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Abstract: The eruptive pattern of teeth is a major factor in influencing facial esthetics and phonetics, of children. Any aberrations in this often present a challenge for the dentist so as to restore the function and form for the growing child, most common reported speech difficulties focus around the s ' sound The incidence of delayed or non eruption of permanent maxillary incisors ranges from 0.13% for maxillary central incisor to 2 % for maxillary lateral incisor. A variety of treatment procedures for unerupted maxillary incisors are proposed in the literature ranging from surgical to orthodontic aspects. A nine year old girl child reported to the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, with a chief complaint of unerupted permanent tooth in the upper anterior segment. On examination, palpation a bulge could be felt over the unerupted tooth signifying its eruptive stage. IOPA of the affected region revealed asymptomatically erupting permanent maxillary left lateral incisor. Electrocautery was planned for providing the eruptive incision in the region to aid for spontaneous eruption of this tooth..
Key words: Eruption, Electrocautery, Incision
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Abstract: Background: Odontogenic surgery can be a source of infectious agents through bleeding and drainage. To ensure proper infection control, it is important that dental nurses have the knowledge, skills, and adherence to cross infection and standard precaution. This study aimed to obtain a description of status of knowledge and behavior of dental nurses regarding the implementation of standard precaution to prevent cross infection during management of odontogenic infection surgery......
Key Word: status of knowledge, compliance, standard precaution, dental nurses
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Abstract: Lymphatic metastasis of sarcomas is considered rare as the most common route of metastasis for sarcomas is hematogenous. The overlapping histomorphology of sarcomas can often be very challenging. A case has been reported of a 77year old female with chief complaints of dysphagia who underwent lymph node biopsy of supraclavicular lymph nodes showing metastasis of sarcoma with an unknown primary.
Key words: Sarcoma, metastasis
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Abstract: A 3year 6 months old male child presented to our hospital with symptoms of fever, and cough 2 to 3 episodes per month for the last 4 months. His past, Computerized tomography revealed enhancing mass in the right upper lobe with encasement of SVC. Biopsy specimen has revealed Pleuropulmonary blastoma and underwent Right upper lobectomy on 21/06/21. Histopathology examination has revealed Lymphomatoid granulomatosis Grade 3.Epstein - Barr virus (EBV) DNA PCR quantitative was positive with 55882 copies/ml. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is an angiodestructive B-cell lymphoproliferative disease which is usually associated with EBV. It mostly presents in middle adulthood. Lungs are most commonly involved. Pediatric populations are not usually effected, but can be seen in immunocompromised patients. The patient is since then treated with chemotherapy, and now on maintance with Rituximab.
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Abstract: Placenta Accreta Spectrum refers to range of pathologic adherence and invasion of placenta including placenta accreta, increta and percreta. Maternal morbidity and mortality can occur because of severe life threatening hemorrhage which requires blood transfusion. The purpose of this case series is to critically evaluate risk factors, diagnosis and the importance of multidisciplinary approach in decreasing maternal morbidity and mortality and also the emerging role of conservative management in PAS. Antenatal patients who were diagnosed as PAS and managed in obstetrics........
Key words: Placenta Accreta Spectrum, Placenta previa, Previous LSCS, Peripartum hysterectomy
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Solheim KN, Esakoff TF, Little SE, Cheng YW, Sparks TN, Caughey AB. The Effect Of Cesarean Delivery Rates On The Future Incidence Of Placenta Previa, Placenta Accreta, And Maternal Mortality. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011;24:1341–1346 [ Placenta Accreta Spectrum. Obstetric Care Consensus No. 7. American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2018;132:E259–75.
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Abstract: Background: PCOS is frequently associated with metabolic disturbances such as insulin resistance and oxidative stress. Metformin the widely used insulin sensitizer in PCOS has been reported to exhibit mixed results. Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid known for its antioxidant role. In the present study we studied the combined effect of taurine with metformin on insulin resistance and oxidative stress in pcos women. Design: Experimental study. Material & Methods: Sixty PCOS women of 18-30 years who fulfilled the Rotterdam criteria were randomized equally into two groups and were treated with metformin (1000mg/day) and combined metformin (1000 mg/day) and Taurine (1000 mg/day) for........
Key words: FRAP, MDA, Insulin Resistance, Metformin & Taurine
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Abstract: Background: Untreated endodontic infections of longer duration leads to periapical lesions in teeth. Periapical surgery includes the curettage of all periapical soft tissues. However, the use regenerative material or growth factors helps in the new bone formation. Platelet concentrates such as platelet-rich fibrin(PRF), which is rich in growth factors and its efficiency in inducing tissue repair and regeneration is well known. Materials and Methods: This paper describes a case of chronic periapical lesion in a 14 year old male pediatric patient treated with periapical surgery using platelet-rich fibrin(PRF) in the surgical defect and formation of apical barrier with MTA(.......
Key words: endodontic surgery, platelet-rich fibrin, mineral trioxide aggregate, immature permanent teeth
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Abstract: Résumé Objectif : Décrire les aspects cliniques, paracliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs du lupus érythémateux systémique dans le service de Rhumatologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brazzaville. Patients et Méthodes : Etude, descriptive, transversale, rétrospective conduite du 1er janvier 2011 au 30 juin 2023 soit 18 ans, dans le service de Rhumatologie du CHU de Brazzaville, Congo dans le service de Rhumatologie du CHU de Brazzaville, Congo. Le diagnostic du lupus érythémateux systémique a été retenu sur les critères cde l'American Collège of Rheumatology (ACR) 1982 révisés en 1997 et de SLICC 2012. Résultats : Il s'agissait.....
[1]. Jallouli M, Chebbi D, Snoussi M Et Al. Comparaison Des Patients Lupiques En Fonction De Leur Age Au Diagnostic Du Lupus Erythémateux Systémique : Expérience Du Service De Médecine Interne De Sfax(Tunisie). Rev Med Intern. 2018 ; 39 : A 157-158.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Duration Of Lung Cancer Management |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Safae Elidrissi || Salma Aitbatahar || Lamyae Amro |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2210013436 ![]() |
Abstract: Résumé La limite de la prise en charge du cancer bronchique est le retard de chirurgie qui est un facteur déterminant dans la prise en charge de cette maladie. Méthodes : étude rétrospective incluant les patients suivis pour un cancer bronchique primitif colligés au service de pneumologie du CHU Mohammed VI de Marrakech entre Janvier 2011 et Août 2015. Le but du travail est d'évaluer le délai de prise en charge du cancer bronchique. Résultats : 146 dossiers ont été étudiés. Le délai moyen entre les premiers symptômes et la première imagerie thoracique était de 72 jours, le délai moyen entre la première imagerie thoracique anormale et la preuve anatomopathologique était de 41 jours, le délai moyen entre la preuve anatomopathologique et le traitement était de 38 jours. Le délai moyen entre la première imagerie anormale et le traitement était de 79 jours. Conclusion : Les délais entre les premiers symptômes et la preuve histologique restent très allongés, grevant considérablement le pronostic........
Key words: cancer – pulmonaire - diagnostic
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[5]. Giroux LE, Labrune S, Giraud V, Gendry T, Cobrazan D, Chinet T. Delay Between The Initial Symptoms: The Diagnosis And The Onset Of Specific Treatment In Elderly Patients With Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2012;13: 363-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Encystic Right Pleuresis Revealing A Hiatal Hernia |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Safae Elidrissi || Lamyae Amro |
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: | 10.9790/0853-22100137 ![]() |
Abstract: Il s'agit d'un patient, âgé de 63 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers, qui consulte pour une douleur basithoracique droite avec une toux sèche intermittente et une dyspnée d'effort stade II de Sadoul. La symptomatologie évolue depuis 6 mois dans un contexte de conservation de l'état général et d'apyrexie. L'examen clinique a trouvé un patient en bon état général avec un examen cardiovasculaire normal. L'examen pleuropulmonaire a retrouvé un syndrome d'épanchement pleural liquidien basal droit sans autre anomalie notable. La radiographie thoracique a retrouvé une opacité axillaire droite d'allure pleurale avec un émoussement du cul-de-sac droit et un trouble de ventilation (ascension de la coupole diaphragmatique droite et attraction homolatérale de la trachée)......
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Abstract: MATERIALS AND METHODS : A hospital-based case-control study of 200 hypertensive patients out of which 128 presented with stroke in Guntur government hospital between February and April 2023. Carotid ultrasonography examinations were performed with the use of esoate mylab8 and mylab6 sonography machine equipped with a 7.5 to 10 MHz linear-array transducer. With the subject in the supine position and the neck in slight hyperextension the common carotid artery, carotid bulb, and the extra-cranial part of internal carotid artery was identified of both side and intima media thickness was measured as the distance between the luminal Intimal interface and the medial adventitial interface....
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Abstract: Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of Silodosin over Tamsulosin in treatment of uncomplicated lower ureteric calculi Material&Methods: A prospective , randomized comparative study was conducted from Dec 2022 to June 2023 in which 158 patients who were between the age group of 21 –55 years, who had unilateral, uncomplicated lower ureteric stones ≤ 10mm were registered after ethical clearance and were divided into two groups. Group A received Silodosin (8mg) daily, whereas Group B received Tamsulosin (0.4mg) daily for a maximum period of 6 weeks. The patients were reviewed fortnightly with radiological studies. The primary objective was the stone expulsion rate and the second- the stone expulsion time.......
Key words: Medical Expulsion Therapy,Lower Ureteric calculi,Silodosin ,Tamsulosin
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Abstract: Background: Labour pain is a significant concern for expectant mothers, and epidural analgesia remains the gold standard for its management. However, the efficacy of epidural analgesia can be enhanced by adjuvants. This study aimed to compare the onset and duration of analgesia provided by magnesium sulphate versus fentanyl as adjuvants to epidural bupivacaine for labour analgesia. Methods: This prospective comparative study was conducted on 60 pregnant women requesting epidural labour analgesia at Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka. Participants were randomized into two groups: Group A received 0.5% plain bupivacaine with 25 μg fentanyl, and Group B received 0.5% plain bupivacaine with 50 mg magnesium sulphate. Various parameters like onset and duration of analgesia, number of top-ups, and adverse effects were recorded.......
Key words: Labor, Epidural, Analgesia, Fentanyl, Magnesium Sulphate, Bupivacaine
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Abstract: Electrocardiogram analysis is not only helpful but also inevitable in the detection of abnormal heartbeat and different cardiac disorders. Cardiologists, doctors, and consultants worldwide have raised cardiovascular disease concerns. However, the existing systems create problems like delayed diagnosis, high misdiagnosis rate, and even no findings. However, an early diagnosis is a prerequisite to ensuring an early treatment. Therefore, to reduce the misdiagnosis rate of heart disease, we have introduced four hybrid models in this study, combining optimization and machine learning algorithms. The dataset used for in study was accessed from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. This study will be concluded with detailed results obtained from testing different machine learning algorithms......
Key words: ECG, Heartbeat, MIT-BIH, Particle Swarm Optimization, Machine Learning
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Abstract: Early childhood caries is of great concern to a dentist and its early management is necessary to prevent further loss. Probiotics are considered as a healthy bacteria which previously was used only to treat diseases related to gastrointestinal tract but, now a days with emerging trends, their use has now been recommended for oral diseases including early childhood caries. They are also considered as safe to use in infants and toddlers. The beneficial effect of probiotics in preventing overuse of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in an individual have made a great interest in its use.
Key words: Early Childhood Caries, Probiotics, Dental Caries, Periodontitis
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Hasslöf P , Stecksén Blicks C . Probiotic Bacteria And Dental Caries. The Impact Of Nutrition And Diet On Oral Health . 2020;28:99