Series-1 (Aug. 2020)Aug. 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This study analyzed the gender role in the production of groundnut (Arachis Hypogea) in Ezeagu local government area of Enugu state, Nigeria. The Specific objective are; to describe the socio economic characteristics of the groundnut producers by gender, ascertain the roles played by the men and women towards the production of groundnut in the study area and to determine the socio economic characteristics of male and female farmers on the production of groundnut. Multistage random sampling was used to select one hundred and sixty groundnut farmers (80males and 80 females) as the sample for the study. Data were collected by means of two sets of structured questionnaire. Information was obtained on: age, marital status, household size, educational qualification, contact with extension agent, farming status etc. Frequencies and percentages were the main descriptive statistical....
Key words: Role, Gender Participation, Groundnut Production
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ABSTRACT: Technical efficiency of farming is the farmer ability to reduce waste by maximizing the amount of output and minimizing the use of inputs in farming. Improving technical efficiency is one way to increase productivity. Green mustard production in Banjarbaru City fluctuates every year, fluctuations in the production of mustard greens are generally caused by climatic factors and the use of production inputs that are less precise and efficient.The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of technical efficiency and examine the factors that affect the technical efficiency of green mustard farming by estimating factors of age, level of education, experience of farming, number of family members, land ownership status, and income outside the farm.This survey using data survey 50 farmer at Banjarbaru South Kalimantan. The research results showed the average input use of respondent farmers.....
Key words: DEA, TechnicalEficciency, Green Mustard, Tobit Regression
[1]. Akamin A, Bidogeza JC, N JRM, Afari SV. 2017. Efficiency and productivity analysis of vegetable farming within root and tuber-based system in the humid tropics of Cameroon. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 16(8): 1865-1873
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ABSTRACT: A medicinal plant as defined by the world health organization (WHO) is a plant which one or more parts of it contain substances that can be used for therapeutic purposes or which are precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that dietary inclusions of velvet Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean) leaf meal at 1.5 g/kg, 3 g/kg and 6 g/kg animal feed significantly reduced serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) with 6 g/kg inclusion level having the highest level of reduction and did not induce any significant effects on ALP which is the biomarker of obstructive jaundice. Also, it possesses the nutritional values of lowering blood urea, serum creatinine levels as well as increasing dopamine and serotonin levels in the blood. Dietary inclusion of Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean) leaf meal can be made up to 6g/kg animal feed to reduce incidence of uremia, and as an antioxidant to prevent lipid peroxidation.
Keywords: Mucuna pruriens, Liver enzymes, Kidney enzymes, Blood Urea, Creatinine
[1]. Rajeshwar Y, Gupta M and Mazumder UK (2005). Antitumor activity and in vivo antioxidant status of Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) seeds against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in Swiss albino mice. Ir. J. Pharm. and Therap., 4: 46-53.
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[4]. Kumar, P., & Saha, S. (2013). An updated review on taxonomy, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Mucuna pruriens. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2(1), 306-314.
[5]. Agbafor, K. N., & Nwachukwu, N. (2011). Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant property of leaf extracts of Vitex doniana and Mucuna pruriens. Biochemistry Research International, 2011,1-4.
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ABSTRACT: Background: The use of soilless media in production of seedlings is advancing. Materials and methods: Seven substrate prepared from sawdust (SD), poultry manure (PM), Municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) and rice husk Biochar (RHB) including topsoil as the control was utilized to determine an alternative growing medium for raising cocoa seedlings. The treatments were soil only (M1); SD+PM+RHB at a ratio of 70:25:5 (M2); SD+PM+RHB at 60:30:10 (M3); SD+PM+RHB at 50:35:15 (4); SD+MSWC+RHB at 70:25:5 (M5); SD+MSWC+RHB at 60:30:10 (M6); SD+MSWC+RHB at 50:35:15 (M7). The fertilizer rates were 200mgN/L, 310mgN/L and 420mgN/L. The experimental design was a split-split plot with three replications with two cocoa clones PA7 andT65 as the main plot factor, the three fertilizer rates as the sub-plot factor and the substrates as the sub-subplot factor. Data was collected on plant height, leaf number, leaf area, stem girth, root growth and dry weights.....
Keywords: Cocoa; substrate; fertilizer application rate; seedling; growth
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wild Goats of India: Origin and Domestication of Indian Goat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Roy U || Rout P K || Roy B G || Gogoi D || Roy R |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1308014449 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: India possess a rich depository of domestic goats for varied agro-climatic conditions and regions of India. The ancestry of Indian goats breeds have been studied and found to be linked with the wild goats of Indian Subcontinent. This review presents the available information on wild goats of India and their role in origin and domestication of Indian goats. The wild goats are invaluable in deciphering the origin and genetic diversity of our present day domesticated goat breeds of India.
Keywords: Wild goats of India, Domestication, Indian goat, Genetic Diversity
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ABSTRACT: A study on the effect of Tithoniadiversifolia extracts and Trichodermaasperellum on growth, yield, and quality of strawberry fruit (Fragaria× ananassavarDuch) wasconducted in Horticulture, Research and Teaching field, Egerton University. The field experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD), with 3 replications. The treatments consisted of 3 levels of Tithoniadiversifolia (0,250ml, 500ml, and 750 ml) andTrichodermaasperellum at three levels 0ml, 40ml and 80ml. Data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and significant treatment means separated using Turkey's Honestly Significant Difference Test at P ≤ 0.05. Application of Tithoniadiversifolia and Trichodermaasperellumincreased plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant, increased fruit length and diameter, and total yield per plant compared to the control
Keywords: strawberry, yield, Tithoniadiversifolia,Trichodermaasperellum,. Brix
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[3]. Babajide, P. A., Akanbi, W. B., Olabode, O. S., Olaniyi, J. O. and Ajibola, A. T. (2012). Influence of pre-application handling techniques of ThitoniadiversifoliaHemsl. A. Gray residues on sesame, in south-western Nigeria. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 15:2135-2146.
[4]. Babajide, P. A., Olabode, O. S., Akanbi, W. B., Olatunji, O. O. and Ewetola, E. A. (2008). Influence of composted Thitonia-biomass and N-mineral fertilizer on soil physico- chemical properties and performance of tomato (Lycopersiconlycopersicum). Research Journal of Agronomy. 24:101-106.
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