Series-1 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to analyze revenue and comparative net income of rice farmer SRG and Non warehouse receipt system; knowing the management of the commodity grain and problems faced with the implementation of the warehouse receipt system. Respondents to this study totaled 80 respondents with details of 11 SRG farmers taken using census methods and Non-SRG farmers were taken as many as 69 farmers based on the highest crop area by using random sampling methods. Because the majority farmers work on local rice types in the village of Gampa Asahi River Rantau Badauh Sub District and DesaTabingRimbahMandastana District Barito Kuala. The data processing method used to analyze the net income of rice farmers is to calculate the total cost of farming both explicit and implicit costs by using the formula I = TR – TC and the comparison of revenues using the tools T test analysis is........
[1]. Ashariet. al, 2013. Study on the Effectiveness of Warehouse Receipt Systems in Farmer Income Stabilization. Report on Activities of the Study of Actual Issues in Agricultural Development Policy. Indonesian Center for Agriculture Socio Economic and Policy Studies Agricultural Research and Development.
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[3]. BPS, 2018. Regency of Barito Kuala in numbers. Statistics Center of Barito Kuala.
[4]. BP2KP, 2015. Final Report Analysis of Warehouse Receipt Readiness Analysis in Supporting Food Security. Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia.
[5]. Department of Industrial and Trade cooperatives, 2018. Implementation of the SRG district of Barito Kuala.
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ABSTRACT: The rural women participate in non-farm activities such as hair making, pottery making, basketry, trading, textile dyeing, textile weaving etcetera which has once boosted the economy of the rural communities in Southwestern Nigeria. Women engagement in this craft practice was a profitable economic venture through which they earn income. However, this has long been jettisoned and has resulted into more economic hardship for the rural women. The essence of this study is to highlight some economic benefits inherent in cottage textile dyeing and weaving in the rural communities. There is no gainsaying the fact that the engagement of rural women in indigo dyeing and traditional textile weavingcould serve as empowerment strategy capable of alleviating poverty and provide means of livelihood to rural dwellers. More so that the raw materials are locally available, the start off capital is small and the skills could be acquired locally.This will nodoubt engender the overall development of the rural communities.
Keywords: Empowerment Strategy;Textile Dyeing;Textile Weaving;Rural Women; Textile Products
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ABSTRACT: Sweet corn has good prospects for developing in order to support farmers' production and income. Maximum production is achieved when using suitable spacing. In addition to adjusting the right planting distance to increase production, it is necessary to add nutrients to the plants by providing organic fertilizer. This study aims to analyze the effect of the interaction between plant spacing and oil palm empty fruit bunch compost fertilizer doses as well as the single factor of spacing and oil palm empty fruit bunch compost fertilizer doses on the growth and yield of sweet corn. The study was held in the village of Padang Pangrapat, Tanah Grogot District Paser Regency from December 2017 to Maret 2018 DraftThe study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD), factorial two factors with 3 tests. The first factor uses the treatment of Plant spacing (J) which consists of 3 levels, they are : (j1) = 60x20.......
Keywords: Sweet Corn, Plant spacing, Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch Compost
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ABSTRACT: An experiment was conducted to evaluate performance of Isa White strain of layer chicken fed diets of different energy levels. A total of one hundred and sixty (160) layer birds aged 42 weeks were used in the experiment. The birds were randomly allocated into four (4) treatment groups of four energy levels (2500, 2600, 2700 and 2800 Metabolizable Energy kcal/kg) replicated four times; each replicate containing 10 birds in a completely Randomized Design (CRD). Daily feed intake and egg production were recorded for eight (8) weeks at mean temperature of 35.50C and relative humidity of 29%. Egg quality assessment was conducted at the end of the feeding trial. The results indicated that the daily feed intake was significantly higher foranimals fed diets containing lowest energy content (2500 Kcals/Kg). Results indicated that hen day egg production and egg shell thicknessdid not differ significantly (P>0.05) between......
Key words: Performance, Egg Quality Characteristics, Isa White Strain, Energy Levels
[1]. Abdullahi, A. U. (2004). Performance and egg quality characteristics of the Shika Brown layer in Sokoto, North western Nigeria. M. Sc. Dissertation, Department of Animal Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: Goat livestock productivity in Indonesia needs to be improved through improved feed quality. A variety of plant leaves including legumes have high crude protein content. The use of plant leaves as a protein supplement is expected to improve the quality of feed and production performance of goats. This research produced green concentrate (16% crude protein) based on leaves of local plants. Green concentrate feed formulation using a mixture of Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala and Paraserianthes falcataria leaves (1: 1: 1) as much as 10%, 20% and 30%. The treatments tested were: T0 = basal feed + commercial concentrate (MILK PAP), T1 = basal feed + 10% plant leaves in green concentrate, T2 = basal feed + 20% plant leaves in green concentrate, T3 = basal feed + 30% plant leaves in green concentrate. Concentrate feed was given as much as 1% body weight (BW), while basal feed and drinking water were given ad-libitum. The measured variables include......
Keywords -nutritional evaluation, goat, supplementation, tree foliage leaves,Indonesia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hi-Tech Vegetable Nursery: Key Gradient for Economic Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sube Singh || Fateh Singh || P. Bhatnagar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1301013841 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: An agricultural intervention and innovation continuum in all facets of agriculture and allied activities with its effective diffusion is key to sustainably increase the agricultural production and productivity with environment sustainability. The KVKs are edge in technology transfer over other service provides by virtue of their having better technical expertise and demonstration units with the intervention. The majority of the farmers have modified their agricultural patterns which were related to diversification of crops and changes in cropping pattern. Due to the interventions of KVKs there has been increase in adoption of new technologies, minimum use of fertilizers and pesticides, increase in production and income among farming community. The trainings programmes are to be designed by the KVKs to impart the latest knowledge to the farmers through work experience by applying the principles......
[1]. Chandra, P., Sirohi, P.S., Behera, T.K., and Singh, A.K. 2000.Cultivating vegetables in poly house. Indian Journal of Horticulture 45: 17-25
[2]. Diagne, A., S. A. Adekambi, F. P. Simtowe And G. Biaou, (2009) The Impact Of Agricultural Technology Adoption On Poverty: The Case of Nerica Rice Varieties in Benin. A shorter version of the paper is being presented as contributed paper at the 27th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists. August 16-22, 2009. Beijing, China
[3]. MwabuGermano; Wilfred Mwangi; and HezronNyangito (2006) "Does Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Kenya: Poster paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006.
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ABSTRACT: Spermatozoon apoptosis in extended semen is a challenge to artificial insemination in poultry production. Extender supplementation with exogenous antioxidants could mitigate lipid peroxidation and improve semen quality. Therefore, effects of selenium and α-tocopherol on quality and fertilising ability of spermatozoa in extended cock semen were assessed. Semen samples were collected from fifteen Lohmann breeder cocks aged 40 weeks, pooled and divided into five groups. Each group was extended with Ringers Solution (RS) without antioxidant (T1), RS+25μgmL-1 α-tocopherol (T2), RS+25μgmL-1 selenium (T3), RS+12.5μgmL-1 α-tocopherol+12.5μgmL-1 selenium (T4), RS+25μgmL-1 selenium+25μgmL-1 α-tocopherol (T5) were assessed in vitro and in vivo. All treatments were evaluated for Spermatozoa Progressive Motility (SPM), Spermatozoa Liveability (SL), Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC, mmol/L) and Lipid Peroxidation (LP, MMDA/l06 Spermatozoa) were determined......
Keywords -Fertility, Hatchability, Lohmann breeder cocks, Spermatozoa quality
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ABSTRACT: Banana is the second most significant fruit crop and also is important food crop. Banana production is affected by many biotic and abiotic factors. The banana production is also affected by the viruses and among these one is banana bunchy virus (BBTV). Throughout the world and also in Pakistan Banana bunchy virus is a major threat to the cultivation of banana. For Virus free multiplication and propagation of banana tissue culture is regarded as the main method. The main aim of this study was to develop the effective and reproducible banana culture with the help of tissue culture technique. Two new verities i-e 8818-william and Brazilian were tested through two different types of treatment in the culture. One MS media was provided with MS salts which contained sucrose 30g/L, vitamins 4.3g/L, kinetin 1mg/L, BAP 5mg/L, IAA 0.5mg/L, Gellum gum 1.8 g/L, silver nitrate 50μM......
Keywords -Solid and Liquid Ms Media, Shoot Multiplication, proliferation, Tissue Culture
[1]. Adane, Z.W. Ibrahim A.M.Yohannes D.B and Welde-Meskel T.A. 2015. Effect of traditional kerosene smoking and ethrel on ripening, shelf life and quality of cavendish banana (Musa sp.). African Journal of Agricultural Research.10(50), 4570-4583.
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ABSTRACT: This study detects the prevalence of several diseases and to evaluate the disease condition of cattle population in the selected area with relation to age, sex and seasonal variation of comilla district of Bangladesh. According to the case record, a total of 1145 sick animals were examined and 45 types of diseases were identified during this period. Disease diagnosis was made on the basis of owner's statement, general examination, physical examination and clinical examination. The clinically observed cases in cattle were bacterial (12.66%; n=145/1145), viral (19.56%; n=224/1145), gyneco-obstetrical (15.46%; n=71/1145), Parasitic diseases (8.91%; n=102/1145), surgical affection (4.63%, n=53/1145), digestive disorder (16.9%, n=1145) and other clinical disorder......
Keywords -Cattle, Disease prevalence, Demographic variable, Debidwarupazila
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