Volume-5 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is digital multicarrier Modulation access system for high data rate transfer .But it has high PEAK To Average Power Ratio which increases complexity of A/D Converter and D/A Converters and lowers the efficiency of power amplifiers. In this paper Repeated Clipping and Filtering (RCF) distortion PAPR Reduction technique of an OFDM signal which is existing technique for reducing high Peak –to –Average Power of an OFDM signal. The basic idea of Repeated Clipping and Filtering(RCF) algorithm is to generate the anti-peak signal for Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction by projecting the clipping in-band noise into the feasible extension area while removing the Out-of-Band Interference (OBI), also called as Out-of-Band Distortion with filtering [3]. The Clipping and filtering method suffers from the three major problems like in-band distortion, out-of-band radiation & peak re-growth after digital to analog conversion [24.
Keywords - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Nonlinear Companding Transform (NCT), Repeated Clipping and filtering (RCF) algorithm Bit Error Rate (BER).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | FPGA Implementation of MB-OFDM Using Biorthogonal Encoder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Palaniappan.T, Veluchamy.S |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0530714 ![]() |
Abstract: UWB is a high data rate, short range technology .It transmits the information over a minimum bandwidth of 500 MHZ. Modern UWB systems use Modulation techniques such as OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). The MB-OFDM proposal is selected for UWB system model. Multiband OFDM (MB-OFDM) is a short-range wireless technology that permits data transfers at very high rates, between 53.3 and 480 Mbps. For the requirement of Multiband-OFDM system, the processor should work on a few hundred MHz, which makes it difficult to implement. And since the system targets for the wireless portable devices, small area and low power consumption are also imperative. Therefore a 8-way parallel architecture based on bi-orthogonal encoder is proposed in this paper. In order to satisfy the performance requirement, the proposed architecture reduces the power consumption and utilizes more bandwidth and also detects and corrects both random and burst errors. It is used for multiuser transmission scheme and also works at high speed. The detailed analysis shows that the proposed technique could reduce the gate count by 32.47% on average. With 0.18-μm CMOS process, clock rate of the entire baseband modem was about 66 MHz and BER was 5.57e-138.
Index terms- multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM), parallel architecture, ultra wide band (UWB), resource optimization.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A New Class of Binary Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Sets |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | B. Fassi, A. Djebbari, Taleb-Ahmed. A, And I. Dayoub |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0531519 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper proposes a new class of binary zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence sets, in which the periodic correlation functions of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. It is shown that the proposed zero correlation zone sequence set can reach the upper bound on the ZCZ codes.
Keywords- Sequence design, theoretical upper bound, zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences.
[2] H. Torii, M. Nakamura, N. Suehiro, A new class of zero-correlation zone sequence, IEEE. Trans. Inf. Theory, 50(3), 2004, 559-565.
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[6] T. Maeda, S. Kanemoto, T. Hayashi, A Novel Class of Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Sets, N°978-1-4244-6890-©2010 IEEE, TENCON 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Area and Delay Efficient Csla Architecture |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | J. Pravin adlin , C. Palaniappan |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0532025 ![]() |
Abstract: Carry select adder (CSLA) is known to be the fastest adder among the conventional adder structures. Due to the rapidly growing mobile industry not only the faster arithmetic unit but also less area and low power arithmetic units are needed. The modified CSLA architecture has developed using Binary to Excess-1 converter (BEC). This paper proposes an efficient method which replaces the BEC using D latch. Experimental results are compared and the result analysis shows that the proposed architecture achieves the three folded advantages in terms of area, delay and power.
Index Terms- area efficient, CSLA, low power and BEC
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of OFDM and CDMA Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lalit Singh GariA, Amit Shah, Deepesh Rawat |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0532630 ![]() |
Abstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modulation is being used more and more in telecommunication both in wired and wireless. This modulation technique has several advantages, reason for its increasing usage in communication. OFDM can provide high data rates, it can be implemented easily, it is spectrally efficient and with sufficient robustness to channel imperfections. On the other hand most third generation mobile phone systems are using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as their modulation technique. For this reason, CDMA is also investigating so that the performance of both CDMA and OFDM can be compared. It is found that OFDM performs extremely well when compared with CDMA, and provide very high tolerance to multipath delay spread, channel noise, and peak power clipping. In addition to this it provides a high spectral efficiency The noise performance of OFDM is found to depend solely on the modulation technique used for modulating each carrier of the signal. The OFDM signal performance is found to be the same as for a single carrier system, using the same modulation technique and can provide large data rates with sufficient robustness to radio channel impairments The minimum signal to noise ratio (SNR) required for BPSK was ~7 dB, where as it was ~12 dB for QPSK and ~25 dB for 16PSK. CDMA was found to perform poorly in a single cellular system, with each cell only allowing 7-16 simultaneous users in a cell, compared with 128 for OFDM.1.25 MHz bandwidth and 19.5 kbps user data rate was used for it. This low cell capacity of CDMA was attributed to the use of non-orthogonal codes used in the reverse transmission link, leading to a high level of inter-user interference.
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Abstract: Due to advancement of technology, remote sensing plays very important role in satellite based communication. Satellite gives images in digital format. The digital images are corrupted by impulse noise due to errors generated in camera sensors, analog-to-digital conversion and communication channels. The noise density varies depending on various factors namely reflective surfaces, atmospheric variations, noisy communication channels etc. Impulse noise corruption is very common in digital images. Therefore it is necessary to remove impulse noise in-order to provide further processing such as edge detection, segmentation, pattern recognition etc. Filtering a noisy image, while preserving the image details is one of the most important issues in image processing. The images captured by different sensors, producing different impulse noisy images are considered and they undergoes iterative filtering algorithm, search for the noise-free pixels within a small neighborhood. These filtered images are combined to a single image called image fusion, which retains the important features of the images from individual sensors. In this paper, we introduce an image fusion technique for impulse noise reduction, where the fused image will combine the uncorrupted pixels of the filtered noisy images. The performance of the Image Fusion is evaluated by using a reference image quality metric, Structural similarity Index (SSIM), to estimate how well the important information in the de-noised images is represented by the fused image. Experimental results show that the fused image has more quality than other filtered images.
Keywords - Impulse Noise, Image fusion, Filtering, De-noised Image.
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Abstract: In modern era of advanced VLSI design the transistor sizing and scaling has an considerable impact. There are very essential two constrains, which needs serious attention to the VLSI chip designer are high speed and low power consumption. Therefore in this paper an 8-bit 3 Gs/sec flash analog-to-digital data converter (ADC) in 45nm CMOS technology is presented for low power and high speed system-on-chip (SoC) applications. This low power 8-bit flash Analog to Digital data converter comprises 255 comparators and one thermometer to binary encoder. This flash ADC design is an extended research work of the earlier work related to ADC design using CMOS process technology. The schematic simulation of ADC is done in Tanner-Spice Pro (S-Edit) and layout simulation is done in Tanner-Spice Pro (L-Edit) V.15.14. The Simulated result shows the power consumption in Flash ADC is 41.78μw. The Threshold Inverter Quantization (TIQ) technique is proposed to get WPMOS/WNMOS < 1 for transistors to keep the power consumption as low as possible. It is also observed that the ADC consumes 41.78μW of peak power and 6.45μW of average power at full speed while it operates on a power supply voltage of 0.6V. Compared with the earlier work, this project consumes less power and high speed with proposed TIQ technique gives an edge in SoC based VLSI design. Finally the Signal to Noise Distortion analysis is done to obtain more precise data conversion results. The SNDR was found 31.9dB for ultimate precise data conversion using 45nm CMOS process technology.
Keywords: System-on-chip based design, flash ADC, Threshold Inverter Quantization technique, Modern VLSI design, SNDR, CMOS process technology.
[2] K. Uyttenhove and M. Steyaert, "A 1.8V, 6-bit, 1.3 GHz CMOS Flash ADC in 0.25μm CMOS", in Proceedings of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference, pages 455-458, 2002.
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[8] K. Uyttenhove, A. Marques, and M. Steyaert, "A 6-bit 1GHz Acquisition Speed CMOS Flash ADC with Digital Error Correction", in Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pages 249-252, 2000.
[9] V. Srinivas, S. Pavan, A. Lachhwani, and N. Sasidhar, "A Distortion Compensating Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter", IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 9, pages 1959-1969, September 2006.
[10] H.C. Tseng , C. Lin, H. Ou, and B. Liu, "A Low-Power Rail-to-Rail 6-bit Flash ADC based on a Novel Complementary Average-Value Approach", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), pages 252-256, 2004.
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Abstract: In the recent years the development in communication systems requires the development of low cost, minimal weight and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over a wide spectrum of frequencies. This technological trend has focused much effort into the design of a microstrip patch antenna. The objective of this paper is to design an microstrip line fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna which operates in C-band at 5GHz. Therefore, method of moments based IE3D software is used to design a Microstrip Patch Antenna with enhanced gain and bandwidth. IE3D is an integrated full-wave electromagnetic simulation and optimization package for the analysis and design of 3D and planar microwave circuits, MMIC, RFIC, RFID, antennas, digital circuits and high speed Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The IE3D has become the most versatile, easy to use, efficient and accurate electromagnetic simulation tool. The length of the antenna is nearly half wavelength in the dielectric it is a very critical parameter, which governs the resonant frequency of the antenna. In view of design, selection of the patch width and length are the major parameters along with the feed line dimensions. Desired patch antenna design was simulated by IE3D simulator program. The entire project is being carried out at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), ISRO.
Key words: C-Band, IE3D, Micro strip Patch, RADAR, Wind profiler
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | New chaotic binary sequences with good correlation property using logistic maps |
Country | : | Algeria |
Authors | : | Chikhaoui Fatima, Djebbari Ali |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0535964 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, schemes for generating binary sequences from logistic maps are proposed. Using new methods, several binary sequences with the same length can be generated directly by assuming different initial conditions to logistic maps. A comparison between conventional sequences (maximum length sequences, Gold sequences) and proposed sequences has been established, and demonstrate that our sequences are comparable and even superior to conventional sequences in several keys aspects, and they can be used as spreading sequences.
Keywords- Conventional sequences, correlation function, Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DSCDMA),
logistic maps.
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Abstract: This paper presents the design and simulation of low noise amplifier (LNA) used in an active radio
access point (RAP) for Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology at 5.2 GHz. RoF is integration of optical fiber for
radio signal transmission within network infrastructures that is considered to be cost effective, practical and
relative system configuration for long haul transport of millimeter frequency band wireless signal. The LNA
designed function is to amplify extremely low signals without adding noise, thus preserving the required Signal
Noise Ratio (SNR) of system at extremely low power signal. The implementation of design is based on Agilent
ATF-5143 transistor and Microwave Office software is used to perform the simulation in S-parameters. The
design and simulation process including selecting the transistor based on RoF requirements, stability of
transistor, matching network, biasing and optimization. The design has shown an acceptable behavior with gain
of 16.046 dB and noise figure of 0.9368 dB using conjugate matching method. Keywords - LNA, RoF, RAP, Conjugate Matching Method, S-parameters
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | FPGA Based System Login Security Lock Design Using Finite State Machine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kavita Saroch, Abhilasha Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0537075 ![]() |
Abstract: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) delivers breakout performance capacity and system integration while optimizing to develop FPGA devices based on CAD tools in the Hardware Description Language (HDL), which illustrate the logic, function and behaviors of system hardware. VHDL (very high speed integrated circuit HDL) is one of the important hardware description language which is used in this research paper to design SYSTEM LOGIN SECURITY LOCK. This research paper introduces the security technology for machines or objects. In this we design an automatic Security System Login Lock using FSM based on FPGA. This can be done with the help of XILINX software. In this the lock can only opened when the desired code (password) is entered or the given sequence is detected by the system.
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Abstract: The paper evaluates the performance of cascaded PID controller designs for the temperature control of an industrial heating furnace. From the control theory literature it is clear that ideal PID controller is an obsolete for the control of non-linear processes like temperature. PID controller in cascaded architecture is the best choice compared to conventional single loop control system for controlling these nonlinear processes. However, it is constrained in choosing the better PID gains. Hence, this paper is such an approach to set the better values of PID gains in cascaded form by evaluating the performance with conventional tuning formulas. Performance analysis of various algorithms was carried out by finding the system's dynamic performance characteristics in each case. The entire system is modeled by using MATLAB/Simulink, The simulation results indicate that the proposed cascaded PID design could results to rapidity in response with robust dynamic performance.
Keywords - Cascaded Control System, Dynamic performance analysis, PID (Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative) controller, Temperature process control, Matlab/Simulink, Tuning concepts.
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