Volume-9 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bridging Socially Enhanced Virtual Communities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Venugopal Rao, R.V.Krishnaiah |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0940104 ![]() |
Abstract: As technologies required for collaborative computing grow, there are business collaborations among companies carrying out related business. The communication and interactions across the companies has become a common phenomenon. In order to create and sustain this kind of business collaborations, specialized methods or techniques are required. In this paper we propose concept of bridging socially enhanced virtual communities. It is achieved by discovering present relevant businesses and prospective business alliances by developing a semi-automated approach. The architecture of the proposed system is compromising of human activities and also automated activities and it is essentially a service oriented system. For the purpose of bringing the previously separated groups and also finding new relevant groups we introduced broker discovery concept that makes use of techniques and metrics pertaining to interactive mining. The empirical results revealed that the proposed system is effective when tested with test bed which is based on distributed technology such as web services.
Index Terms: Social interactions, interaction mining, broker discovery, business collaborations
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scrutinizing Unsolicited E-Mail And Revealing Zombies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V.Annie, Mr. G. Sathishkumar. B.E, M.E, Ph.D.* |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0940509 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper specialize in the detection of the compromised machines during a network that are concerned within the spamming activities. In this paper, considering the matter in unsought spam e-mail's wherever crucial information's are divided to assure data confidentiality and integrity. The replicas of divided shares are dynamically allotted to boost recital. Heuristic search minimizes the spam access in Zombies. During this paper, Network official examines unsought e-mail by mistreatment the heuristic search, and reportable to the tip user. Once checking the activities beside IP address, the unsought e-mail is blocked that are originated by Zombies. Index term-Zombies, spam, secure information, secret sharing, and heuristic.
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Abstract: The science and technology is developing day by day leading to expand and forcing to reshape our living standards. The main aspects leading to deployment of a wide array of wireless and mobile networks are advances in miniaturization, low power circuit design and development in radio access technologies and increase in user demand for high speed internet access. The varying wireless technologies are driving today's wireless networks to become heterogeneous, ie., the network comprised of two or more different access network technologies. Heterogeneous networks have created many challenges such as mobility management, handoff, resource management, location management, providing QoS, security and pricing. Switching between heterogeneous networks requires seamless vertical handoff. The selection of parameters plays an important role in the decision of vertical handoff. The parameters like bandwidth, signal strength, velocity, power consumption, throughput, cost, user preferences and network load are considered during vertical handoff. In this paper, the vertical handoff parameters of the existing work are critically ascertained and presented in a tabular format for identifying the important parameters. A dynamic, adaptive and efficient approach is required to implement the vertical handoff mechanism in next generation heterogeneous wireless networks to produce an effective service for the user by considering dynamic and non dynamic parameters.
Keywords: Heterogeneous networks, parameters, handoff
[1] E. Arun & R.S Moni, (June 2010) "A Novel Decision Scheme for Vertical Handoff in 4G Wireless Networks", GJCST Computing Classification, Page 28 Vol.10 Issue 5 Ver.1.0
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Abstract: The distribution of digital products like audio and video are increasing rapidly over the networks, so the owners of such digital data are worried about their ownership protection. It may be possible that the third- party may claim the digital products as their own and misuse it in future. In order to overcome this problem, 'Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Principal Component Analysis and Wavelet Transform for Copyright Protection', is introduced for preventing illegal copying of their digital products. In this system, a Binary logo watermark is embedded in video frames for copyright protection. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to each block of the two bands (LL – HH) which results from Discrete Wavelet transform of the video frame. The watermark is embedded into the principal components of the LL blocks and HH blocks at different levels. Combining the DWT and PCA transform improves the performance of the watermark algorithm. This watermarking scheme shows no visible difference between the watermarked frames and the original frames i.e. imperceptible to the Human Visual System (HVS). It depicts the robustness against a wide range of attacks such as geometric transformation, histogram equalization, and gamma correction.
Keywords -Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Discrete wavelet transforms (DWT), Fixed-length codeword (FLC), Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Video Watermarking.
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[4] Xiangui Kang, Jiwu Huang, Senior Member, IEEE, Yun Q. Shi, Senior Member, IEEE, and Yan Lin, A DWT-DFT Composite Watermarking Scheme Robust to Both Affine Transform and JPEG Compression, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, VOL. 13, NO. 8, August 2003.
[5] Sanjana Sinha, Prajnat Bardhan, Swarnali Pramanick, Ankul Jagatramka, Dipak K. Kole, Aruna Chakraborty,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, St Thomas' College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, India, Digital Video Watermarking using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis, International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing, Vol. 1 (2), August 2011.
[6] Nisreen I. Yassin1, Nancy M. Salem2, and Mohamed I. El Adawy National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, Block Based Video Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Transform and Principle Component Analysis , IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1, No 3, January 2012.
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Abstract: In highly dynamic mobile ad hoc networks occurred transmission problems like delivering data packets, packet delay, time delay and so on. Most of the existing ad hoc routing protocols are affected by node mobility, especially for large-scale networks [1]. Large-scale networks mean that wireless network at the dynamic time. Propel by this issue, position-based opportunistic routing(POR) protocol is efficient to introducing further advantage of the stateless property of Geo graphing routing and the broadcast environment of wireless medium. This POR having the right qualities in delivering the data to destination in highly energetic or forceful MANET. But it is susceptible by the over heading problem and also no data confidentiality. When a data packet is sent out, the neighbor nodes that have overhead the transmission, then serve as forwarding candidates. The specific best forwarder take turn the packets if it is not relayed by best forwarding candidates wit in a certain period of time, so the duplicate relaying caused by packet reroute. Many routing protocols are recommend by mobile-ad-hoc networks. In which the proactive Fish Eye State Routing(FSR) protocol is proposed for provides excellent solution to delivering data to highly dynamic MANETs, by updating and communicating nodes and nodes position and delivering data without over heading. The proposed scheme works well in large network of high mobility nodes. But still we susceptibleness to security threaten. Our security scheme is proposed to minimize the number of black holes or malicious nodes or selfish nodes in the path to destination, thus the number of data packet dropping may be minimized, we secured the FSR protocol with security. In the case of communication break, a Virtual Destination-based Void Handling (VDVH)[9] scheme is further proposed to work together with FSR.
Keywords: Ad-hoc Network, FSR, GR, MANET, POR, VDVH
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ANTNET:ACO based routing algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhu Bhanote, Dr Vineet Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0943236 ![]() |
Abstract: AntNet is an ACO based routing algorithm for distributed and traffic adaptive multipath routing in wired best-effort IP networks. Forward ants in AntNet collect traffic behavior and backward ants are used to update probabilistic routing tables based on the collected information.
Keywords—connectionless-network, mobile ants, traffic adaptive, multipath, network performance
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Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile wireless nodes, which communicate to each other without any centralized administration. Trust and Power consumption is the most challenging task in routing protocol design for Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), since the highly dynamic nature of MANET coupled with limited bandwidth and battery power imposes severe restrictions on routing protocols especially on achieving the routing. Furthermore replacing and recharging batteries and making nodes co-operative are often impossible in significant environments. In this paper, we effort to study the performance of three ondemand routing protocols (AODV, DSR, DYMO) in terms of number of hop counts, number of routes selected, number of RREQ packets, number of RREP packets and power consumption in transmit, received and ideal modes. During route discovery, nodes are more trust to find reliable route for communication and utilizing maximum energy capacity for selection of route. Route based selection of nodes called 'Reliability'. Route request from the source is accepted by a node only if its reliability is high. Otherwise, the route request is discarded. This approach forms a reliable route from source to destination thus increasing network life time, improving power utilization and decreasing number of packet loss during transmission. To solve the above problem here we describe the three on demand routing and it is simulated using QualNet 5.0 simulator.
Keywords: AODV, DSR, DYMO, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Power, Reliability, Trust
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Abstract: Location based Servers (LBS) include services to identify a location. Network users expect to access services relevant to their locations, and preserve their privacy without disclosing their exact location. The spatial cloaking method provides the solution where exact location of user gets hazy. In peer to peer network (P2P), communication between the peers becomes time consuming and communication overhead. In this paper we have proposed the method where instead of communicating with peers, user directly communicates with LBS. we have presented two algorithms where first algorithm which where the LBS provide the direct list of in ascending order. The second algorithm for query processing generates the region of different shapes which minimizes the chances of getting the user disclosed to adversary.
Index Terms—Location Based Service(LBS), Privacy Preserving, Spatial Cloaking, k- anonymity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Interactive Detection and Classification of DDoS Attacks Using ESVM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Elanthiraiyan, Mr.P.Pandiaraja M.E |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0945056 ![]() |
Abstract: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a continuous critical threat to the internet. Application layer DDoS Attack is derived from the lower layers. Application layer based DDoS attacks use legitimate HTTP requests after establishment of TCP three way hand shaking and overwhelms the victim resources, such as sockets, CPU, memory, disk, database bandwidth. Network layer based DDoS attacks sends the SYN, UDP and ICMP requests to the server and exhausts the bandwidth. An anomaly detection mechanism is proposed in this paper to detect DDoS attacks using Enhanced Support Vector Machine (ESVM). The Application layer DDoS Attack such as HTTP Flooding, DNS Spoofing and Network layer DDoS Attack such as Port Scanning, TCP Flooding, UDP Flooding, ICMP Flooding, Land Flooding. Session Flooding are taken as test samples for ESVM. The Normal user access behavior attributes is taken as training samples for ESVM. The traffic from the testing samples and training samples are Cross Validated and the better classification accuracy is obtained. Application and Network layer DDoS attacks are classified with classification accuracy of 99 % with ESVM. Keywords— Anomaly detection, DDoS, Enhanced Support VectorMachine (ESVM), Intrusion detection, String kernels.
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Communications Letters, Vol. 13, No. 9, pp. 717-721, 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Survey on several improved Apriori algorithms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Rina Raval, Prof. Indr Jeet Rajput , Prof. Vinitkumar Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0945761 ![]() |
Abstract: Apriori algorithm has been vital algorithm in association rule mining. Main idea of this algorithm is to find useful patterns between different set of data. It is a simple algorithm yet having many drawbacks. Many researches have been done for the improvement of this algorithm. This paper does a survey on few good improved approaches of Apriori algorithm. This will be really very helpful for the upcoming researchers to find some new ideas from these approaches.
Keywords - Apriori, Association, PW-factor, Q-factor, Record filter, Trade list
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of Content Management Systems Performance |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Maitanmi Olusola1 and Idowu Sunday |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0946269 ![]() |
Abstract: There are many web-authoring software like FrontPage and Dreamweaver, which are being used to develop and maintain websites. These web-authoring software are becoming inadequate because websites are becoming more dynamic with different contents types..
Keywords: Content Management System, Comparison of CMS, Open Source Software, Return on investment (ROI).
1] Gay, L. & Robinson, J.(2001).Content management: The Quest, Presentation at the CUMREC Annual Conference, http://www.educate.edu/ir/library/pdf/CMROI32.pdf retrieved on 20/10/ 2010
[2] Bachmann, D., John, E., & Gary, V. (1996). Tracking the Progress of E-Mail vs. Snail-Mail, Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, 8(2), 30-35.
[3] Boiko, B. (2002). "Introducing the Major Parts of a CMS": A CM Domain White Paper. retrieved on 27/12/2010
[4] B. BoikoContent Management Bible, Second Edition, Wiley Publishing Incorporation Canada, 2005
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[7] Suchitra P. ( 2002). "Effective Web Content Management: Empowering the Business‟ User Workshop on Information Resource Management 13th-15th March 2002
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Abstract: Energy is an important issue in MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network). Nodes in network are working in presence of limited energy. So, energy efficient routing is needed for reducing energy consumption. Energy efficient routing schemes can greatly reduce energy consumption and extends the lifetime of the networks. Multipath routing protocol (AOMDV) having more than one path, if the first one is break then second provides the proper packet delivery, this causes reduced node energy consumption and the topology of MANETs always changes, due to the high mobility of nodes. This makes it more difficult to find the routes that message packets use when they are routed. The location based routing provides the location information of the destination to route a packet toward. This paper provides comparison and study on reduced energy consumption by using multipath protocol and performance which is evaluated by performance metrics in case of AOMDV and energy based AOMDV. Now here DREAM protocol is used with AOMDV to finding location of mobile nodes but not with energy but here measures their performance with both multipath protocols.
Keywords – AOMDV, Dream, Energy, MANET, Multipath
[1] Ruchi Gupta, Akhilesh A.Waoo and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "A Survey of Energy Efficient Location Based Multipath Routing In MANET" in IJCA, Dec 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Data Preprocessing in Web Usage Mining |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Murti Punjani, Mr.Vinitkumar Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0661-0947679 ![]() |
Abstract: With the abundant use of Internet and constant growth of users, the World Wide Web has a huge storage of data and these data serves as an important medium for the getting information of the users access to web sites which are data stored in Web server Logs. Today people are interested in analyzing logs file as they show actual usage of web site. But the data is not accurate so preprocessing of Web log files are essential then after that data are suitable for knowledge discovery or mining tasks. Web Usage Mining, a part of Web mining and application of data mining is used for automatic discovery of patterns in clickstreams and associated data collected or generated as a result of user interactions with one or more Web Sites. This survey paper gives the literature review and also overview of various steps needed for preprocessing phase.
Keywords – Data Fusion, Path Completion, Pre processing, Session Identification, Web usage, Web Server Log file.
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Abstract: In term of Compiler optimization, classical compilers implemented with an effective optimization technique called Peephole optimization. In the early stage of the implementation of this technique basically applied using string pattern matching performed on the regular expression and which are known as classical peephole optimizers. In the classical optimizers, the string pattern matching approach is considered as a processing of the input of the syntax of assembly code but its meaning gets lost. This paper explores prior research and current research issues in term of 'Optimizing' compilers with the implementation of Peephole optimization using different pattern matching approach that focuses on regular expression. In several research discussed below targets the implementation of pattern matching approach based on rule application strategy to achieve optimization of assembly code syntax for specific machine or retargetable [machine independent] in context of structured programming, procedure oriented programming and Object Oriented Programming.
Keywords - Intermediate Code, Optimization Rules, Pattern Matching Techniques, Peephole Size, Retargetable Peephole Optimizer
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Survey on Planar Drawing of Clustered Graphs |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Marzia Sultana |
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: | 10.9790/0661-09492102 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, there has been great interest in graph drawing to express relational information and applications range from CASE tools, reverse engineering, idea organization, and software design. However, as the graphs to be visualized become more and more complex, extended structured graph variations are needed. Clustered graphs are graphs with recursive clustering structures. The possible utility of clustered graphs include CASE tools, reverse engineering, idea organization, software design, knowledge representation, visualization of social networks and biological networks , VLSI design tools and divide and conquer approaches. Thus, clustered graphs are useful tools worth investigating.
Keywords – Cluster Graphs, C-Planarity, Planar Drawing, St-Numbering.
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[9] P. Eades and Q. Feng, Drawing clustered graphs on an orthogonal grid, Technical report, Department of Computing Science and Software Engineering, University of Newcastle, 1997.
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Abstract: Nowadays, computer networks are so complex, nearly everyone with a computer has connected it to the Internet to access information and transmit messages and as complexity increases the question of security becomes more and more familiar as well as the depth knowledge of computer network protocols namely; Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Internet Protocol (IP) being the most common ones amongst others like User Datagram Protocol (UDP) etc...One of the two most publicized to security is intruder (other is virus) generally referred to as hacker or cracker. Intrusion detection systems are an important component of defensive measures protecting computer systems and networks from abuse. In this paper we proposes, a new hybrid learning approach that combines K-Mean clustering, Naive Bayes (statistical) also known as KMNB with Decision Table Majority (rule based) approaches. An experiment will be Carrie out to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach using KDD Cup '99 dataset. The experimental results will shows that new type of attack can be detected effectively in the system, so that the efficiency and accuracy of intrusion detection system will improve terms of detection rate as well false positive rate with reasonable prediction time.
Keywords - Data mining, Intrusion detection System, Security, Protocol, Data Base..
[1] Virendra Barot and Durga Toshniwal "A New Data Mining Based Hybrid NetworkIntrusion Detection Model" IEEE 2012.
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[4] Dewan M.D. Ferid, Nouria Harbi, "Combining Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree for Adaptive Intrusion detection" International Journal of Network Security and application(IJNSA),vol 2, pp. 189-196, April 2010.
[5] Joseph Derrick,Richard W. Tibbs, Larry Lee Reynolds "Investigating new approaches to data collection,management and analysis for network intrusion detection". In Proceeding of the 45th annual southesast regional conference, 2007. DOI = http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm ?doid=1233341.1233392
[6] M.Panda, M. Patra, "Ensemble rule based classifiers for detecting network intrusion detection", in Int. Conference on Advances in Recent Technology in Communication and Computing, pp 19- 22,2009.
[7] R Rangadurai Karthick, Vipul P. Hattiwale and Balaraman Ravindran " Adaptive Network Intrusion Detection System using a Hybrid Approach" 2012 IEEE
[8] Safwan Mawlood Hussein, Fakariah Hani Mohd Ali and Zolidah Kasiran "Evaluation Effectiveness of Hybrid IDS Using Snort with Naïve Bayes to Detect Attacks" IEEE 2012
[9] Z. Muda, W. Yassin, M. N. Sulaiman, and N. I. Udzir "A K-Mean and Naïve Bayes Learning Approach for Bateer Intrusion detection system ", Information technology journal 2011 ISSN 1812-5638
[10] M.Moorthy and S.Sathiyabama "A Hybrid Data Mining based Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Local Area Networks" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 49– No.10, July 2012
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Abstract: In many sensor network applications viz., environmental monitoring, spatial exploration and battlefield surveillance, sensed data is aggregated and transmitted to the sinks for analysis. Thus, in- network data aggregation [2] becomes an important technique in wireless sensor networks and has been well studied in recent years. In general, any sensory network suffers with two problems i.e., i) the time latencies of the existing scheduling algorithms are still high, and ii) the other one is that all the existing algorithms are centralized, which are inherently inefficient. Hence, in this paper, we present a distributed scheduling algorithm generating collision-free schedules with latency bound, based on TBID, which employs multiple Mobile Agents (MAs) for completing the aggregation task on WSNs. The algorithm not only determines the proper number of MAs for minimizing the total aggregation cost but also constructs low-cost itineraries for each of them. In this paper, we adopt TBID that improves upon NOID by following a more direct approach to the problem of determining low-cost MA itineraries. Specifically, based on an accurate formula for the total energy expended during MA migration, we follow a greedy- like approach for distributing SNs in multiple MA itineraries, and algorithm determines a spanning forest of trees in the network, calculates efficient tree traversal orders (itineraries), and eventually, assigns these itineraries to individual MAs.) Keywords-component; TBID(Tree Based Itinerary Design) ,wireless sensor networks, data aggregation, mobile agents
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[2] R. Rajagopalan and P. Varshney, "Data-Aggregation Techniques in Sensor Networks: A Survey," IEEE Comm. Survey & Tutorials, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 48-63, Oct. 2006
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[4] Y.Xu and H. Qi, "Mobile Agent Migration Modeling and Design for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks," Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-16, Jan. 2008.
[5] K. Kalpakis, K. Dasgupta, and P. Namjoshi, "Efficient Algorithms for Maximum Lifetime Data Gathering and Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks," Computer Networks, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 697-716, Aug. 2003.
[6] Charalampos Konstantopoulos, Aristides Mpitziopoulos, Damianos Gavalas, Member, IEEE, and Grammati Pantziou "Effective Determination of Mobile Agent Itineraries for Data Aggregation on Sensor Networks" VOL. 22, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2010
[7] A. Mpitziopoulos, D. Gavalas, C. Konstantopoulos, and G.Pantziou, "Deriving Efficient Mobile Agent Routes in Wireless Sensor Networks with NOID Algorithm," Proc. IEEE 18th Ann. Int'l Symp. Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Comm. (PIMRC '07), pp. 1- 5, Sept. 2007.
[8] D. Gavalas, G. Pantziou, C. Konstantopoulos, and B. Mamalis, "A Method for Incremental Data Fusion in Distributed Sensor Networks," Proc. IFIP Third Conf. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI '06), pp. 635-642, June 2006.