Version-7 (March-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Blunt Trauma Chest: A Study on Clinical Pattern |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr B Anil Kumar || Dr G Raghuveer Chakravarthy || Dr A Bharath |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1603070107 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Chest injuries constitute a continuing challenge to the trauma or general surgeon practicing in a developing country. This study reviews the pattern and management of these injuries mainly by general surgeons. Methods: A cross sectional study of 200 patients attending to emergency room in Tertiary care teaching Hospital with chest injuries between January 2013 and December 2016. Results: Over 3 years period, 200 patients with various forms of chest injuries were managed among them Males were commonly affected than female with 4.5 : 1 ratio, Maximum incidence in age group 41-60 years with 66%. Mean age 44.78 years, Mean Hospital stay 10.78 days..........
Key words:- Chest trauma, Pattern, MVA, Thoracostomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Unreamed nailing for long bone fractures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr G. Vara Prasad M.S || Dr P.Anil Babu M.S |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1603070810 ![]() |
Abstract: Reaming of a long bone has been incriminated in intra operative and post operative complications due to changes in dynamics of intramedullary blood circulation, enormous increase in pressure while reaming can cause damage to the blood vessels and soft tissues which are vital for fracture union. There are situations which present with pre existing comorbid conditions as well as preexisting trauma in the vicinity of the fracture. when nailing has been opted as treatment choice unreamed nailing will have less complications during perioperative period as well as in the long term.
Keywords: Long bone fracture, perioperative complications, Unreamed nailing
[1]. Deting Xue & Qiang Zheng & Hang Li & Shengjun Qian & Bo Zhang & Zhijun Pan Reamed and unreamed intramedullary nailing
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[4]. Randomized Trial of Reamed and Unreamed Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures By the Study to Prospectively
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Right Ileac Fossa Mass: A Case Series |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kagitha Usha Rani || Dr. R.K.Shastri || Harika Kapu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1603071114 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: A mass in the right iliac fossa is one of the commonest problems encountered in surgical practice, requiring skill to diagnose. A clinical diagnosis is often difficult due to other conditions like obesity and guarding, with the mass being palpable only when the patient is on operating table. Results: In the present study appendicular mass constituted 46%, appendicular abscess 18%, ileocaecal tuberculosis 12%, carcinoma caecum 8%, ovarian tumors 6%, parietal lipoma 4%, and retroperitoneal tumor, parietal abscess and ileocaecal tuberculosis all constituting 2% each. Conclusion: Appendicular lump remains the most common cause for right iliac fossa mass. Ileocaecal tuberculosis is one of the most important differential diagnoses for pain abdomen in rural population.
Keywords: Right iliac fossa, appendicular abscess, tuberculosis
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Abstract: Introduction: Natural products have always been used by the health industries as alternatives to the conventional allopathic formulations for prevention and treatment of various health problems. Flavonoids, present in propolis obtained from honey bees have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory proprieties. Probiotics are food products containing beneficial micro-organisms, which stimulate health promoting flora thus, suppressing the pathologic colonization and disease spread. Objective: To determine and compare the effectiveness of propolis, probiotics and chlorhexidine on Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans..........
Keywords: Caries, Natural products, Oral Microorganisms, Probiotics, Propolis
[1]. Ahuja V, Ahuja A. Apitherapy - A sweet approach to dental diseases. Part II: Propolis. J Academy Adv Dent Res 2011; 2(2): 2-8.
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[5]. Cagetti M G, Mastroberardino S, Milia E, Cocco F, Lingström P, and Campus G. The Use of Probiotic Strains in Caries Prevention: A Systematic Review. Nutrients 2013; 5(7): 2530-50.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Epithelized Free Autograft-A Case Report Series with Different Healing Outcomes |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Dr. Khushboo Goel |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1603071924 ![]() |
Abstract: The gain in gingival soft tissue volume for multifaceted dynamics requires long term stability of gingival margin and interdental papilla height. Four patients presented with Miller's class II and III recession on mandibular incisors. Abundant plaque and calculus, an aberrant frenum and inadequate width of attached gingiva (AG) were localized in the area with complaint of difficulty in cleaning the root surface. Patients underwent epithelized free autograft (Free Gingival Graft) for gain in AG, vestibular deepening and root coverage using direct technique. Healing in 18 months to two years showed creation of thick wide zones of AG with partial root coverage. This provided room for plaque control and halted disease progression.........
Keywords: Autologous, Dental esthetics, Gingiva, Tissue grafts, Transplantation, Wound healing
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Abstract: Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) is a life-threatening demyelinating syndrome. The association of ODS with hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) has been seldom reported. The aim of this study was to show that Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome occurs early in the course of Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic state and the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in ODS secondary to HHS. A 45 year old female with poorly controlled Type2 Diabetes Mellitus came to the emergency room due to loss of consciousness. She had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 3/15 and muscle power was 0/5 in all the limbs and plantar were flexor bilaterally. Blood Glucose levels were 600mg%.........
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Abstract: Pancreatic leak is the potentially lethal complication following pancreatico-duodenectomy. Various techniques for establishing pancreatic enteric continuity are described in the literature. In this study pancreatic- gastrostomy was done by duct to mucosa technique over a stent in 25 consecutive operable cancers of pancreatic head and periampullary region. This study was done at a surgical oncology department in a tertiary care centre by a single surgeon. Most common indication for surgery is periampullary carcinoma. Preoperative internal biliary drainage was done in 12 patients..........
Keywords: pancreatico-gastrostomy, pancreatico-duodenectomy, internal stenting.
[1]. Evidence-based pancreatic head resection for pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. Schäfer M1, Müllhaupt B, Clavien PA. Ann Surg. 2002 Aug; 236(2):137-48.
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Abstract: Chronic sinusitis is one of the commonest causes of patients visit to the otorhinolaryngologist. Surgical clearance of these chronically infected sinuses while maintaining their ventilation and drainage is the treatment of choice. To achieve this goal, there should be some diagnostic modality, which guides us towards exact diagnosis and safe intervention. Over past decade, both CT and nasal endoscopy have been used successfully as diagnostic modality in sinus disease. To perform functional endoscopic sinus surgery effectively and safely, the surgeon must have detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the lateral nasal wall, Para nasal sinuses and surrounding vital structures..........
Keywords:Computed tomography, FESS: Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, PNS: Para Nasal Sinuses, DNE: Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy
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Abstract: Background:-Leprosy(Hansen's disease)is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It is classified into 5 groups based on clinical,bacteriological,immunological and histopathological status of patients(Ridley -Jopling classification).However a great variation has been observed in the interpretation of histopathological examination of skin biopsies and clinical presentation of disease Objectives:-To correlate clinical diagnosis with histopathological diagnosis of leprosy patients in Tertiary care hospital in north India.........
Keywords: Clinical spectrum, Leprosy, Histopathology
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Abstract: Background:The face and nasal dimensions are most important cephalometric parameters describing human morphology. Nose is the most important aesthetic unit of face. There is wide variation in size and shape of nose and face due to ethnic influences. Nasal and Facial Index can be used to into various categories. Method:Prospective study undertaken by the department of Otorhinolaryngology, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Gangtok after taking Institutional Ethical Committee clearance over a period of 1 year in ethnic femalesof Sikkim between the ages of 17-25yrs.........
Keywords: Anthropometry; Nasal Index; Facial Index; Sikkim; Ethnicity
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Abstract: Objectives: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in patients presenting with eclampsia. Methods and Material: This is a prospective study done at Siddhartha Medical College, Government General Hospital, Vijayawada from April 2015 to March 2016. In all patients with eclampsia, maternal outcome was measured in terms of complications like pulmonary edema, hematological disorders, renal failure, cerebral haemorrhage and maternal death. Perinatal outcome was noted in terms of pre-term births, IUGR still births, NICU admissions..........
Keywords: Eclampsia, perinatal, maternal complications.
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Abstract: Post. dislocation injuries are common causes of lateral collateral ligament injury due to high energy trauma. Elbow collateral ligament insufficiency is commonly seen in sports participants involved in over-arm throwing sports. The lateral ligament prevents rotational instability between the distal humerus and the proximal radius and ulna. LCL injury can result in elbow varus instability, supination and flexion affected. Jobe et al first described double-strand reconstruction of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) with use of a free tendon graft that was secured to the lateral epicondyle and the proximal aspect of the radius in a figureeight fashion........
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Abstract: Background: The study was conducted to examine the seroconversion rate for hepatitis B vaccination in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients and the factors which influence the sero conversion rate . Methodology: This is a descriptive study which included 235 patients with CKD (chronic kidney disease) with eGFR < 60ml/min/m2 and they were given 40microgm of Hepatits B vaccine intramuscularly over deltoid at 0,1,2,6 months . Patient characteristics were recorded.Patient response was assessed by measuring antibodies to hepatitis b surface antigen (AntiHBs Ab) six weeks after receiving the 4th dose........
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, hepatitis B vaccine,seroprotection
[1]. Alicja E. Grzegorzewska Hepatitis B vaccination in Chronic kidney disease : Review of evidence in non dialysed patients Hepat
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Abstract: Lupus nephritis is one among the most disabling complications of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) as it significantly increases the mortality and morbidity and relentlessly progress to end stage renal disease if not detected and treated promptly. Atypical presentations are well known in SLE and a subset of patients presents with histological evidence of lupus nephritis without other clinical or serological evidence of SLE. Here in this study we analysed the baseline characteristics of 18 such patients with their outcome. Methodology: 18 patients with biopsy proven non lupus full house nephropathy detected after 2012 were followed up till 2017. Their initial clinical, biochemical and histological characteristics were compared with their outcome.........
Keywords: lupus nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, end stage renal disease, non lupus full house syndrome.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Suture Materials in Caesarean Skin Closure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Priyanka Verma || Dr.Kulsum Ansari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1603077780 ![]() |
Abstract: Comparison of the rate of wound complications, pain, and patient satisfaction based on suture material. Methods: A total of 250 consecutive women undergoing primarycaesarean section with low transverse incision were prospectively included. The primary outcome was wound complication rate including infection, dehiscence, hematoma, and hypertrophic scar formation within a 6-week period after operation. Secondary outcomes were skin closure time, the need for use of additional analgesic agent, pain score on numeric rating scale, cosmetic score, and patient scar satisfaction scale........
[1]. L. Gibbons, J. M. Belizán, J. A. Lauer, A. P. Betrán, M. Merialdi, and F. Althabe, "The global numbers and costs of additionally needed and unnecessary caesarean sections performed per year: overuse as a barrier to universal coverage," World Health Report, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.View at Google Scholar
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[4]. A. D. MacKeen, T. Devaraj, and J. K. Baxter, "Cesarean skin closure preferences: a survey of obstetricians," Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 753–756, 2013. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus
[5]. G. A. Hawker, S. Mian, T. Kendzerska, and M. French, "Measures of adult pain: Visual Analog Scale for Pain (VAS Pain), Numeric Rating Scale for Pain (NRS Pain), McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), Chronic Pain Grade Scale (CPGS), Short Form-36 Bodily Pain Scale (SF-36 BPS), and Measure of Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain (ICOAP)," Arthritis Care and Research, vol. 63, no. 11, pp. S240–S252, 2011. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus
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Abstract: The relationship between infection and asthma is complex. In established asthma, common viral agents, such as rhinovirus, frequently trigger exacerbations, Non tuberculous mycobacterial infection (NTM),Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Chlamydia may account for some phenotypes of persistent asthma.Atypical mycobacteria are the biologically distinct from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium Bovis and Mycobacterium Leprae. They are also referred to as the environmental mycobacteria. Human lung disease most commonly due to MAC ,M.Kansasi (25%).Pulmonary infections are more common in immunocompromised patients and in patients with pre-existing lung disease where there are structural deformity like bronchiectasis , cystic fibrosis ,COPD, Bronchial asthma, Lung Cancer, and silicosis.
Keywords: Refractory asthma, chronic airway inflammation, Non tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM),
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Abstract: Objective: Comparative analysis of hearing preoperatively and postoperatively in patients undergoing cortical mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty. 1.2 Materials And Methods: 25 patients aged 15-50 years with chronic otits media with conductive hearing loss who undergoes elective cortical mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty 1.3 Results: Audiological improvement of around 10-25dB is seen in the study group .The site and size of perforation determines the audiological improvement.
Keywords: Tympanoplasty, chronic otitis media, pure tone audiometry
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Abstract: Essential hypertension may lead to severe complication and causes the problems like cardiovascular risk in humans. Increased level of serum cholesterol, TAG, has been observed in patients with hypertension. This study intends to know the levels of oxidative stress, antioxidant status and hsCRP levels in essential hypertensive patients. Totally 160 subjects between 35–55 years age group were included in the study.115 healthy subjects were considered as Essential Hypertension with blood pressure 140/90mmHg and 45 as healthy controls. Patients with secondary hypertension, past history of stroke, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and diabetes mellitus were excluded........
Keywords: Hypertension, lipid profile, oxidative stress, total antioxidant status
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Abstract: Hemifacial hyperptrophy is a rare congenital malformation characterized by unilateral excess development of hard and soft tissues of the face. Hemifacial Hypertrophy (HFH) is usually evident at birth and accentuates during puberty. It stabilizes once growth ceases. Asymmetry is a law of nature but when it exceeds a certain limit it is disfiguring to facial aesthetic. Hemihypertrophy is one such condition where there is marked asymmetry of entire half of body or face which causes marked facial deformity which leaves a major impact on childs psychology. There are very few cases reported in the literature...........
Keywords: Asymmetry, Hypertrophy
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Abstract: Paradentalcyst(PC) is an "inflammatory cyst arising on the lateral aspect of a vital tooth as a result of an inflammatory process in the periodontal pocket". Its prevalence varies from 1 to 5% in all
odontogeniccysts,which accounts for its inclusion in the group of rare lesions. The most common site being
distal &buccal aspect of partially or fully erupted mandibular 3rd molars, the present paper mentions a case of unusual occurrence of PC on the mesial aspect of an unerupted mandibular third molar with emphasis on its
Keywords: Inflammatory,Mesial aspect ,Odontogenic cyst, Paradental cyst , Third molar
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Abstract: Costal cartilage calcification progresses with age and shows differences in sexual preponderance. Studies have been done on these parameters. But, few studies have been done encompassing both age, sex and effect of calcification on chest expansion. Aims: 1. To study the incidence of costal cartilage calcification in different age groups in both sexes. 2. To evaluate the effect of costal cartilage calcification on chest expansion in the same population. Materials and methods: Data was analyzed using Chi-Square test with yate's correction in IBM SSPS statistics 24 and MS excel.........
Keywords costal cartilage calcification, chest expansion
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Abstract: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancer worldwide that causes death and in Egypt the burden of HCC is increasing. Prognosis depends on tumor stage. Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) play an important role in cancer risk. IGF-II is a polypeptide involved in the proliferation and differentiation of normal, transformed and malignant hepatocyte. It is anticipated that HCC may produce IGFII, and serum IGF-II level may increase in patients with HCC so can be used as a serological test for the diagnosis of HCC.........
Keywords:Hepatocellular Carcinoma, IGF-II and Alpha fetoprotein.
[1]. Dai, L.; Ren, P.; Liu, M.; Imai, H.; Tan, E.M. et al. Using immunomic approach to enhance tumor-associated autoantibody
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Abstract: Background:Malaria is an infection caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium, and transmitted by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Many studies reported an association between malaria and parasitic density with a different ABO blood group, but with contradictory results. Objective:The purpose of this study was to determine the association between ABO blood groups and Malaria parasiticinfection. Methods:Two hundred and six samples from Sudanese population were included in this study (103 of them were Malaria patients and the other 103 were healthy controls), all of them were evaluated to determine the ABO blood groups. The blood group of the study participants was determined by direct ABO method........
Keywords:Malaria, ABO Blood Group, Sudan
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of orofacial dysfunctions in a sample of Bulgarian kindergarten children with primary dentition. 471 girls and boys participated in this observational cross-sectional epidemiological study. The presence of non-nutrive sucking behaviors, open mouth posture, nasal breathing impairment, swallowing pattern and symptoms of speech disorders were assessed and analyzed. 31% of the examined children have a harmful sucking habit. An open mouth posture was observed in 46.1% of all children, while impaired nasal breathing was assessed in 19.6% of the subjects. Infantile swallowing was preserved in 37% of all participants and 4.2% of the children were registered with symptom of speech disorders.......
Keywords: orofacial dysfunctions, prevalence, primary dentition
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Abstract: Periodontist's Role In Forensic Odontology : Society is faced with various challenges in every step. Despite leaps in modern technology, medical breakthroughs and the geographical changes that the last century has brought, there has not been substantial literature dedicated towards the upcoming branch in medical sciences viz., forensic medicine. This article highlights the importance of Forensic Odontology and reviews the role of the periodontist in the same. Through the specialty of Forensic Odontology, dentistry plays a small but significant role in this process. By identifying the victims of crime and disaster through dental records,........
Keywords: Forensic odontology, Post mortem, Ante mortem, Gingiva, Periodontist
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Abstract: Allergic rhinitis is commonly found in Kashmir. Prophylactic Fexofenadine shows more promising activity with mild side effects at proper dosage schedule. 10 cases of Allergic Rhinitis were studied during a period from Jan 2013 to July 2015.Clinical symptomatology of Allergic rhinitis are described as recurrent ,episodic profuse mucoid nasal discharge, excessive sneezing and nasal obstruction. The associated symptoms being itching and burning sensation of conjunctiva, nasal mucosa and Oropharynx and the aggravation of the symptoms coincident with the pollination. The prophylactic treatment with Fexofenadine 120 mg once daily for 3 weeks with 1 week drug wash-out interval in a month has proven very effective in preventing the acute attack of allergic rhinitis. The drug has been tried for such a prolonged time and is virtually free of side effects and toxicity (clinically) on such dosage...............
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