Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2020)Jan-Feb 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of Chain-Cluster based Routing Protocols in WSN |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Aya Ayad Hussein || Rajaaalden Abd Khaled |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1501010112 ![]() |
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is one of the effective techniques that being strongly considered in scientific and engineering fields. WSN consists of small nodes with sensing, computing and communicating wireless abilities. These Sensor nodes usually have a limited lifetime duration due to the limited power supply. The main aim of WSN is to sense all the information from the environment (The environment can be an Information Technological framework, a physical world, or a biological system) based on the kind of application for which is deployed and send this information to it is Base Station (BS). Sensor nodes have to ensure that their effort to complete a task fit with their strict energy budget, this constraint makes theenergy resource the most of critical importance in the WSNs. Sensor Nodes communicate with each other by different Routing Protocols, and Routing Protocols can be classified into different categories in WSNs. This paper will focus on the second category which is the Hierarchical (cluster-based) routing protocols, more precise the chain based routing protocols.....
Keywords: sensor network, Cluster-based routing protocols, LEACH, PEGASIS, chain based routing protocols
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Abstract:In this paper a substrate integrated waveguide leaky wave antenna is designed and simulated. The
basic parameters of antenna such as return loss, VSWR, and radiation pattern etc. is investigated. The substrate
used in the SIW is FR4 glass epoxy with the relative dielectric constant of 4.4 and the loss tangent is 0.02.The
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Keywords: SIW, HFSS, Leaky Wave Antenna (LWA).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Joint Uplink/Downlink Resource Allocation in OFDMA Wireless Networks |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Gondhi Navabharat Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1501011921 ![]() |
Abstract: Recent technologies mainly focuses on schemes in which uplink and downlink resources are considered independently. We propose a new approach where uplink and downlink resources are jointly allocated to all users in an OFDMA based cell using game theory. In our context, the players are 'wireless nodes' which are either cooperative or non cooperative. In our paper, we consider an application of game theory to address problem of resource allocation, specifically power allocation. Joint uplink/downlink subcarrier allocation will yield higher performance gain. This schemes can be used for applications like gaming, multimedia streaming and mobile social networks where uplink data rate should be high. This will notably improve user's end-to-end interaction.
Keywords: Joint allocation, Downlink ,Game theory, OFDMA based cell, Uplink.
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Abstract: Reliability is key quality attribute that is of great interest to telecom operators, systems radio frequency engineers and users. Hence, accurate estimation of reliability parameters are useful for modelling, designing and managing of cellular mobile system network resources. In this research, a 2-parameter Weibull distribution model is employed to quantitatively estimate the reliability of LTE mobile broadband networks performance in a typical campus environment using Federal University of Lokoja as a case study.The results obtained across the three indoor and outdoor study locations are reported graphically and quantifiably. For example, whereas 52.91% and 53.26% reliability performance are attained in location 1, location 2 and 3 attained 52.97%, 54.74% and 54.42......
Keywords: LTE networks, Reliability, Failure rate, Broadband Networks, Weibull distribution
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Resource SchedulingIn LTE-advanced System using a carrier |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G Navabarath Reddy || N Raju || K Naveen kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1501013235 ![]() |
Abstract: In 2G and 3G it will support less data rate where as LTE system support high data rate. resource schdueling in the downlink is important in LTE System.propotionality fair algorithm is one of the good aspect in the resource allocation.propotinoality fair algorithm gives equal important to all users. Proportional fair algorithm is a compromise based scheduling algorithm.It is based upon maintaining a balance between two completing interests.Trying to maximize total throughput whie at the same time allowing all users at least a minimal level of service.Simulation results show that proportionality fair algorithm fairness.......
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Abstract: This paper deals with a advanced method to design CMOS analog multiplier which operates in four quadrants. Main core of analog multiplier is two common pairs of squarer circuits which are based on translinerar principle. This makes the symmetrical configuration for the multiplier circuit and also minimizes error, because the resulted error in two squarer circuits are subtracted from each other. Also, both squarer circuits use single bias branch instead of two which causes to consume low power in comparison with previous multiplier structures. The designing of squarer circuit and simulation is carried out by cadence virtuoso schematic entry tool, with 90nm CMOS technology, supply voltage 1.2V and bias current is 10uA.
Keywords: Analog multiplier, Translinear loop,
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Abstract: In this paper, a novel recursive algorithm for realizing type-IV discrete sine transform (DST-IV) is proposed. Two linear systolic architectures for realization of this algorithm are presented in this paper. The recursive algorithms apply to arbitrary length algorithms and are appropriate for VLSI implementation.
Keywords: Discrete cosine transform, discrete sine transform, recursive algorithm, systolic architecture.
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Abstract: Contrast enhancement is frequently referred to as one of the most important issues in image processing.One of the most important quality factors in satellite images comes from its contrast.Remote sensing image have played an important role in many field such as meteorology, agriculture, geology, education etc. One of the most important quality factors in satellite images comes from its contrast. As a rising demand for high quality remote sensing images contrast enhancement techniques are required for better visual perception and color reproduction. A novel contrast enhancement approach based on dual tree complex wavelet transform and principal component analysis is proposed . The proposed algorithm computes brightness-adaptive intensity transfer functions using the low-frequency luminance component in the wavelet domain and transforms intensity values according to the transfer function..........
Keywords: contrast enhancement,DWT,Knee function,Gamma function,DT-CWT,PCA.
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