Series-6 (Sep. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: Transformational Leadership style has been a dominant construct in leadership research today and in fact has lead to a paradigm shift in leadership thinking. However, very little has been done on the relationship between transformational leadership style and organizational performance in Nigerian work context, making this the main motivator for this study. This paper relied on secondary data as its major source of information; this is to say that the primary method of study was an extensive review of available literature for description and analysis of the subject matter. The paper concluded that transformational leadership style has a nship with organisational performance in Nigerian work context and therefore recommended that organizations who want to improve or ensure optimal organisational performance must adopt leadership style that fits the settings in which the followers and leadership interact and also training to enhance this leadership style (transformational) should be encouraged in Nigerian work context.
Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Style, Organisational Performance, Transformational Leadership Style
[1]. Abasilim, U. D. (2013). Leadership Style and Organisational Performance: A Case Study of Akwa Ibom Water Company Limited. Unpublished M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.
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[5]. Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations. New York: Free Press.
[6]. Bass, B. M. (2000). The Future of Leadership in Learning Organizations. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 7 (3): 18-40.
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Abstract: This study has been focused on finding the key determinants of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in e-banking. The key factors of Customer loyalty are: customer retention; Security and Virtual Banking; and Technology invasion. Customer Retention emerges as an important factor influencing customer Loyalty with highest Eigen value and it explains maximum variation. This is followed by Security and Virtual Banking; and Technology invasion. Customer satisfaction is comprised of ten items. The study moves further to determine the relationship between the two. Customer Satisfaction is the dependent variable. Customer loyalty is associated positively with Confidence, Technology Adoption, Technical Expertise of staff, Personal Services, Account information, Channel Activity and Ease of Use from the construct of customer satisfaction. The model explains 85.8 percent of variation. Thus, a satisfied online customer can be retained by enhancing customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Technology Adoption, Personal Services, Ease of Use, Technology Invasion
[1]. Abratt, R., Russel, J. (1999) Relationship marketing in private banking in South Africa, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17 (1), 5-19.
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[6]. Cronin, J. J. and Taylor, S. A. (1992) Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension, Journal of Marketing, 56 (1), 55-68.
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Abstract: This study aims to map and assess the performance of Garuda Indonesia's marketing mix elements, then continued by discussion and descriptive analysis of those elements compared with empirical data of Garuda Indonesia performance. Garuda Indonesia airline was Government-owned Civil Aviation of the Republic of Indonesia that currently he was intense competition and price war in the civil aviation industry. However, the airline was able maintain its existence without having participated in such price competition. In addition, the terms of business activity environmentally friendly (green business) succeeded well also adopted, among others, tax and levy scheme as well as the handling of environmental emission reduction thus adding to the financial burden for the airline itself and its customers. Garuda Indonesia successfully proved to be spared from failure in times of crisis and success from 2006 until now.
Keywords: Marketing Mix Strategy, Garuda Indonesia, Quantum Leap, Green Business, Garuda Indonesia Experience
[1]. Barata. A, Atep., Dasar – dasar Pelayanan Prima, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta, 2004.
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Abstract: Since the 1980s when globalization became intense as a result of technological advancement in communication, transportation as well as Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP) that facilitated economic liberalization, socio-economic systems, structures, relations and processes have witnessed tremendous changes, emerging trends and patterns. Just like the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression, globalization has significantly restructured the way work had been. To this extent, certain work trends have emerged. These trends include: the rise of knowledge workers; work and employment flexibility; outsourcing; and the need to ensure a work-life balance. These are aimed at ensuring maximum production from the workforce, at the lowest possible cost. However, evidence from literature suggests that most developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, are marginal participants in the globalization process and allied issues, including work. To this end, this paper discusses the implications of these emerging trends for organizations in Nigeria. It concluded by recommending that while these trends must be integrated as part of contemporary business culture, however, a sociological caution should be taken for these to be effectively integrated. Also, it was recommended that the development of high-performance manpower with critical knowledge that will drive these trends is imperative.
Keywords: Globalization, Work trends, Organization, ICT, Nigeria
[1]. Adei, S (2004). Impact of Globalization on Management: The African Perspective. Management in Nigeria. Journal of Nigerian Institute of Management. 39/40(1/2): 3-15
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[4]. Austin-Egole, I.S (2014). Emerging Work Trends and Employee Productivity in Industrial Organizations in Imo State: A Comparative Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Owerri and Camela Vegetable Oil Company Limited Owerri. A Post Graduate Dissertation Seminar presented to the Department of Sociology, Abia State University, Uturu, Nigeria
[5]. Blackler, F. (1995). Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Organizations: An Overview and Interpretation. Organizational Studies, 16(6): 1021-1046
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Abstract: The research was aimed to analize and explain the effect of downsizing on transformational leadership, organizational climate, organizational commitment and employee performance; transformational leadership on organizational climate, organizational commitment and employee performance; organizational climate on organizational commitment and employee performance; organizational commitment on employee performance of PT. Pindad (Persero). The research type is an explanatory research, which describes the influence among the research variables. The object of research units of PT. Pindad (Persero). The research population was the employees of PT. Pindad (Persero) who have experienced downsizing. The research sampling were 96 people. The research considers the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) method to analize the data. The result indicated that there were effects among variables in all hypotheses. Five of 10 hypotheses proposed were significant and 5 other hypotheses were unsignificant. Transformational leadership variable played an important role in effect of downsizing on other variables such as organizational climate, organizational commitment and employee performance. The result of research showed that downsizing through transformational leadership had positif and significant effect to organizational climate and organizational commitment. The other side the effect to employee performance was positif but unsignificant. The research then concluded that the optimization of downsizing must involve transformational leadership as a mediator.
Keywords: Downsizing, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance
[1]. Appelbaum, S.H., Simpson, R. and Shapiro, B.T. (1987), Downsizing: the ultimate human resource strategy, Business Quarterly, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp.52-60.
[2]. Appelbaum, Steven H., Everard, Andrea, & Hung, Loretta T.S., (1999) Strategic downsizing: critical success factors, Management Decision, Vol. 37 No. 7, pp. 535-552
[3]. Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership and performance beyond expectations, Free Press, New York
[4]. Cascio, Wayne F., (1993) Downsizing: What Do We Know ? What We Have Learned?, JSTOR: The Executive, Vol.7 no 1 (Feb 1993) pp. 95-104
[5]. Cascio, W.F. and Wynn, P. (2004) Managing a downsizing process, Human Resource Management, Vol. 43 No. 4, pp. 425-436
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Abstract: Competitiveness of local cattle forest fringe communities is generally low, which resulted in weak local economy. Efforts to improve the competitiveness of the local cows will strengthen the local economy through improved cultivation technology, market structure, industry structure and demand conditions of the local cows.. Specific target in this research is to formulate a model improving the competitiveness of local cattle in an attempt to strengthen the economy of forest fringe communities. The results showed that (1) cattle breeders in the study site in Jember District generally is a model "gaduhan "(the result is divided in two) Local cattle owners were actually better kind of cattle Bali and Madura cattle generally maintain beef cattle with an average tenure 2-8 tails. (2) the competitive and comparative competitiveness of local beef cattle types Bali is high as indicated by the PCR values 0.4261 and 0.4397 DRCR. Madura local beef cattle types also have high competitiveness competitive PCR value 0.3679, but the comparative competitiveness is quite high with DRCR 0.5135. (3) Average profit local cattle rancher (cattle types of Bali and Madura) with the scale 2-8 44.115.638/tail/year or tails of Rp Rp 3.676.303tailr/month or greater than the minimum wage on Jember (Rp 1,200,000), and contribute to the family income by 53.96%. (4) There are six production facilities required to enhance the competitiveness of local cattle, namely human resources, technology, capital, raw materials, machinery and markets.
Key words: local beef cattle types of Bali and Madura cattle, high competitiveness
[1]. Agustian, A. 2007. Daya Saing dan Profil Produk Agroindustri Skala Kecil (Kajian di Propinsi Lampung). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Inovatif Pasca Panen untuk Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Pertanian. Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian. Hal. 979 – 989.
[2]. BPS, 2012. Jember dalam Angka. Kerjasama Badan Perencana Pembangunan Kabupaten Jember dengan BPS Kabupaten Jember.
[3]. Herlambang, T.; N. Qomariah; T.H. Santoso, dan Oktarina. 2007-2008. Analisis Keuntungan Usahatani Sapi Lokal di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Fakultas Ekonomi. Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. Jurnal Ekonomika (Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Ekonomi). Vol. 3, No.2, 2008.
[4]. Herlambang, T.; N. Qomariah; T.H. Santoso dan Oktarina. 2011-2012. Analisis Mutu dan Produktivitas Sapi lokal pada Masyarakat Pinggiran Hutan di Kecamatan Ledokombo, Jember dan Kecamatan Grujugan, Kabupaten Bondowoso. Jurnal Agritrop (Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian). Vol. 7, No.1, 2012.
[5]. Mersyah, R. 2005. Desain Sistem Budidaya Sapi Potong Berkelanjutan untuk Mendukung Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan. Disertasi. Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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Abstract: Sound financial environment of the banking industry is the guarantee not only to her depositors but equally significant to the shareholders, employees and the whole economy as well. In line to this, efforts have been made from time to time to measure the performance of banks in the country. A number of factors are used in the measurement of banks performance in a typical developing economy and among these is profitability. This study was based on the determinants of banks profitability in Nigeria: using CAMEL model. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of CAMEL on the profitability of Nigerian banks. The data of the commercial banks in Nigeria were obtained for the period of 2001 to 2010. The model was estimated using ordinary least square method and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 19. The findings based on the analysis elucidate that liquidity has a significant impact on banks profitability while capital adequacy, assets quality, management efficiency, earning did not. It was then recommended that banks should make sure that they maintain a reasonable liquidity position at all times to meet up regular financial obligations thereby maintaining depositors' confidence in the industry and increase profitability.
Keyword: Bank, Profitability, Capital Adequacy, Camel, And Liquidity
[1]. Abdulkadir, R. I. (2007): "Financial Statement Analysis As a Measure of Performance; A Case Study of Chevron Oil Producing, Nigeria". Being a Seminar Paper presented at the Department of Accounting, Bayero University, Kano.
[2]. Abdulraheem, A. (2004): "Ratio Analysis As a Measure of Performance in the Banking Industry: A Case Study of Selected Banks in Advances in Management." A Publication of the Department Business Administration, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, 130 – 140.
[3]. Abdulraheem, A. Yahaya, K. Ahu, O, (2011): "Determinants of Performance: A Cross-generational Analysis of Nigerian Banks". European Journal of Social Sciences, 24(4).
[4]. Bakar N. and Tahir I M (2009): "Applying Multiple Linear regression and Neural Network to Predict Bank performance". International Business Res., 2 (4): 176 – 183
[5]. Bhayani, S. (2006). Performance of the New Indian Private Sector Banks: A Comparative Study. Journal of Management Research, Vol. 5, No.11, pp. 53-70.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indian stock market not efficient in weak form: An Empirical Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pankunni.V |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16965197 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper studies the randomness of stock prices in India over the period from January 1999 to December 2009. The study is based on the closing prices of 20 stocks actively traded belonging to 20 different industries listed with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and BSE Sensex 30. The study used the parametric and nonparametric tests of randomness. The Parametric tests include autocorrelation, standard error, t test and probable error. The nonparametric tests include the runs tests. Both the parametric and nonparametric tests rejected the null hypothesis that the prices are random. The study finds that the price distribution of the stocks and the market index is not normal. The data related to the skewness and kurtosis reveals large scale asymmetry in the distribution. There are strong evidences for non-randomness and interdependence of prices within the series implying that the Indian stock market is inefficient in weak form.
Keywords: Autocorrelation, Hypothesis, Interdependence, Randomness, Weak form.
[1]. Eugene F.Fama, " Efficient Capital Markets: A review of Theory and Empirical Work" The Journal of Finance, Vol. 25, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association New York, N.Y. December, 28-30, 1969 (May, 1970), pp. 383-417.
[2]. Seyyed Ali Paytakhti Oskooe, Hong Li and Ali Shamsavari, "The Random Walk Hypothesis in Emerging Stock Market", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 50 (2010).
[3]. Philip S Russel and Violet M Torbey, "The efficient market on trial-Survey."B>Qest., Jounal of applied topics in business and economics, 2002.
[4]. Ishmael Radikoko, "Testing The Random Walk (Rw) Behaviour of Botswana‟s Equity Returns", Journal of Business Theory and Practice, ISSN 2329-2644 Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014.
[5]. Anup Agrawal & Kishore Tandon, " Anomalies or illusions? Evidence from stock markets in eighteen countries", Journal of International Money and Finance, 1994, 13 083-106.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on Needs of Visual Merchandising for Online & Physical Stores |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vipin Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-169698101 ![]() |
Abstract: Visual Merchandising has revolutionized the field of retailing in mode of physical retails or online retailing industry. Physical Retailer & on-line retailer both have the conflicting customers & purpose and both wants to get more customers. As we can see now a day that online retailing is getting more popular as comparison with physical shoppers market. Sustainability for both the retailer can be differentiating at the point, how they attract the customers. Visuals merchandising can work as a core competency for both format of the retailers for better performance. This Paper will discuss the concept of visual merchandising which is used to increase sales and improve the overall image of a store. Paper will cover theoretical concept of visual merchandising providing practical information about how effective visual merchandising will increase sales and improve the overall image of a store. Comparison was done for Physical store & online store for visual merchandising & challenges in achieving the impact.
Key words: Visual Merchandising, in-store, Online store& Customers