Series-13 (February 2023)February 2023 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Incidence of placenta previa is 3-5per 1000 pregnancies. Placenta previa includes: i) Low lying placenta i.e., when the lower edge of placenta is within 20mm distance from internal os. (ii) Placenta previa i.e. when placenta lies directly over the internal os. The rising incidence of cesarean section combined with increasing maternal age, the number of cases of placenta previa and its complications, including placenta.....
[1]. Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Haulh JC, Gilstrap LC, Wenstrom KD, editors. Obstetric haemorrhage. In: Williams Textbook of Obstetrics, 22nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 20 ;809-823.
[2]. Martin JA, Hamilton BE, Ventura SJ. Births: Final data for 2001. National vital statistics reports. Hyattsville. National Centre for Health Statistics. 2002.
[3]. Crane JMG, Hof VMC, Dodds L. Neonatal outcomes with placenta previa. Obstet Gynecol. 1999;93:541-3.
[4]. Frederiksen MC, Glassenberg R, Stika CS. Placenta previa: a 22-year analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009;180:1432.
[5]. Gesteland K, Oshiro B, Henry E. Rates of placenta previa and placental abruption in women delivered only vaginally or only by cesarean section. J Soc gynecol Investig. 2004;11:208
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Abstract: Introduction: Due of its proximity to the popliteal fossa, knee surgery marks it. Popliteal artery (PA) changes effect most knee surgeries. Variation is usually trifurcation. Aim: The aim of the present study will be to identify the popliteal artery and its variations in terms with course of the artery, genicular branches, and level of terminal division of popliteal artery with clinical applications. Materials & methods: Before any work could start, the study had to be approved by the institution's ethics board. The project has been given the green light by the institution's ethics board. The project has been given the green light by the institution's ethics board......
[1]. Kaplanoglu H, Beton O. Evaluation of anatomy and variations of superficial palmar arch and upper extremity arteries with CT angiography. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2017 Apr;39(4):419-26. [2]. Lee JY. Pre-existing arterial pathologic changes affecting arteriovenous fistula patency and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients. The Korean journal of internal medicine. 2017;32(5):790-7. [3]. Lorbeer R, Grotz A, Dörr M, Völzke H, Lieb W, Kühn JP, Mensel B. Reference values of vessel diameters, stenosis prevalence, and arterial variations of the lower limb arteries in a male population sample using contrast-enhanced MR angiography. PloS one. 2018 Jun 20;13(6):e0197559. [4]. Zemaitis MR, Boll JM, Dreyer MA. Peripheral arterial disease. 2017 [5]. Brennan PP, Standring S, Wiseman S, editors. Gray's surgical anatomy e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2019 Nov 5..
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Abstract: To study role of computed tomography in different spectrum of urinary bladder lesions. • To study different characteristics of lesions on Computed Tomography. • The aim of the study was to evaluate the informativity and usefulness Computer tomography (CT) imaging in the diagnosis of urinary bladder lesions.
[1]. Chummy S. Sinnatamby. Last's Anatomy. (2011) ISBN: 9780702033957 [2]. Melekos M, Asbach H, Barbalias G. Vesical Diverticula: Etiology, Diagnosis, Tumorigenesis, and Treatment. Analysis of 74 Cases. Urology. [3]. Ramchandani P & Buckler P. Imaging of Genitourinary Trauma. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009;192(6):1514-23. [4]. Naeem M, Hoegger M, Petraglia F et al. CT of Penetrating Abdominopelvic Trauma. Radiographics. 2021;41(4):200181 [5]. Golijanin D, Yossepowitch O, Beck S, Sogani P, Dalbagni G. Carcinoma in a Bladder Diverticulum: Presentation and Treatment Outcome
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Abstract: Objectives : The objective of our study is to describe the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary characteristics of all the patients treated in our training for tuberculosis of the thoracic wall. Methods : A descriptive retrospective study of all patients treated in our department for chest wall abscess of which the confirmation of the tuberculosis origin has been obtained by bacteriological or histological evidence from Mars 2020 to Mars 2022.......
Key words : Tuberculosis , chest wall , infection , rare localisation
[1]. Hanane Benjelloun et al . Cold thoracic parietal abscess in immunocompetent individuals . [2]. Gaude GS, Reyas AK. Tuberculosis of the chest wall without pulmonary involvement. Lung India. [3]. Chest wall tuberculosis - A clinical and imaging experience. Indian J Radiol Imaging [4]. Rachid El Barniet al . Abcès tuberculeux de la paroi thoracique chez l'enfant [5]. Mathlouthi A et al .La tuberculose de la paroi thoracique
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oral Cancer Knowledge Level among Dentists in Medan, Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sayuti Hasibuan || Jesslyn Justine |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2202132328 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Oral cavity cancer is cancer that includes the lips, tongue, salivary glands, and other places in the mouth. The case of oral cancer is still a health problem throughout the world. Most cases of the oral cavity are found at an advanced stage due to delay in diagnosis by the dentist. Oral cavity cancer can be detected early so that the treatment and treatment is also more guaranteed success. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of dentists in the city of Medan regarding the definition, etiology and risk factors, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, early detection and prevention of oral cancer.......
Key Word: oral cancer, knowledge level, early detection
[1]. Masturoh I, Nauri AT. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. KEMENKES, 2018:3-6.
[2]. Notoatmodjo S. Promosi kesehatan dan perilaku kesehatan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta;2012.138–40.
[3]. Hung LC, Kung PT, Lung CH, Tsai MH, Liu SA, Chiu LT, et al. Assessment of therisk of oral cancer in a high-risk population and establishment of a predictive modelfor oral cancer incidence using a population-based cohort in taiwan. Int J EnvironRes Public Health 2020;17(2):1-15.
[4]. Sung H, Ferlay J, Siegel R, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, et al. Globalcancer statistics 2020:GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwidefor 36 cancers in 185 countries J Clin 2021;0:1-41.
[5]. Cheong SC, Vatanasapt P, Yi-Hsin Y, Zain RB, Kerr AR, Johnson NW. Oral cancerin south east asia: current status and future directions. Translational Research in OralOncology 2017;0:1-9.
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Abstract: The evolution of dentistry which started from pain has now more alleviated into aesthetics. The basics of dental treatment nowadays are more concerned with the aesthetic choice of treatment. And the most promising part of aesthetic treatment is the satisfaction and meeting the expectation of the patient regarding their confidence in smile. The most difficult part in aesthetic smile designing is the unknown outcome of the treatment result irrespective of what is explained by the clinician. Here comes the tool that plays a major role to overcome the uncertainty regarding the outcome of the treatment. Digital Smile Design not only helps the clinician better to communicate but also it increases the confidence about the outcome of the smile. It shows the patient promising results through the software, thus making the patient more comfortable and acceptable for the treatment. Here in this article we are going to share knowledge about the DSD (Digital Smile Design)
Keyword: digital smile design, smile design
[1]. Bhuvaneswaran M. Principles of smile design. J Conserv Dent. 2010 Oct; 13(4):225-32. [2]. Santos FR, Kamarowski SF, Lopez CAV, Storrer CLM, Neto AT, Deliberador TM. The use of the digital smile design concept as an auxiliary tool in periodontal plastic surgery. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2017 Mar-Apr;14(2):158-161. [3]. Soares GP, Valentino TA, Lima DA, Paulillo LA, Silva FA, Lovadino JR. Esthetic analysis of the smile. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences. 2007; 6(21):1313-9.[4]. Cervino G, Fiorillo L, Arzukanyan AV, Spagnuolo G, Cicciù M. Dental Restorative Digital Workflow: Digital Smile Design from Aesthetic to Function. Dent J (Basel). 2019 Mar 28; 7(2):30. [5]. Jafri Z, Ahmad N, Sawai M, Sultan N, Bhardwaj A. Digital Smile Design-An innovative tool in aesthetic dentistry. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020 Apr-Jun;10(2):194-198.
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Abstract: AIM: To evaluate major difficulties of nasal endoscopy in Resident learning curve in tertiary care hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted to ascertain the major difficulties of nasal endoscopyduring Residencyin the Department of ENT in NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, Sangivalasa over a period of 1year from September 2020 to August 2021. RESULTS:Majority of patients were in the age group of 20-40 years and 60% were males, 40% were females. The Major difficultynoted in the present study was sustaining mucosal injury(80%) and difficulthand-eye coordination (60 %) which in turn caused mucosal injury during the initial training period which improved over to 10 % and 6 % respectively over a learning curve of 6 months. Patient discomfort drastically decreased from 80% (40 cases) to 20% (10 cases).......
KEY WORDS: Nasal endoscopy, Resident learning curve, Mucosal injury.
[1]. Prospective CrossSectional Assessment of the Various Local Causes for and Management of Epistaxis by Using Rigid Nasal Endoscope Sarika Kalra HOD, Department of ENT, MP Birla Hospital &Priyamwada Birla Cancer Research Institute, Satna (MP), India. Received: 12-01-2022 / Revised: 16-02-2022 / Accepted: 25-03-2022.
[2]. Stammberger H. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Philadelphia: BC Decker; 1991:1e15.
[3]. Levine HL. The office diagnosis of nasal and sinus disorders using rigid nasal endoscopy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1990;102: 370e373.
[4]. Kuhn FA. Role of endoscopy in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis. Ann OtolRhinolLaryngol. 2004;193(Suppl. 2004): 15e18.
[5]. Bhattacharyya N, Lee LN. Evaluating the diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis based on clinical guidelines and endoscopy. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;143:147e151.
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Abstract: Background: May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) is a syndrome where the right common iliac artery in its course, as it crosses in front of the left iliac vein causes compression the vein against the fifth lumbar vertebrae. This resultant obstruction may cause leg swelling, discoloration, deep venous thrombosis, or more serious complications, such as pulmonary embolism. Iliac vein compression can be assessed with computed tomography (CT).......
Key Word: Deep vein thrombosis; Iliac vein compression; May-Thurner Syndrome; CT venogram
[1]. May-Thurner Syndrome: Case Report and Review of the Literature Involving Modern Endovascular Therapy Neil Moudgill, Eric Hager, […], and Paul DiMuzio
[2]. May-Thurner Syndrome and Recurrent DVT: A Case Report Neha Tarannum, H.V.V.S.S. Lakshman K., […], and Rajendra Kumar Premchand
[3]. May–Thurner syndrome, a diagnosis to consider in young males with no risk factors: a case report and review of the literature, Joel Hng, Shu Su & Noel Atkinson
[4]. Case Report: Rare Iliac Vein Compression (May–Thurner) Syndrome in a Pediatric Patient, Fan Yang†, Xuan Chen, Jinlong Chen
[5]. May-Thurner Syndrome: A Case Report Cihan Duran, Saurabh Rohatgi, Nicole Wake, Frank J. Rybicki, and Michael Steigner
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Abstract: Background: Toxoplasma infection is an important cause for bad obstetric history and congenital infections. The risk of congenital infection depends upon the timing of maternal infection. The clinical implications are manifold but can be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. Aim: To assess the results and significance of IgM and IgG antibodies with IgG avidity test for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in antenatal women with and without bad obstetric history (BOH) and to find out the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among pregnant women attending our hospital.......
Keywords: Congenital toxoplasmosis, abortions, antenatal diagnosis, TORCH, stillbirth, IgG avidity
[1]. Tenter AM, Heckeroth AR, Weiss LM. Toxoplasma gondii: from animals to humans. International Journal for Parasitology. 2000 Nov 1; 30(12-13):1217-58
[2]. Carruthers VB. Host cell invasion by the opportunistic pathogen Toxoplasma gondii. Acta tropica. 2002 Feb 1; 81(2):111-22.
[3]. McLeod R, Remington JS. Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii). In:Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 16th ed.Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders, 2000:1054-62.
[4]. Morris MT, Coppin A, Tomavo S, Carruthers VB. Functional analysis of Toxoplasma gondii protease inhibitor 1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002 Sep 11.
[5]. Petersen E, Dubey JP. Biology of toxoplasmosis. Clinical Toxoplasmosis: Prevention and Management, DHM Joynson & TG Wreghitt (Eds.). 2001:1-42.
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Abstract: Class II division 2 malocclusion is commonly associated with a mild Class II skeletal pattern, but may also occur in association with a Class I or even a Class III dental base relationship.This case describes management of class II div 2 with deep overbite with intrusion and protraction of maxillary anteriors using Ricketts utility arch in average growing child with early permanent dentition and . Extraction of Lower incisor was done to relieve ant crowding which is lingually locked. Excellent result was achieved.
Key Word: Class II div 2 , Skeletal pattern, utility arch , incisor extraction
[1]. Dodda KK, Prasad SE, Kanuru RK, Nalluri S, Mittapalli R, Raghavendra. Diagnostic features of Angle's Class II div 2 malocclusion. J Int Soc Prev Community Dent. 2015 Nov-Dec;5(6):513-7. doi: 10.4103/2231-0762.170528. PMID: 26759807; PMCID: PMC4697238.
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[4]. Mathews JR. Interception of class II malocclusion. Angle Orthod 1971;41(02):81-99. DOI: 10.1043/0003-3219(1971)041<0081:IOCIM>2.0.CO;2
[5]. Kokich VG, Shapiro PA. Lower incisor extraction in orthodontic treatment: Four clinical reports. Angle Orthod. 1984;54:139-153.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Angiosarcome Cutane : A Propos D'un Cas Inhabituel |
Country | : | |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2202135760 ![]() |
Abstract: L'angiosarcome cutané est une tumeur maligne rare montrant une différenciation des vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques, correspondant à <2 % de tous les sarcomes. Elle touche de préférence les personnes âgées, avec une prédilection pour la tête et le cou. Le diagnostic est souvent tardif du fait de l'interprétation précoce par le patient d'une lésion bénigne assimilable à une ecchymose, ce qui explique son agressivité avec des taux élevés de métastases et de récidives. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme âgée qui a été adressée pour une volumineuse tumeur violacée et ulcérée d'extension rapide de l'abdomen. L'examen histologique de la biopsie réalisée sur la tumeur confirme le diagnostic d'angiosarcome.
MOTS CLES: Angiosarcome cutané.
[1]. Fletcher CD. The evolving classification of soft tissue tumours: an update based on the new WHO classification. Histopathology 2006;48: 3-12.
[2]. Weiss SW, Goldblum JR. Enzinger and Weiss's Soft tissue tumors. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 2008.
[3]. Ito T, Uchi H, Nakahara T, Tsuji G, Oda Y, Hagihara A, Furue M: Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the head and face: a single-center analysis of treatment outcomes in 43 patients in Japan. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2016;142:1387–1394.
[4]. Surgical management of radiation-associated cutaneous breast angiosarcome. A. Lindford, T.Bohling, L. Vaalavirta, M. Tenhunen, T. Jahkola, E. Tukiainen.
[5]. Shustef E, Kazlouskaya V, Prieto VG, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a current update. J Clin Pathol. 2017; 70(11):917–925.