Series-1 (October 2020)October 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Livestock is the backbone of Somalia's economy. Generally, Livestock species in Somalia have inherent low productivity. The indigenous cattle breed in Somalia include; Gasara, Surqa, Dawara and Boran. In the advent of emerging small scale dairy farming in Somalia, there are introduction of new exotic breeds in the livestock resources of Somalia and this include: Holstein and jersey breeds. The productivity of these exotic breeds is questionable hence ascribed to be affected by the environmental conditions complimented by disease and poor feeding. Therefore, a cross sectional study assessing the factors affecting performance traits in small holder dairy farmers in Benadir region was conducted in December 2019 to February 2020. The study employed probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling techniques. Five districts (Daynile, Hodan, Karaan, Dharkenley and Wadajir) were purposely selected due to their concentration of dairy farmers in this region while 100 respondents were randomly selected from the five districts. The sample size of the Study was 100 smallholder dairy farms.....
Keywords: A breed, Heat stress, Holstein Friesians, Jersey, Production & reproduction
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ABSTRACT: The present study entitled "Consumer Behavior towards UPL Fungicides of Junagadh And Rajkot Districts of Gujarat" was undertaken with the objectives of identifying the factors affecting the brand loyalty of farmers with regard to the fungicide "Saaf‟ and studying the factors which affect the awareness of the farmers towards the brand "Saaf‟. 120 farmers were selected for the study purpose. Multiple regression and correlation were used for the analysis. The result revealed that perception on product quality, availability of the preferred brand, satisfaction towards the brand and performance of the product were significant as well as positive and hence, were the eminent factors that affect the customer‟s loyalty towards the brand "Saaf‟. Moreover, social participation, mass media exposure and extension contact were found to be positive and significant and thus, these were the major factors which accelerates the farmer‟s awareness towards the brand "Saaf‟..
Keywords: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Multiple Regression, Correlation
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in the village of Ghoragacha in Nadia District, West Bengal with 70 respondents to find out the relationship between the profile of farmers and their attitude towards agriculture as a profession. This study will give an insight into the inner feelings of the farmers and whether the farmers are interested in continuing this farming profession in the future. Besides, the overt and covert factors responsible for such attitude can also be identified. The study revealed that Age, Education, Experience in farming and Annual income had significant relationship with the attitude of farmers towards agriculture as a profession, whereas Land holding and occupation did not have any significant relationship with the aforesaid attitude
Keywords: Agriculture,Attitude, Covert, Overt, Significant
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploitations socio-économiques de la chèvre rousse à Maradi |
Country | : | Niger |
Authors | : | Aminatou Aliou Barazi || Mahamadou Chaibou |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1310012329 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Resumé: Au Niger, La chèvre Rousse de Maradi par ses qualités économiques, est un animal à retenir pour la diffusion et la constitution des troupeaux caprins familiaux. Une étude de terrain sous forme d'enquête a été conduite dans la région de Maradi sur la chèvre Rousse dans le but d'évaluer le rôle que joue son exploitation socio-économique. La méthode non probabiliste consistant à retenir un élément de l'échantillon lorsqu'on le rencontre a été utilisée pour choisir les enquêtés. Ainsi cinquante (50) enquêtés ont été identifiés et listés. Les résultats de l'enquête ont montré que la chèvre rousse est une source de revenues pours tous les acteurs qui l'exploite, la femelle est plus appréciée que le mâle pour ces capacités de reproduction et de production de viande et lait. Il ressort également que le male résiste plus aux maladies que la femelle
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ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to evaluate fodder yield from three groundnut genotypes residues and their nutritive value (NV). The three cultivars of Groundnut were SAMNUT 10, SAMNUT 23 and SAMNUT 24. The residues were collected from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) farm at Bayero University Teaching and Research Farm which is located between latitude 110 58155" and to 0000N and longitude 80 251 58.6" to 0000E in the semi-arid zone of Northern Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Replicated three times. The result obtained revealed that groundnut genotypes have similar (p>0.05) fodder yield, thus SAMNUT 24 had highest fodder yield (0.49kg/stand). For nutritive value, SAMNUT 23 had higher Dry Matter and.....
Keywords: Genotypes, Dry matter, Residues, SAMNUT and Nutritive value
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ABSTRACT: Résumé Les menaces pesant sur la biodiversité constituent une préoccupation mondiale qui a suscité un consensus autour de la nécessité de sa conservation. Ce consensus a abouti à l'adoption de plusieurs conventions internationales et plans nationaux. Plusieurs raisons président à cette prise de conscience dont, entre autres, les motifs écologiques, les motifs économiques et de subsistance, les motifs de lutte contre la pauvreté, les raisons socio-culturelles et l'application du principe de précaution. Ainsi, dans le cas particulier des ressources zoogénétiques domestiques, trois types de mesures de conservation peuvent être théoriquement mises en oeuvre: la conservation in situ, ex situ in vivo et ex situ in vitro. Cependant, pour la bonne réussite d'un programme de conservation, sa stratégie doit se baser sur.....
Keywords: Biodiversité, Conservation, ex situ, in situ, Elevage, Niger, Ressources génétiques animales.
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ABSTRACT: The review examines the role of ionophores to improve performance in ruminants, this will enable the design of specific dietary programs to improve ruminant animals' nutrition, health and productivity. Ionophores have been used in the animal industry of most nations for various reasons. Available literatures have attested to the importance of ionophores in manipulating rumen ecology to favour non harmful microorganisms as against the harmful ones. In addition, inclusion of ionophores in the diets of ruminant animals dictates the type and amount of volatile fatty acids that result from fermentation activities, for instance ionophores have been found to enhance the production of propionic....
Keywords: ionophores, rumen fermentation, methane emission
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[3]. Azzaz, H.H., Murad H.A, Kholif, A.M, Morsy T.A., Mansour, A.M and El-Sayed, H.M. (2013). Increasing nutrients bioavailability by using fibrolytic enzymes in dairy buffaloes feeding. Journal of Biological Science. 13:234-241.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Crop production as an agricultural practice has remained a veritable source of livelihood for the human race. It provides man with food and raw materials for production of other industrial goods. Rodent and bird pests constitute major source of losses in crop production. Existing pest control methods pose environmental and health challenges to humans. There is the need to develop more efficient, human and environmentally friendly systems in the control of pests. This work studied the effect of fabrication and deployment of a solar powered automatic pest control system on the yield level of rice. Materials and Methods: The research used experiments.....
Keywords: Automatic; Pest control; Rice; Solar powered; Time based.
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