Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Open Environment System: Rainfall Prediction Using Naïve Bayesian Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anik Pait || Venkatesan M |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905010110 ![]() |
Abstract: There has been a tremendous growth in data over the years. The question often lies in how the data is being used on a daily basis to predict the uncertainties. If we look at it from a climatic change perspective, though we have a lot of sources of data to be informed about the weather prediction and what if, a cost effective, simple and portable method is also available for the same. Hence the idea of "Open Environment System" is being proposed which is a prototype that will predict the possibility of the rainfall on a given day as well as can predict the minimum & maximum rainfall possible in that region on the particular month, based on the factors that cause rain along with the availability of the historical data .
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Abstract: Current flood mitigation approaches consist of responding aptly to flooding events with either upstream or downstream measures. Upstream factors such as precipitation and other hydrological factors are the major triggers of flooding events within our environments. In order to address this issue, a conceptual framework will be introduced in this paper to identify various spatio-temporal data required for an enhanced flooding analysis as well as the pertinent processes involved which are needed........
Keywords: Flood Analysis, Long-lead flood Analysis, Spatio-temporal Data, Upstream Flooding
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Speech Synthesis for Punjabi Language Using Festival |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pansy Nandwani || Dr. Dharam Veer Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905011421 ![]() |
Abstract: Processing of digital speech plays an important role in modern speech communication research and applications. The main propose of digital speech is communication which means transmission of messages between human and computer systems. The process of converting the written text into speech is called Text-to-Speech (TTS) and the generation of "synthetic" speech is known as Speech Synthesis. This paper discusses the development of Text-to-Speech system using festival framework for Punjabi language which is in Gurumukhi script. Since festival uses concatenation approach, diphone...............
Keywords: Concatenation Synthesis, Diphone, Festival, Punjabi, Speech synthesis.
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[5] Andrea Lynn Bowden, Punjabi Tonemics and the Gurmukhi Script: A Preliminary Study, Brigham Young University, United States of America, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naveen M || G Hemanth Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905012226 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud Computing has great potential of providing robust computational power to the society at reduced cost. It enables customers with limited computational resources to outsource their large computation workloads to the cloud, and economically enjoy the massive computational power, bandwidth, storage, and even appropriate software that can be shared in a pay-per-use manner. Despite the tremendous benefits, security is the primary obstacle that prevents the wide adoption of this promising computing model, especially for customers when their confidential data are consumed and produced during the computation. On the one hand, the outsourced computation workloads often contain...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Privacy Preserving Public-Auditing for secure cloud Storage |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naveena M || Bharath S Chetty || G hemantha Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905012730 ![]() |
Abstract: This privacy preserving public auditing for secure cloud storage will be carried out to design and develop Cloud computing technology which makes long dreamed vision of computing as a utility, where users can remotely store their data into the cloud. Thus, enabling public audit-ability for cloud data storage security is of critical importance so that users can resort to an external audit party to check the integrity of outsourced data when needed. For that purpose we securely introduce an effective third party auditor, TPA should be able to efficiently audit the cloud data storage without demanding the local copy of data, and introduce no additional on-line burden to the cloud user. our contribution............
Keywords: Data integrity, Storage auditing, dynamic auditing, privacy-preserving auditing, cloud computing, zero knowledge.
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[5] G. Ateniese, S. Kamara, and J. Katz, "Proofs of Storage fromHomomorphic Identification Protocols,"Proc. 15th Int'l Conf.Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security.
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Abstract: Genetic algorithm (GA) is a heuristic search algorithm based on the idea of natural selection that occurs in the process of evolution and genetic operations. One of the critical stages in the genetic algorithm is a crossover process. In the crossover, phase occurs the gene mix between the parent that it will determine the diversity in the population. This paper will describe the effects of the alpha parameter in the crossover process which includes arithmetic crossover and heuristic crossover. The Case studies that used in this study is the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The influence of parameters on the performance of genetic algorithm alpha is associated with gene diversity resulting from the crossover..........
Keywords : Genetic Algorithm, Alpha Parameter, Arithmetic Crossover, Heuristic Crossover
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Abstract: Social Network is one of the most popular interactive medium to share, communicate and distribute information. Social Network is the platform to build social relations among people. Users have the ability to keep in touch with friends by exchanging different types of information or messages. Sometimes people post messages which cause a serious problem like harassing or blackmailing to users. The message content may be impolite. The words like offensive, hate, vulgar etc are available in the message. Those messages are detect as spam using information filtering. The Summarization...........
Keywords : Back Propagation Neural Network, Inverse Document Frequency, Neural Text Classifier, Support Vector Machine , Term Frequency
[1]. M. Vanetti, E. Binaghi, E. Ferrari, B. Carminati, and M. Carullo, "A system to filter unwanted messages from OSN user walls,"IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.285-297, 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use Intelligent Techniques in Detecting Straight Lines in Digital Images |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ahmed H. Zaker |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905014247 ![]() |
Abstract: Knowledge about the lines in an image is useful in many applications, e.g. in Computer vision. If the equations of the same line in several 2D images are known, then it is possible to get the coordinates of the 3D object giving rise to the 2D images. To manually extract the line information from an image can be very tiring and time-consuming especially if there are many lines in the image. An automatic method is preferable, but is not as trivial as edge detection since one has to determine which edge point belongs to which line, if any. The Hough-transform makes this separation possible and is the method we have used in our program for automatic line detection.For better results we will Hybrid hough method with genetic algorithm will reach perfect results.
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Abstract: This paper provides an overview of projection, partitioning and segmentation of big data using HP vertica. The main aim is to summarize the benefits and restrictions in utilizing HP vertica for big data analysis. We provide an example of projection, partitioning and segmentation that relies on big data analysis.
Keywords: Projection, big data, partition, segmentation, vertica.
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Abstract: Solid Transportation Problem is formulated as a profit maximization problem under a budget constraint and fixed charge at each destination. The items are transported to different destinations from different origins using different vehicles. It is assumed that transported units are integer multiple of packets. Selling prices and purchase costs are different at different destinations and origins respectively. So the problem is formulated as constraint optimization integer programming problem. To solve the problem a sequence of different cell of transportation problem is taken as a coded solution of the problem and from this coded solution actual allocation is made by a proposed rule............
Keywords: Solid Transportation Problem, Variable Search Strategy, Swap Operator, Swap Sequence
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Heterogeneous Feature Fusion-Based Recognition Framework with LBP |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Kiran Kumar Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905015861 ![]() |
Abstract: A technique is proposed to extract system requirements for a maritime area surveillance system, based on an activity recognition framework originally intended for the characterization, prediction and recognition of intentional actions for threat recognition. To illustrate its utility, a single use case is used in conjunction with the framework to solicit surveillance system requirements. Face recognition has received a great deal of attention from the scientific and industrial communities over the past several decades owing to its wide range of applications in information security and access control, law enforcement, surveillance and more generally image understanding. In this paper we combine KLDA (combination of LBP and GABOR features) with gradient face features(which are more resistive............
Keywords: GABOR features, Local Ternary Patterns, LBP, face features..
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Abstract: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading retinal eye disease. In this disease, blood vessels of retina get damaged due to the leakage of blood and fluid in the surface of retina. The progression of disease will lead to the blindness or complete vision loss. Blood vessel extraction is very necessary for detection of diabetic retinopathy, as blood vessels get affected in DR. In this work, we have proposed a new method for blood vessel extraction. From the extracted vessels various features of blood vessels such as area, mean, standard deviation, energy, entropy, correlation, and homogeneity are calculated............
Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), Field of View (FOV), Fundoscopy, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
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Abstract: The detrimental effects of high temperature on poultry production have been investigated by several researchers due to common occurrence of environmental stressors worldwide. It has been shown that high temperature negatively affects the welfare and significantly influence the survivability and performance of the poultry production. Hence, controlling the temperature of the poultry house within thermal neutral zone of poultry birds is indispensable in order to reduce their mortality and increase production. Most of the existing techniques utilized to control poultry house temperature within the thermal neutral zone of the bird were time consuming, tedious and require a continuous monitoring...........
Keywords: Metaheuristic, Particle Swamp Optimization, Poultry House Temperature, Thermal Regulation
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Abstract: Redundancy is the root of several problems in a relational schema. Redundancy simply means repetition of information. In minimizing the set of Functional Dependencies (FDs), database will be made consistent and correct. This paper focuses on solving redundancy problem of Functional Dependencies in a relational schema using the closure of Functional dependency and minimal cover algorithm. An algorithm was designed using the three Armstrong's axioms which are reflexivity, augmentation and transitivity and implemented to generate closure of functional dependencies (FDs) called F+. Other rules used are decomposition, union and pseudo-transitivity............
Keywords: Functional Dependency, Minimal Cover, Database redundancy, Relational schema, Closure
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of GIS database and Web application for Aurangabad Tourism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Monali Rajendra Baviskar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1905018291 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism has been noted to be one of the important and growing sectors of the Aurangabad economy. Tourism is a highly complex activity which requires tools that aid in an effective decision-making to come to terms with the better economic, social and environmental demands of sustainable development. Geographic Information System (GIS) is one of such tools for tourism. GIS being Associate in Nursing system that's capable of responsive questions about wherever facilities and resources are placed represents monumental edges to the commercial enterprise sector of any economy. The power of GIS lies not solely examine spatial relationships, however additionally...........
Keywords: Geographic information systems (GIS), Aurangabad, CMS, XAMPP.
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