SY, Yoon SJ, Kang SH, Paik HR, et al., 2010, 'Antibacterial and biofilm removal activity of a podoviridae Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophage SAP-2 and a derived recombinant cell-wall-degrading enzyme', Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 86(5), 1439–1449.
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ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurship is the central force of economic activity and prime mover of development and most needed component for the development. This finding of the study may help the administrators and policy makers to know the entrepreneurial behaviour of farmers, the relationship between socio-economic characteristic with entrepreneurial behaviour and reasons for practicing tomato cultivation and help in further investigations on entrepreneurial behaviour of tomato growers.Looking to the importance of tomato production in Dhar district, the personnel of NHM programme provided various extension programmes and facilities for its development. The programme has completed many years, hence; it was felt appropriate to know the entrepreneurial behaviour of tomato growers under NHM with 120 respondents of Dhar district. The major finding fo the study is farm power, economic motivation............
[1]. Badole, Hansa (2014). Study on adoption of drip irrigation technology among vegetable growers in Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh. M.Sc (Ag.) Thesis submitted to Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior.
[2]. Borate HV, Mahadik RP, Mehta PG and Sawant PA. (2012). Entrepreneurial behaviour of sapota growers in thane district of Maharashtra. Rajasthan Journalof Extension Education. 20: 231-232
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[5]. Sharma A, Vengoto V and Chauhan J. (2014). Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Potato Growers in Kohima district of Nagaland.Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 14 (2):82-86
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing the Water Resources Vulnerability in Camau Peninsula, Vietnam |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Nguyen Dang Tinh |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1210015057 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: To assess the vulnerability of water resources in the Ca mau Peninsula in Vietnam, this paper adopts an indicator-based approach wherein vulnerability is expressed as a function of water stress and adaptive capacity. Water stress encompasses indicators of water resources variation, scarcity, exploitation, and water pollution, whereas adaptive capacity covers indicators of natural, physical, human resource, and economic capacities. Based on the evaluation of four indicators, with nine vulnerability parameters in terms of resources stress, development pressures, ecological insecurity, and management challenges in the Ca mau Peninsula that leads to suggest differential policy options to reach sustainable development. The vulnerability indices obtained show that the studied region.....
Keywords: Ca mau Peninsula, water stress, vulnerability index, policy, management capacity
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ABSTRACT: The potential of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) bacteria in converting atmospheric nitrogen into usable form for plants has been studied in the nursery to meet the nitrogen requirement in oil palm seedlings. In this interaction, the bacteria provide the host plants with fixed nitrogen. A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of selected BNF bacteria on the growth of oil palm seedlings. A total of 30ml of 48-hour old isolates coded as M3-12, M3-13 and M3-14 with concentration of 1012 cfuml-1 was drenched separately onto 4-week old oil palm seedlings. The height, stem girth and chlorophyll value of the seedlings were measured at monthly interval for 6 months. The dry.....
Keywords: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Endophytic bacteria
[1]. Amir H G, Shamsuddin Z H, Halimi M S, Ramlan MF and Marziah M. Effects of Azospirillum inoculation on N2 fixation and growth of oil palm plantlets at nursery stage. Journal of Oil Palm Research. 2001; 13 (1): 42-49.
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of biochars and inorganic fertilizer application rates on soil nutrients and growth characteristics of lettuce. The experimental design was Randomized Block Design (RBD) in a 2x4 factorial scheme, with 2 types of biochar ( rice husk biochar and wood biochar), 4 rates of inorganic fertilizer (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1) phonska. Both of these factors were combained and each treatment repeated three times. Data collected were analysed statistically by using analysis of variance at 5% level and significant treatments effect were separated with honestly significant difference at P 0.05. Plant height.....
Keywords:rice husk, wood, biochar, lettuce, growth characteristics
[1]. Agegnehu, G., Bass, A.M., Nelson, P.N., Bird, M.I. 2016. Benefits of Biochar, Compost and biochar-compost for soil Quality, Maize Yield and Greenhouse gas emissions in the Tropic Agricultural Soil. Science of the Total Environment. 543:295-306.
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to describe the partnerships pattern between farmers in the City of Pagar Alam with PT. Indofood Fritolay Makmur on Atlantic potato farming, then to analyze the factors that influence the decisions of farmers to form partnership with PT. Indofood Fritolay MakmurThe method used in determining respondents was the proportionate stratified random sampling method for the farmer sample of 64 partner farmer respondents and 64 non-partner farmer respondents. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using binary logistic regression.The results showed: the partnership pattern between farmers and PT. Indofood Fritolay Makmur is operational cooperation in agribusiness and factors that significantly influence the decisions of farmers to form partnership with PT. Indofood Fritolay Makmur is a factor of income, area ofarable land, total dependent family and price.
[1]. Dewi, P., Budi S., and Riyanti. 2011. Partnership Analysis of PT. Benih Citra Asia with Tomato Farmers (Case Study in Jambewangi Village, Sempu District, Banyuwangi Regency) . Brawijaya University Journal. ISSN: 0853-5167 Vol. XXII, No. 2, August 2011
[2]. Harsiman, K. 2017. Partnership Pattern between Farmers and PT. Indofood Frytolay Makmur on Industryof Potato Farming of the Atlantic Variety (A Case Study in Cigedug District, Garut Regency). Journal Vol. X No.1, May 2017. ISSN 1979-8911
[3]. Khotimah, A. 2016. Analysis of Worthiness of Corn Farming in Ciamis Regency . Journal of Galuh University Ciamis. Vol. 1 No. 2 ISSN 2460-4321.
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