Series-1 (Sep. - Oct. 2022)Sep. - Oct. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: In this research, an inset-fed rectangular microstrip antenna is designed and optimized in order to use with 5G communication systems. The proposed antenna is designed and optimized at 28 GHz centered frequency. The optimaldimensions are 3.285 mm and 4.232 mm for patch length and width respectively with microstrip line width of 0.4481mmand length of 4.037 mm. inset distance is varying in order to control input impedance. The proposed antenna resonates at 27.9832 GHz with return loss of -18.85587 dB and bandwidth of 1.46395 GHz.
Key Word: Microstrip Antenna, Patch Antenna, Inset-Fed, Optimization, Millimeter, Return Loss, Bandwidth, 5G.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leaf Disease Detection and Classification based on Machine Learning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pooja Sasane || Prof. V. V. Yerigeri |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2834-1705010510 ![]() |
Abstract: Plant disease identification by visual way is increasingly difficult and simultaneously less accurate. However in the event that disease detection technique is used, it will take less time and processing power and proves to be progressively exact. Some broad maladies in plants appear dark coloured, yellow spots, and some are infectious, viral and bacterial diseases. Image processing is being used for estimation of infected area. Image segmentation is the process of collecting images into different parts. Now a day there are various strategies used for preforming image segmentation, stretching out from the fundamental threshholding procedure to forefront concealing picture division systems. A computer does not any special technique for intelligent objects recognition, so a great......
Key Word: Multi Leaf Disease Detection, Pre-processing, Classification algorithms, Feature Extraction, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) etc
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Abstract: In this article a circularly polarized circular microstrip patch antenna is proposed for 28 GHz, 5 G applications. The proposed antenna is designed on RT duroid of relative dielectric constant of 2.2 and height 0.508 mm. Two orthogonal feed lines are used to excite the circular patch, to generate the two orthogonal fields. The various parameters such as return loss, radiation pattern and axial ratio etcof the purposed antenna has been investigated.
Key Word: 5G, Microstrip Patch Antenna, Circular Polarization.
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Abstract: Quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs) have attracted researchers due to their high absorption coefficient at longer wavelength, low noise, high operational speed and high infrared sensitivity. In this work the author has proposed an intersubabnd GeSn/SiGeSn QWIP on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate. The top SiO2 anti-reflection layer and bottom buried oxide layer create vertical cavity effect that considerably increased the light-matter interaction inside the QWIP and thereby the optical response. After that different theoretical approaches have been discussed to increase the 3-dB bandwidth (BW) of the QWIP without compromising detectivity. This work suggests that the proposed GeSn/SiGeSn QWIPs on SOI are an encouraging contender for higher 3-dB BW along with high detectivity in mid infrared region for optical detection
Key Word: Mid-infrared, photodetectors, 3-dB Bandwidth, Responsivity, Detectivity.
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Abstract:this paper evaluates the performance of a newly introduced Error mitigation technique utilizing
Phase-Congruency (PC) concept that is usually used in image processing for optimizing the reception
performance of Ultra-wideband (UWB) signals in dense Multipath fading channel model using Selective-RAKE
Receiver in presence of Multiple-User-Interference (MUI). System models used in this paper are based on both
Direct-Sequence and Time-Hopping as spreading techniques for the UWB Pulses. UWB System presented in
this paper studied the performance of RAKE Receiver with different number of RAKE Fingers. The analysis and
simulation have been run using the 6th derivative of UWB Gaussian pulse which is the new Pulse Shape studied
in the paper. The analysis.....
Key Word: Bit-Error-Rate (BER), Phase-Congruency (PC), Direct-Sequence (DS), Federal-
Communication-Commission (FCC), Multiple-User-Interference (MUI), Signal-to Noise-Ratio (SNR), Time-
Hopping (TH), Ultra-Wideband (UWB), Power-Spectral-Density (PSD).
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Abstract: At the last decades, the secured multimedia data has become essential to protect the multimedia contents from unauthorized persons. Generally, various techniques have been used to disguise significant image data from intruders, one of them the chaotic encryption to prevent the vulnerable to eavesdropping. In this review article, a review of existing chaotic encryption techniques will be conducted highlighting the advantages and shortcomings in relation to suitability for image security.
Key Word: Image encryption Security, Logistic map, Sine map, Chebyshev map Arnold cat map, LFSR,AES and block cipher.
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Abstract: The Key Objective is HDL RTL Design Architecture of Ultra high multi Clock Frequency Speed Rate ( MHz, GHz, THz, PHz, EHz, ZHz, etc) Bits Per Second Baud Rate ) P.R.B.S(Pseudo Random Binary Sequence) Transceiver Soft A.S.I.C IP Core product for identification of the property of Different Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Patterns (Seed Words) of 2e7-1, 2e10-1, 2e15-1, 2e23-1, 2e31-1 tapped elements as per C.C.I.T.T-I.T.U Standards and IEEE-754 Single and Double Data Rate Data Precision Standards (32 bit & 64 Bit Data Width ) suited for Very Advanced....
Key Word: P.R.B.S- Pseudo Random Binary Sequence, Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidelity, F.P.G.A – Field Programmable Gate Array, IDE – Integrated Development Environment. C.C.I.T.T- Consulting Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone, I.T.U- International Telecommunication Union, A.S.I.C- Application Specific Integrated Circuit, E.D.A- Electronic Design Automation
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Abstract: The Ambition is to HDL RTL Design & Verification for "Ultra High Frequency baud rate Data transfer speed (Tera, Peta, Exa, Zetta ,Yotta ,Xona ,Weka Hertz Data transfer/Seconds) General Data Serialize and De-serialize ASIC /SOC Array Card design of Different Data Stream Lengths ( 32,64, 128, 256 bit) and PRBS Data Serialize and De serialize of Various Different PRBS Tapped Seed word patterns- (2e7-1, 2e10-1, 2e15-1, 2e23-1, 2e31-1, 2e48-1,2e52,-1, 2e63,-1) for ultra high Speed Long Distance 6th Sense Space/Satellite Wireless Data Serialize De-Serialize Communication Smart Computing Products". The 32,64,128,256 Data stream bit width based Data......
Key Word: EDA – Electronic Design Automation, ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit, SOC- System on Chip , RTL – Register Transfer Level, PRBS- Pseudo Random Binary sequence