Series-4 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction :Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media is defined as a chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity. It is classified into 1) inactive mucosal disease, 2) active mucosal disease, 3) inactive squamosal disease, 4) active squamosal disease, 5) healed chronic otitis media. Chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma is a locally invasive disease that requires surgical intervention for definitive eradication of the disease. High resolution CT Scans are widely used to 1) understand the anatomic information, 2) know the extent of disease, 3) relationship of destruction to the anatomical structures. Aims and Objectives: To identify high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scan findings of temporal bone in chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear ,to identify preoperative findings and to evaluate any correlation between scan findings and surgical and functional outcome of the surgery. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on a group of 50 patients with Chronic Otitis Media. A thorough ENT clinical and otoscopic......
Keywords : Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media, ossicular chain status, High Resolution Computed Tomography scan and surgical technique
[1]. Rupa V, Jacob A. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media: prevalence and practices among rural South Indian children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 1999;25(48):217-221.
[2]. Mills R. Scott Brown's Otolaryngology. 6th ed. London: Butterworths Heinemann Publishers; 1997
[3]. Ibekwe TS, Nwaorgu OG. Classification and management challenges of otitis media in a resource- poor country. Niger J ClinPract. 2011;14:262-9
[4]. Browing GG, Merchant SN, Kelly G, Swan IRC; Chronic Otitis Media, In: Scott Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery 7th ed,(5), 2008p. 3395.
[5]. Haynes DS, Wittkopf J, Canal Wall Up Mastoidectomy, In: Glasscock – Schambaugh Surgery of the Ear, 6th edition, 2012, p 501 - 527..
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Abstract: Background: Ventral hernia freequent surgical condition that surgeons encounter in day to day practice. Ventral hernias include epigastric hernia, umbilical hernia, para umbilical hernia and incisional hernia. Often these cases are treated by open onlay mesh plasty or laparoscopic intraperitoneal placement of mesh or enhanced totally extra peritoneal technique. This is a case series to describe a newer technique called subcutaneous onlay laparoscopic approach(SCOLA) for the repair of the ventral hernias. Methods: SCOLA was performed in 5 patients who presented with ventral hernia and followed up for 1 month to look for any post operative complications..............
Key Words: ventral hernia/subcutaneous onlay laparoscopic approach/surgical technique.
[1]. M.Miserez , F.Penninclax. endoscopic totally pre peritoneal ventral hernia repair . surgical technique and short tern results.
[2]. Leblanc KA , Booth WV(1993) Laparoscopic repair of incisional abdominal hernias using expanded poly tetra fluoro ethylene mesh. Priliminary findings.
[3]. Heniford BT, Ramshaw BJ et al (2003) Laparoscopic repair of ventral hrnia , nine years experience with 850 consecutive cases.
[4]. Wake B.L , Mc Cormack K , Fraser C et al (2005) transabdominal preperitoneal vs totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic technique for inguinal hernia repair.
[5]. Shaikh afzal rubby , Purushothaman rangaswamy , Praveen sundar – A prospective study comparing laparoscopic and open ventral hernia repair.
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Abstract: Background: Eosinophilic count varies and fluctuates demographically because of culture, exercise and environment i.e. seasonal allergen exposure, the presence of more than 500/μl, and classified as mild less than 1500/cu mm, moderate (Hyper-eosinophilia)1500- 5000 /cu mm, severe Hypereosinophilicsyndromeson 2 occasions ≥1 month apartmore than 5000 /cu mm. which is usually seen in middle and elderly subjects and may be primary or secondary type1,2. Significant tissue eosinophilia can occur without an elevated blood count and vice versa 3. Percentages generally above 5% are regarded as elevated, but is not reliable indicator as it depends on total leucocytes, hence absolute count (AEC) should be considered for diagnosis of eosinophilia. AEC also does not accurately predict organ damage, hence evaluation of unexplained eosinophilia in an asymptomatic subject, needs further exploration.....
Key Words;-Eosinophils, Allergy, Helminthic, Immunology
[1]. Andersen CL, Siersma VD, Hasselbalch HC, et al. Eosinophilia in routine blood samples and the subsequent risk of hematological malignancies and death. Am J Hematol 2013;88(10):843-847. OpenUrlPubMed [2]. Schulte C, Krebs B,Jelinek T, Nothdurft HD, von Sonnenburg F, Löscher T. Diagnostic significance of blood eosinophilia in returning travelers. Clin Infect Dis 2002;34(3):407-411. OpenUrlAbstract/FREE Full Text [3]. Harrison' Principled of Internal Medicine 18TH edition vol;1 Long;Fauci;Kasper;Hauser;Jameson;Loscalzo page 1332
[4]. Juhan Yoon, Jens U. Ponikau, Christopher B. Lawrence,Hirohito Kita. Innate Antifungal Immunity of Human Eosinophils Mediated by a β2 Integrin, CD11b. JourImmunoy, 2008, 181: 2907–2915.
[5]. Spry CJF, ed. Eosinophils: A Comprehensive Review and Guide to the Scientific and Medical Literature. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 1988.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pancytopenia among Children in Al-Semawa Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Childhood / Iraq |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Fadil Abass Abid |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805041316 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: - Pancytopenia is not a rare disease of bleeding tendency among children in Al-Muthanna Governorate. Objectives: - The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical features, causes and its complications in addition to the diagnosis and its treatment. Methods:- This study involved 30 patients , presented with decreased all blood elements in peripheral blood we depended on medical history and clinical examination , in addition to complete blood count , blood film for morphology and bone marrow aspiration / biopsy . Results :- Total cases were 30, 16 of them 3were males ( 53.4%) and the remaining 14 ( 46.6%) were females ,their ages ranged from 5 months to 16 years.......
Key words: - Full medical history and clinical examination, in addition to complete blood count, blood film for morphology and bone marrow aspiration / biopsy
[1]. Nelson textbook of pediatric (Pancytopenia in children), 16th Ed. WB Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1999, 1495-98.
[2]. Illustration textbook of pediatric, UK – London, Tom Lessauer and Graham –Clayden, printed in 1997 -1998 by Mosby international: pages: 235 – 323.
[3]. Ishtiaq, O. Baqai, HZ, Anwer F. Hussein , N, Patterns of Pancytopenia . Patients in a general medical ward and a proposed diagnostics approach, J Ayab Med Coll Abbottabad .w\2004: 16 (1): 8-13.
[4]. William W. J, Bentkr E. , Erskv AJ . Hematology 3rd Ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill Book Company; 1986: 161.
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Abstract: Objectives: An in-vitro study evaluating the effect of different preparation marginal designs and depths fracture resistance of Vita Enamic endocrown restorations. Materials and Methods: Forty endodontically treated upper premolars were prepared to be restored with Vita Enamic endocrown resorations. They were divided into two main groups (n=20) according to the preparation marginal design into butt-joint group (B) and (1mm) shoulder finish line group (S).The two main group were subdivided into two subgroups (n=10) according to the extension depth of pulp cavity into (B2&B4) indicating butt-joint prepared teeth with 2mm and 4mm pulp cavity extension.......
Key words: Endodontically treated teeth, CAD/CAM, Polymer infiltrated ceramics, Endocrowns and Fracture resistance.
[1]. Taha D, Spintzyka S, Schille C, Sabetb A, Wahsh M, Salah T, et al. Fracture resistance and failure modes of polymer infiltrated ceramic endocrown restorations with variations in margin design and occlusal thickness. J Prosthodont Res. 2018;62:293-297.
[2]. Sagsen B, Aslan B. Effect of bonded restorations on the fracture resistance of root filled teeth. IntEndod J. 2006;39:900–904.
[3]. Kanat-Erturk B, Saridag S, Koseler E, Helvacloglu D, Avcu E, Yildiran-Avcu Y. Fracture strengths of endocrown restorations fabricated with different preparation depths and CAD/CAM materials Dent Mater J. 2018;37:256-265.
[4]. Zarow M, Devoto W, Saracinelli M. Reconstruction of endodontically treated posterior teeth-with or without post?Guidelines for the dental practitioner. Eur J Esthet Dent.2009; 4: 312-327.
[5]. Gaintantzopoulou MD, El-Damanhoury HM. Effect of Preparation Depth on the Marginal and Internal Adaptation of Computer-aided Design/Computer assisted Manufacture Endocrowns. Opera Dent J. 2016;41:607-616.
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Abstract: The purchase of a MRI machine is a critical decision for any diagnostic centre or an hospital. The major reason for this is the high capital expenditure that will be incurred in the purchase of the machine. The high cost and also the high maintenance cost result in high break even figures resulting in financial stress for the centre. It is essential that a proper competitor study is done before the decision to procure is done. This study was done for a proposed 200 bedded super speciality hospital at Kukatpally, Hyderabad. Kukatpally is a densely populated area in Hyderabad and is located close to the IT hub and has many hospitals and diagnostic centres. This study was done to identify the availability and type of MRI machines in the identified radius...........
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Abstract: Back Ground: Information and communication technologies(ICT) have become an indispensable part of our lives. With the proliferation of inexpensive mobile devices, we are now living in a mobile age in which mobile ICTs are vigorously and quickly adopted. Nomophobia is defined as the discomfort or anxiety caused by non-availability of mobile phone. It is considered as a modern age phobia. Objectives : To study the Prevalence of nomophobia and use of social networking sites and apps, and the effect of nomophobia on health and lifestyle among undergraduate medical students. Methodology: This cross‐sectional study was conducted among 337 under graduate medical students from 16th September 2018 to 15th November 2018 at the tertiary care teaching hospital nandyal. The participants were medical students from first to final year........
Keywords: Nomophobia, Mobile phones, Medical students, Education, Internet, Lifestyle
[1]. King AL, Valença AM, Nardi AE. Nomophobia: the mobile phone in panic disorder with agoraphobia: reducing phobias or worsening of dependence. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2010;23(1):52-4.
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[3]. Bragazzi NL, Del Puente G. A proposal for including nomophobia in the new DSM-V. Psychol Res Behav Manag. 2014;7:155-60.
[4]. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (2016). Retrieved from http://www.trai.
[5]. Lenhart A, Ling R, Campbell S, Purcell K. Teens and mobile phones: Text messaging explodes as teens embrace it as the centerpiece of their communication strategies with friends. 2010. Available from
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Abstract: Background: The premalignant breast lesions are histologically relatively well defined but there is a certain overlap; more important in FNAC smears and it is not possible to situate a particular case within the spectrum. The CNB may help in some of these cases and disfiguring surgical procedures can thus be avoided. Method: The present study included those cases that came in for FNAC of lump breast. Out of those cases 25 such patients were selected which were diagnosed as benign or indeterminate cases by the FNAC. Core needle biopsy was performed on those cases in the department. The clear cut cases of malignancy and inflammatory lesions were excluded.......
Keywords: Core needle biopsy, FNAC, Premalignant breast lesions
[1]. Lester S. The breast. In: Kumar V, Abbas A, Fausto N editors: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease.7th Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders WB;2004, p.1120-21.
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[3]. Devitt JE. Clinical benign disorders of breast and carcinoma breast.SurgGynaeObstetr 1976;152:437.
[4]. Rosai J. The breast. In: Hauston M editor: Rosai and Ackerman's surgical pathology. 9th Ed. New Delhi: Elsevier publications; 2004: p.1789.
[5]. Jackson VP, Bassett LW. Stereotactic fine needle aspiration biopsy for nonpalpable breast lesions. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990;154:1196-97..
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Abstract: Background: Dentinal hypersensitivity(DH) is a common problem and there is a growing interest in herbal based formulations for the treatment of oral diseases. Aim: To assess and compare the effect of a commercially available herbal dentifrice versus a non-herbal dentifrice on dentinal hypersensitivity. Method: A total of 57 sites showing DH were divided into two groups: Group 1 (28 sites) - Herbal dentifrice group (Hi Ora® K, The Himalaya Drug Company Research and Development, Makali, Bangalore, India).......
Keywords: Dentinal Hypersensitivity, herbal, non-herbal, dentifrice.
[1]. Rees JS, Jin LJ, Lam S, Kudanowska I, Vowles R. The prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in a hospital clinic population in Hong Kong. J Dent 2003; 31: 453–61.
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[3]. Irwin CR, McCusker P. Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in a general dental population. J Ir Dent Assoc 1997; 43:7 –9.
[4]. Addy M. Etiology and clinical implications of dentine hypersensitivity. Dent Clin North Am 1990; 34: 503–14.
[5]. Flynn J, Galloway R, Orchardson R. The incidence of ‗hypersensitive' teeth in the West of Scotland. J Dent 1985;13:230–236.
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Abstract: Earlygastriccancer (EGC)is gastric cancer that limited to the mucosa, submucosa, or both, irrespective of the presence of regional lymph node (LN) metastases and offers an excellent (exceeded 90%) chance of cure based on surgical resection. Various treatment methods have been performed in the treatment of early gastric cancer. Endoscopic resection (EMR) and Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), are established treatmentmethods that allow curative treatment. Endoscopic therapy (EMR or ESD) is definitely indicated in microscopically intramucosal (cT1a) distinguished carcinomas measuring less than 2 cm in diameter. Recently, endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) have become alternatives to surgery in early gastric cancer,in many country instance, in China,japan, and other countries.
Keywords: Early gastric cancer; Endoscopic submucosaldissection; Endoscopic mucosal resection; Microscopically intramucosal (cT1a); Gastrectomy.
[1]. A. Jemal, F. Bray, M. M. Center, J. Ferlay, E. Ward, andD. Forman, ―Global cancer statistics,‖ CA Cancer Journal forClinicians, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 69–90, 2011.
[2]. Y.W.Min, B.-H.Min, J. H. Lee, and J. J. Kim, ―Endoscopic treatmentfor early gastric cancer,‖World Journal ofGastroenterology,vol. 20, no. 16, pp. 4566–4573, 2014.
[3]. H. Ono, H. Kondo, T. Gotoda et al., ―Endoscopic mucosal resection for treatment of early gastric cancer,‖ Gut, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 225–229, 2001. [4]. Cai M. Y., Zhou P. H., Yao L. Q. Current status of endoscopic resection in China. Digestive Endoscopy. 2012;24(Supplement 1):166–171. doi: 10.1111/j.1443-1661.2012.01268.x. [PubMed] [CrossRef]. [5]. Carter K. J., Schaffer H. A., Ritchie W. P., Jr. Early gastric cancer. Annals of Surgery. 1984;199(5):604–609. doi: 10.1097/00000658-198405000-00016. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef.
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Abstract: Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, second leading cause worldwide. A hospital based observational study was carried out in Department of Medicine, Comilla Medical College Hospital, Comilla. One hundred adult stroke patients were included in this study. There is no significance of mean age between ischemic and hemorrhagic group. Severe hypertension 52.0% in hemorrhagic and 28.0% in ischemic stroke group. Smoking was significantly more in ischemic stroke patients compare to hemorrhagic stroke. Obese patients were significantly more in ischemic stroke group. Smoking shows to be in favor of IS where high blood pressure is closely related to HS. The improvement of functional outcome up to 3 months was significantly greater with HS.
Keywords: Ischemic, Hemorrhage, Stroke, Hypertension.
[1]. Shyu WC, Lin SZ, Lee CC, LinDD, Granulocyte colony stimulating factor for acute ischemic stroke; a randomized controlled trail. CMAJ 2006; 174 (7): 927-933.
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Abstract: Anxiety and depression are two common and important psychological problems, frequently present in patients with chronic illness. There should be a common and well-accepted procedure to diagnose the anxiety and depression and properly should be addressed along with primary medical problems. In this regards, hospital anxiety and depression scale (HAD) scale is an excellent tool to diagnose anxiety and depression in chronically ill patients. Here is the study of 100 consecutive patients with chronic respiratory, cardiac, malignant, renal, endocrine disease etc were being interviewed as per HAD scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using a standard statistical method with SPSS 19. Regarding gender distributions of the study patients where both male and female are equal in number........
Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, HAD scale, Chronic Disease.
[1]. Berrios GE. Anxiety Disorders: a conceptual history. J Affect Disord 1999;56 (2-3): 83–94.
[2]. Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, Merikangas KR, Walters EE. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of 12-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication" Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 2005;62 (6): 617–27.
[3]. Calleo J, Stanley M. Anxiety Disorders in Later Life: Differentiated Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies"Psychiatric Times 2008;26 (8):23-34
[4]. Psychology. Michael Passer, Ronald Smith, Nigel Holt, Andy Bremner, Ed Sutherland, Michael Vliek. (2009) McGrath Hill Higher Education; UK: McGrath Hill companies Inc.
[5]. Lydiard RB. The role of GABA in anxiety disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64 (Suppl 3): 21–7..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Functional Appliances: Origins, the Present & the Future |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sofitha M D || Mohamed Iqbal J |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805046568 ![]() |
Abstract: Orthodontic treatment to correct malocclusion had been to a large extent taken to mean correcting the dentition in all three planes using a fully strapped fixed appliance. The realization that sagittal correction of dentition alone, over a skeleton that has a sagittal discrepancy, is ineffective led to the focus shifting to correcting the skeletal bases. Two modalities were identified viz: surgical and functional. Functional jaw orthopaedics has seen widespread use in correcting skeletal malocclusion in the growing age. Various appliances have been advocated with some being used by a large section while others not being in vogue. However there is still ambiguity in literature as to the effectiveness of functional appliances and whether it is a sound practice to pull the mandible out of the fossa. This article reviews the concept of functional jaw orthopaedics and presents the current best evidence.
Keywords: Functional appliances, Growth modification, Supplementary mandibular growth, Current evidence. Word count- 2321 words.
[1]. Weislander L, Lagerstrom L. The effect of activator treatment on class II malocclusions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1979;75:20-6.
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[4]. James A. McNammara, Williams L.Brudon. Orthodontic and orthopaedic treatment in mixed dentition.
[5]. Jean Y.Chen, Leslie A. Wills, Richard Niederman. Analysis of efficacy of functional appliances on mandibular growth. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2002; 122:470-6.
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Abstract: Introduction: To determine the knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding sexually transmitted infections in IkotOmin community of Cross River State, Nigeria Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study where 115 adolescents were selected from IkotOmin community using a multistage sampling technique.
Results: Although 110(96%) of the respondents were aware of STI, however the knowledge of different types of STI among study participants was poor ranging from 26.7% for HIV/AIDS to 4.1% for chlamydia. Knowledge of STI preventive practices among study participants was also poor as only 49.0% could correctly identify at least one STI preventive practice and more than 50% of the respondents have misconception regarding.......
Keywords: STI, Adolescents, Knowledge, Attitude
[1]. Aliyu, A.A, Dahiru, T.,Ladan A.M et al., (2013) "Knowledge,sources of information, and risk factors for Sexually transmittedinfections among secondary school youth in Zaria, NorthernNigeria," Journal of Medicine in the Tropics, vol. 15, no. 2.
[2]. Amu E.O. and Adegun P.T. (2015) Awareness and Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Secondary School Adolescents in Ado-Ekiti South Western Nigeria.Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Vol 2015 Article ID 2601126, 7 pages, 2015.
[3]. Awang H, Wong L.P, Jani R, and Low W. Y,(2014) "Knowledgeof sexually transmitted diseases and sexual behaviours amongmalaysianmale youths," Journal of Biosocial Science, vol. 46, no.2, pp. 214–224.
[4]. Dehne, K, Riedner, G. (2005) Sexually Transmitted Infections among Adolescent: The need for adequate Health Services.
[5]. Edem A, Ntekpe M, Umoekam N.(2013) Prevalence of Syphilis and Gonorrhea in Patients Attending General Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria. International Journal of Modern Biology and Medicine, 4(3): 155-168
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Abstract: Virilizing adrenal tumors are uncommon in adult women. In worldwide incidence is 0.02% cases per million population. These lesions generally secrete dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). Virilization is most common symptom of adrenal cortical tumors. We present a case report of young female who presented with virilizing adrenal tumor.
[1]. Derksen, J, Nagesser, SK, Meinders, AE, Haak, HR, Van de Velde, CJH. Identification of virilizing tumors in hirsute women. N engl J Med. 1994;331:968–973.
[2]. UB Chaudhary, MA Bissada, Pure testosterone-producing virilizing adrenocortical tumours in young women. BJU International. 2007
[3]. Dean V. Coonrod, MD, MPH, Tawfik H. Rizkallah. Virilizing adrenal carcinoma in a woman of reproductive age: A case presentation and literature review. AJOG, June 1995Volume 172, Issue 6, Pages 1912–1915