Series-1 (December 2021)Dec. 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Background: Hiyung cayenne is the hottest chili in Indonesia and one of the local varieties of chili from Hiyung Village, South Kalimantan. Hiyung cayenne as an important commodity in the area of origin, was found to grow and produce well in swampy areas with low to high fertility rates. Peatland as type of land that mostly found in South Kalimantan, can be alternative to extensification Hiyung Cayenne's cultivation. Materials and Methods: This research was carried out in June - November 2021 at private greenhouse Martapura Village, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The experiment was designed using one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and was repeated twice. The factors used were the composition of cow manure (0.0, 2.5 and 5.0 t ha-1)......
Key Word: Hiyung, Cayenne local variety, cow manure, swallow manure
[1]. Setiadi. 2001. Bertanam Cabai. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta
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ABSTRACT: Agriculture has a significant role in South Kalimantan, the second-largest share in the economy and is the sector with the most considerable employment absorption. Based on BPS data, employment in the agricultural sector tends to decline from year to year. One of the reasons is the decline in youth participation in this sector. More than 80% of farmers live in rural areas, and in the last year, there has been a shift in dominance by the non-agricultural sector in rural areas. Another phenomenon is the ageing farmers in South Kalimantan, which is indicated by the enormous number of older farmers, even though South Kalimantan has a young population structure. Another issue.......
Key Words: rural youth participation, agriculture, NEET, multinomial logistic regression
[1]. Ashari, N. (2017). "The role of national banks in financing the agricultural sector in Indonesia". Agro-Economic Research Forum, 27(1), 13-27. doi:10.21082/fae.v27n1.2009.
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ABSTRACT: The performances of 289 (149 males and 140 females) of 50% graded Brahman calves and 422 (217 males and 205 females) of 25% graded Brahman calves were evaluated. The pooled Birth weight (BWT) for 50% Brahman (21.40±0.24kg) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that of 25% calves (18.59±0.08kg). Mean BWT for 50% Brahman male calves (22.50±0.36kg) was also remarkably (p<0.01) higher that that observed in 25%male calves (18.97±0.10kg). Similarly, BWT for 50% Brahman female progenies was much heavier (p<0.01) than that of 25% female calves (20.24±0.29kg vs. 18.18±0.12kg). The pooled year weight (YWT) and average daily gain (ADG) were found to be 229.62±2.08kg........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microalgae: A Revolutionary Bio-agents For Sustainable Agriculture |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ronak Chhaya || Debabrata Sarkar |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1412012532 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Holding an opinion, the challenges involving agro-ecosystem and environment, the recent development in biotechnology offers a more reliable approach to address the food safety for imminent generations and resolve the intricate environmental problems. Microalgae are one of the most diverse groups of gram-negative photosynthetic prokaryotes. Many members of the Micro algae possess the ability to fix molecular nitrogen. This property, combined with their photosynthetic habit of life, places these algae among the......
Key Word: Microalgae, Technologies, Bio-fertilizer; Bio-stimulant, Bio-pesticides; Biomass
[1]. Pathak J, Rajneesh, Maurya PK, Singh SP, Häder DP, Sinha RP. Cyanobacterial Farming for Environment Friendly Sustainable Agriculture Practices: Innovations and Perspectives. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2018; 6: 7–19.
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[3]. Nosheen S, Ajmal L, Song Y. Microbes as biofertilizers, a potential approach for sustainable crop production. Sustainability, 2021; 13(4): 1868.
[4]. Ronga D, Biazzi E, Parati K, Carminati D, Carminati E, Tava A. Microalgal Biostimulants and Biofertilisers in Crop Productions. Agronomy. 2019; 9(4) :192.
[5]. Gonçalves AL. The Use of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Improvement of Agricultural Practices: A Review on Their Biofertilising, Biostimulating and Biopesticide Roles. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(2): 871
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ABSTRACT: Covid-19 pandemic affects the socio-economic conditions of the people. BPS-Statistics Indonesia recorded an increase in Indonesia's poverty rate from 9.41 percent in March 2019 to 10.14 percent in March 2021. South Kalimantan Province also experienced a similar problem. During this period, the province's poverty increased to 4.83 in 2021 percent from 4.55 percent in 2019. It happened due to changes in population consumption patterns and tends to reduce the value of consumption per capita. Consequently, they are trapped in the poverty line. The elasticity and pattern of budget share of a commodity compared to other commodities represent consumption.......
Key Words: food, elasticity, Covid-19, LA/AIDS, Compensating Variation
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ABSTRACT: Background:In areas like DR Congo where cassava leaves are eaten, leaf diseases "dispossess" farmers and other consumers of green vegetable. Cassava brown streak diseasediscolors leaves; mixed to the mosaic disease, the alteration of the shape and size of the leaves is observed. The fundamental objective of this work consists instudying vegetative parameters, especially cassava leaf yield potential, of the 31 genotypes cultivated under the threat of cassava brown streak disease. Materials and MethodsThe trial was set up according to the full randomized block design. At planting, 31 local and improved genotypes were selected as experimental materials. Observations focused more specifically on morphological characteristics of tested cassava cultivars......
Keywords: Cultivars' screening, leaf production, agronomic characters, Cassava Brown Streak Disease
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ABSTRACT: This study assessedrisk management technologies adopted by smallholder rice farmers in the Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 120 randomly selected rice farmers. Frequency, mean, percentage and principal factor analysis were employed for data analysis. The results show that there are 12 distinctive sources of risk encountered by rice farmers. These include inadequate finance (92%), insect/pest attack (82%), disease attack (80%), family ill health (77%), land dispute and litigation (76%), input acquisition problem (75%), farm theft (73%), and market inefficiency (74%). The risk management strategies.......
Keywords: rice farmer, principal component analysis, risk management technologies, continuous adaptive process, risk factors
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