Series-1 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The effect of moisture content on the physical properties of robusta coffee beans was determined for moisture content levels of 6.0, 12.0, 18.0, 24.0 and 30.0 %( wb). For these moisture content levels, the length, width, thickness and geometric diameter increased linearly with increasing moisture content from 8.493mm to 10.223mm, 5.831mm to 7.163mm, 3.732mm to 4.715 and 5.696mm to 7.015mm for length, width, thickness and geometric mean respectively. Bean mass and 1000-bean mass increased linearly with increased moisture content from 0.1045grams to 0.1678 grams and 108.59 grams to 146.63 grams for bean and 1000-bean masses respectively. Both bulk and particle densities decreased with increasing moisture content of beans from 0.92 𝑔/𝑐𝑚3 to 0.788 𝑔/𝑐𝑚3 and from..........
Key words: coffee beans, physical properties, moisture content, angle of repose, co-efficient of static friction.
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ABSTRACT: The assai (in Portuguese – açai) berry (Euterpeoleracea Mart.) morphological characteristics of skin, fleshand seed were investigated by stereo microscopy including dimensions (height, width, depth), shape and parts proportion (skin /flesh/ seed). Samples were from 2 assai producers (PI and PII) Amazon Eastern region (Northern Brazil). Assai morphological characteristics (a) skin: outer surface – a dark purple to bordeaux smooth layer with hilum, germination pore (opposite to each other);inner surface- polygonal cells with fibers at the hilum region; (b) flesh: pulp& fibers-tinny layer..........
Key words: Assai, acai, Euterpeoleracea, pulp, microscopy, stereoscopy, amazon.
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ABSTRACT: Cowpea is the main food legume grown in Niger. Its low yield is mainly due to drought stress occurring at any stage of plant development. This study aims to (i) assess the intermittent and terminal water deficit effects on agro-physiological parameters and (ii) identify relevant traits useful in breeding programs to select high yielding and drought tolerant genotypes. Field and lysimeter experiments were conducted at ICRISAT Sahelian Centre in Niger. For lysimeter experiment, three water treatments were imposed: well-water (BI), intermittent water deficit (DH1) and terminal water deficit (DH2). The results...........
Keyword: Cowpea, Water Deficit, Physiological and Agronomic Parameters, Tolerance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Maize (zea mays l.) Germplasmevaluation in Ibadan, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adeosun, F.A || O. J. Olawuyi |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1207013440 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Maize (Zea mays L) collections were made from three researvch institutes located in Ibadan Oyo state and from ten market accessions within Ibadan metropolis for evaluation for genetic variability. Genetic resources are important for conservation and utilization of biodiversity to ensure food security. Thirty maize genotypes obtained from three maize germplasm (NACGRAB, IITA and IAR&T) in Ibadan, and ten market accessions (Bode- W, Oja Oba-W, Apata-W, Idi-Ayunre-Y, Moniya-Y, Ojoo-W, Orita Merin-Y, Bodija-Y, Bodija-W, Orita Challenge-Y) which served as control were evaluated in this study. Morphological characterisation was determined from field experiment laid out in a complete randomized design with four replicates, while extraction of DNA was carried out
using molecular method. The mean square variation of maize produced significant effect (p<0.05) on growth, agronomic and yield characters.TZM 1351 matured earlier than other maize genotypes. OJA OBA-W produced two ears per stand, while SUWAN........
Keyword:maize, variability, DNA, germplasm, food security
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ABSTRACT: Two hundred fifty fertile eggs from Ross 308 breeder (33-week-old) were allocated randomly to five groups with five replicates. Except the negative control group eggs (non injected; NC), 1 ml isotonic solution was injected into the positive control (PC) group eggs while the other groups were injected with 0.25 mg glucose (G), sucrose (S) and starch (CS) dissolved in 100 ml isotonic solution, respectively. The G had higher hatching weight (P<0.05) and relative yolk weight (P<0.05) compared to other treatments at hatch. The relative liver weight was higher in S and CS chicks than in G and NC chicks (P<0.05). The relative proventriculus weight of S and CS.......
Keyword:In ovo, glucose, sucrose, corn starch, digestive system, yolk sac.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Yield Attributes and Yields of Sugarcane under Monoculturing |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. C. P. HASE |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1207014752 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: All the cane yield attributes e.g. millable cane height, no. of canes per stool and no. of internodes per cane and cane weight had showed drastic reduction, which were corresponding to ratoon frequency. The cane juice quality parameters e.g. brix and pol percentage were reduced, but reverse was the trend in CCS and purity percentage. Present work deals the study of drastic reduction in yield parameters during monocropping, is in cane yield in both cultivars due to allelochemicals detected in sugarcane trash and old root system.
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ABSTRACT: Voerseri is a packaged bird feed made from singapore cherry. Voerseri is one of the developing businesses in the city of Medan. This is due to the large number of chirping bird lovers in the city of Medan. Analysis of the voerseri business feasibility study was conducted to see how the business feasibility of Voerseri was from the marketing aspects, technical and production aspects, organizational and management aspects, and financial aspects. Some things that are examined in the marketing aspects are competitors, market share, and marketing mix. As for those discussed in the technical and production aspects, namely production sites, raw materials and additional materials, as well as the production process. For organizational and management aspects discussed, namely the organizational structure, and the role of each part of the work. While the things studied in the financial aspects......
Keyword: Voerseri, Feasibility, Marketing, Technical and Production, Organizational and Management, Financial.
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ABSTRACT: Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is characterized by an increase the secretion of cortisol and/or other hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is a steroid precursor synthesized from cholesterol; its evaluation in dogs with HAC receiving trilostane treatment may provide important information about the disease. This study assessed DHEA-S concentrations in dogs with ACTH-dependent HAC treated with trilostane to establish an alternate method of HAC diagnosis. Twenty-five dogs were divided into: group A (n = 6) included healthy dogs with no evidence of systemic disease; group B (n = 10) included dogs diagnosed with ACTH-dependent HAC.......
[1]. Alenza DP, et al. Long-term efficacy of trilostane administered twice daily in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. J Am AnimHospAssoc 2006, 42: 269-76.
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ABSTRACT: This research is related to aerobic organic cultivation. Aerobic cultivation systems have advantages in plant roots that can make plant roots get more oxygen so that their development becomes better, plant growth gets better and gives optimal results. Aerobic cultivation requires less water at the field level than conventional rice cultivation. The aerobic system is also most suitable for upland rice or rainfed rice that requires relatively little water. This study aims to determine the root system and agronomic characters of several rice genotypes under conditions of aerobic cultivation. This study did not use non-factorial randomized block design consisting of 16 genotypes of rice cultivated organically. The results of this study indicate that aerobic rice cultivation organically has a very significant effect on plant height at harvest, 1000 grain weight and yield index. However, no significant effect on the weight of filled and empty grains.
Keywords: aerobic, cultivation, organic, rice, roots
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ABSTRACT: The study was designed to assess the economic contribution of Pterocarpus erinaceus tree (madrib) in the livelihood sustenance of the rural people of Southern Taraba State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used to select three Local Government Area from the eight local government areas in Southern Taraba State, due to the availability of the tree species in the area.To achieved this, a well-structured questionnaire were distributed to six council wards randomly sampled from the three LGA selected. One Hundred and Twenty (120) questionnaires were distributed randomly to sample the opinion of the people in the study Area, out of which only One Hundred and Thirteen (113) were successfully retrieved. The data generated were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics including.......
Keywords: Economic Contribution, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Livelihood, Sustenance, Rural People
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ABSTRACT: The availability of sufficient food for all residents in a region does not guarantee the avoidance of the population from food and nutrition problems at the household level. Food needs for household consumption are the main things in survival. Therefore, more attention is needed to the pattern of household food consumption so that it can meet the recommended nutritional standards. This study aims to analyse the patterns of food consumption and the factors that influence the pattern of household food consumption in Banjar Regency. The results of the analysis show that the consumption pattern of household food in Banjar Regency can be said to be still quite good. This.........
Keywords: food consumption patterns, nutritional adequacy rates, nutritional adequacy level
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the development of farmer exchange rate and what factors influence the farmer exchange rate, especially food crops in the Province of South Kalimantan. The data used is monthly time series data from 2014 to 2017 which are mixed with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The development of the exchange rate of farmers in South Kalimantan is described using descriptive analysis, while the analysis of the factors that affect the NTP of food crops is done using multiple linear regression models . The results of the F test indicate that the estimated regression model is suitable for use. The results of the test show that the variable US dollar exchange rate, average grain price at the farmer (GKP), and wage of harvesting laborers have a significant effect on variable......
Keywords: Factors that influence, the exchange rate of farmers in South Kalimantan , food crops
[1]. Bantilan N.K., Made AntaraWahyuningsih, RustamAbdRauf. 2018. Improved Exchange Rate Farmers through Rice Falied Crop Intensification in Tolitoli, Indonesia. Sustainable Agriculture Research, Vol. 7 No. 1. Canadian Center of Science and Education.
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