Version-3 (December-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dual Glory in Regenerative Endodontics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Reshma Achu JosephBDS || Dr. Preethee Thomas MDS |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1712030106 ![]() |
Abstract: Traditionally, apexification has been the mode of treatment for immature permanent teeth that have lost pulp vitality. Since tissue engineering cannot be attained with apexification, a novel technique called regenerative endodontic was developed. Regenerative endodontic has been proposed to replace damaged and underdeveloped tooth structure with normal pulp- dentine tissue by providing a natural ECM mimicking environment, stem cells signaling molecules and scaffolds. In addition, clinical success of regenerative endodontic treatment can be evidenced by absence of signs and symptoms, no bony pathology, a disinfected pulp and maturation of root dentine in length and thickness. The construction of biomimetic microenvironment of pulp dentine- tissueis a key component of tissue engineering based regenerative endodontic. The biomimetic microenvironment are composed of synthetic nano scaled polymeric fiber structure that mimics native pulp extracellular matrix and functions as a scaffold............
[1]. Ramta Bansal1, Aditya Jain, Sunandanmittal3, Tarun Kumar4, Dilpreet Kaur5 ; Regenerative Endodontics : A Road Less Travelled; Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research. 2014 Oct, Vol-8(10):
[2]. Rico Short, Dmd ;Regenerative Endodontics Clinical Review And Case Reportsjune 1, 2012 To May 31, 2015
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[4]. Maria T. P. Albuquerque1,2&Julianay. Nagata3 &Anibal R.Diogenes4 &Asma A. Azabi1 & Richard L. Gregory1 & Marco C. Bottino1 ; Clinical Perspective Of Electron Spun Nanofibers.; 17 June 2016 ; Curr Oral Health Rep (2016) 3:209–220 ;
[5]. Galler Km, D'souza Rn, Federlin M, Cavender Ac, Hartgerinkjd, Hecker S, Et Al. ;Dentin Conditioning Code6.Determinanes Cell Fate In Regenerative Endodontics.. J Endod. 2011;37:1536–41.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Recent studies have demonstrated that children experience a similar severity of post operative pain as adults. OBJECTIVE: To study the advantage of tramadol wound infiltration over ropivacaine for post-operative pain relief in children following inguinal herniotomy. METHODS: In this prospective single blinded randomized controlled study, 75 children aged between 1-7 year undergoing elective repair of unilateral inguinal hernia were randomly divided into three groups of 25 each Group A Tramadol wound infiltration with..........
Keywords: Tramadol, Post-operative analgesia, Ropivacaine, herniotomy
[1]. IASP - International Association for the study of pain, pain terms: A list with definitions and notes on usage. Pain 1979; 6:249-52.
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[3]. Machotta A et al. Comparison between instillation of ropivacaine versus caudal analgesia for post-operative analgesia following inguinal herniotomy in children. Peadiatric Anesthesia 2003;13:397-402.
[4]. Tsai YC, Chang PJ et al. Direct tramadol application on sciatic nerve inhibits spinal somatosensory evoked potentials in rats. Anesthesia Analgesia 2001;92:1547-51.
[5]. John B. Cose, et al. Oral tramadol for the treatment of pain of 7-30 days Duration in children. Anesthesia Analgesia 2003;96:78-81.
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Abstract: Appendicitis is one of the commonest causes of abdominal pain requiring emergency surgery. Often, it is difficult to reach a proper diagnosis. There may not be classical symptoms and signs of appendicitis. Different clinical signs and symptoms always mimic the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, as there are a number of causes leading to pain in right iliac fossa particularly in female patients. Diagnosing acute appendicitis clinically still remains a common surgical problem. Accurate diagnosis can be aided by additional testing or expectant management or both. These might delay laparotomy and lead to appendiceal perforation with increased morbidity and hospital stay [1-3]. A safe alternative seems to be appendectomy as soon as the condition is suspected, a strategy that increases......... .
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Abstract: Mineral trioxide aggregate is a versatile material with numerous clinical applications such as a root end filling material, in cases of pulp capping, pulpotomy, apexification, apexogenesis, etc due to its inherent superior properties like the biocompatibility and sealing ability. Perforation of the furcation area is an untoward incident that may occur during root canal treatment. Poor prognosis of furcal perforations may be attributed to the bacterial leakage or lack of biocompatibility of repair materials. Based on the recent studies conducted on the physical and biologic properties of MTA, this material may be considered suitable for sealing the communication between the pulp chamber and the underlying periodontal tissue. The current article describes the clinical management of a furcal perforation with MTA, highlighting the long term clinical success exhibited by the material..
Keywords: Furcal Perforation, MTA.
[1]. Torabinejad M, Chivian N. Clinical applications of mineral trioxide aggregate. Journal of endodontics. 1999 Mar 1;25(3):197-205.
[2]. Malhotra N, Agarwal A, Mala K. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a review of physical properties. Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, NJ: 1995). 2013 Feb;34(2):e25-32.
[3]. Macwan C, Deshpande A. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in dentistry: A review of literature. Journal of Oral Research and Review. 2014 Jul 1;6(2):71.
[4]. Ree MH, Schwartz RS. Long-term Success of Nonvital, Immature Permanent Incisors Treated With a Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Plug and Adhesive Restorations: A Case Series from a Private Endodontic Practice. Journal of endodontics. 2017 Aug 1;43(8):1370-7.
[5]. Clauder T, SHIN SJ. Repair of perforations with MTA: clinical applications and mechanisms of action. Endodontic Topics. 2006 Nov;15(1):32-55...
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Abstract: The Institute of Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and the Joint Commission (JC) are some of the organizations providing the guidelines concerning the use of high alert medications. According to ISMP, high alert medications are responsible for most of the adverse drug events in the intensive care units. High alert medications are characterized with a narrow therapeutic window, causing blood concentration-dependent critical therapeutic failures or adverse drug events. The top five High Alert Medications that cause adverse events include anticoagulants, sedatives, insulin, opioids, and injectable potassium chloride concentrate. The.........
Keywords: High alert medications, high risk medications, adverse drug events, injections, intensive care unit.
[1]. Federico F. Preventing harm from high-alert medications.The joint commission journal on quality and patient safety 2007 Sep;33(9):537-42.
[2]. Institute for Safe Medication practices list of high alert medications, 2018 Aug 23. [3]. Jane H. Barnsteiner. Patient Safety and Quality: Medication Reconciliation An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses,2008;459-472.
[4]. Nagah Abd El-Fattah, Mohamed Aly1 Tamer A, Maher Ghoneim, Osama Saeed Hassan. Role of Head Nurses in Managing the Safety of High Alert Medications in Critical Care Units. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2016;6(8):80.
[5]. High-Alert Medications and Patient Safety. Joint Commission,1999 Nov 19; 11:1 -3..
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Abstract: The etiology of prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM) is unknown in majority of cases though bacterial infection, cervical incompetence, hypertensive disease, recent coitus, malpresentation, antepartum hemorrhage (APH), malnutrition are recognized causes of PROM. A study was conducted in our institution Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospital, Bankura, West Bengal, India for six months during April to September in 2018, where 478 cases presented with PROM. Spontaneous rupture of membranes after 28 weeks of gestation before the onset of labor is called PROM. When it occurs before 37 completed weeks of gestation it is called preterm PROM (pPROM). The term PROM cases were induced after waiting for 24 hours for a spontaneous onset of labor. The preterm population were divided in three groups and were given treatment as; Group A: with beta-mimetic, antibiotic, steroid, iron and folic acid (IFA); Group B: With steroid, antibiotic, natural progesterone............
Keywords: PROM, pPROM, Apgar score, neonatal resuscitation, neonatal mortality
[1]. DC Dutta. Textbook of Obstetrics. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P) Ltd.8th edition, Page 369.
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[5]. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology; Indian Edition, Prevention of Preterm Birth, by Paul J. Meis, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, April 2005/volume1/Number2; p.203-09..
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Abstract: Introduction: Hanging and strangulation are amongst the commonest modes of violent asphyxial deaths. Usuallydeaths from hanging are suicidal and those from strangulation are homicidal in nature.Methods: During thisretrospective study offive-year period, 3264 cases were autopsied. Among them,the cases of hanging and strangulation were 3.86%. Observations: Numberof cases of hanging was 96 (76.19%), and ligature strangulation was 24 (19.04%). Males constituted81.25% of cases of hanging and 91.66% of ligature strangulation. In the second decade of life, 87.5% cases of deaths due to hanging occurred while 71.42% casesof strangulation were reported in third decade of life. Maximum cases of deaths due to hanging were reported in morning (29.17%)...........
Keywords: Hanging, strangulation, asphyxia, death, constriction, neck.
[1]. Azmak D. Asphyxial deaths: a retrospective study and review of the literature. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2006 Jun;27(2):134–44.
[2]. Shaikh MMM, Chotaliya HJ, Modi AD, Parmar AP, Kalele SD. A Study of Gross Postmortem Findings in Cases of Hanging and Ligature Strangulation. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2013;35(1):63–5.
[3]. Suárez-Peñaranda JM, Alvarez T, Miguéns X, Rodríguez-Calvo MS, de Abajo BL, Cortesão M, et al. Characterization of lesions in hanging deaths. J Forensic Sci. 2008 May;53(3):720–3.
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[5]. Gunnell D, Bennewith O, Hawton K, Simkin S, Kapur N. The epidemiology and prevention of suicide by hanging: a systematic review. Int J Epidemiol. 2005 Apr;34(2):433–42.
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Abstract: Hypertension affects approximately one billion individuals worldwide and this figure is predicted to increase to 1.5 billion by 2025.Hypertension remains the most common, readily identifiable, and reversible risk factor for myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, aortic dissection and peripheral arterial disease. The cardiac effects of systemic hypertension include systolic as well as diastolic dysfunction whereas increase in Left Ventricular mass has been shown to be a predictor of cardiovascular events, Left Atrial size is associated with likely hood of developing AF, indicator of diastolic function and in addition it is a predictor of stroke. This was a Cross sectional analytical case control study comprising 119 hypertensive patient conducted in the Department of Medicine...........
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Abstract: Pain is the most common and most distressing effect of disease and surgery. Pain is an un measurable entity and any scheme for its assessment in man must be open to both subjects and observer error. Fast and effective relief of pain is gratifying. Studies over the past fifteen years found that inadequate pain management is common in children (Mc caffery and Hart, 1976). Children receive fewer, less frequent and smaller doses of potent opioid analgesics compared with adults. The reason for this includes overriding concern regarding respiratory depression in children. The drugs used as post operative analgesics should be potent and should not produce side effects such as emesis respiratory depression or addiction when used for long periods. Local infiltration of operative incision sites with local anesthetics, oral administration of opioids, acetaminophen..........
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Abstract: Introduction: Anaemia is one of the most prevalent deficiency disorders in the world affecting all age groups . 1.62 billion people globally suffer from anemia , corresponding to 24.8% of population. Complete blood count is a cheap , commonly used test done for detection of anemias.The various parameters of CBC when analysed in conjunction with other tests can pinpoint the aetiology in most of the cases. Materials & methods : This study was undertaken for a period of 3 years for all the cases advised for evaluation for anaemia at MKCG Medical College, Brahmapur.CBC parameters like HGB,TRBC,PCV,MCV,MCH,MCHC,RDW were used in different combinations to categorise and predict the aetiology of anaemia cases............
Key Words: Anaemia, Complete Blood Count, parameters
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | To repost a case of ocular toxoplasmosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Neelam Kalbande || Dr.Pravin Tidake || Dr.Rohit Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1712036364 ![]() |
Abstract: A 23 year old female, came to ophthalmology OPD, Acharya VinobaBhave Rural Hospital, Sawangi, Wardhawith chief complains of diminution of vision in right eye since 6 months. On examination, right eye visual acuity was counting fingers 3 metres with no improvement with pinhole, left eye visual acuity was 6/6. Slit examination of the anterior segment was normal. Fundus examination revealed single large healed excavated chorioretinal scar, yellow in colour involving the macula, with punched out edges with chorioretinal atrophy with visible choroidal blood vessels suggestive of healed toxoplasmicchorioretinitis.
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[5]. Bosch-Driessen LEH, Berendschot TTJM, Ongkosuwito JV, Rothova A. Ocular toxoplasmosis: clinical features and prognosis of 154 patients. Ophthalmology. 2002 May;109(5):869–78...
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: Based on the radiographic evaluation of the pulp cavity width of the maxillary central incisors the age of the patients belonging to the age group of 14 – 55 years was estimated, those attending the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Patna dental college and hospital, patna-4, based. Materials and Methods: The study group comprised of 120 subjects. Intraoral periapical radiographs of the maxillary central incisors were taken for all subjects, using the conventional paralleling angle technique and the pulp cavity width was measured at the cervical and middle third using a digital vernier caliper. The data obtained was subjected to correlation and regression analysis. Results: A negative linear relationship was......
Keywords: forensic dentistry, maxillary central incisor, pulp cavity, Age determination
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Abstract: Neuropathic itch of the gingiva is seldom seen in clinical situations, and most clinicians, including dental practitioners, do not have a way to deal with this condition. We report a case of neuropathic itch of gingiva that was successfully treated with concomitant pregabalin (50 mg 2×/day) and tramadol hydrochloride/acetaminophen (T/A: 37.5 mg/325 mg 1×/day) formulation. The 57-year-old Japanese female patient visited our hospital due to an itchy sensation of the right lower gingiva. The concomitant pregabalin and T/A formulation remarkably relieved the patient's itch; her score on a visual analogue scale representing itchy intensity was remarkably decreased.......
Keywords - Pregabalin, Tramadol hydrochloride, Acetaminophen, Neuropathic itch, Gingiva.
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Abstract: Salivary gland calculi account for the most common disease of the salivary glands. The majorities of sialoliths occurs in the submandibular gland or its duct and are a common cause of acute and chronic infections. As in our case the patient reported to us after taking all the conservative management but patient could not get relief so we plan for the removal of stone. As the size submandibular gland sialolith was not very big it was removed intraoral with small nick incision by pushing submandibular gland extra orally.
Keywords: Gland, Salivary, sialolith
[1]. Siddiqui SJ. Sialolithiasis: An unusually large submandibular salivary stone. Br Dent J 2002; 193:89-91.
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Abstract: The world population isageing and thisproblemisemerging over the past few years and itisexpected to be a major issue in the near future. The older population isdefined as thosewhoaged over 60 yearsold.This studyaimed to investigate the association betweenselected variables and comorbidityamongelderly population who are residing in health-care facilities in Selangor, Malaysia. The selected variables are gender, educationallevel, body mass index and quality of life.Cross-sectional studywascarried out, involving 141 participants from four health care facilities.The quality of life of the elderlywasmeasuredbased on WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.The prevalence of comorbidityamong the participants were 65.9%. This studyfoundthatelderlywithhigher BMI has an increaserisk of gettingcomorbidity...........
Key words: Dyslipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, BMI.
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