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Abstract: The aim of this case report is to enhance the aesthetic of completely edentulous patient using the customized friction retained cheek plumper. The complete loss of teeth leads to handicap situation due to impairment of mastication and facial disfigurement resulting in negative psychological impact on the patient. To improve this condition apart from the regular measures of teeth arrangements to obtain lip and cheek support, better denture aesthetics can be provided by additional support using cheek plumper. This article provide simple, non-invasive, cost-efficient method to improve facial appearance of complete denture patient with slumped check in addition to flabby ridge.
Keywords: Cheek plumpers, flabby ridge, slumped cheeks, friction retained
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Abstract: Background: Psychological impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Doctors attending Covid duties was not well documented in Aim: The current study aims to evaluate the psychological impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on the Doctors attending COVID patients in COVID Wards and ICU. Materials and Methods: An online survey using Google Forms online platform was carried out to evaluate Depression (using Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9), Anxiety (using Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, GAD‑7) and Stress (using Perceived Stress Scale, PSS-10) among the doctors attending COVID 19 patients......
Keywords: COVID 19, Pandemic, Anxiety, Depression, Perceived stress, Doctor
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Abstract: Context: Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in India in the 21st Century, with morbid obesity affecting 5% of the country's population.Overweight and obesity are also known to affect the respiratory function in various forms depending on severity.Aim:To study the effect of body mass index on pulmonary function tests among healthy non-smoking adults of urban area of Kurnool. Settings and Design:It is a community based observational study conducted at Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, during the period from August 2015 to July 2016. Methodology:A total of 120 subjects belonging to the urban area of Kurnool age ranging from 20 to 45 years.The study population was grouped intoGroup A: 40 subjects of Normal Weight with BMI between18.5 to 24.9 Kg/m2, Group B: 40 subjects of Overweight with BMI between 25 to 29.9Kg/m2, Group C: 40 subjects who are Obese with BMI ≥30 Kg/m2and....
Keywords: Obesity, Body Mass Index (BMI), FVC (litres), FEV1(litres), FEV1/FVC%, PEFR (litres/sec), FEF25-75%
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Abstract: Background and objective: The influence of smear layer on the apical sealing ability of MTA is still controversial. The sealabilityof MTA with and without smear layer can be measured using fluid filtration method with more advantages than other leakage studies. Aim: To investigate the effect of the smear layer on apical microleakage in teeth obturated with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) using fluid filtration method.......
Keywords: Mineral trioxide aggregate, Smear layer, obturation,dental leakage, filtration,EDTA.
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Abstract: Introduction:Cellulitis is a non-suppurative, invasive infection caused by bacteria that is characterized by specifically affecting the dermis and subcutaneous fatty layer by normal skin flora or exogenous bacteria. The lower limbs are affected commonly following a breach due to cracks, breaks, blisters, surgical wounds, ulcers in the skin. Untreated conditions will lead to sequential changes causing severe morbidity and sometimes mortality. Aim:To study the age and sex distribution, risk factors, treatment modalities of patients admitted as cellulitis cases in Department of General Surgery, Narayan Medical College & Hospital Sasaram Bihar from August 2021 to February 2022......
Keywords: Cellulitis, Grading, Treatment, Outcome
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Abstract: PURPOSE To elucidate the relationship between metabolic syndrome with respect to grade and stage on histopathologic findings in bladder cancer in our population MATERIALS AND METHODS We retrospectively analyzed data of patients, their tumour characteristics, metabolic syndrome and its components, (Diabetes, hypertension, BMI and triglyceride levels) and included total of 176 patients who were first time detected cases of carcinoma bladder and were operated in Department of Urology, Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar......
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Abstract: Background: Nomophobia "no mobile phone" and phobia" is a pathological fear of being out of contact with a mobile phone, has no mobile networks, or has insufficient balance or battery. Aim: The present study aims to assess the effect of Nomophobia and its impact on Quality of Life in Medical Students and resident doctors in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: An online survey using Google Forms online platform was carried out to evaluate Nomophobia using Nomophobia Questionnaire and quality of life using WHOQOL-BREF scale.
Results: The study sample comprised 252 participants with mean age of 21.31 years. 66.7% (n=168) of them were Females and 33.3% were males......
Keywords: Nomophobia, Quality of life, Medical Students, Doctors
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Abstract: Background: There is an ethnic disparity in the prevalence of ABO and Rhesus D blood groups and genotypes. The aim of this present study is to determine the ABO and Rhesus D blood group as well as the genotypeprofileof the clinical students of African descent attending Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos Plateau State Nigeria. MaterialsandMethods: ABO and Rhesus D phenotype of 110 consecutively-recruited medical students of Bingham University in Jos Plateau State, Nigeria were determined with the monoclonal anti-A, anti-B, and anti-D antisera using the forward cell grouping method to observe for agglutinations. The Hemoglobin electrophoresis machine using tris buffer of PH 8.6 was used to determine various genotypes. Each subject was also asked to state his/her known blood group and genotype prior to the study. Results: Our study shows the following....
Keywords: ABO; Rhesus; Blood groups; Prior knowledge of blood group and genotype; BhUTH.
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Abstract: Appendiceal diverticulitis is a rare pathology that mimics acute appendicitis and should be overlooked because increasing risk of complications, such as perforation and neoplasm .A 35-year male presented with right lower quadrant pain associated with vomiting ,fever and leukocytosis (10.5 × 10; neutrophils 80%). Sonography was suggestive of acute appendicitis .After conforming the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Patient was posted for laparoscopic appendectomy. The removed specimen had multiple diverticula on antimesentric border with appendicitis and thickened mesentery. The postoperative course was uneventful and discharged on pod 2.The histological examination....
Keywords: Appendiceal diverticula, diverticulitis, laparoscopy.
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Abstract: Background:Stroke is an important health issue for individuals and society. C-reactive protein is a marker of acute inflammation. CRP level is elevated in patients who suffer from acute stroke. Aim of the study:To study the level of CRP in patients with acute stroke.To compare the level of CRP in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke with the healthy population. Methods:This observational study was undertaken in the department of Neuromedicine, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, from July 2010 to June 2011. A total of 130 patients were included in the study group who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 130 patients, 63 were ischemic strokes and 67 were hemorrhagic strokes......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brown's tumor - a great mimicker |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vaishak || Dr.Josey Verghese || Dr.Beenamol || Dr.Abin || Dr.Reshma |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2107065765 ![]() |
Abstract: We present a case of 47 year old female patient who presented with complains of fatigue, pain in bilateral upper and lower limbs especially around right knee and difficulty in walking. Xray of right knee shows multiple lytic lesions with cortical breakdown in distal femur and proximal tibia. MRI shows presence of multiple solid cystic lesion with septations and fluid-fluid levels, enhancing soft tissue. Differential of fibrous dysplasia, metastasis, brown tumor was considered. Radiograph of hands shows osteopenia, subperiosteal bone resorption, multiple lytic bone lesions, acral osteolysis - all in favor of hyperparathyroidism. USG neck shows well defined hypoechoic lesion in inferior pole of left lobe of thyroid and sestamibi scan shows uptake suggestive of adenoma. Surgical resection was done and HPR shows parathyroid adenoma. Patient condition improved gradually post excision and supportive medications.
Keywords: case report, brown tumor, hyperparathyroidism.
[1]. Brown Tumors: A Case Report and Review of the Literature - Özgür Can,a,* Başak Boynueğri,a Ali Murat Gökçe,b Ebru Özdemir,e Ferhat Ferhatoğlu,c Mustafa Canbakan,a Gülizar Manga Şahin,a Mesut İzzet Titiz,f and SüheylaApaydıne.
[2]. Brown Tumor as a Result of Hyperparathyroidism in an End-Stage Renal Disease Patient-
[3]. Jesse M. Jakubowski,1 Ines Velez and Shawn A. McClure.
[4]. A case report of brown tumor in a patient with chronic renal failure and renal cell carcinoma. Yong-Jun Liu MD, PhD,Elizabeth E. Frauenhoffer MD,Eric Walker MD, MHA,Nicole C. Williams MD. First published: 29 November 2017 https://doi.org/10.1002/ dc.23854.