Version-4 (November-2014)
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Abstract: We report a case of Herpes Simplex Encephalitis presenting with fever ,seizure, headache, vomiting, memory loss, confusion which is indeed a very unsual and rare presentation. She recovered very well with antiviral and anti epileptic medications. Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is an acute or subacute illness that causes both general and focal signs of cerebral dysfunction. Brain infection is thought to occur by means of direct neuronal transmission of the virus from a peripheral site to the brain via the trigeminal or olfactory nerve. The exact pathogenesis is unclear, and factors that precipitate HSE are unknown. Diagnosing this disease early & providing appropriate treatment with antiviral therapy is important to achieve an optimal clinical outcome.
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Abstract: Introduction: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear is the most common ligamentous injury to the knee joint. Two most commonly used grafts for reconstruction are Quadruple Hamstring tendons (QHT) and Bone Patella Tendon Bone (BPTB) graft. Graft fixation techniques vary with different surgeons. Aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcome of reconstruction of ACL using QHT and BPTB grafts performed by single surgeon using Modified Cincinnati scoring system.
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Abstract: Background: Ocular infections are one of the common diseases of the eye. The current trends in the etiology of ocular infections and their antibacterial susceptibility pattern must be updated to help the clinicians. Objective: To identify the aerobic bacterial profile of ocular infections in patients attending Ophthalmology OPD/IPD.
[1]. Thielen TL, Castle SS, Terry JE. Anterior Ocular Infection: an overview of pathophysilolgy and treatment. Ann Pharmacother 2000; 34(2): 235-246.
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Abstract: Isolated extrahepatic biliary tract injury following blunt abdominal trauma is rare. The underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain obscure, but include shear and/or compression forces on the biliary system. Associated morbidity rates are high and largely the result of delays in diagnosis. . The primary aim of this paper is to describe the clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of two patients with left hepatic duct injury after blunt abdominal trauma.
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Abstract: Periodontium along with its supporting tissues are damaged and destroyed by the various forms of gingival and periodontal diseases which leads to gingival recession, soft tissue defect in the esthetic region. When small volumes of tissue are being reconstructed then its possible to create esthetically satisfying and anatomically correct tissue contours, but this method is unpredictable when a large volume of tissue is missing. The unpredictability, healing time, discomfort and surgical costs make this option unpopular. The reconstruction of these areas with prosthesis like gingival veneer can be useful to correct the deformities remaining after the control of periodontal diseases, especially in the maxillary anterior region.
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[2]. Ellis SGS, Sharma P, Harris IR, Case report: aesthetic management of a localized periodontal defect with a gingival veneer prosthesis, European Journal of Prosthodont Restorative Dentistry,8(1),2000,23–26.
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Abstract: Breast involvement by immunolymphoproliferative disordersis rare. Primary and secondary malignant lymphomas of the breast are much more common than multiple myeloma, of which only a few cases have been described. We report a case of a patient with an established diagnosis of multiple myeloma in whom breast involvement appeared after the completion of the treatment. We underline diagnostic difficulties caused by the lack of clinical and radiological features which allow us to differentiate
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reliable Routes For 100% Caudal Anesthesia in Adults. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Radhashyam Paria |
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: | 10.9790/0853-131143539 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The usefulness of the adult caudal anesthesia is worldwide acceptable in lower limb surgeries. Adult caudal anesthesia through the hiatus provides maximal hemodynamic stability with profound post-operative analgesia, although, anatomical distortion of the sacral hiatus in elderly persons handicapped this technique.
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[5]. Paria R, Surroy S, Majumder M, Paria B, Sengupta S, Paria A. Sacral Epidural Anesthesia IOSR- JDMS 2014; 13(5) 10-11.
[6]. Tsui, B.C., Tarkkila, P., Gupta, S., Kearney, R. Confirmation of caudal needle placement by nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 91: 374; 1999.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Combined Sacral Spinal Epidural Anesthesia. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Radhashyam Paria |
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: | 10.9790/0853-131144043 ![]() |
Abstract: The use of spinal and epidural anesthesia joint together in the subarachnoid and epidural spaces respectively offers an excellent combination of both with the dramatic reduction of their disadvantages. The beneficial effects of both blocks represent the rapid onset and prolongation of anesthesia with profound analgesia both in intra-operative and postoperative period.
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[2]. Mcleod GA, Dell K, Smith C, Wildsmith J.A.W. Measuring the quality of epidural block for abdominal surgery. Br J Anesth 2006; 96:633-9.
[3]. Paria R, Surroy S, Majumder M, Paria A, Paria B, Das G. Sacral spinal anesthesia. Indian J Anesth. 2014; 58(1) : 80-2
[4]. Paria R, Surroy S, Majumder M, Paria B, Sengupta S, Paria A. Sacral Saddle Block IOSR-JDMS 2014; 13(4) 39-40.
[5]. Paria R, Surroy S, Majumder M, Paria B, Sengupta S, Paria A. Sacral Epidural Anesthesia IOSR-JD MS 2014; 13(5) 10-11.
[6]. Tsui, B.C., Tarkkila, P., Gupta, S., Kearney, R. Confirmation of caudal needle placement using nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology 1999. 91: 374;
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Abstract: Tuberculosis [TB] usually has prolonged course and not identified before it becomes a full blown disease. TB scaphoid is very rare accounting for less than 1% of all musculo skeletal TB.Scaphoid has a precarious vascularity in which the proximal pole receives the blood supply from the distal pole through the waist of scaphoid which is the narrowest and weakest part of scaphoid; hence fracture is very commonly suspected and most commonly occurs in waist causing proximal pole prone for avascular necrosis and bone resorption. TB scaphoid has been commonly reported due to dog bite or IV canulation12 but not otherwise.
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Abstract: There is some "grey zone" in thyroid cytology where the diagnostic efficacy declines sharply rendering it difficult to categorize the lesions resulting in discrepancy. So, a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the accuracy of FNAC in diagnosis of thyroid swelling and to assess the correlation between preoperative cytological diagnosis and post operative histopathological diagnosis. It was observed that FNAC is reliable, safe and accurate method as a first line of evaluation in thyroid swelling before the surgery. FNAC is more sensitive in detecting thyroid gland malignancy and therefore histopathological analysis still remains essential for final diagnosis. Key words: Thyroid swelling, FNAC, Histopathology
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Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem in Pakistan. The World Health Organization has recently endorsed the Gene Xpert MTB/RIF assay for rapid detection of smear negative and multidrug resistance tuberculosis. A total of 100 extra pulmonary samples were processed, which included 60 pus, 19 pleural fluids, 16 ascetic fluids and 5 CSF. Out of these 37% patients were Gene Xpert MTB/RIF Assay positive, 17% were LJ culture positive and 12 % were Zn smear positive. MTB was detected in 31 out of 60 (51.7%) Pus samples, 3 out of 19 (15.8%) Pleural fluid samples, 1 out of 16 (6.3%) Ascitic fluid samples and 2 out of 5 (40.0%) were CSF samples.
[1]. WHO global tuberculosis report Geneva. Euro surveillance 2013; 18(43): 20615.
[2]. Giri PK, Khuller GK. Is Intranasal Vaccination a Feasible Solution for Tuberculosis? Expert Rev Vaccines 7, 2008, 1341-1356.
[3]. Doris Hillemann et al, Rapid Molecular Detection of Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis by the Automated Gene Xpert MTB/RIF System. 4, 2011, 1202–1205.
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[5]. Rie VA, Page Shipp L, Scott L, Sanne I, Stevens W. Expert Review Molecular Diagnosis 10, 2010, 937-946.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Gingival Tissue Biotype in Periodontal Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Chandulal Dhalkari, Pallav Ganatra |
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: | 10.9790/0853-131145457 ![]() |
Abstract: Surgical outcome is largely dependent on the anatomy of the involved area. Gingival architecture whether thin or thick has an influence on the disease progression as well as treatment outcome. This important and yet often neglected anatomical factor needs an emphasizedduring treatment planning as they respond differently to different periodontal and restorative procedures.
Keywords: gingival biotype, treatment outcome, periodontal therapy.
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Abstract: The suicide rates are on a rise in the recent days. The reasons vary from place to place, prevalent social customs and traditions, degree of poverty, urbanization and, gender of the individual. All these factor in varying degree, along with the personality or temperament of the individual results in the outcome-the behaviour. With this background, this study is being undertaken to know the operative factors prevalent in children/adolescents seen at our Institute for attempting suicide.
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Abstract: This research was carried out to assess Diode Laser(DL)therapeutic effects on chronic periodontitis, by reducing pockets depth and minimizing Microbial Counts (MCs). Patients(Pts)under study were 50Pts, they had chronic pockets periodontitis of more than 5mm depth, were divided into 35Pts study group(SG) and 15Pts control group(CG). All Pts were subjected to scaling, SG received DL therapy, CG received same treatment but instead of DL therapy irrigation with normal saline. The operation period (10weeks) were divided into: phase1 (baseline) at 1st week, phase2 (treatment sessions) at 2nd, 4th, and 6th week, and phase3 (follow up) at 10th week. Clinical parameters evaluation and MCs were detected during the operation period. Index of Bleeding on Probing (BOP) had been improved greatly in SG as 96.9%, while CG 20.5%. Plaque Index (PI), and Pocket Depths (PD), were more reduced in SG than CG. Colony Forming Units/ml (CFUs/ml) were reduced with DL therapy which revealed (400, 320, 250, 170 and 90) and (410, 350, 300, 260 and 190) for SG and CG respectively, that were confirmed SG were significantly better than CG. DL irradiation revealed anti-microbial effect and reduction of inflammation in periodontal pockets, also, combination with scaling, supports healing of periodontal pockets through microbial eliminating.
[1]. Akoi, M., 2008. Current status of clinical laser applications in periodontal therapy, General Dentistry, PP: 674-687.
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[5]. Fontana, K., 2004. Microbial reduction in periodontal pockets under exposition of a medium power diode laser: an experimental study in rats, Lasers Surg. Med., 35(4):263-268.
[6]. Andreanna, A., 2004. The use of diode lasers in periodontal therapy, Dentistry Today, November, 24: 11-21.
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Abstract: Preparations of the extract of Euphorbia heterophylla are used for the treatment of different infections by Nigerian traditional medicine practitioners. This work evaluated the antibacterial actions of aqueous leaf extract of Euphorbia heterophylla.Materials and methods: Clinical isolates of Klebsiellapneumonia, Staphyllococcusaureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were incubated in agar plates after serial dilutions (100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, and 3.16 mg/ml) of the extract were added in wells made in the agar and incubated at 37°C. After 24 hours, zones of inhibition (in mm) around the wells were measured.
[1]. P.C. Unekwe, P.O. Ughachukwu, and J.O. Ogamba, Some pharmacological studies of aqueous extract of leaves of Euphorbia heterophylla. Tropical Journal of Medical Research, 10(2), 2006, 1-5.
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[5]. A.K. Dutta, P.S. Gope, S. Makhnoon, M.S. Rahman, M.A. Siddiquee, and Y. Rabir, Effect of solvent extraction on phenolic content, antioxidant, and α-amylase inhibition activities of Swertiachirata. Int J Drug Dev& Res, 4(4), 2012, 317-325.
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Abstract: Background: Female genital mutilation, has received growing attention from governmental, international organizations and researchers over the last decades due to its impact on women's health. Objectives: To estimate; the prevalence, some socio-demographic determinants and post-practice complication associated with FGM among secondary school girls in El-Mansoura Center, El-Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt Subjects & Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted during the year 2013. Total number of girls included in the study were 721 (369 from urban areas and 352 from the rural areas), with mean age of 16.29±1.53 years. The questionnaire was filled by the participants themselves over a period of one month (through February 2013).
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