Volume-8 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automated Feedback Based Insulin Regulatory System for Diabetic Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vaibhav C. Pujari, Dr. Sudheer Patil |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0840104 ![]() |
Abstract: For patients with diabetes especially for Type-I, a.k.a. insulin dependent diabetes, tight control of glucose level is essential. Regulating blood glucose concentration using the insulin infusion device is important for these patients, because they have deficiency of insulin production by pancreas that prevents appropriate metabolism of glucose. This paper is focused to envisage the regulation and management of the concentration of glucose and insulin in the blood of a diabetic. Using this model, a Feedback-loop in a system that regulates and manages the blood glucose-insulin has been designed, implemented and analyzed using Matlab.
Keywords: Insulin, Glucose, Diabetes, Type 1.
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Abstract: In this paper, Bandwidth enhancement of a patch using a new kind of material, so called 'Metamaterial', is being discussed. This new material called Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) mushroom type structure is used to replace the commonly used ground plane for the simple patch. The simple patch showed a percentage bandwidth of 1.9%. The bandwidth was found to increase greatly to 39.20% after the replacement of the ground plane. The patch antenna was simulated using the Computer Simulation Tool (CST) Microwave studio.
Keywords: Electromagnetic Band Gap material, Metamaterials , Microstrip patch antenna, Mushroom Structure, Surface waves
[1] Sandhya Bhavsar, Prof. Bharati Singh "Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures Incorporated In Antenna Array: A Review", International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) Volume 3, Special Issue, March-April 2013,
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[3] Fan Yang and Yahya Rahmat- Samii, "Reflection Phase Characterizations of the EBG Ground Plane for Low Profile Wire Antenna Applications", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 51, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2003.
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[7] Simon Tse, John Batchelor, Paul Young, Richard Langley, "Enhanced MEBG patch antenna performance by using a closed edge substrate".
[8] Peter Kovács, Zbyněk Raida, Marta Martínez-Vázquez, "Parametric Study of Mushroom-like and Planar Periodic Structures in Terms of Simultaneous AMC and EBG Properties", RADIOENGINEERING, VOL.17, NO.4, DECEMBER 2008.
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Abstract: The most necessary issue that has got to be resolved in coming up with a knowledge transmission algorithmic program for wireless detector networks (WSNs) is the way to save detector node energy whereas meeting the desires of application as the detector nodes are battery restricted. Whereas satisfying the energy saving demand, it's conjointly necessary to realize the standard of service. Just in case of emergency work, it's necessary to deliver the info on time. Achieving quality of service in WSNs is additionally necessary. So as to realize this demand, Power-efficient Energy-Aware routing protocol for wireless detector networks is projected that saves the energy by expeditiously choosing the energy economical path within the routing method. Once supply finds route to destination, it calculates Î for every route. The worth Î relies on largest minimum residual energy of the trail and hop count of the trail. If a route has higher Î, then that path is chosen for routing the info. the worth of α are higher, if the biggest of minimum residual energy of the trail is higher and also the range of hop count is lower. Once the trail is chosen, knowledge is transferred on the trail.
Keywords: Power-efficient Energy-Aware routing protocol, AODV, Max-Min energy routing protocol, the largest of minimum residual energy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Different Modulation Formats Used In Optical Communication System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shashi Jawla, R. K. Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0841518 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the objective is to study the performance of different modulation formats.To choose a right modulation format is the basic key to build a flexible and cost effective high capacity optic-fiber network. The performance of ASK,FSK.PSK and PolSK for the optic-fiber is analyzed.
Keywords: Amplitude shift keying (ASK),Frequency shift keying(FSK).Phase shift keying(PSK) and Polarization phase shift keying(PolSK), Non-Return to Zero(NRZ), Return to Zero(RZ), ON-OFF Keying(OOK).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Face recognition technique for door phone embedded system |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Swathi, T. Siva |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0841922 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describes the architecture of a face recognition technique for door phone embedded system with interactive face and voice response. for the face recognition method using PCA algorithm. In this paper feature is extracted using PCA. The face recognition system using UVC Driver camera has been considered. The proposed system recognize the persons up to 300 cm and send feedback to mobile by using GSM in the form of message. In addition to this, an UVC webcam is connected to 32-bit ARM micro controller which supports features and algorithms for designing of face recognition and voice recognition system. In the proposed system, after completion of face recognition the message will be send to sender mobile by using GSM modem, that word is pronounced at the MIC of the 32-bit ARM controller. Then the door will be get accessed. The algorithms are implemented in Open CV, which runs on Linux.
Keywords : Face recognition, voice, Principal Component Analysis, Euclidean distance.
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Abstract: To accommodate high performance and high bit rates for multimedia applications in present and future wireless communication systems, it is essential that modulation techniques applied in this scenario are able to support high data rates upto and above 200 Mbps. To meet the increased demand of higher bit rates, the wireless systems are incorporating the multi-carrier modulation techniques ,such as FFT based MCM which is also known as conventional OFDM and wavelet transform based MCM. Wireless multicarrier modulation is a technique of transmitting data by dividing the input data stream into parallel sub-streams that are each modulated and multiplexed onto the channel at different carrier frequencies. In this paper, we studied the performance of DWT based MC-CDMA and FFT based MC- CDMA modulations for transmission over wireless fading channels. This scheme is shown to be overall quite similar to FFT based OFDM modulation, but with some interesting additional features and improved characteristics. Results shows that DWT based MC-CDMA modulation has better bit error rate (BER) performance than conventional FFT based CDMA without cyclic prefix (CP) for all signal-to-noise ratios and also outperforms FFT based CDMA for low signal-to-noise ratio values.
Key words: Code division multiple accesses, discrete wavelet transform, Multicarrier modulation, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,
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Abstract: The spectrum sensing related issues has come up with new aspects with cognitive radio and opportunistic spectrum access concepts. Spectrum sensing by far is the most important component for the establishment of cognitive radio. In this paper, some of the spectrum sensing methodologies for cognitive radio is presented. The Challenges associated with spectrum sensing are given and enabling spectrum sensing methods are reviewed. In this paper, an efficient recursive least square (ERLS) algorithm is proposed for improving the power signal spectral estimation. The proposed ERLS algorithm is the combination of wavelet algorithm and artificial neural network (ANN).
Key words : Cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, multi-dimensional spectrum sensing, WSS-wide sense stationary, CSD- cyclic spectral density, FFT- fast fourier transforms, ERLS-effective recursive least square algorithm, ANN-artificial neural networks.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dhrubo Jyoti Ghosh, Suchandana Roy Saha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0843942 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents a technique to design a 4bit binary arithmetic circuit capable of doing addition and subtraction operation using 2's complement method. As the 2's complement method is more advantageous than 1's complement method, the explored method of the circuit of 2's complement method along with the conventional 4 bit adder-subtractor composite unit achieves the design to get perfect result. By this circuit we can add or subtract any two numbers with any sign in an efficient way without employing the human brain.
Keywords: Control inverter, Control sign input, Composite unit, Sign magnitude bit output, Full adders.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image Encryption of Underwater Bodies Using Wavelets 2013 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prathiba Murali Krishna |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0844345 ![]() |
Abstract: The explosive growth of multimedia information and its transmission over the widely opened communication channels requires heightened awareness of security. Transmitting and storing of images which forms the highest percentage of multimedia data in a highly secured manner is quite challenging. Hence image encryption is a key weapon to maintain confidentiality from unauthorized person. In this paper, the proposed algorithms used for image encryption using wavelets for underwater bodies is more effective and efficient as compared to previous techniques. To achieve secure, reliable and encrypted image transmission from unmanned vehicle by using new image encryption technique using wavelet transformation. Encryption is required for transmission of images captured from undersea using existing small bandwidth channels as it is capable to compressing and decompressing the image and secure transmission is possible between ships and ground station.An implementation could be taken up using various possible channels with low bandwidth and highly noisy conditions.
Keywords: Encryption, Underwater images, Wavelets
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance comparison of queuing algorithms: a review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kamalpreet Kaur, Navdeep Kaur, Gurjeevan Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0844648 ![]() |
Abstract: Denial of service attacks produce very large amount of packets by a large amount of agents, these packets can easily interfere with the original flow and communication source within very short duration of time. The low rate distributed denial of service attacks (LDDoS) is those which produce less amounts of packet to attack flows. They are a combination of a large number of LDoS flows. There are several techniques called queuing algorithms which are introduced to fight LDDoS attacks. In our research work we will compare some of these queuing management techniques to find the best among them. This review paper will be helpful in our further work.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | GSM Signal Detector With Audio Visual Alert Indication Using Psoc Mixed Signal Array |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Raju, K. Satyavathi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0844952 ![]() |
Abstract: in this paper describes the path follower robot series which helps in detecting the signals from far distance, any land mine, and any gas leakage in surroundings.The design is to provide a detector to sense the signal transmission from any far distance, any leakage of gas, any presence of any land mine etc. The GSM transmission detector can sense the presence of an activated mobile phone from a distance. So it can be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc. In this design the sensors to detect the signals are attached to the Psoc. The path follower which is connected to the Psoc when it detects the signals from any far distance ,if any leakage of gas takes place near to it ,if any land mines are present near to the path which is following by the path follower it gives the indication by indicators like alarm,led,buzzer etc.
Keywords: PSoC (Programmable System on Chip), GSM signal detector, landmine detector, gas leakage detector, signal indicators and display devices.
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Abstract: In this paper, we propose four different shapes - square, circular, triangular, and rhombic- of single complementary double negative metamaterial (C-DNM) structure incorporated into the square patch antenna. We compare the performance of the proposed structure with a conventional patch antenna, in a same parametric analysis with HFSS simulator. The operating frequency of this antenna is around 12 GHz for X-band applications. The parameters that considered in these works are resonant frequency, reflection coefficient, directivity, bandwidth and radiation pattern. The focusing parameter is to achieve the better directivity gain and directional radiation pattern that obtained from the single double negative C-DNM patch antenna. The simulations show that the addition of C-DNM to square patch antenna provides better performance in terms of directivity 7.78dB to 8.02dB for square metamaterial. Keywords: microstrips patch antenna, double negative metamaterial, directivity, radiation pattern, reflection coefficient.
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Abstract: Cognitive radio refers to an intelligent radio, which has the ability to sense the external environment, learn from history and make intelligent decisions to adjust its transmission parameters according to the current state of the wireless channel. Spectrum sensing is an important aspect in the implementation of cognitive radios. The efficiency of spectrum sensing is largely impacted by the interferences in the primary channel. In this paper, a mathematical model for these interferences is first developed and a highly Sophisticated adaptive resonance theory based neural network technique is proposed to Mitigate the effect of such interferences. Additionally it is to be noted that the spectrum Sensing duration and the data transmission duration also have a significant impact on the Throughput of the cognitive network. So, in the latter part of the work, a novel back propagation neural network based throughput maximization technique is proposed and its efficiency is tested by simulations.
Keywords: Cognitive Radio, Interference, Spectrum Sensing, Throughput, Neural network.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic Meter Reading System using CAN bus and Zigbee |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Erapani Hanna, G. Mani kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0846772 ![]() |
Abstract: With the rapid development of automation and measuring techniques, automatic recording of the data in the meter reading instrument has gradually become the target of people whose working, living, and home conditions are of increasingly high level of intelligence. Meanwhile, utilities also hope that the development of new technologies to solve the problems they encountered in the practical work about cumbersome meter reading and no reliable protection of accuracy and real time; and enable both user friendly and improving public sector efficiency and management level. Existing wire-line meter reading system has a large number of risks. Wires are more complex, detrimental to adjustment and maintenance of the system. The long-term indoor and outdoor installation easily leads to aging, resulting in a risk of short circuit and breakage. For these reasons, it has become the industry very unresolved problem to design a remote meter reading system, with long-term reliance and convenient installation & maintenance, which not only read data automatically but also monitor operation status. In this Paper we propose an automatic meter reading system which uses CAN Bus and Zigbee Technology to deliver the power consumption details to the sub station.
Keywords: Zigbee, Meter Reading, CAN
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of reduced memory Viterbi Decoder using Verilog HDL |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kumar Pari, B. Raghavaiah |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0847379 ![]() |
Abstract: The best way of decoding against random errors is to compute the received sequence with every possible code sequence. This is called maximum likelihood (ML) decoding. The criterion for deciding between two paths is to select the one having the smaller metric. The rule maximizes the probability of a correct decision. The Andrew Viterbi proposed an efficient algorithm to find the minimum distance to received sequence in a trellis. It's named after him as Viterbi algorithm (VA). This was recognized by Forney to be Maximum Likelihood decoder. The Viterbi algorithm occupies large memory and computational resources. To address this problem Proposed Viterbi Algorithm is introduced. The Proposed Viterbi decoder functionally is same as the previous Viterbi decoder but it reduces memory and the hardware resources. The proposed block diagram checks every node for path metric value and eliminates the path that is found if it is not having minimum distance.
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