Series-1 (December 2019)December 2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Black soybean is traditionally grown in hill area of Uttarakhand to meet protein requirement of local people. This experiment was conducted to study effect of supplementation of black soybean on production parameters in poultry layers. Hundred (20 weeks age) layers were selected for conducting feeding trial for 12 weeks in completely randomized design .Layers were divided into five treatment groups viz T1: control;T2:0.2% raw black soybean;T3 0.2%germinated black soybean;T4:0.2% roasted black soybean and T5:0.2% cow urine treated black soybean supplemented groups. Production parameters were studied in three different phases, viz. Phase I (20-24 weeks), Phase II (25-28 weeks) and Phase III (29-32 weeks).Highest Egg Production was recorded in T5. Highly significant (P<0.01) difference was observed in feed intake in phase II, III and overall phase. Significant differences (P<0.05) was observed among different treatment groups in egg production in phase III and feed intake in phase I. It was concluded that black soybean @ 0.2% can be recommended for improving egg production in poultry layers.
Keywords: black soybean, production performance, white leghorn
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ABSTRACT: The study on the prevalence of haemoparasites of Clariasgariepinus collected from the wild inEbonyi River was conducted between August to November, 2015 using standard haemoparasitological methods. The study revealed that out of 100 randomly sampled specimens of C.gariepinus examined, 90(90.0%) was infected. The prevalence of haemoparasites in relation to sex showed that 34 (85.0%) out of 40 male species and 56(93.3%) out of 60 female species were infected. The study also revealed that due to the invasion of haemoparasites on C.gariepinus, the infected samples recorded abnormalities in their blood parameters. Haemoparasites identified include Tryparosomamukasai 16(55.1%), Babesiosoma sp. 8(27.5%), Myxospora sp. 2(6.8%) and Haemogregarina sp. 3(10.3%). The result showed that Trypanosomamukasai recorded high prevalence of (55.1%) than other parasites. This study reveals a higher prevalence of haemoparasites in juvenile C. gariepinus as .......
Keywords: Clariidae,Clariasgariepinus. prevalence, haemoparasites, Ebonyi River
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ABSTRACT: Laboratory studies were initiated to determine the relationship between virus viability and UV exposed time caused inactivation of NPVs from Helicoverpa armigera, the effect of ultraviolet light (UV) protectants on persistence of the entomopathogenic virus HaNPV was also investigated. Asthe exposed times increase the virus sensitivity to UV increases reaching about 90% inactivation after 30-minute, ten plant-derived extracts were tested as ultraviolet (UV) protectants for the nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV). Four of these 10 extracts(black tea, dill, green cabbage and pepper) provided excellent UV protection for HaNPV, these findings indicate that these plant extracts may be useful as UV protectants for the HaNPV and they should beinvestigated further to obtain more efficacious formulations for the control ofagriculturally important insect pests.
Keywords: Ultraviolet radiation, Helicoverpa armigera, Plant extracts, UV-protectants, nucleopolyhedrovirus
[1]. El Salamouny, S., Shapiro, M., Ling, K. S., and Shepard, B. M. (2009). Black tea and lignin as ultraviolet protectants for the beet armyworm nucleopolyhedrovirus. J. Entomol. Sci., 44(1): 50-58.
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ABSTRACT: This study investigated the influence of school environmental factors on the performance of students and teachers in secondary schools in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria using structured questionnaires. Proportionate simple random sampling technique was used. A sample size of 1,260 was drawn, 623 to students, 623 to teachers and 14 to principals of secondary schools selected. The results revealed that school environments around Yenagoa Local Government Area are not conducive for teaching and learning because majority of the schools do not have adequate teaching staff on the newly introduced subjects, poor capacity buildings, inadequate textbooks and workbooks, no well-equipped libraries and laboratories, lack adequate electricity supply, no adequate social infrastructures/amenities and lack furniture items. These make lesson preparation and evaluation unproductive. The study therefore recommends that, the state ministry of education and other agencies should enhance the performance of students and teachers by providing physical facilities and other materials within the secondary school system..
Keywords: Influence, performance, school environmental factors, students and teacher's
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ABSTRACT: Sharia cooperative as non-bank financial institution has a role as a solution in dealing with the problem of limited capital owned by businesses in the agricultural sector. The objective of this study was to analyse cooperative performance of sharia cooperative in agricultural area of Banyuasin Regency from the capital aspect, the quality of earning assets aspect, efficiency aspect, liquidity aspect, self-reliance and growth aspect, the identity of cooperative aspect and the aspect of compliance of sharia principles based on the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Deputy Regulation No. 07 / Per / Dep.6 / IV / 2016. The study was conducted in two districts, Tanjung Lago District and MuaraTelang District of Banyuasin Regency from September to October 2019. The location selection was done deliberately with the consideration that the two districts have farmers' sharia cooperatives and have held an Annual Member Meeting (RAT) for 3 consecutive years (fiscal year 2016-2018).....
Keywords: Sharia Cooperative, Performance Analysis
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ABSTRACT: The quest to provide tractors by the government at its various levels that could be hired by farmers motivated the establishments of the various tractor hiring service (THS) schemes in Nigeria. Over the years a number of independent studies have reported some problems limiting the successful operations of the THS schemes. In the present study, the reports of these informative studies have been reviewed. The reviewhas shown that tractor breakdown, high repair and maintenance cost, inadequate tractor population, delays in service delivery and poor maintenance culture are some of the problems militating against the THS schemes. Finally, recommendations that could offer solutions to the aforementioned problems were suggested.
Keywords:Tractor Hiring Services, Agricultural Mechanization, Government Owned Tractors
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[4]. Akinoso Rahman and MijinyawaYahaya (2001). Assessment of Tractor Hiring Services in Lagos State. Proceedings of the International Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Enugu 2001, pp 71-74
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ABSTRACT: The research was aimed to determine the effect of mycorrhizal species to the growth and yield of some red chili varieties in Andisol and the interaction between mycorrhizalspecies and red chili varieties. The research was conducted from April to October 2018 in the Experimental Site, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. The experimental was used Randomized Complete Block Design Factorial with 2 factors and 3 replications. The mycorrhizal species rates were control, Glomusemoseae, Gigasprora and Glomusemosseae + Gigasprora. The chili varieties rates were PM 999 F1, Lado F1 and Top Super. The result showed that the application of Gigaspora gave the positive effect to the growth and yield of red chili, and Top Super as good variety compared with other variety
Keywords: Mycorrhiza, chili varieties, Andisol
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ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to investigate the effects of vitamin-C enriched feed on the growth, blood parameters and carcass compositions of Labeo rohita (H) for a period of 3 months from September to November, 2018 in twelve cages set in the pond of Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The study was conducted under 4 treatments with 4 types of feeds prepared by using vitamin-C at the rate 0, 200, 300 and 400 mg/Kg feed treated as T1 (Control), T2, T3 and T4, respectively. The study was carried out through measuring growth and feed conversion parameters (Weight gain, SGR, survival rate and FCR), blood parameters (WBC, RBC, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC) and carcass compositions (Moisture, crude protein, lipid, ash and carbohydrate) of the fish according to the standard methods and formulae. During the study period, there were no significant differences in the water quality.....
Keywords: Inclusion, vitamin-C, commercial feed, effects, growth, blood, carcass
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ABSTRACT: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a group of metabolic diseases manifested by hyperglycemia which results from defects in insulin production and/or insulin action. The present study was conducted to demonstrate the diabetogenic effect of Alloxan in Mice. Synthetic drug treatment for diabetes mellitus carries risks that lead to many adverse effects such as weight loss, hypoglycemia and many others. Asian countries including Bangladesh, India are rich in natural resources and medicinal plants useful in the treatment of diabetes. To investigate the anti-diabetic or anti-hyperglycemic effect of the Bitter melon, Chirata and Cinnamon extract on Alloxan induced diabetes in experimental mice. The extract of bitter melon, chirata and cinnamon were tested for its efficacy in Alloxan at a dose 120mg/kg of body weight induced diabetic mice.This study was conducted to compare the anti-diabetic effect of Bitter melon, Chirata and Cinnamon extracts on body weight, blood glucose, HbA1c and insulin level in Alloxan induced diabetic mice.Eighteen male swiss albino mice were kept in six different.....
Keywords: Diabetes; Alloxan; Bitter melon; Chirata; Cinnamon
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of rhizobacteria treatment of plant growth promoters and soybean plant varieties on the growth and yield of soybean plants. This research was conducted at the Seed and Science Laboratory and Experimental Garden Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The research will take place from September 2018 to March 2019. Experimental Rhizobacteria treatment as Plant Growth Promotion on the growth and yield of soybean plants using a randomized block design factorial pattern. Factors studied were 10 rhizobacterial isolates and 2 soybean plant varieties. The experiment was repeated three times. The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves and stem diameter at 15, 30 and 45 days after planting, and yield potential. While the analysis of the physiological characteristics rhizobacteria (IAA production, Siderophore and phosphate solubility) did not use an experimental design. The results showed of the evaluation of the ability of rhizobacterial treatment as plant growth promotion were 2 isolates that were able to produce high IAA growth hormone compared to other rhizobacteria isolates, namely Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus laterophorus......
Keywords: Bacillus megaterium, isolates, production, Pseudomonas capacia, varieties
[1] Zainal, M., A. Nugroho dan N. Suminarti. 2014. Growth response and yield of soybean (Glycine max (l.) Merill) at various levels of fertilization and chicken manure. Journal of Plant Production, 2(6):484-490.
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[5] Syamsuddin. 2010. Seed treatment for controlling Phytophthora rot disease, increasing yield and quality of red chili (Capsicum annuum L). Doctoral Dissertation Research Program at IPB, Bogor.
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ABSTRACT: Root-knot nematodes are invertebrate worms that belong to the genus Meloidogyne. Over 90 species have already been described, several of which are known to be parasitic on plants. They are reported to be one of the most devastating groups of worms, in terms of the damage they cause to crops, resulting in global crop failure and yield loss estimated to be several millions of dollars annually. This review focused on the devastation caused by these worms to crops and crop production in Africa. Their socio-economic impact is examined on a crop by crop basis, with appropriate data where applicable, across the length and breadth of the continent. The biology, life cycle, infestation process and mechanism of damage of Meloidogyne spp. to crops is examined carefully, while the various management.....
Keywords: Root-knot nematodes, crop failure, yield loss, Africa, management options
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dairy Sector: An integral part of nutrition and food security of rural households |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Dharmendra Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1212019092 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Livestock sector is an important sub-sector of the agriculture of Indian economy. It forms an important livelihood activity for most of the farmers, supporting agriculture in the form of critical inputs, contributing to the health and nutrition of the household, supplementing incomes, offering employment opportunities, and finally being a dependable "mobile bank " in times of need. Besides in income generation and rural development, milk and milk products have a vital role in nutrition and food security in India. Dairying play a critical role in socio - economic growth, empowering rural women and environmental sustainability of rural people.
Key words: dairy, milk, energy, productivity, income,bovine etc.
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