Series-5 (November-2019)November-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction: Uterine fibroid are the commonest benign tumor found in women of reproductive age group. Mostly asymptomatic but some times it causes symptoms like abnormal menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, pressure symptoms, subfertility. Treatment available for fibroid are medical therapy, UAE, MRI guided focused ultrasonography thermal therapy, myomectomy, hysterectomy. Myomectomy is the preferred option for women who wish to retain their reproductive function, although hysterectomy is the most definitive treatment for symptomatic fibroid, when there is no valid reason for myomectomy. Study Design: Retrospective analytical review, where searches where conducted in Pubmed, Medline, Springer, Cochrane Library to identify relevant literature. Aim and objective: The purpose.....
Keywords: Myoma, laparoscopic myomectomy, open myomectomy, lapconversion)
[1]. Lumsden MA. Embolization versus myomectomy versus hysterectomy. Which is best, why? Hum Reprod 2002;17(2):253-9.
[2]. Horng HC, Wen KC, Su WH, Chen CS, Wang PH. Review of myomectomy. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 2012;51(1):7-11.
[3]. Lasmar RB, Xinmei Z, Indman PD, Celeste RK, Di Spiezio Sardo A. Feasibility of a new system of classification of submucous myomas:a multicenter study. Fertil Steril 2011;95:2073-7.
[4]. Evans P, Brunsell S. Uterine fibroid tumours: Diagnosis and treatment. Am Fam Physician 2007;75:1503-8.
[5]. Chen YJ, Wang PH, OcampoEJ, Twu NF, Yen MS, Chao KC. Single port compared with conventional laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy: a randomized control trial. Obs Gyn 2011;119:906-12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Presentation of Foliea Trois with Suicidal Pact |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr vamsi sreenivas MD || DR NARAYANASWAMY MD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1811050506 ![]() |
Abstract: Shared Psychotic Disorder or Induced Delusional Disorder is a mental illness shared by two or more persons usually involving a common delusional system.(1)(2)If it involves two persons it is referred to as Folieadeux and if three persons are involved it is referred to as Folie a trois4. It was first described by Jules Baillarger in 1860 who termed this condition as "folieacommunique‟. (3)Lasegue andFalret coined the term "folieadeux‟ in their classic paper titled "la folieadeux‟ in 1877.(3)(4)Grainick in 1942 in his review, defined it as "the transfer of delusional ideas and/or abnormal behaviour from one person to another or one person to several others, related or unrelated, who have been in close association with the primary affected person".(3)(5) It is relatively rare and.........
Key Words: Foliea trois, Folieadeux, Shared Psychosis
[1]. Lew-Starowicz M. Shared psychotic disorder with sexual delusions. Arch Sex Behav. 2012 Dec;41(6):1515–20.
[2]. Wehmeier PM, Barth N, Remschmidt H. Induced delusional disorder. a review of the concept and an unusual case of folie à famille. Psychopathology. 2003 Feb;36(1):37– 45.
[3]. Srivastava A, Borkar HA. Folie a famille.Indian J Psychiatry. 2010 Jan;52(1):69–70.
[4]. Oatman JG. Folie à deux.Am J Psychiatry. 1942 May 1;98(6):842–5.
[5]. Dippel B, Kemper J, Berger M. Folie à six: a case report on induced psychotic disorder. ActaPsychiatr Scand. 1991;83(2):137–41.
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Abstract: Class III malocclusion or mandibular prognathism has long been viewed as one of the most severe facial deformities. This malocclusion does not appear to be a sex associated trait, since the sex distribution of the probands in some investigations was approximately equal. Neighter was there a significant difference in the sex of affected parents and sublings of probands. The frequency of mandibular prognathism and Class III malocclusion is relatively small in the general population. This report presents a case of 10.5 years old boy with a hypodivergent class III malocclusion combined with impaction of the maxillary cuspids. Treatment had major impacts on self-esteem, masticatory function, speech and facial esthetics.
[1]. Baccetti T, Franchi L, Cameron C, Mc Namara Jr JA. Treatment timing for rapid maxillary expansion. Angle Orthodontist 2001; 71 (3):343-350
[2]. Baccetti T, Reyes CB, Mc Namara Jr JA. Gender differences in class III malocclusion. Angle Orthod 2006; 75, (4):510-520
[3]. Cho HJ, Nguyen T. A classification system of mandibular prognatism. Oral surgery 2008; 1:125-34
[4]. Chang HP, Kinoshita Z, Kawamoto T. Craniofacial pattern of class III deciduous dentition. Angle Orthodontist 1992; 62 (2): 139-44
[5]. De Toffol, Pavoni C, Baccetti T, Franchi L, Cozza P. Orthopedic treatment outcomes in Class III malocclusion. The Angle Orthodontist 2008; 78 (3):561-573.
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Abstract: Background: In-hospital cardiac arrest is the prevalent cause of death among patients in emergency care centers of general hospitals. Return of spontaneous circulation represented the cornerstone in management of cardiac arrest. Aim of study: To estimate the prevalence of in-hospital cardiac arrest patients in emergency medical department of Baghdad Teaching hospital and identification of emergency care outcome of cardiac arrest patients. Patients and methods: The study is a single observational cohort study carried out in Emergency Medical department of Baghdad Teaching Hospital during the period from 1st of October, 2016 to 1st of October, 2017 on sample of 121 patients with cardiac arrest. Return of spontaneous circulation was checked by the researcher through palpable pulse and measurable blood pressure.......
Keywords: Cardiac Arrest , Medical Emergency,spontaneous circulation
[1]. Ocen D, Kalungi S, Ejoku J, Luggya T, Tumukunde J, Kwizera A, et al. Prevalence, outcomes and factors associated with adult in hospital cardiac arrests in a low-income country tertiary hospital: a prospective observational study. BMC Emergency Medicine.2015; 15:23.
[2]. Saghafina M, Motamedi K, Piyaie M, Rafati H, Saghafi A, Jalali A, et al. Survival after in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a major referral center. Saudi J Anaesth 2010; 4(2):68.
[3]. Peberdy MA, Callaway CW, Neumar RW, Geocadin RG, Zimmerman JL, Donnino M, et al. 2010 Anerican Heart AssociationGuidelines for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular care. Circulation 2010; 122:S768– S786.
[4]. Chan PS, Nichol G, Krumbolz HM, Spertus JA, Nallamothu BK. Hospital variation in time to defibrillation after in-hospital cardiac arrest. Arch Intern Med 2009; 169:126–127.
[5]. Boineau R. NHLBI-related activities on the treatment of cardiac arrest: Current status and future directions. Presented at the third meeting of the IOM's Committee on Treatment of Cardiac Arrest: Current Status and Future Directions, Washington, DC 2014.
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Abstract:Background: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is the gold standard surgical procedure for gall stone disease. Chylous leak following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is an infrequent complication. There are to our knowledge only 5 reported cases of post laparoscopic cholecystectomy chylous leak and 1 reported case of post open cholecystectomy chylous leakage. Case Report:
We present a 60-year-old woman with a history of Acute calculous cholecystitis 6 weeks prior. She was electively admitted for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, and the procedure was done with some difficulty due to adhesions. A closed, non-suction drain was placed intraoperatively draining serosanguinous fluid. Two days postoperatively the draining.....
Keywords: Chyle leak, Post laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Lap cholecystectomy complications
[1]. Cheung CC, Kelly ME, Tayeb OE, Torregianni WC, Ridgway PF. Chylous ascites post open cholecystectomy after severe pancreatitis. J Pancreas 2012;13:278–81.
[2]. Jensen EH, Weiss III CA. Management of chylous ascites after laparoscopic cholecystectomy using minimally invasive techniques: a case report and literature review. Am Surg 2006; 72: 60–3.
[3]. Huang YM, Chen JH, Liu SH, Lin MT. Chyle leakage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute biliary pancreatitis: a case report. Hepatogastroenterology 2009; 56: 39–42.
[4]. Gogalniceanu P, Purkayastha S, Salding D, Zacharakis E: Chyle leak following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a rare complication. Ann R CollSurgEngl 2010 Oct;92(7):W12-4. Epub 2010 Aug 9.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Dentistry involves a procurement of mandatory academic, clinical and interactive assistances throughout the entire phase. It necessitates clinical as well as patient managing assistances enhancing the pressure professed by every students. AIM: A retrospective study was done to detect the stress among the final year [4th year] dental undergraduate students and comparative analysis amongst genders. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire based cross- sectional study was conducted by involving 20 items based on 5-point Likert Scale modified Dental Environmental Stress (DES) questionnaire which was administered to all final year undergraduate dental students of the Institution.....
Keywords: academics, clinical, dental students, stress
[1]. American Psychological Association. Glossary of Psychological Terms. Washington, DC: APA; 2011. Available from: research/action/glossary.aspx. [Last cited on 2014 Oct 15].
[2]. Dyson R, Renk K. Freshmen adaptation to university life: Depressive symptoms, stress, and coping. J Clin Psychol 2006;62:1231‑44.
[3]. Dahan H, Bedos C. A typology of dental students according to their experience of stress: A qualitative study. J Dent Educ 2010;74:95‑103.
[4]. Silverstein ST, Kritz-Silverstein DA. A longitudinal study of stress in first-year dental students. J Dent Educ 2010; 74(8): 836-48.
[5]. Gorter R, Freeman R, Murtomaa H, Blinkhorn A, Humphris G. Psychological stress and health in undergraduate dental students: fifth year outcomes compared with first year baseline results from five European dental schools. Eur J Dent Educ 2008; 12: 61-8..
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Abstract: Parry Romberg Syndrome (PRS) is a relatively rare degenerative disorder of unknown etiology. It is characterized by a slow and progressive atrophy of one side of the face and frequently occurs in association with a linear form of localized scleroderma -en coup de sabre. The syndrome will have characteristic skeletal, dental, and soft tissue changes in the affected half of the face with or without neurological signs and symptoms. The exact etiology, and pathophysiology of PRS is not yet identified. Since there is no definitive treatment, management of such cases need prompt multidisciplinary approach, keeping in mind the aesthetics, restoring the masticatory function along with symptomatic treatment of neurological deficit. The present article reports one rare case of 34-year-old female patient with a progressive hemifacial atrophy of left side of the face with en coupe de sabre..
Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography, Facial asymmetry Facial hemi atrophy, localized scleroderma, Migraine with aura.
[1] Regezi JA, Scuibba JJ, Jordan RC. Oral pathology: Clinical pathological correlations. 4th ed. USA: Saunders: Elsevier Science; 2003.
[2] Buonaccorsi S, Leonardi A, Covelli E, Indrizzi E, Perdicchi A, Fini G. Parry Romberg syndrome. J Craniofac Surg 2005 Nov;16(6):1132-5
[3] Kumar AA, Kumar RA, Shantha GP, Aloogopinathan G. Progressive hemi facial atrophy -Parry Romberg syndrome presenting as severe facial pain in a young man: a case report. Cases J 2009 Jul 2;2;6776
[4] Stone J. Parry-Romberg syndrome. Pract Neurol 2006;6:185-188.
[5] Madasamy R, Jayanandan M, Adhavan UR, Gopalakrishnan S, Mahendra L. Parry Romberg syndrome: A case report and discussion. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2012;16(3):406–.
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Abstract: Now a days due to faulty life style & environmental change the Incidence of premenstrual syndrome is increasing in adolescent girls.Adolescent phase is a crucial phase in the reproductive age of female. The chance of Premenstrual syndrome is highest during the adolescent phase. The premenstrual syndrome may have some antigenic relation with ABO blood group.Hence the study is selected to establish the association between ABO Blood groups withpremenstrual syndrome. Written consent of fifty girls students ( 1st MBBS) are taken before study. They are supplied with questionnaires about the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome after knowing their blood groups.Dataare analyzed.A,B,O,Group have variable symptom, But AB blood group is having no symptom. Result encouraging and suggest that,O blood group has significant percent headache & abdominal pain .Further study is required to establish antigenicgenetic relation.
Keywords: premenstrual syndrome,Blood group ABO, adolescent phase, antigenic relation
[1]. Tao P,YY,huang, etal;Risk factors of breast cancer asianwomen; ameta analysis; 20;32;64-69 pub Med
[2]. Reis N,BejiNk; Risk factors for endometrial cancer in Turkish women Result from a hospital basedstudy;Eur J oncoNurs;2009;3;122-127 Pub med
[3]. liuYz,Li j etal;Genome wide copy number variation association analysis for age at menarche cli Endocrinology Metab;2012,97;2133-2139,Pub Med
[4]. Francucci cm,,RomagniP;etal Effect of natural early menopause on bone mineral density;2008;59;323-328 Pub Med
[5]. Taylor kc, smallcm, etal Association of progesterone receptor poly morphism with age at menarche&menstrualcyclelength;Horn Res peedr,2010;74 421-427,Pub med
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Abstract: Pregnancy in women with sickle cell disease is a high-risk condition which is associated with increased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. We present you a case of sickle cell anemia in pregnancy complicated by eclampsia. Sickle cell anemia in pregnancy is not a common entity encountered. In India, according to hospital-based study, average frequency of sickle cell anemia in pregnancy is around 5%. Based on survey in Gujrat in various ethnic groups, prevalence of sickle cell anemia was 1.2% and sickle cell trait was 15.6%[1]. Specific management program and protocols are essential for better outcome of pregnancy in women with sickle cell disease..
Keywords: Sickle cell anemia, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, Pregnancy
[1]. Gayatri Desai, Ankit Anand, Pankaj Shah, Shobha Shah, Kapilkumar Dave, Hardik Bhatt, Shrey Desai, Dhiren Modi. Sickle cell disease and pregnancy outcomes: a study of the community-based hospital in a tribal block of Gujrat, India. J Health PopulNutr. 2017;36:3. Published online 2017 Jan 21.
[2]. Angastiniotis M, Modell B, Englezos P, Boulyjenkou V. Prevention and control of haemoglobinopathies. Bull World Health Organ 1995;73:375-86.
[3]. Serjeant GR. Sickle cell disease. Lancet 1997;350:725-30.
[4]. Dipty Jain, Prachi Atmapoojya, Roshan Coolah, Pooja Lodha. Sicle cell disease and pregnancy. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Sis. 2019; 11(1): e2019040.
[5]. Serjeant GR, Loy LL, Crowther M, Hambleton IR, Thame M. Outcome of pregnancy in homozygous sickle cell disease. ObstetGynecol2004;103:1278-85..
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Abstract: Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is the most frequent histological subtype of thyroid cancer. In a high proportion of patients with PTC at the time of surgery, lymph node metastasis is identified. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is a common cause of cervical lymphadenopathy in Asian countries. (1) A 25-year-old female presented with papillary thyroid carcinoma and was diagnosed to have tuberculous lymphadenitis also. She was subsequently managed for both. The cervical tuberculosis co-existence should be considered in the etiology of an enlarged lymph node for patients with PTC. (2) (3).
Keywords: Papillary thyroid cancer, tuberculous lymphadenitis, thyroid, tuberculosis
[1]. Cantrell RW, Jensen JH, Reid D. Diagnosis and management of tuberculous cervical adenitis. Arch Otolaryngol. 1975;101:53-57.
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Abstract: The average life expectancy of the Indians has been on the increasing side over the years on account of advancement in Medical Treatment &Technology, penetration of better health care facilities, better awareness of IEC activities in health care delivery system, increase in the affordability for better living conditions and because of all these consequences, the percentage of elderly people (above 60 years) has increased and been increasing in reference to their health needs. According to the population census 2011, there are nearly 104 million Geriatric age group population (aged 60 years or above) is present in India with a ratio of 53 million females and 51 million males. A report released by the United Nations Population Fund and Help........
[1]. World Population Ageing 2013. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division Website. Published; 2013. Available from: Ageing 2013.pdf. [Last accessed on 2015 Sep 16].
[2]. Peltzer K, Williams JS, Kowal P, Negin J, Snodgrass JJ, Yawson A, et al. Universal health coverage in emerging economies: Findings on health care utilization by older adults in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and South Africa. Glob Health Action 2014;7:25314.
[3]. Palangkaraya A, Yong J. Population ageing and its implications on aggregate health care demand: Empirical evidence from 22 OECD countries. Int J Health Care Finance Econ 2009;9:391-402
[4]. St John PD, Hogan DB. The relevance of Marjory Warren′s writings today. Gerontologist 2014;54:21-9
[5]. Dotchin CL, Akinyemi RO, Gray WK, Walker RW. Geriatric medicine: Services and training in Africa. Age Ageing 2013;42:124-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: Oxidative stress, through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), has been proposed to be the unifying link between the various molecular disorders underlying the development of insulin resistance, β-cell dysfunction and impaired glucose tolerance leading to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out at the outpatient clinic of Department of Medicine, patients were chosen & all the biochemical studies & investigations were carried out in Department of Biochemistry, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada. Our study group consists of 50 Type 2 Diabetic patient Cases of age ranging from 40-60 yrs. & 50 Controls of the similar age group. The Case & Control subjects were randomly selected with age & sex matched.....
Keywords: Oxidative stress, T2DM, MDA, HbA1c
[1]. S. Qanungo and M. Mukherjea, "Ontogenic profile of some antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in human placental and fetal tissues," Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, vol. 215, no. 1-2, pp. 11-19, 2000.
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Abstract: Fibroadenomas are the most common benign tumor of the breast. Juvenile fibroadenoma is arare tumor constituting 0.4% of all fibroadenomas, presenting at a very young age less than 16 years. Giant fibroadenomas are rapidly growingfibroadenomas of size larger than 5 cm but in other aspects similar to small fibroadenomas – well defined breast lump.(1)......
[1]. Dayal S, Shukla K, Singh A. Giant Juvenile Fibroadenoma of the Breast in a Preadolescent Girl. 2017;
[2]. Kumar S, Dhull AK, Kaur P. Giant Fibroadenoma Mimicking Phylloides Tumor In A Young Female: A Cytological Dilemma.
[3]. Huang I-C, Li P-C, Ding D-C. Recurrent juvenile fibroadenoma of the breast in an adolescent: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(20).
[4]. Yagnik VD. Juvenile giant fibroadenoma. Clin Pract. 2011;1(3).
[5]. Vinay kumar, Abul K. Abbas, Jon C. Aster. Robbins BASIC PATHOLOGY. 9th ed.
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Abstract: Dental fluorosis is a disturbance in the development of enamel caused by excessive fluoride on ameloblasts during the mineralization stage. This disturbance can induce subsurface porosities to varying extents depending on the severity of fluorosis. That is why patients with fluorosis consult dentist mainly for aesthetic reasons. Depending on the fluoride levels, the therapeutic options are multiple and vary according to their invasiveness from bleaching, microabrasion, veneering or crowning in the most severe levels with high surface enamel loss.Thus, the dentist should make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most appropriate therapy for the patient. Porcelain veneers can offer an excellent option to improve the smile aesthetics for patient with fluorosis.The purpose of this article is to report a case that shows the interest of porcelain veneers to manage successfully the aesthetics of moderate to severe fluorosed teeth.
Keywords: Dental fluorosis, discoloration, porcelain veneers, aesthetics
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[5]. Browne D, Whelton H, O'Mullane D. Fluoride metabolism and fluorosis. Journal of Dentistry 2005; 33:177–86.
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Abstract: Low back pain is one of the common complaints among patients encountered in clinical practice. Contained lumbar disc prolapse is one of the primary causes. Invasive approach is best reserved only for those patients who show failure to respond to conservative treatment. Besides minimal invasive surgical lumbar discectomy, different minimally invasive procedures addressing Low Back Pain (LBP) & sciatica syndromes are available for relief of pain & other symptomatic improvements of which Intraforaminal or caudal epidural Injection of steroids is the most commonly used procedure. However, Intraspinal use of long acting steroid preparations has a swarm of adverse effects. Hence, a newer method termed as Ozone Chemodiscolysis or Chemonucleolysis is being applied and has gained much success. The purpose of our study is to compare the clinical effectiveness of Intradiscal (3-4ml) as well as Transforaminal /Intraforaminal (6-8 ml) Oxygen-Ozone mixture at a concentration.....
Keywords: Low Back Pain, contained disc Prolapse, Intraforaminal / Transforaminal steroids, Ozone Chemodiscolysis
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Abstract: Introduction: Ischemia modified albumin (IMA) is a biomarker the levels of which increase secondary to myocardial and skeletal muscle ischemia, and which is measured by the albumin cobalt binding test. IMA levels can also increase in diseases in which oxidative stress is elevated, including obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), hypercholesterolemia, preeclampsia and polycystic ovary syndrome. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most important cause for hair loss in men. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, comparative study was done with 30 newly diagnosed hyperthyroid patients with elevated T3, T4 values, and decreased.....
Keywords: Ischemia modified albumin, DM, AGA, hyperthyroidism
[1]. Wustmann K, Kucera JP, Zanchi A, Burow A, Stuber T, et al. (2008) Activation of electrical triggers of atrial fibrillation in hyperthyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: 2104-2108.
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