Volume-7 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Fire Detection System using Statistic Color Model |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Megha Jess Mathew |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0720104 ![]() |
Abstract: Normally fire detection system uses the heuristic fixed threshold values in their specific methods. However, input images may be changed, in general, so the heuristic fixed threshold values used in the fire detection systems might be modified on a case by case basis. In this paper, an automatic fire detection system without the heuristic fixed threshold values was studied. We presented an automatic method using the statistical color model and the binary background mask. We did the experiment using 600 frames from 6 typical different fire video clips. As the experimental results the proposed method showed a good performance of about average 85% detection rate without false positive, compared with the other methods with the heuristic fixed threshold values.
Keywords: Emperical value,Fire detection,RGB,threshold,sensors
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Abstract: Network on Chip has emerged as new paradigm for the system designers to design an on chip interconnection network. However, NOC presents a large amount of array of design parameters and decision that are sometimes difficult to tackle. Apart from these issues NOC presents a framework of communication for complex SOC and has been widely accepted by the industries and academia's. Today all the complex VLSI circuitry which requires an on chip communication between them are the part of NOC. The mature concepts of communication network such as routing algorithm, switching technique, flow and congestion control etc in the NOC are the important features on which the performance of NOC depends. This paper introduces the efficient source routing algorithm which generates the minimum hop from source to destination. Performance of NOC network in terms of latency and throughput for minimum hop source routing algorithm is also evaluated.
Keywords: Network on chip, routing algorithm, topology, traffic.
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Abstract: In this paper, a highly area-efficient multiplier-less FIR filter is presented. Distributed Arithmetic (DA) has been used to implement a bit-serial scheme of a general asymmetric version of an FIR filter, taking optimal advantage of the 3-input LUT-based structure of FPGAs. The implementation of FIR filters on FPGA based on traditional arithmetic method costs considerable hardware resources, which goes against the decrease of circuit scale and the increase of system speed. This paper presents the realization of area efficient architectures using Distributed Arithmetic (DA) for implementation of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. The performance of the bit-serial and bit parallel DA along with pipelining architecture with different quantized versions are analyzed for FIR filter Design. Distributed Arithmetic structure is used to increase the resource usage while pipeline structure is also used to increase the system speed. In addition, the divided LUT method is also used to decrease the required memory units. However, according to Distributed Arithmetic, we can make a Look-Up-Table (LUT) to conserve the MAC values and callout the values according to the input data if necessary. Therefore, LUT can be created to take the place of MAC units so as to save the hardware resources. The simulation results indicate that FIR filters using Distributed Arithmetic can work stable with high speed and can save almost 50 percent hardware resources to decrease the circuit scale, and can be applied to a variety of areas for its great flexibility and high reliability. This method not only reduces the LUT size, but also modifies the structure of the filter to achieve high speed performance.
Keywords: DSP, Digital Filters, FIR , FPGA, MAC, Distributed Arithmetic(DA),Divided LUT, pipeline
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Conformal Helical Antenna with Selective Bands |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rahul Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0721922 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper presents design of U-shaped partial cavity which backs a 1½ turn helical antenna. The antenna is operating between C-Ku bands. Various selective resonant bands are achieved by varying the orientation of helix with respect to the walls inside the designed cavity and thus making the design reconfigurable in nature. The antenna has a highest bandwidth of 2.77 GHz and a peak gain of 10.8 dB.
Keywords: U-shaped partial cavity, 1½ turn helix, re-configurability, Power handling, Helix rotation.
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Abstract: One of the drawback of multicarrier code division multiple access (MC CDMA) is the high peak to
average power ratio (PAPR). In this paper A novel scheme based on pulse shaping described for PAPR
reduction. Here three different pulse shaping filters (Raised cosine, Sinc power pulse and Nyqist pulse) are
described for PAPR reduction in MC CDMA system. The method is based on the proper selection of the pulses
for shaping the different sub carriers of the MC CDMA modulation scheme. It is shown by computer simulation
that the scheme achieves the significant improvement in PAPR reduction in MC CDMA system. Its
implementation complexity is much low in comparison to the previous published methods. Thus pulse shaping
technique can be used not only to shape the spectrum of the transmitted signal but also to reduce its PAPR. In
computer simulation It is observed that by using nyquist pulse near about 6.8 db PAPR is obtained. Which is
considerable PAPR reduction than a PAPR value of Original MC CDMA signal
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Abstract: Gear defects are a major reason for poor quality and of embarrassment for manufacturers. 0 Inspection processes done on these industries are mostly manual and time consuming. To reduce error on identifying gear defects requires more automotive and accurate inspection process. Considering this lacking, this research implements a Gear Defect Recognizer which uses computer vision methodology with the combination of local thresholding to identify possible defects. The recognizer identifies the gear defects within economical cost and produces less error prone inspection system in real time. In order to generate data set, primarily the recognizer captures digital gear images by image acquisition device and converts the RGB images into binary images by restoration process and local threshold techniques. Later, the outputs of the processed image are the area of the faulty portion and compute the possible defective and non -defective gear as an output. Detection of bad quality plastic gears is critical for any manufacturing unit trying to make a mark in the market in terms of quality standard and cost. Here we explore the possibility of using image segmentation and algorithms like non-smooth surface detection algorithms to automate the process of defect detection. In these plastics we have picked industrial strength plastic gears used typically in applications like robotic arms where quality in paramount for the functioning of the device. In this paper review of various gear defects and the possible automated solutions using image processing techniques for defect detection is given.
Keywords: Defect detection, image processing, computer vision, thresholding, counting number of teeth's.
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Abstract: Bit losses in erasure channels like computer networks are of great concern. The existing methods to combat bit losses are either inefficient or time consuming due to the retransmission protocols involved. Through this paper, we propose a Modified Luby Transform (MLT) coding scheme to efficiently transmit data over live computer networks. The MLT code can combat bit losses as well as eliminate the need for retransmission. The usability and reliability of the proposed MLT code is verified by testing it on a live computer network.
Keywords : Erasure channel, Fountain Codes, Luby Transform Codes , Wired Networks, Wireless Networks
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Abstract: This paperdevelops an understanding of creating and improving the design of microstripantenna by the performance analysis of resultsfromitsvarious configurationsrelating to rectangular patch microstripantenna. Furthermore, itaccommodates a simulated patch antennawith effective results for bluetooth applicationsatafrequency of 2.4GHz. The proposed antenna is not only designed on the formulated calculations but also analyzed on different sizes, positions and orientations of substrate, feeding point and slots respectively. Propagation parameters are greatly improved by amendments suggested by the analysis of the variation based studies provided by this paper. The initial resultsobtained using formulae based designs are compared with the ameliorated results to illustrate the effects of such variations on antenna parameters. The final antenna show significantly improved return losses of -46.7dB, VSWR of 1.0093, Bandwidth of 180MHz and a far field radiation pattern with a gain of 2.2782dB. The Antenna designed is optimized and interpreted with Ansoft HFSS 13.0 simulator.
Keywords: Bluetooth, rectangular patch antenna, feedpoint, trial and error method, slot orientation, wide bandwidth.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Software Application for E-Health Monitoring System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Prasanna Puttaswamy, Mr. Pramod Srivatsa Krishna Murthy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0724650 ![]() |
Abstract: this paper presents an application of system which monitors the condition of patients or an aged person continuously using WSN technology. E-Health monitoring system is integrated with medical sensor and small computing devices to communicate between medical centre and Patient. This system automatically alerts the medical centre in case of Emergency or if patient needs immediate Doctor Attention. Such an approach reduces the routine rounds of medical personal and allows them to concentrate on other important duties.
Keywords: Medical Sensors, E-Health Monitoring, Algorithm for E-Health monitoring, EHMS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CDMA Transmitter and Receiver Implementation Using FPGA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Bhargavi, S. Koteshwara Rao |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0725158 ![]() |
Abstract: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a spread spectrum technique that uses neither frequency channels nor time slots. With CDMA, the narrow band message (typically digitized voice data) is multiplied by a large bandwidth signal that is a pseudo random noise code (PN code). All users in a CDMA system use the same frequency band and transmit simultaneously. The transmitted signal is recovered by correlating the received signal with the PN code used by the transmitter. The DS - CDMA is expected to be the major medium access technology in the future mobile systems owing to its potential capacity enhancement and the robustness against noise. The CDMA is uniquely featured by its spectrum-spreading randomization process employing a pseudo-noise (PN) sequence, thus is often called the spread spectrum multiple access (SSMA). As different CDMA users take different PN sequences, each CDMA receiver can discriminate and detect its own signal, by regarding the signals transmitted by other users as noise- like interferences. In this project direct sequence principle based CDMA transmitter and receiver is implemented in VHDL for FPGA. Modelsim 6.2(MXE) tool will be used for functional and logic verification at each block. The Xilinx synthesis technology (XST) of Xilinx ISE 9.2i tool will be used for synthesis of transmitter and receiver on FPGA Spartan 3E.
Keywords: CDMA, DSSS, BPSK, GOLD code.
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Abstract: For enhancing an image various enhancement schemes are used which includes gray scale manipulation, filtering and Histogram Equalization, Where Histogram equalization is one of the well known image enhancement technique. It became a popular technique for contrast enhancement because it is simple and effective. The basic idea of Histogram Equalization method is to remap the gray levels of an image. Here using morphological segmentation we can get the segmented image. Morphological reconstruction is used to segment the image. Comparative analysis of different enhancement and segmentation will be carried out. This comparison will be done on the basis of subjective and objective parameters. Subjective parameter is visual quality and objective parameters are Area, Perimeter, Min and Max intensity, Avg Voxel Intensity, Std Dev of Intensity, Eccentricity, Coefficient of skewness, Coefficient of Kurtosis, Median intensity, Mode intensity.
Keywords: Histogram Equalization, Segmentation, Morphological Reconstruction .
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