Series-1 (Sep.-Oct. 2021)Sep.-Oct. 2021 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of 32 States, Rate 4/5, 32 QAM, TCM Code for Fading Channel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Raj Kumar Goswami |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1605010108 ![]() |
Abstract: If we look at the communication system per se then we find that the coder and modulator are two different sections and function independently. Therefore, if the only coding rate is varied as per the design by keeping other parameters same then this directly affects the bandwidth (BW) of the system. For example, if the coding rate is 1/2 the bandwidth reduced to one half and if rate is 1/3 then BW reduces to one third and likewise. However, there is a method by which the BW can be preserved and this can be done if coding and modulation are combined, which means that they do not function independently and whenever the coding rate is changed then the modulation is also changed accordingly. Let us take an example when no coding is employed and the modulation scheme.....
Keywords: Convolutional Code, TCM, QAM.
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Abstract: A communications protocol illustrates the rules for sending blocks of information [each referred to as a Protocol Data Unit (PDU)] from one node in a network to another node. Protocols are generally defined in a layered mode and supply all or possibly part of the services specified by a level of the OSI guide model. A protocol specification explains the operation of the process and could also propose the technique the protocol requires to be realized. In this paper, we discuss that a Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Communication Protocols for Embedded Wireless Systems. Communication protocol design involves for complementary domains: specification, verification, performance estimation, and implementation. Usually, these technologies are treated as separate, unrelated stages of the design: formal specification, formal verification, and implementation, in particular, are seldom approached from an integrated systems point of view. This paper presents a design methodology that employs a blend of formal and informal mappings to process a high-level specification into an implementation.
Keywords: Protocol data, Embedded system, WPAN, WSN, Infopad, SDL, SMV
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Abstract:In this paper, Geographic Information System (GIS)-based Path loss models for three locations , namely Ughelli, Odeama Creek and Diebu creek in the Southern Nigeria have been achieved. The risk of manually going to the fields to take measurements of relevant link budget parameters has been drastically reduced by using GIS; and more accurate results with clear visualization from point of operation were also achieved. In this work, a program was written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automatically compute the path loss using Cost 231 Hata Model, and display it spatially on an administrative map and satellite imagery (Land Use/Land Cover) using ArcMap 9.0.......
Keywords: Southern Nigeria, Geographic Information Systems, Path Loss, Cost 231 Hata, Model
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Abstract : The problems of the acts of terrorism, community and general insecurity threats all across the spheres of the entire societal activities, is worrying challenges encountered by the communication agents almost everywhere around the globe. This may not escape being attributed to the culture of the centrality of communication regulation and dispensation, as regards the media general role. Why, because these vices are always on the increase mostly affecting the lives of the masses of the local settlement. Though, being GSM, a vital tool used in combating and fighting the said insecurity challenges, the basic aim of this presentation is to find out the role of mass media as regards GSM over security matters together with the facilitating criminality role they play detrimental to general national security reliability because it is assumed that criminals do find it easy and obtainable using the tool in finding much......
Keywords: Terrorism, Human insecurity, National Insecurity, GSM.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MMSE Rake Receiver and Channel Estimation in WCDMA Communication Systems |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mohammed H.khaleel || Hayder H.Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1605012934 ![]() |
Abstract: We address the problem of joint beam-forming and multipath channel parameters estimation in Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) communication systems that employ Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) suppression techniques in the uplink (from mobile to base station). Several types of Rake Receivers like A-Rake, S-Rake, P-Rake, Adaptive frequency Rake, Time frequency Rake, Conventional MMSE Rake and Adaptive MMSE rake are used for WCDMA. In this paper we observed that the BER performance of the Adaptive MMSE Rake receiver gives better result.....
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Abstract: For D2D communication to take advantage of various new services introduced by 3GPP project, D2D devices are required to form clusters. Clustering enables proximate devices to communicate and share common resources, thus saving scarce network resources such as bandwidth and energy. The implementation of cluster in cellular networks (especially 5G/6G) leads to better energy/spectral efficiency and traffic signaling reduction than the traditional non-clustered cellular networks. Though elaborate work on the survey and classification of clustering algorithms in cellular networks have been done by some literatures, but a review of details of clustering techniques in D2D communications is lacking. The several benefits of clustering demand that various aspects of clustering in D2D communications be reviewed. Thus the aim of this paper is to review various clustering approaches in D2D communications, including the techniques adopted and.....
Keywords: D2D, Clustering, Cluster Head Selection, Cluster Algorithms, Social Aware
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Abstract: This paper presents a new control technique for multilevel inverter based DSTATCOM to compensate reactive power and improve the Power Quality (PQ) in distribution system. In the proposed approach, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is employed for enhancing the learning procedure of Optimized Recurrent Neural Network (ORNN) for mitigating the PQ issues. The ORNN technique is utilized for selecting the ideal control signal of multilevel inverter through the optimal adjustments of control variables. The proposed strategy creates an ideal control of the DSTATCOM to improve the quality of power and manage the line voltage by providing proper compensation. With this control technique, PQ issues are settled with precision and rapid execution to diminish the dip and surge issues in distribution system. This work is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink platform and the execution is assessed by comparing with various techniques like Fuzzy, ANN and ANFIS.
Keywords: ORNN, DSTATCOM, PQ, Distribution System, Multilevel Inverter
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