Version-2 (May-2014)
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Key words: Dermatoglyphics,Young individuals,Whorl pattern, Ulnar loops,Study
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Patient Satisfaction in a Tertiary care Teaching Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr M V Rao , Dr DayakarThota , Dr P Srinivas |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13520413 ![]() |
Abstract: Patient Satisfaction is fulfilment or meeting of expectation of a person from a service or product .It is the evaluation of the hospital services in patient care, from the patient's perspective, based on his/her expectations. Assessment of patient satisfaction levels has become vital to every health care institution in order to deliver quality care as well as to sustain in the competitive industry. As a part of continuous quality improvement process, a survey has been conducted, in a tertiary care teaching hospital, to measure the levels of satisfaction, in objective ratings as well as subjective evaluation of care rendered by the hospital, in patients attending its Out Patient department. .The methodology of measurement was serving, to a sample of patients; a questionnaire, designed and structured on identified dimensions based on the literature, and obtaining their written response to it on a three point scale. At the end of the survey all the responses were analysed, dimension wise which showed that, while the staff behaviour, promptness of services, interactions with doctor have satisfied most people, services of pharmacy, waiting time issues did not meet their expectations adequately. Overall Impression of Hospital Services was rated as good by most of surveyed patients. Responses to open ended questions eliciting suggestions for improvement showed that areas such as pharmacy, laboratory and waiting time issuesneeded interventions
. Key words: Patient satisfaction, Experience, Expectation, Quality of care, Patient Centred Health Care
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Key words: Deviated nasal septum, septoplasty, endoscopic septoplasty.
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Key-words: Paediatric patient, Post operative analgesia, Caudal block, Bupivacaine and Clonidine
[2]. Aruna Parameswari, Anand M Dhev and Mahesh Vakamudi. Efficacy of clonidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine for caudal analgesia in children undergoing sub-umbilical surgery. Indian J Anaesth 2010; Sept-Oct 54(5):458-63.
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Key words: Prevalence, Strabismus, Children, refractive error
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Overview of Dry Socket and Its Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Preetha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13523235 ![]() |
Abstract: Dry socket is one of the common complication after the removal of third molars. It occurs due to disruption of the clot within the socket. This article gives a brief overview about the clinical features, etiopathogenesis and the management of dry socket.
Key words: alveolar osteitis , fibrinolysis , management
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Abstract: Idiopathic hemifacial atrophy also known as Parry-Romberg syndrome (PRS) is a rare neurocutaneous syndrome. It is characterized by slowly progressive atrophy of one side of the face, usually involving the skin, fat and connective tissue. A rare case of Parry-Romberg syndrome in a 30 year-old female is presented because of its rarity. The diagnosis of Parry-Romberg syndrome as established mainly based on the clinical findings. Not much is reported about the efficacy of agents used in the treatment of this syndrome in the literature making treatment decisions very difficult.
Keywords: Hemifacial atrophy, Parry-Romberg syndrome(PRS),Trigeminal Neuralgia.
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Abstract: The effects of Hevea bransiliensis natural rubber on kidney free and total cholesterol concentration of experimental rats were analyzed. Forty albinos wister rats of either sex weighing 140-450g were used. The rats were divided into five equal groups marked A, B, C, D and E of eight rats each, and each group was fed on different dietary regime A, B, C, D and E respectively as indicated in tables 1 and 2. Diet A, (the control) had no rubber seed oil in the diet, whereas diets B, C, D and E (the experimental) had 2% refined rubber seed oil, 2% crude rubber seed oil, 4% refined rubber seed oil and 4% crude rubber seed oil by weight incorporated respectively. The results showed that the increase in mean kidney total cholesterol level was greater in group B (2% refined rubber seed oil incorporated diet) followed with groups A (control), C (2% crude rubber seed oil), E ( 4% crude rubber seed oil) and D (4% refined rubber seed oil) incorporated diets for the corresponding weeks. The results also showed an increase in kidney free cholesterol level throughout the period of experiment. It was observed that the increase in mean kidney free cholesterol level was greater in groups E and C (4% and 2% crude rubber seed oil incorporated diets) than group A control, B (2% refined seed oil incorporated diets) and D (4% refined rubber seed oil) for the corresponding weeks. Group D animals showed very little increase in mean kidney free cholesterol level as indicated in Table 4.
Keywords: Hevea bransiliensis, Natural rubber, Kidney and Cholesterol.
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Abstract: Water-soluble extracts from 12 traditional Iraqi medicinal plants and herbs were investigated for their abilities to scavenge the free radicals and to inhibit the activity of the bacterial enzyme, β-glucuronidase. The extracts were determined for the total flavonoid content by using aluminum chloride colorimetric assay. The phytochemical analysis revealed that the total flavonoid content (TFC) of the aqueous extracts were in the range of 0.9-48.2 mg catechin equivalent (CA)/g dry weight (DW). DPPH-radical scavenging activity ranged from 3.4% to 80.7% with the highest activity being found in extracts prepared from Mentha piperita, while extracts from Citrulus colocynthis showed the lowest activity. In line with the variations observed in the DPPH activity, the inhibitory effect of the aqueous extracts against bacterial β-glucuronidase enzyme was also the highest in M. piperita (88.9%), while extracts from Citrulus colocynthis showed the lowest activity (14.6%). The IC50 values of the tested medicinal plants and herbs against β-glucuronidase enzyme occurred at concentrations of 0.14-3.0 mg/ml. Both DPPH-radical scavenging capacities and inhibitory effects against β-glucuronidase showed positive correlation with the TFC (R2 = 0.4416 and 0.4653, respectively). In conclusion, our results may provide novel and useful information regarding the inhibition of microbial β-glucuronidase activity, preventing deglucuronidation and reducing possible cancer risk by crude extract from selected Iraqi medicinal plants and herbs.
Keywords: Iraqi medicinal plants; total flavonoid content; free-radical scavenging activity; bacterial β-glucuronidase enzyme
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Abstract: Cleft Lip and/or Palate (CL±P) is the most common congenital malformation of the face and its pattern varies with geography worldwide. Pattern and magnitude remains uncertain due to very few studies. This study has been conducted to study the epidemiological profile of CL±P patients attending a Tertiary Care Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Karnataka, India. This study includes 2453 CL±P Patients registered from 2007-2012 in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of this Hospital & Medical Research Centre. Data were collected from January to September 2013. Variables like age, sex, socioeconomic status, cleft pattern, birth order and consanguinity were noted. Associations of clefts with different variables were studied using Chi-square test. Among all cleft cases, 55.7% were males and 44.3% were females. Age of patients at presentation ranged from 1 day to 71 years with a median age of 2 years. Cleft Lip, Cleft Lip-Palate, Cleft Palate and rare clefts were noted in 21.7%, 61.1%, 16% and 1.1% cases, respectively. Family history was present in 1.3% cases. Consanguineous marriage was noted in 48.9% parents. 54.6% had income of less than Rs 5000 per month. 77% cases were first and second born child. Prevalence of CL±P was significantly higher in children of consanguineous parents (p<0.0001).
Key Words: Cleft Lip, Cleft Lip-Palate, Cleft Palate, Consanguineous marriage, Epidemiological Profile
[2]. Redett RJ. A guide to understanding Cleft Lip and palate Dallas, Texas: Children's craniofacial association 2009.
[3]. Dvivedi J, Dvivedi S. A clinical and demographic profile of the cleft lip and palate in Sub-Himalayan India: A hospital-based study. Indian J Plast Surgery, 45(1), 2012, 115–20.
[4]. Reddy SG, Reddy RR, Bronkhorst EM, Prasad R, Ettema AM, et al. Incidence of cleft lip and palate in the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. Indian journal of plastic surgery, 43(2), 2010, 184-89.
[5]. Khan M, Ullah H, Naz S, et al. Patterns of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate in Northern Pakistan. Arch Clin Exp Surgery, 1(2), 2012, 63-70.
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Abstract: This review examin the trend toward greater rates of myopia as well as possible reasons for this increase rate in children. A lots of basic factors are responsible for myopia progress in children. An attempt to control childhood myopia progression have included various type of spectacles correction and contact lence use. Historical evidence indicates that corneal reshaping contact lenses may slow myopia progression in children. Like these there are various other factors which are responsible for myopia progression, like – genetic defect, axial length ,food habit ,sex ,race, hobbies.
Keywords: Children ,corneal reshaping , genetic ,axial length.
[2]. Beuerman RW, Saw S-M, Tan DTH, Wong T-Y: Myopia: Animal Models to Clinical Trials. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 2010:345–346. Interventions for Myopia
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Abstract: Background: The prevalence of the work –related musculoskeletal disorders among the dentist is high. Ill health retirement adds on the burden to the health care delivery system. Numerous studies have been conducted to assess the work related disorders but limited data is available on the knowledge, attitude and behavior during dental health care among the Indian dentist.
Materials and Methods: The questionnaire survey was carried out among 55 Indian dentists aged between 24 to 46 years, from Dhule, India. The questionnaire related to knowledge, attitude and behavior related to ergonomic practices in the dental office. Data were statistically analyzed applying chi-square test (p<0.05) Results: The total sample consists of 40 males and 15 females. Out of total 55, 44% are MDS and 56% are BDS graduates. There is a significant difference between knowledge ,attitude and behavior among dentist (p<0.05).Around 53% dentist worked for 6-8 hours and 45.4% adopted sitting posture and 43.6% adopted the combination of sitting and standing position. The main work related musculoskeletal disorder symptoms included pain in Back, Neck and shoulder region Conclusion: MDS graduates had better knowledge, attitude than BDS graduates towards dental ergonomics. Increase in knowledge and attitude didn't result in the desired behavior. Female MDS had adopted better ergonomic principles. Motivation and encouragement to adopt the dental ergonomics helps to prevent the work related musculoskeletal disorders.
[2]. Castro SL,Figlioli MD.Ergonomics applied to dentistry: evaluation of posture and work positions of the dentist and the assistant handed dentistry in restorative procedures.JBC J Bras Clin Estet Odontol 1999;3: 56-62
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[4]. Ratzon N,Yaros M,Mizlik A,Kanner T.Musculoskeletal symptoms among dentists in relation to work posture. Work 2000;15:153-8
[5]. Hayes M,Crockrell D,Smith DR.A Systematic review of musculoskeletal disorders among dental professionals.Int J dent Hug 2009;7:159-65
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Abstract: The management of a nonvital tooth with open apex consists of either the induction of a natural barrier or the creation of a artificial apical barrier. Since the conventional apexification using calcium hydroxide has certain drawbacks recent approach is to form an artificial apical plug. In addition to the current gold standard, MTA, a large number of novel materials have been studied for the purpose. This article describes the successful management of a traumatized and necrotic permanent maxillary central incisor with an open apex using artificial apical barrier technique with a novel material, Biodentine
Key words: Artificial apical plug, Biodentine, One visit apexification
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