Volume-8 ~ Issue-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Fruit Quality Management System Based On Image Processing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Rupali S. Jadhav, Prof. S. S. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0860105 ![]() |
Abstract: Nondestructive quality evaluation of fruits is important and very vital for the food and agricultural industry. The fruits in the market should satisfy the consumer preferences. Traditionally grading of fruits is performed primarily by visual inspection using size as a particular quality attribute. Image processing offers solution for automated fruit size grading to provide accurate, reliable, consistent and quantitative information apart from handling large volumes, which may not be achieved by employing human graders. This paper presents a fruit size detecting and grading system based on image processing. The early assessment of fruit quality requires new tools for size and color measurement. After capturing the fruit side view image, some fruit characters is extracted by using detecting algorithms. According to these characters, grading is realized. Experiments show that this embedded grading system has the advantage of high accuracy of grading, high speed and low cost. It will have a good prospect of application in fruit quality detecting and grading areas.
Keywords: embedded system, size detecting, fruit grading, image processing.
[1] Hongshe Dang, Jinguo Song, Qin Guo, "A Fruit Size Detecting and Grading System Based on Image Processing," 2010 Second International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics,pp83-86.
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Abstract: A novel algorithm for detecting and tracing extended target using projection curves analysis and correlation tracking based on the maximum matching pixel count (MPC) criterion is presented. First, the projection curves of the difference image of two consecutive frames are analyzed to find the approximate areas of moving target on the entire scenes. Then correlation tracking based on the improved MPC criterion is used for target tracking against the cluttered background. Experimental results show, as compared to the conventional approaches, the proposed algorithm is more robust, has higher precision, and has simplified computational complexity for tracking an extended target against a cluttered background.
Keywords: MAD, MPC, NCC, MSE, CTA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of MIMO Radar for Multiple Target Detection |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ravi Gatti, Pramod M. S., Jijesh J. J. |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0861219 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses on the early detection problem of multiple moving targets in statistical MIMO radar systems using TBD techniques. At first, assuming prior knowledge of the number of targets, a binary generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is derived, which shows that the optimal implementation of the GLRT requires multidimensional joint search. To reduce the implementation complexity, a suboptimum multitarget TBD algorithm using successive-target cancellation and polar Hough transform (STC-PHT) is proposed. In addition to low complexity, the new proposed algorithm doesn't need the prior information of the number of targets, and can avoid the implementation of multi-hypothesis test when the number of targets is unknown.
Keywords: Antenna, Detect, Processor, Noise, Target, Threshold, Track, Velocity.
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Abstract: In this paper, a simple and dynamic wavelet-based algorithm is presented for enhancement of the image sharpness or blurriness of an Image. Four set of methods are followed here (Denoising, Decomposition, Sharpness Estimation, and Filtering). First Denoising is done on the input images and then it operates by initially decomposing the input image through a multi-level separable DWT. After this, the log-energies of the DWT sub bands are computed. A Scalar Index corresponding to the input image's sharpness is computed through the weighted average of the computed log-energies. Several Satellite images are taken into consideration and the Scalar Sharpness Index representing the image's overall sharpness denoted as SSI. This is used as a filtering component and the image is filtered out to give the Sharpened Image. Here along with the Scalar Sharpness Index, a Block based algorithm is presented to determine the local perceived sharpness. The Block Based Scalar Sharpness Index is calculated by taking the RMS of 0.01 of largest value of the filtering parameter which takes the no. of Block Size. This proposed method is the simplest, fastest and accurate comparing to the currently best-performing techniques for the sharpness estimation.
Key words: Blurring, Decomposition, Denoising, DWT, Image Sharpness, Wavelet Decomposition.
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Abstract: The study addresses channel estimation by inserting pilots in the frequency domain, showing the performance of OFDM systems as a function of the number of pilots inserted. The channel estimation and performance analysis were done using the parameters BER (Bit Error Rate) and throughput, and characterized by the number of pilots inserted. Simulations show the influence on the BER by the number of inserted pilots and throughput performance. One of the most important applications for this study is in underwater acoustic communications, which works naturally with bands of lower frequencies. Thus, it is essential to use an adequate number of pilots in order to minimize the loss in the troughput of the system.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Proficient Thermal Based Prediction Unit in Multi Core System |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Navya Vipin, Shivayya Gadag |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0863238 ![]() |
Abstract: The study addresses channel estimation by inserting pilots in the frequency domain, showing the performance of OFDM systems as a function of the number of pilots inserted. The channel estimation and performance analysis were done using the parameters BER (Bit Error Rate) and throughput, and characterized by the number of pilots inserted. Simulations show the influence on the BER by the number of inserted pilots and throughput performance. One of the most important applications for this study is in underwater acoustic communications, which works naturally with bands of lower frequencies. Thus, it is essential to use an adequate number of pilots in order to minimize the loss in the troughput of the system.
Key words: Temperature prediction unit ,watch dog timer, multi agent ,prediction, task migration.[1] J. Howard, S. Dighe, Y. Hoskote, S. Vangal, D. Finan, G. Ruhl, D. Jenkins, H. Wilson, N. Borkar, G. Schrom, F. Pailet, S. Jain, T. Jacob,S. Yada, S. Marella, P Salihundam, V. Erraguntla, M. Konow, M. Riepen, G. Droege, J. Lindemann, M. Gries, T. Apel, K. Henriss, T.Lund- Larsen, S. Steibl, S. Borkar, V. De, R. Van DerWijngaart, and T.Mattson, ―A 48-Core IA-32 message-passing processor wit DVFS in 45 nm CMOS,‖ in Proc. Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. (ISSCC), 2010,pp 108–109.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Efficient Way to Increase Performance by Using Low Power Reconfigurable Routers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Noopur Sharma, Shivayya Gadag |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0863944 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the advantage of the use of an NoC with reconfigurable Routers has been presented instead of homogeneous ones. . In this paper we propose the use of a reconfigurable router, where the buffer slots are dynamically allocated to increase router efficiency in an NoC, even under rather different communication loads. In the proposed architecture, the depth of each buffer word used in the input channels of the routers can be reconfigured at run time. Using reconfiguration, one can dynamically change the buffer depth to each channel, in accordance to the necessity of the application, increasing the power efficiency of the system for the same performance level. The reconfigurable router allows up to 52% power savings, while maintaining the same performance as that of a homogeneous router, but using a 64% smaller buffer size.
Key words: Buffer,latency,network-on-chip,power consumption,reconfigurable router.[1] L. Benini and G. De Micheli, "Network on chips: A new SoC para- digm," IEEE Computer, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 70–78, Jan. 2002.
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[7] T. Benini and G. De Micheli, "Analysis of power consumption on switch fabrics in network routers," in Proc. 39th Des. Autom. Conf. (DAC), 2002, pp. 524–529.
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Abstract: The purpose of this article is the analysis and design of a new structure of the bandpass filter, the analysis of the composite structure is made from a bandpass filter using microstrip resonators connected in parallel that are associated with a circular Split Rings Resonators metamaterials present a negative permeability (SRR) to create an environment of retro-propagation of waves. The behavior of the composite filter is also bandpass but around the resonance frequency of (SRR), which is inferior to the center frequency of the first band-pass filter, which allows a good operation of the composite filter in the stop-band of the first bandpass filter with resonators coupled in parallel. Since there's no scientific or experimental result in the literature for this kind of complicated structure, it was necessary to perform simulations using CST MICROWAVE STUDIO.
Key words: bandpass filter, coupled resonator, CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, permeability, SRR metamaterials.[1] S. B .Cohn, Parallel-coupled transmission-line-resonator filters, IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 6, no. 2, 223-231, 1998.
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[7] E. Yablonovitch, Photonic band-gap structures, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 10, no. 2, 283-295, February 1993.
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Abstract: The socio-economic condition & various health hazards are the main suffering at old age. To combat this situation, we have tried to develop and fabricate one wearable electronic rescue system for elderly especially when he is at home alone. The system can detect abnormal condition of heart as well as sudden accidental fall at home. The system has been developed using Arduino Microcontroller and GSM modem. The entire program and evaluation has been developed under LabView platform. The prototype was built and trialed successfully.
Key words: Accelerometer, ECG, Elderly, Micro- controller, LabView, Text message handling process, VISA, Wearable electronics.[1] Byungkook Jeon, Jundong Lee and Jaehong Choi, "Design and Implementation of a Wearable ECG System", International Journal of Smart Home, Vol. 7, No. 2, March, 2013
[2] Ziyu Lv, Feng Xia, Guowei Wu, Lin Yao, Zhikui Chen, " iCare: A Mobile Health Monitoring System for the Elderly", Green Computing and Communications (Green Com), 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPS Com), 18-20 Dec. 2010, pp:699 - 705
[3] G. Bestente, M. Bazzani, A. Frisiello, A. Fiume, D. Mosso, L. M. Pernigotti, " DREAM : Emergency Monitoring System for the Elderly", 6th International Conference of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG-08), 06/2008
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[7] National Instruments, http://www.ni.com/gettingstarted/setuphardware/dataacquisition/accelerometers.htm
[8] Low Cost Low Power Instrumentation Amplifier, data sheet, Analog devices inc., www.analog.com static importedfiles data sheets AD6 .pdf
[9] Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout ADXL345,https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9836
[10] Michel Mouly and Marie-Bernadette Pautet, The GSM System for Mobile Communications.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adaptive Sleep Mode Mechanism for 3G WiMax Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arun M. Bhaskaran, Samundeeswari P., Harikrishnan M. |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0865661 ![]() |
Abstract: The proliferation of wireless services and anytime anywhere communication providing always-on connectivity, mobile devices are getting smaller and smarter. Therefore, third-generation (3G) wireless standards IEEE 802.16e should provide very efficient energy conservation mechanisms to achieve longer battery life while providing enhanced user experience and quality of service (QoS). The emerging IEEE 802.16e standard provides a new sleep mode operation for Mobile Stations (MS) to address energy efficiency. In Sleep mode, the energy consumption of MS may be reduced by introducing a sleep cycle. However, a longer sleep cycle usually incurs higher response time. So there is a tradeoff between energy conservation and response time. Hence, we propose an Adaptive Sleep Mode Mechanism (ASMM) which adjusts an MS's sleep cycle in an adaptive manner based on online monitoring and estimation of the traffic condition. The goal is to minimize the response time of the MS while reducing the energy consumption. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation results.
Key words: Adaptive Sleep Mode Mechanism, IEEE 802.16e, Mobile Station, Response Time, Sleep Mode, Third Generation.1] E. Hwang, K.J. Kim, J.J. Son, B.D. Choi, "The power-save mechanism with periodic traffic indications in the IEEE 802.16e/m," IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol 46 ,pp 2176-2185,January 2010.
[2] Yang Xiao, "Performance analysis of an energy saving mechanism in the IEEE 802.16e wireless MAN," CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006., Las Vegas, NV, USA: , pp. 406-410.
[3] Yan Zhang, Yang Xiao, and V.C.M. Leung, "Energy Management Analysis and Enhancement in IEEE 802.16e WirelessMAN," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, Sep. 2009, pp. 3738-3752.
[4] Jun-Bae Seo, Seung-Que Lee, and Nam-Hoon Park, "Performance Analysis of Sleep Mode Operation in IEEE 802.16e," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, vol.2, pp. 1169 – 1173, Sept. 2004.
[5] Junfeng XIAO, Shihong ZOU, Biao REN, Shiduan CHENG, "An Enhanced Energy Saving Algorithm in IEEE 802.16e", IEEE Global Communication, Dec. 2006.
[6] S. Zhu and T. Wang, "Enhanced power efficient sleep mode operation for IEEE 802.16e based WiMAX," 2007 IEEE Mobile WiMAX Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA: 2007, pp. 43-47.
[7] S. Jin, M. Choi, S. Choi, "Performance analysis of IEEE 802.16m sleep mode for heterogeneous traffic," IEEE Commun. Lett., May 2010.
[8] Yu-Chee Tseng, Jen-Jee Chen and Yen-Chih Yang, " Managing Power Saving Classes in IEEE 802.16 Wireless MANs: A Fold-and-Demultiplex Method," IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp 1237-1247, September 2011.
[9] Fuad M. Abinader Jr., Vicente A. de Sousa Jr., N´ıbia S. Bezerra, Gino Lozada, Pekko Orava, "Performance of Power Saving Modes in IEEE 802.16e System," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 8, no. 4, pp 198-206, April 2009.
[10] Alexey Anisimov, Sergey Andreev, Andrey Turlikov, "IEEE 802.16m Energy-Efficient Sleep Mode Operation Analysis with Mean Delay Restriction," IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol 39,pp 1141–1151,January 2010.
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Abstract: Scientists use the SAR (specific absorption rate) to determine the amount of radiation that human tissue absorbs. This measurement is especially important for mobile telephones, which radiate close to the brain. The model studies how a human head absorbs a radiated wave from an antenna and the temperature increase that the absorbed radiation causes. In view of the effects of electromagnetic radiation to human body, the influence of surrounding environment caused by EM radiation is always a serious problem. Also, parameters called body loss and perfusion rate are defined.
Key words: Body loss, perfectly matched layers, Perfusion rate, Specific absorption rate.[1] Ramli, K. N., R. A. Abd-Alhameed, C. H. See, P. S. Excell, and J. M. Noras, \Hybrid computational scheme for antenna-human body interaction," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 133, 117{136, 2013.
[2] Yu,W.,S.Yong, C.L. Tang, and D.Tu, \Accurate simulation of the radiation performance of a mobile slide phone in a hand-held position", IEEE Antennas Propag.Mag., vol.52,1680-1777,Apr.2010.
[3] Ramanchanran, P., Z. Milosavjevic, and C. Beckman, \Adaptive penta-band handset antenna with hand e®ect compensation,"IEEE Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 6, No. 1, 79{ 86, Jan. 2011
[4] Li, C.-H., E. O, N. Chavannes, E. Cherubini, H. U. Gerber, and Kuster, \Effects of hand phantom on mobile phone antennaperformance," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. 57, No. 9, 2763{2770, Sep. 2009.
[5] V. Rama Krishna Sharma, Dr. Chandrasekhar paidimarri, Deepthi KVBL, "A novel method for the efficient reduction of TDD based Electromagnetic Asymmetry with demand based slot allocation scheme incorporating TD-SCDMA", IJSRP, Vol 3, Issue 5, May-2013.
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Abstract: A simple prototype of an optical wireless audio system by using Infrared (IR) as a source for the transmitter has been proposed. In this project, we designed and implement a wireless optical transmitter and receiver system that established an audio communication at some distances with weak signal via infrared communication. In addition, this project also proposed infrared communication at certain angle which is a new solution or techniques to undertaken the characteristic of light that propagates in a straight line although the signal is very low or weak over long distance. The wavelength that used for this project is 870nm which is infrared wavelength range. Based on the experimental results, the infrared communication system can work successfully within in distance up to 10 meters and sensitivity angle of the photodiode at receiver that view the infrared light coming from the transmitter is up to 140˚. This project is successfully improved the transmission distance and signal coverage area effectively with low cost of hardware, high communication speed and almost no limit to bandwidth.
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Abstract: (OCDMA) is an alternative method, which performs encoding and decoding through an optical signature code, in order to allow the selection of a desired signal so that different users can share the same bandwidth. In such a systems, data signal overlap both in time and wavelength. Tradeoffs between security and performance in optical CDMA are presented. Confidentiality against eavesdropper interception strategies for optical CDMA is considered. Coherent detection and combining signals shows better confidentiality than the incoherent one. Spectral amplitude optical CDMA based on Modified Double Weight (MDW) systems, with different code dimension, is investigated. Increasing the network system capacity or maximizing authorized specified SNRs will lead to eavesdropper to detect high SNRs.
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