Series-1 (February 2020)February 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This study assessed the effect of communal conflict on yam production in Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. Two-stage random sampling technique was used to select 75 respondents for the study. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire complemented with an interview schedules. Both descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data collected. The results shows that majority (69.34%) of the farmers were within the age range of 21–50 years with mean age of 43.7 years. Majority (86.67%) of the farmers were males and 90.67% were married in the study area. More so, the mean education and household size of the farmers was 10 years and 12 people, respectively. The major causes of communal conflicts as identified by the respondents.....
Keywords: Communal conflict, farmers, effect, yam production.
[1]. Adelakun O.E, Adurogbangba, B. and Akinbile, L.A. (2015). Socio-economic Effects of Farmer-Pastoralist Conflict on Agricultural Extension Service Delivery in Oyo State, Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: This experiment was done to evaluate the influence of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers for the mitigation of arsenic stress in BRRI dhan47. Five different doses of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers i.e. To= Recommended doses of vermicompost without inorganic fertilizers, T1= Recommended doses of inorganic fertilizers without vermicompost, T2= Recommended doses of vermicompost + inorganic fertilizers, T3 = Reduction of 40% of recommended doses of inorganic fertilizers + Addition of vermicompost to supplement the reduction of inorganic fertilizers, T4= Reduction of 60% of recommended doses of inorganic fertilizers + Addition of vermicompost to supplement the reduction of inorganic fertilizers were applied under four levels of arsenic [As0=No arsenic....
Key Word: Mitigation; Vermicompost; Inorganic Fertilizer; Arsenic; Yield
[1]. Smedley PL, Kinniburgh DG. A review of the source, behaviour distribution of arsenic in natural waters. Appl. Geochem. 2002;17:517-568.
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ABSTRACT: The biological characteristics of invadedspecies, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in Garmat Ali River, Iraq, includinglength compositions, age, growth, reproduction, and food habit were studied and compared with those of other populations. Samples were collected monthly by different fishing gears from September 2018 to August 2019. The lengths of individuals of the species ranged from 6.9 to 23.2 cm, and the length groups10.0-20.0 cm have predominated the fish population (93.8%).The length-weight relationship was W= 0.014 L3.077 indicating positive allometric growth.The mean values of the relative condition factor for males and females were 0.99 and 0.98, respectively. The growth model parameters were L∞= 27.5 cm, K= 0.195, to= 1.055 and the growth performance index (Ø) was 2.169.The overall sex ratio was 1:0.97 (M:F). The length at first maturity was determineds....
Keywords: Nile tilapia, growth, reproduction, food habit, Garmat Ali River, Iraq
[1]. Abdullah, A.J. 2015. Fish biodiversity and some biological characteristics in the northern part of Shatt Al-Arab River and some of its reaches. Ph.D. Thesis, Basrah University, Basrah, Iraq. 192p.
[2]. AbuAlheni, A.K.J. and Abbas, L.M. 2017. First record of the Tilapia Oreochromisniloticus(Linnaeus,1758) in Euphrates River at Al-Hindia Barrier, Middle of Iraq. Journal of the University of Kerbala. Specialissue: 18-21.
[3]. Alam, A., Chadha, N.K., Joshi, K.D.,et al. 2015. Food and Feeding Ecology of the Non-native Nile Tilapia Oreochromisniloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the River Yamuna, India. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 85(1): 167-174.
[4]. Al-Faisal, A. J. and Mutlak, F.M. 2015. First record of the Nile tilapia Oreochromisniloticus(Linnaeus, 1758) from the Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq. International Journal of Marine Science, 5 (38): 1-3.
[5]. Al-Sa'adi, B.A. 2007. The parasitic fauna of fishes of Euphrates River: Applied study in Al-Musaib city. M. Tech. Thesis, Al-Musaib Technical college Foundation Technical Education. 102 p.
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ABSTRACT: Nezaraviridula is an important pest in soybean plants. Stabbing and sucking is part of the mouthpiece of this pest, and stilet is part of the mouth tool used to damage pods from soybean plants which harm up to 80%.Management of pest N. viridulaso far done by using synthetic insecticides that have a negative impact on theenvironment. Resolving the problem need to control other ways environmentally friendly as use M. anisopliae as a biological agent. Plant Pest Laboratory, Plant Protection Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala.....
Keywords: Nezaraviridula, pests, biological agents, M. anisopliae, soybeans
[1]. Abbot, W.S. 1925. A Method of Computing the Effectiveneaa of Incesticide. J.Econ. Entomol. 18:265:267
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[3]. Han, J. H., B. R. Jin, J. J. Kim, & S. Y. Lee. 2014. Virulence of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhiziumanisopliae and Paecilomycesfumosoroseus for the Microbial Control ofSpodopteraexigua. ArtikelMycobiology. 42(4): 385-390.
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ABSTRACT: Using hydroponic technology is one of effort to increase lettuce production continuously. Hydroponic is one of the cultivation techniques using water as a media planting. One form of hydroponic cultivation is a wick system that is by using an axis. The combination of various water sources and the use of various types of axis are expected to produce optimal lettuce growth. This study aims to analyze the effect of interactions between various water sources and various types of axis as well as the single factor of various axis with different types of water on the growth and yield of lettuce plants. The research was hold in Tanah Grogot District, Paser Regency from July to September2018. The design used in this study was a Randomized Block Design (RBD). Which is arranged in factorial with 2 factors. The first factor is that Various Water Sources (A) consist of 3 levels, they are : a1....
Keywords: Lettuce, Wick Hydroponic System, Water Source, Axis Type
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[3]. Embarsari, R.P., Taofik, A.,dan Qurrohman, B.F.T. 2015. Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Seledri (Apium graveolens l.) Pada Sistem Sumbu Dengan Jenis Sumbu dan Media Tanama Berbeda. J. Agro: 2(2).
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ABSTRACT: This research was conducted to assess the impact of gas flaring at Awoba Flow Station on the air quality around mangrove forest ecosystem in Bille, Rivers State. Air pollutants such as Total Particulate Matter (TPM), Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC), methane (CH4), Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Sulphur dioxide (SO2) were assessed. The results of NO2, VOC, CO, and CH4 concentrations were significantly higher in the West location ranging from 0.119833ppm, 27.735833ppm, 0.7083ppm to 2.3750ppm respectively and lowest at the control location ranging from 0.008188ppm, 1.168750 ppm, 0.0000 ppm to 0.7500 ppm respectively. The air quality of the area is poor as pollutants such as NO2, VOC, and NH3 were above their recommended limits by WHO. The use of flaring to dispose unwanted gas should be discouraged and regular monitoring of these pollutants was recommended.
Keywords: Air Quality, Flow Station, Mangrove forest, Degema
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ABSTRACT: Sire effect on in vitro fertilization on in vitro matured cattle oocytes were tested using frozen thawed semen. Oocytes were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered cattles. Follicular fluid were aspirated and screened for good quality oocytes. It is then washed and cultured in the maturation media. After incubation at 38oC for 12-15 hours in a CO2 incubator it is fertilized with washed semen in the fertilization medium. It is again incubated at 38o C for 12-15 hours keeping in a CO2 incubator. Oocytes are then taken out washed, fixed, stained and observed for fertilization. Fertilization rate for different bulls were calculated. Semen from different bulls found to have different rate of fertilization on in vitro matured oocytes. The fertilized embryo can be transferred to embryo culture medium for further development to blastocyst and stem cell production.
Keywords: In vitro fertilization, Capacitation, Acrosome reaction, Stemcell, Cloning
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic Importnace Of Hashab Tree In North Upper Nile State, South Sudan |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Dr. Shadad Wani Lado Worja |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1302015458 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Hashab as a tree started to be known in Upper Nile State from the middle of the 20th century, its use in gum Arabic production is limited to a minority of the people in Upper Nile State. It is known to be used for wood products more than being a source of gum Arabic. Gum production is constrained by various factors, including limited awareness about gum production and marketing in addition to over-cutting and forest fires. Education level has also its impact on gum production. The illiterate, who are mainly nomads are not concerned with gum production. With the increasing level of education, gum production tends to be protected; educated people are more settled than illiterate and are connected to jobs and trading, production and marketing activities that may include gum as a commodity. Hashab distribution tends to be more in northern Upper Nile State being associated with agriculture and Hashab tree regeneration following agriculture......
Keywords: Hashab trees, Gum Arabic, South Sudan, Upper Nile, Acacia senegal, Acacia seyal
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Problems Facing the Management of the Jalhak ForestReserved, Upper Nile State |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Dr. Shadad Wani Lado Worja |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1302015962 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The paper presents selected aspects of the problems associated with conducting forest management in the Jalhak reserve forest in Upper Nile State, South Sudan. Jalhak forest reserved is one of the most important natural forests reserved in the Upper Nile State in South Sudan. The main objective of the study is to highlight some of the problems facing the Jalhak reserved forest in northern Upper Nile State. Data was collected by the social survey (questionnaire), in addition to the observations and exchange views and ideas, references, scientific papers, GOSS, and NGOs reports. Jalhak forest reserved faced....
Key words: Jalhak forest, constraints, respondents, South Sudan,Upper Nile State
[1]. FAO, (2003) Tropical Deforestation Causes, Consequences and Some Land Use Alternative, Rome- Italy.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Indonesia is a tropical country that has two seasons; rainy and dry seasons. Characteristic differences between these seasons can make differences in production and physical quality of post-harvest rice. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of season and cultivars on the production and physical quality of post-harvest rice. Materials and Methods: This research used Factorial Random Block Design with Dry Season (S1) and Rainy Season (S2) as the first factor, while the second factor was cultivar, Ciherang (K1), Mekongga (K2) and Inpari (K3) and 4 replications for each treatment. Parameters observed were rice production, percentage of milled rice yield, grain weight of groats and broken grains. Results:......
Key Word: ciherang, inpari, mekongga, rice, season
[1]. Wei, C., Kwon, O. Y., Lui, X., Kim, H. C., Yoo, W. K., Kim, H. M. and Kim, M. R. 2007. Protein profiles of major Korean rice cultivars. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 12(2): 103-110.
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