Version-4 (Sep-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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ABSTRACT: Nigeria is the third largest producer of sweet potatoes in the world in terms of quantity, after China and Uganda. In 2010, Nigeria produced 2.5% of the world's production of sweet potatoes. However, sweet potatoes are still considered a minor crop in the country. The study examines the economic analysis of Sweet potato production in, Kano State, North-western part of Nigeria. A sample of 120 farmers was randomly analyzed using descriptive statistics, farm budgeting technique, production function and Marginal productivity. The results revealed that majority (43.3%) of the respondents were within the age of 30 - 42 years, 70.83% were males, 69.16% were married, and majority (36.6%) attended non-formal education and 45% had farm size of between 0.2 -1.0 hectares. Results further shows that labour cost accounted for 44.1% of the total cost of production and the gross income per hectare was found to be N75,553 with a gross margin of N45, 527. The result of production function depicts the coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) to be 91%. It further shows that fertilizer and manure were statistically significant at 1%, and 1% level of probability respectively. Moreover, the result of resource use efficiency reveals that farmers under utilized resources like fertilizer, manure, Seed and pesticide, except labour. Findings also revealed that, high cost of inputs; poor access to credit, poor price, pest and diseases as well as poor access to markets were among the major constraints faced by the farmers in the study area. Therefore, the study concludes that Sweet Potato production in the study area is profitable. Hence for profit improvement there is need for resource adjustment. Government on the other side should ensure timely supply of agricultural inputs at subsidized rate, provision of storage facilities and market for output in order to achieve food sufficiency and reduce poverty among farmers. The study indicated that higher yield of sweet potato could be achieved through improved sweet potato variety and application of small quantities of fertilizer as sweet potato can grow well with application small quantities of fertilizer such that is widely produced among rural poor.
Keywords: Sweet Potato, efficiency, food security, poverty
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[3]. Adewumi, M.O.,& Adebayo, F.A. (2008). Profitability and technical efficiency of Sweet Potato production in Nigeria.Journal of Rural development, 31(5), 105-120.
[4]. Akpokodje, G., Lancon, F., Erenstein, O. (2001). Nigeria's rice economy; state of art paper presented at the Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER)/West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA), Nigeria rice Economy stakeholders workshop Ibadan, 8-9 November, 55pp.
[5]. Andrade, M., Baker,et al (2009). Unleashing the potentials ofSweet Potato in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current challenges and way forward. Lima, peru
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ABSTRACT: This study identified the effects of blackberry messenger usage on academic activities of agriculture students in the University of Port Harcourt. Eighty agriculture students were selected for the study using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using Structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics namely frequency, percentages and mean. The result shows that 59% were females and 78.2% fall between the age brackets of 21-30 years. Other social media used by the students include 2go (55.1%), blackberry messenger (100%), Facebook (89.7%), Skype (84.6%), Whatsapp (59.0%), Twitter (33.3%), LinkedIn (6.4%), Youtube (20.5%) and Google + (26.5%). About 94.9% has access to internet through their blackberry device, 43.6% go online through their blackberry device very often while 30.8% spend 2-5 hours on blackberry messenger on daily basis. The major activity performed by the agriculture students with their blackberry device is educational activities (44.9%) while the major effects of blackberry messenger usage on academic activities of agriculture students were; it facilitates their research work (x = 3.4), facilitates networking with other agricultural students (x = 3.2), distracts them from carrying out academic assignments (X =2.5), constitutes distraction to private studies (X =2.6) and participation during lectures (X = 2.5) It was recommended that excessive usage of blackberry messenger for recreational activities should be discouraged among students
Keywords: perceived effects, blackberry messenger, agriculture students, academic activities
[1]. Ackerman, P.L., Kanfer, R, Shapiro, S.W., & Beier, M (2010). Cognitive Fatigue During Test. An Examination of Trit, time-on-test and Strategy Influences. Human performance. 23(5), 381-402.
[2]. Akindehin, F. (2004) Education As A Means Of Economic And Social Reconstruction. Journal of Curriculum And Instruction. 12(1), 1-8.
[3]. Akindehin, F. (2005) Cotemporary Issues In School Science Teaching. The Place of Classroom Learning Activities. Osiele Journal Educational studies. 5,25-32.
[4]. Christine Z. Q., Siou C. K.,Andrew D. and Steve E. (2011). Mobile Applications for Agriculture and Rural Development. Retrieved Feb 23rd, 2014.
[5]. Donova Kevin (2012) Overview of ICT in agriculture: opportunities, access, and cross-cuttingthemes. . Retrieved 15th Feb 2014
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to identify factors that influence the career choice of Agricultural profession among the Students of College of Agriculture, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra State, India. A total of 120 respondents were randomly selected for this study and structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the students. Descriptive statistics, Likert scale and regression analysis were used to analyze the data collected. The respondent's age ranged from 19 to 44 years with an average age of 22.6 years. They belonged to all the religion practice in the country. More than half of the respondents were male, they are from farming families and had rural background in their childhood. Seven variables significantly influenced the choice of career of agricultural profession which includes; Personal interest (mean = 2.50), guidance or mentor (mean 2.15), parents (mean = 2.13), media or contacts with agricultural experts (mean = 2.03), previous educational performance (mean = 2.01), location of childhood (mean = 1.96) and work experience before admitted into college of agriculture (mean = 1.92). Most of the respondents perceived agriculture as a stepping stone to other professions, poor man's job, required enormous capital, rural people's job and laborious. The challenges that hinder the continuity in the agricultural profession are financial constraint, land acquisition, unpredicted future, climate change, marketability, labour, seasonality and/or perishability of agricultural commodities. The regression analysis result validates the significant relationship between influence of parents, mentor, educational performance, work experience, childhood background, family income and parent occupation on the choice of agriculture as a course and profession among youths in the University. The study recommends early stimulation of student's interest in agriculture, provision of grants to graduates who wish to start agricultural enterprises and modification of school practical experiences towards commercial agriculture.
Keywords: Agricultural profession, choice, experience, farm work
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[3] K. Sundaram, (2001): "Employment and Poverty in 1990s, Further Results from NSS 55th Round, Employment-unemployment survey, 1999-00", Economic and Political Weekly, 11 August, pp.3039-49
[4] K. Sundaram, (2007): "Employment and Poverty in India, 2000-2005", Economic and Political Weekly, July 28, pp.3121-3131.
[5] N. Bloom and J. V. Reenen (2010): "Why do Management Practices Differ across Firms and Countries?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 24 (1) 203 - 224.
[6] World Fact Book (2012): •Labour Force by Occupation,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Increase and Decrease in Milk Production is affected by Pasture intake |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ian Aine Lepo |
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: | 10.9790/2380-07941924 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Quality pasture reduces input costs and increases net returns, increases yield and quality of forage, decreases purchased feed, decreases equipment and fuel, decreases manure handling and bedding, better animal health and, reduces labor to feed or harvest the forage. Successes at maintaining good milk yield are generally due to an ability to optimize pasture yield and quality; supplement rations to meet energy requirements; and balance diets for undegradable protein in livestock rearing. Yields of high quality pasture forage can be similar to yields obtained on most farms that mechanically harvest forage for hay or silage. Quality pastures can achieve 4- 6 ton of dry matter per acre and can be grazed 6-9 times each season in the temperate and all year round in the tropical countries.An experiment was conducted to determine the Total Non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) of three napier grass (Pennisetumpurpurem) harvested at vegetative and reproductive phases. The cultivars tested were Taiwan (Gt), King (Gk), and Mott (Gm) and arranged in a 3 x 2 of treatments with four replicates following nested designed
Keywords: Sugar, Napier Grass, TNC, Starch. Milk Production
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[5]. Chatterton, N. J., K. A. Watts, K. B. Jensen, P. A. Harrison, and W. H. Horton. 2006. Nonstructural carbohydrates in oat forage. J. Nutr. 136:2113S
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ABSTRACT: Among many factors limiting agricultural development in Nigeria is the lack of sufficient information on soils and their characteristics. An attempt has been made by this study in generating soil database and mapping out the physicochemical parameters and the suitable areas for sorghum cultivation. The aim of this research is to analyse suitable areas for the cultivation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.)) Bunkure Local Government Area of Kano State. Fuzzy model, Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) and GIS were integrated in this study for land evaluation. Data sourced (parameters) for this study includes; 51 soil samples from a gridded map of the area to the depth of 30 cm. Satellite image (Spot-5) of 5 meter resolutions, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Soil characteristics map of the area. The parameters were subsequently integrated in Arc GIS 10.1 to generate the land suitability map for the selected crop. The result of the analysis shows that the area has been dominated with agricultural activities and the distribution of physicochemical parameters shows that pH ranging from 2.90 - 9.66, while Mg with moderate value of 0.04-0.93.The area is generally affected with low OC, Na, Ca, and OM with < 2, 0.01-0.23, 1.05-9.12ppm, and 0.02-1.6% respectively. The medium are N, CEC and K with 0.02-0.96%, 2.09-7.75meq/100g and 0.01 - 1.00 (cmol/kg) while salinity with 0.05-50.92. The results for suitability analysis indicated that about 860.91 ha (8.6%) of land is highly suitable (S1) and 1712.15 ha (17.27%) of the area are moderately suitable (S2). 2407.61 ha (24.29%) the area is found to be marginally suitable (S3) while, 3568.67 ha (36.01%) of the land to be moderately suitable and 1361.88 ha (13.74%) to be not suitable (N). The study concluded that the soil of the area is affected with salinity and low soil nutrients which can be control by proper management, it recommend for proper use of fertilizer (organic and inorganic).
Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), GIS, Multi Criteria Evaluation MCE, Sorghum, Suitability
[1]. Adamu G. K. (2014). An Assessment of The Surface Characteristics and Potentials of Fadama Soils in The Reaches of Two Major Streams in Kano State, Nigeria. Unpublished PhD. Theses submitted to the Department of Geography Bayero University Kano.
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[6]. Baffa M. A. (2012) Problems of Crop Water Requirement on Irrigation Plots at Bunkure LGA. Kano State. An Unpulished Bsc. Theses submitted to the Department of Geography Bayero University Kano, Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: Experiment was conducted on 72 - day old chicks of same hatch upto six weeks of age to investigate the effect of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) and Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) powder on the hematological parameters of broilers. Chicks were randomly divided into four groups 18 chicks in each. Control group received standard broilers diet. Chicks in second, third, fourth group received standard broilers diet supplemented with the Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) and Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) powder @ 0.00% (control), 0.50% (Yeast), 0.50% (Aloe vera), and 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera were incorporated into the basal diet for six weeks. At the end of experiment nine broilers from each group should be selected, sacrificed and blood samples should be collected with the help of anticoagulant for determination of hematological parameters. Results revealed a significant effect of Aloe vera and Yeast powder in feeds on mean heterophill (P<0.05) were significantly on feed supplemented with 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera powder. It was concluded from this study that 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera powder feed supplemented has a beneficial impact on the growth performance of broilers chicks.
Keywords: Broiler, Yeast, Aloe vera, hematology.
[1]. Abdel – Azeem, F. (2002). Digestion, neomycin and yeast supplementation in broiler diets under Egyptian summer conditions. Egypt. Poul. Sci., 22: 235- 257.
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[5]. Lutful Kabir, S.M (2009). The role of probiotics in the poult industry. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 10: 3531-3546.
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ABSTRACT: The proximate composition of the leaf, seed and pericarp of the following cucurbits: Cucurbitaficifolia, Mormodicacharantia,Luffacylindrica and Trichosanthescucumerina were investigated. The carbohydrate content ranges from (70.17-97.46%), crudeprotein(0.23-0.50%), crude fiber (12.00-29.50%), ash(0.03-0.90%), moisture(0.09-1.00%), fat(0.006%). The investigation indicates that the leaf, seed and fruit pericarp of the cucurbits are of nutritive value.
Keywords: Proximate analysis, seed, leaf and pericarp of the fruit, cucurbit
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ABSTRACT: Soil microorganisms commonly named biofertilizers can be used to decrease input of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals in Agriculture. Among soil microorganisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and Rhizobium spp. can promote plant growth and control plant fungal diseases. However these microorganisms are not yet used in commercial biocontrol products. Integration of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with Rhizobium sp. thus appears to be a promising approach for sustainable agriculture especially in legume crops where the net influence of this combination is supposed to be very high compare to other types of crop families. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi and root-nodule bacterium Rhizobium are two root symbionts. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases soil nutrients and water absorption, while root-nodule bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen and produce antibiotics and phytoalexins. These microbes modify the quality and abundance of rhizosphere microflora and alter overall microbial activity of the rhizosphere. They induce changes in the host root exudation pattern. A procedure for successful development of these microorganisms is required by selection and screening of efficient isolates. Knowledge of culture systems that are adapted to their establishment and multiplication is needed. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi provide specific niches for bacteria. Arbuscular mycorrhizal bacteria improve nutrient acquisition in plants and subsequently, growth of the particular crops is advantaged indeed. Arbuscular mycorrhizal bacteria may contribute to ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to inhibit pathogens acquire mineral nutrients and modify plant root growth. Combined use of these microorganisms is more beneficial than their use alone. Together, they Influence plant root morphology changes and chemical properties of Rhizospheric soils of high plants with the significant extent. These symbionts also interact with other beneficial microorganisms synergistically and can be exploited for sustainable agriculture. The sound influence of these symbionts on root morphology and growth of the whole crop as well as on soil properties interested many researchers in agriculture domain.
Keywords: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Crop Growth, Rhizobium, Rhizospheric soil, Soil Properties
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