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Abstract: Introduction : Les paragangliomes, tumeurs développées au niveau du système neuroendocrine de la tête et du cou, sont rares. Ce travail permet de préciser les particularités diagnostiques de la localisation tympano-jugulaire, les modalités de l'extension de la tumeur et les diagnostics différentiels. Matériel et Méthodes : Nous rapportons deux patients de sexe féminin reçus dans le service d'Imagerie de l'Hôpital Militaire d'Instructions Mohamed V et suivis dans le service d'ORL dudit Hôpital. L'exploration faite associait la tomodensitométrie et l'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique. Résultats : Le premier cas présentait un paragangliome......
Keywords: Paraganglioma, tympanojugular, aggressive, Imaging findings
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Abstract: Background- Age estimation is particularly important in situations where the documentations required for proof of a person's age are missing. It can also be significant in juvenile courts, identification of mass disaster victims, missing and found persons, also pediatric as well as orthodontic treatment planning. Several methods have been applied to estimate age of children. Most of these involve radiographic analysis developmental and morphological changes tissues. There's no approved method in Kenya that can be applied to the Kenyan population. There is a need to evaluate the performance of the existing documented age estimation methods so as to find one that is applicable.......
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Abstract: Résumé : L'oreille décollée constitue un aspect inesthétique mineur et fréquent qui associe à des degrés divers un défaut de plicature de l'anthélix, un valgus et une hypertrophie de la conque. Elle a un retentissement psychologique important sur l'enfant et son entourage. Uni ou bilatérale, son traitement ne peut être que chirurgical, il est envisagé dès l'âge de 7 ans, au moment où les oreilles ont atteint leur taille adulte et où les enfants commencent à souffrir du regard moqueur de leurs camarades. Plusieurs techniques chirurgicales ont été décrites, nous rapportons la réparation par technique de JOST. Cette technique nous a permis d'obtenir des résultats très satisfaisants sans aucune complication à condition d'une technique rigoureuse..
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: An Antepartum hemorrhage is defined as bleeding into or from the genital tract from 24 weeks gestation and onwards, before the delivery of the baby. It is still a grave obstetric emergency contributing to a significant amount of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in our country. Hemorrhage was a direct cause of maternal death in about 30% of cases. Although APH cannot be prevented ,maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with APH can be reduced significantly by prompt diagnosis and aggressive management......
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Abstract: Background: Every year peptic ulcer disease affects 4 million people around the world. Perforation is the most important complication of peptic ulcer disease. Ulcer perforation was a lethal disease until surgical treatment was introduced. Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the age and sex incidence, associated clinical history, risk factor involved, time of surgical intervention done after the onset of illness, postoperative complication, total duration of hospital stay, mortality and its relation with outcome of the patient. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, which was conducted from March 2014 until December 2014 at BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur. This study was performed to assess the demographic distribution of peptic ulcer, a detailed history was taken......
KEYWORDS: Perforated peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, perforation, clinical study
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Abstract: Background: The case transfer in the medical field is a well known procedure where the case is transferred to the higher and/ or tertiary care centre for better and specialized treatment. These cases are transferred to higher centre because they have specialized expertise and the facilities to treat those cases. Similarly, In dentistry we have several sub-speciality subjects. One of them is Orthodontic and dentofacial orthopaedic where braces are placed for malocclusion correction and orthognathic surgery are done for malformed face and many more complex treatment procedures pertaining to orthodontics cases are done in this field of dentistry. Usually, these cases are treated by orthodontists, but unfortunately there are very few centres in each state/city for treatment of such cases. So due to various.......
Keywords: Malocclusion, Orthodontics case transfer, Orthodontic speciality, Mode of treatment
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Abstract: Crouzon syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by craniosynostosis, exophthalmos and hypoplastic maxilla with relative mandibular prognathism. Crouzon syndrome is caused by mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 (FGFR-2) gene. The present article describes a case report of a 4-Month-old male baby with characteristic skeletal, facial and ocular features of Crouzon syndrome.
Key words: Craniofacial dysostosis, craniosynostosis, rouzon syndrome, exophthalmos
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Abstract: Portal hypertension is a common finding in the course of chronic liver disease and accounts for the most severe complications of liver cirrhosis, such as gastroesophageal variceal bleeding, ascites, and hepatorenal syndrome (1). Portal hypertension is determined as the elevation of Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) to > 5 mm Hg and is clinically identified by splenomegaly, ascites, and prominent veins over the abdomen (2). Variceal haemorrhage, as a complication of portal hypertension, is an immediate lifethreatening problem with 20 - 30 % mortality rate, with each episode of bleeding (2)......
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Abstract: Chronic liver disease is a persistent inflammatory state of the liver in which the biochemical and histopathological abnormalities persist over long period. The disease course is featured by a quiescent phase until the development of portal hypertension and deteriorating liver function.The initial quite phase is called compensated phase of CLD. Development of overt clinical signs like ascites, bleeding manifestations, encephalopathy and jaundice marks the onset of decompensation. The main objective of prognostic scores in CLD patients is to predict the median survival. However prognostic scores also indicate estimation of hepatic reserve and the capacity to standup surgery or other aggressive therapeutic interventions. CRP has been evaluated both for the diagnosis of SIRS and for prediction of short term mortality in cirrhosis and addition of these to traditional prognostic scores might improve the prediction of mortality.......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Penile cyst, presenting as dyspareunia- A case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Veeranan || Dr. M.Kapilnath |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2003055963 ![]() |
Abstract: Hidrocystomas, (eccrine and apocrine), are rare cystic lesions that form benign tumors of the sweat glands. Apocrine hidrocystoma is cystic dilatation of apocrine secretory glands. Commonly seen in adults, both sexes are equally affected. Apocrine hidrocystomas mostly occur within the head and neck region and involvement of genitalia is extremely rare. This paper emphasizes the importance of considering the differential diagnosis of a genital cystic lesion. Herein we report a case of para-meatal apocrine hidrocystoma in a 22 year male who presented with complaints of painful coitus. Clinical findings, diagnostic work-up, and follow-up are provided along with a review of the literature on apocrine hidrocystoma......
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[5]. Vani D, Dayananda TR, Shashidhar HB, Bharathi M, Kumar HR, Ravikumar V. Multiple apocrine hidrocystomas: a case report. J Clin Diagn Res 2013; 7: 171–172.