Volume-3 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Improved Bernsen Algorithm Approaches For License Plate Recognition |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhuri Latha.G, Chakravarthy.G |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0340105 ![]() |
Abstract: An Improved Bernsen Algorithm approaches for License Plate Recognition (LPR) applied to the
intelligent transportation system. LPR is an image processing technology used to identify the vehicles by their
license plates. License plate recognition is mainly based on two methods. One is License plate detection method
which is based on Improved Bernsen Algorithm and the other is license plate character recognition method. The
proposed LPR algorithm consists of three modules: 1) Locating the license plates; 2) Segmenting the
characters; and 3) Identifying the license characters. The algorithm was tested with 100 images, such as an
Indian vehicle images using different backgrounds. The experimental results show the algorithm can divide the
character of plate effectively.
Keywords: Bernsen algorithm, character recognition, feature extraction, License Plate Recognition.
Recognition Applied to Intelligent Transportation System" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Patch Antenna Array Fault Modeling and Its Monitoring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umesh Kumar, Rajiv Kapoor |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0340611 ![]() |
Abstract :The On/Off faults are among the most prominent hazards observed in antenna arrays. They behave
like a catalyst towards steady degradation of the circuit's performance. This paper is regarding fault
monitoring in the microstrip patch antenna array [1][6]. The fault modeling, included here is single and double
fault models of the patch antenna array of 8 elements. There is a marked deviation in the parametric properties
of the array because of On/Off faults. By observation and analysis of these trends, the detection of fault in the
array is simplified to a great extent. We aim at identification of On/Off faults in a faulty array structure by
observation of its characteristic properties (like S- parameters and Radiation Pattern) and their analysis using
Matrix Comparison Method and Scaled Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation Algorithm in Artificial Neural
Key words: Patch antenna, patch array antenna feed, S-parameter, radiation pattern, characteristic
impedance, neural network.
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Abstract:This paper discusses the comparative study of bandwidth (BW) enhancement technique of Microstrip
Patch Antenna (MSA) using various geometries. A simple Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMSA) was
designed and simulated using Zeland's Method of Moment (MoM) based EM simulation package IE3D and its
various parameters such as return loss, VSWR and input impédance were obtained. Then shape of this RMSA
was modified by cutting various slots in it at appropriate positions. Increase in operational BW of MSA was
Key words: Rectangular Micro strip Antenna, Modified Shapes, BW Enhancement, Antenna Design.
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Abstract:The system performance plays a great role in analyzing the characteristics of optical wireless
communication link. This paper describes the effect of BIT ERROR RATIO and QUALITY FACTOR in
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this paper. The value of antennae diameter varies from 20 cm to 40 cm and distance between satellites varies
from 0 km to 5000 km. The optical received power can be associated with the receivers sensitivity where
increasing the received power would results in increasing the sensitivity
Key words:Intersatellite optical wireless communication (IsOWC), Q-factor, BER.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Three DIMENSIONAL-CHIPS |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kumar.Keshamoni, Mr. M. Harikrishna |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0342227 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper illustrates the performance advantages of 3D integrated circuits with two specific examples, namely 3D-FPGA and 3D-SRAM. Three-dimensional Chip (3D IC, 3D-IC, or 3-D IC) is a chip in which two or more layers of active electronic components are integrated both vertically and horizontally into a single circuit. The semiconductor industry is pursuing this promising technology in many different forms, but it is not yet widely used. Through strategic modification of the architectures to take advantage of 3D, significant improvement in speed and reduction in power consumption can be achieved. The unprecedented growth of the computer and the Information technology industry is demanding Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits with increasing functionality and performance at minimum cost and power dissipation. VLSI circuits are being aggressively scaled to meet this Demand, which in turn has some serious problems for the semiconductor industry. Additionally heterogeneous integration of different technologies in one single chip (SoC) is becoming increasingly desirable, for which planar (2-D) ICs may not be suitable.3-D ICs are an attractive chip architecture that can alleviate the interconnect related problems such as delay and power dissipation and can also facilitate integration of heterogeneous technologies in one chip (SoC). The multi-layer chip industry opens up a whole new world of design. With the Introduction of 3-D ICs, the world of chips may never look the same again
Key words:SoC, SRAM, FPGA, isolating, Stacking, LBL, architecture, 2D-IC, inter-layer, ASIC
2, no. 4, july 2003
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Control Algorithm for Ring Laser Gyroscope |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Shakira Begum, N. Neelima |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0342834 ![]() |
Abstract:RING LASER GYRO (RLG) is a sensor to sense angular information very precisely. It uses the
principle of sagnac effect. In order to get excellent performance from a ring laser gyro, Intensity of laser beams,
path length of the cavity and also the dithering mechanism needs to be ultra stable and maintained
consistently. Hence control algorithms and hardware is implemented in RLGs for these three controls. Most of
the algorithms implemented are linear algorithms and simple in nature. It is felt to use non linear algorithms
based on the dynamics of the RLG to improve the performance of an RLG.
So in this project it is proposed to study the principles involved in an RLG control and simulate the
dynamics for understanding the non-linearities and finally design new control algorithms for controlling RLG.
MATLAB/ LABVIEW is proposed to be used for realizing these algorithms and finally implement them in DSP.
Key words:RLG, PLC, DPLC, PZT, DAC.
[2] "Brief History of Gyroscopes." <http://einstein.stanford.edu/content/education/EducatorsGuide/Page30.html> 19 FEB 2005.
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[5] "Ring Laser Gyroscopes" by Dr. James H. Sharp.
[6] G. L. Curran, and D. J. Engelken, "Ring laser gyro applications for tactical missiles: the Army TACMS solution", Position
Location and Navigation Symposium, IEEE, 1990(3), pp. 543–548
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Synthesis of Linear and circular array antennas using gatool |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Jaya Kumar, Mrs. M. S. Anuradha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0343540 ![]() |
Abstract:The main aim of this paper is to reduce the first four side lobe levels (SLLs) of the linear and circular
array antennas using gatool, which is the one of the simplest and efficient tool in MATLAB®. This is employed in
Radars and communications in order to reduce jamming effects, EMI and heavy clustering effects. Here
amplitude of the elements of the antennas is taken as variables to control. And finally the design currents are
given and sum and difference pattern plots for different number of elements for linear and circular array
antennas. Simulation results are presented for above with rectangular plots. Successful applications show that
gatool can be used as a general tool for pattern synthesis of arbitrary arrays.
Key words:arbitrary arrays, EMI, gatool, sum and difference patterns, and simulation
Ch.Bhobadi, ISSSTA2004, Sydney, Australia, 30 Aug.-2 Sep.2004.
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