Series-1 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: In this paper, we seek to address means of automatically registering students, recording attendance, saving students' data on the personal computer (PC) as well as backing this data via the global system for mobile communication (GSM) and finally making a decision on the eligibility of a student to sit for an examination course. Owing to the challenges of the manual method of taking attendance in Nigerian universities and colleges especially in the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, an automated attendance system needs to be adopted. The...........
Keywords: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag and Reader, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), ATMEGA 328P Microcontroller, and GSM Module.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Decision Tree based Algorithm for Forecasting the Proposed Service Acceptance by Store Customers |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Ali Mirzapour |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2102010914 ![]() |
Abstract: Organizations are under intense pressure today to respond quickly to changing circumstances and innovation since business environment is increasingly becoming complex and changing. Furthermore, data analysis and data mining will create a competitive advantage. Hence, customer relationship management has been very much considered in recent years. Accordingly, in order to understand the effective criteria for accepting the proposed service to customers through the database, the present study aimed to classify the information about the store customers and extract the appropriate pattern using the decision tree algorithm so that it will be possible to properly predict the accepting the proposed service and ultimately, meet the advertising and marketing requirements for the society. According to the results obtained from implementing the proposed system on the collected store data, evaluated during 2016-2018 through the Clementine 12.0 software, the system accuracy level is at a desirable level.
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Abstract: Healthcare organizations often benefit from information technologies as well as embedded decision support systems, which improve the quality of services and help preventing complications and adverse events. To be able to predict, at the time of triage, whether a need for hospital admission exists for emergency department (ED) patients may constitute useful information that could contribute to system wide hospital changes designed to improve ED throughput. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a predictive model to assess whether a patient is likely to require inpatient admission at the time of ED triage, using routine hospital administrative..........
Keywords: Triage Systems, emergency department, hospitals, machine learning, predictive models.
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Abstract: Despite the Government of Kenya injecting Ksh1.12 billion in Economic stimulus program little had been done to assess gender disparity not withstanding that among conditions set for fish farmers to benefit from the program, gender issues were not considered. This study assessed gender disparity in fish farming and its implication in fish farming under the Economic Stimulus Program in kirinyaga, County Kenya. A total of 124 questionnaires were administered to selected ESP fish farmers. Five sub-county fisheries officers were interviewed and documents regarding the project reviewed to support the survey data. Descriptive and Pearson chi-squarer was done using SPSS version 20.0.Economic stimulus program (ESP) fish farmers beneficiaries who were sampled comprised were men..........
Keywords: Gender disparity; gender equality, fish farming; Economic stimulus program; Fish farming enterprise productivity program...
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Abstract: Current Agriculture faces many challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, Infection of various diseases on plants, water shortages and increased societal demand of food production and many more. Many farmers in India commit suicide because of these challenges. Disease Prediction System for Brinjal crop using machine learning is the promising solution, which is based on predicting and responding to disease symptoms variations on Indian Brinjal plant.
Keywords: ML: Machine Learning, IOT: Internet of Thing; DL: Deep Learning, MDP: Massive Data Processing, AI: Artificial Intelligence, DPS- Disease Prediction System.
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Abstract:Ongoing years Breast Cancer is a profoundly destructive sickness in ladies' locale. It can begin from the breast and can spread over the body in a course of time. It is the second biggest infection prompting cause demise of a ladies. In this examination, we proposed a Deep learning-based design for grouping the computerized mammograms to arrange the seriousness of breast malignancy. Since it is precarious to fragment mammogram picture because of its low difference among typical and irregular tissues. Consequently, Canny edge detection is utilized to extract the.......
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