Series-1 (June 2021)June 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Background: Bluetongue is an infectious, non-contagious, arthropod-borne viral hemorrhagic disease of ruminants and camelids. The disease is caused by the Bluetongue virus (BTV), and the virus infects most ruminants and camelid species but clinical disease is usually only seen erratically in certain breeds of sheep and some species of wild ruminants. The clinical signs observed, include facial edema, hemorrhages, and ulceration on the oral mucosa and coronitis. Bluetongue virus (BTV) outbreaks can cause substantial economic losses, even subclinical infection may carry significant associated costs, including direct loss such as weight loss, meat efficiency, reduced milk yield, infertility, abortion, and death, the indirect loss was largely due to export restrictions for live animals........
Keywords: Bluetongue Virus, Ruminants, Camels, Real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
reaction, Maiduguri, Nigeria
[1]. Mellor, P. S.; Boorman, J.; Baylis, M. Culicoides Biting Midges: Their Role as Arbovirus Vectors. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2000, 45, 307–340.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Different Sources of 'Browns' and 'Greens' On the Quality of Compost |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Orji, O.A || Wali C. |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1406010812 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Studies on the quality of compost produced from different sources of carbon ('Browns') and nitrogen ('Greens') was conducted in a screen house in the Teaching and Research Farm of Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. The browns included Dry leaves (DL), wood shavings (WS) and office waste paper (OFW) and the greens were poultry manure (PM) and kitchen fruit wastes (KW). These gave 6 combinations namely DL+KW, DL + PM, WS+KW, WS+PM, OFW + KW and OFW + PM. The composts produced were also analyzed for pH, % carbon, % organic matter, total nitrogen and C:N ratio. Results showed that the total nitrogen of the greens was 1.3 and 1.5% for KW and PM, respectively........
Key words: greens' and 'browns', compost quality, soil enrichment, carbon sequestration
[1]. Adugna, G. (2016). A review on impact of compost on soil properties, water use and crop productivity. Agricultural Science Research Journal Vol. 4(3):93-104
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ABSTRACT: The use of resistance cultivars is the most economical and effective means of control of anthracnose disease in water yam (Dioscorea alata) caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Screening for resistance genotypes among many lines is normally carried out in the field or screenhouse under natural environmental conditions. However, the use of detached leaf assay (DLA) technique has become popular among different pathosystems with its numerous advantages. Three different crosses between resistance males- 01/00061, 11/00246 and 11/00010 with a common susceptible female- 99/00240 from germplasms maintained at NRCRI, Umudike were made. Their F1 progenies were screened for resistance to C. gloeosporioides infection. Three months old surfaced sterilized leaves of test water yam genotypes were inoculated with 30μl drop of the pathogen -Fast growing gray (FGG) strain of C.......
Key words: D. alata, anthracnose, detached leaf assay, resistance, genotypes, C. gloeosporioides
[1]. Abang, N. M. (1997). Morphology and Virulence of isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz from yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria. MSC dissertation University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: Le zonage agro-écologique du Niger permet de distinguer plusieurs zones caractérisées par d'importantes ressources naturelles et des potentialités agricoles, sylvicoles et ou pastorales. La vallée du Goulbi N'kaba, située dans la région de Maradi au Centre-sud du Pays, est l'une de ces zones agro-écologiques. Cette région est caractérisée par un fort taux d'accroissement de la population qui dépend essentiellement de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles à travers notamment les activités agricoles ce qui entraine une pression anthropique sur les sols et les ressources naturelles et une dynamique d'occupation des sols. Cette revue bibliographique a permis de mettre en exergue d'importantes ressources agrosylvopastorales dont regorgent cette vallée mais aussi des contraintes et des opportunités pour leur exploitation durable. Des propositions d'actions on été faites pour exploiter durablement toutes les potentialités agrosylvopastorales de cette vallée et faire face aux différentes contraintes.
Key words: Ressources agrosylvopastorales, Goulbi N'Kaba, Niger
[1]. A.S. Moulla, A. Guendouz, M.E.H. Cherchali 2002 Contribution des isotopes à l'étude des ressources en eau souterraines transfrontalières en Algérie, Centre de Recherche Nucléaire d'Alger, Département des Applications en Hydrologie et Sédimentologie Présentation à la conférence Proceedings of the International Workshop,Tripoli, Libya, 2– 4 June 2002, P . 55-67
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[4]. Ado Ali, Boubé Morou, Maman MaârouhiInoussa, Salamatou Abdourahamane, Ali Mahamane, et Mahamane Saadou, 2017. Caractérisation des peuplements ligneux des parcs agroforestiers à Diospyros mespiliformis dans le centre du Niger, Afrique science 13(2),87-100
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ABSTRACT: In a field study in the region of Meknes, Morocco, two experiments were conducted. The first was carried out to investigate wheat's response to nitrogen supply (0.80 and 140 kg N/ha) and to soil incorporation of sunflower residues (0 and 5t/ha). The second field experiment was carried out to study wheat response to soil incorporation by increasing sunflower residues rates (0,5 and 10 t residues/ha). In the first experiment, nitrogen fertilization and residue incorporation only slightly affected wheat yield. This was related to drought which could have reduced wheat nitrogen needs and decreased the importance of immobilization. The results of the second experiment showed that wheat yield was depressed as a result of residue incorporation into soil but was not affected by increasing residues rate. It was concluded from this study that residues incorporation into soil can immobilize soil nitrogen and depresses wheat production. This effect is more important in humid conditions.
Keywords: Immobilization, nitrogen fertilization, residues incorporation, soil, sunflower residues
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ABSTRACT: Food security at village level and household is a necessary and sufficient requirements to ensure the needs of the household individual consumption. Therefore, the issue of food reserves at village level and household is an important issue and became one of the pillars of food security. This article aims to analyze the use of production factors in order to optimize and also to determine the opportunity of Alabio yam production, to be able to be used as the one of carbohydrate source, which is able to substitute the rice. For this purpose, the production function model with stochastic frontier Cobb-Douglas type is used............
Keywords: swampland, Alabio yam, technical efficiency and food reserves.
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ABSTRACT: The main objectives of the study was to assess embracing of SMEs as a strategy for poverty reduction among youths in North-East, Nigeria, specifically the study sought to: access how youths are engaged in SMEs, identify enhancing strategies and determine major constraints of youths participation in SMEs. Survey research design was adopted in carrying out the research. The population of the study comprised all registered youths in State's Ministry of Co-operative and Poverty Alleviation in the study area, numbering 36501. 2 steps sampling techniques were adopted to draw the sample size. Six State's headquarters were purposely selected, out of which three headquarters were randomly selected for the study (Jalingo, Yola and Gombe). Validation and reliability test of the instrument for primary data collection were conducted. Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) were used in data analysis. Results........
[1]. Adasu O.F. (2017) Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) policies and strategies in Nigeria. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Agricultural Education University of Agriculture, Benue State, Nigeria.
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ABSTRACT: Background: The global need to provide food, fish food and cheap sources of protein rich food sources is of the essence. Vast knowledge of the anatomy, morphometric, reproductive biology, and nutrition biology of a fish species is scientifically relevant to provide suggestions and solutions for its propagation and management. Polypterus bichir is a highly nutritious fish with essential elements needed for maximal intake by invalids, children and the aged, highly priced commercial fish distributed across West Africa commonly found in River Niger and caught in quantities along Agenebode River. Little is known about its biology, species variation and seasonal abundance of most ornamental fishes. The information gotten from this study will provide necessary background knowledge on its.......
Key words: negative allometric growth, carnivorous, relative gut length, feeding habit, fecundity Gonadosomatic index
[1]. Mbawuike BC, Ukaonu SU, Williams AB, Oyebanji MO, Omogoriola HO, Ajuonu N, Oluwajoba EO, Olakolu FC, Ayorinde, AO. (2011). Assessment of the mortality rate of some ornamental fish species in Nigeria export trade. American Journal of Social and Management Sciences; 2(3): 325 – 8.
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ABSTRACT: Background:seafoods provide a healthy source of high-quality proteins, Omega-3, vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, combined high free amino-acids with improper storage and transportation conditions results in formation of serious biogenic amines (BAs) by means of bacteriological decarboxylation mainly, leading to severe health hazards especially allergic reactions caused by histamine poisoning; therefore, trials for safe and rapid reduction of histamine in seafoods is essential. Material and Methods:One-hundred and twenty samples of some commercially sold fishes and shellfishes in Qalubiya governorate markets.......
Keywords: Biogenic amines; Egypt; HPLC; Fresh seafood
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ABSTRACT: Selected the pretreated soy sauce residue by extrusion as the experimental material, the ratio test of Aspergillus niger, Bacillus subtilis, Candida utilis and Geotrichum candidum was carried out based on the L9(34) orthogonal test design; the composition of the medium was optimized by the Plackett-Burman test, the steepest climbing test and the Box-behnken response surface test with the true protein and crude fiber content as the inspection indicators, the optimal stains ratio was determined as Aspergillus niger: Bacillus subtilis: Candida utilis: Geotrichum candidum=3:2:1:3, the optimal medium composition was glucose of 1%, sucrose of 1%, urea of 1%, ammonium chloride of 1.8%, magnesium sulfate of 0%, disodium hydrogen phosphate of 0%, material/water ratio of 1:1.4 and bran......
Key words: Extruded soy sauce residue; Mixed fermentation; Plackett-Burman experimental design; Medium optimization
[1]. Duan Yangqing, Zhou Aijuan, Wen Kaili, et al. Upgrading VFAs bioproduction from waste activated sludge via cofermentation with soy sauce residue[J]. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(1):1-10.
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