Version-1 (Jan-2016)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Journey from Kolachi to City District Government of Karachi |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Dr. Ghazal Khawaja Hummayun Akhtar || Dr. Samina Saeed |
Abstract: Karachi being metropolitan city and port was the obvious choice for becoming the Capital in 1947. However, General Ayub Khan, during his presidency, realized the political volatility and economic hustle bustle of Karachi founded a new City; Islamabad which is peaceful and easily accessible from all parts of the country. Demographic studies about the city also show us that it has accommodated and still accommodates people of all ethnicities, faiths, religions and cultures of Pakistan. This has led to the multiplication of population in Karachi, raising its population count from 3.0 million people in 1947 to over 23.5 million and still counting. Thus increased population, urbanization and diversity leads to administrative complexities to which the National Reconstruction Bureau under Devolution of Power Plan 2000 tried to provide solutions. Research highlighted the fact that Karachi is paying cost of its increased diversified functions in terms of densification and overburdened and dilapidated infrastructure.
[1]. Ali, K and Bukhari, A.S. (1980) A History of Indo-Pakistan (up to 1526 A.D.): Aziz Publishers, Lahore.
[2]. Cambridge Journal, May (2010) "Afghan Refugees Population in Pakistan":
[3]. City Mayors February (2010), "Largest Cities and their Mayors in 2011"
[4]. February (2012) Administrator Office: Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
[5]. Image Courtesy:,
[6]. Jamil, Bela, Raza (2002) Decentralization and Devolution: Educational Implementation of the Praetorian Interpretation, Idara-e-Taleem O Agahi Public Trust, Karachi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The state of Set Top Box Industry in India: Issues and road ahead. A Tech-business ecosystem perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sabina Shamim |
Abstract: This paper provides a detailed analysis of the current trends prevalent in the Set Top Box (STB) industry in India. The persistent demand -supply gap for STBs and the lacunae of Indian electronic hardware manufacturing is under review. This paper attributes the chequered and lopsided growth as well as heavy reliance on theimported components and finished products to the technology business ecosystem in whichSTB industry is operating. The immediate context of ecosystemof STBs is focused in terms of the concentric yet overlappingcircles of STB manufacturing companies, producers of sub-systems and the component manufacturers. Subsequently, the way in which the policy regimeand economic system which in short can be called as the wider tech business ecosystem hassignificantly contributed to the present state of STB industry in particular and electronic hardware ingeneral has been brought out.
[1]. A Brief Report on Electronics Industry in India (2013).Corporate Catalyst India. New Delhi.
[2]. Aggarwal, Aradhna (2001): Technology Policies and Technological Capabilities in Industry: A Comparative Analysis of India and Korea, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi. Accessible at:
[3]. Bailetti, Tony (2009). Business Ecosystems: A new form of organizing creative individuals worldwide. Carleton University, Toronto.
[4]. Business Ecosystem:
[5]. Digitization & mobility-Next frontier of growth for M&E. Screens 2014.ASSOCHAM & Deloitte. June2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Age 2.0 and its challenges on media ethics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Juhi P. Pathak |
Abstract: We are currently living in the digital age, more commonly known as the Information Technology (IT) Age; which can be described as an era where every aspect of human life or activities are mainly information based. This is due to the development and use of technology. We live in a world that has become more open - in the sense of communication (global village) and internationalization (trans-border flow of data).
[1]. Pavlik, John V. (2008). Media in the Digital Age. Columbia University Press, New York.
[2]. Ward, Stephen J. A. (2011) Ethics and the Media: An Introduction. Columbia University Press, New York.
[3]. Neelamar, M. (2010). Media Law and Ethics. PHI Learning private limited, New Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The sanitation situation of Rimuka high density suburb, Kadoma, Zimbabwe. |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Kusena Winmore || Dewa Forward |
Abstract: The article examined the sanitation situation of Rimuka high density suburb in Kadoma, Zimbabwe. For data collection, both primary and secondary data sources were consulted. Purposive and systematic sampling techniques were used; to select key informants from Kadoma City Council departments and for the selection of housing units for questionnaires administration, respectively. Main types of sanitation facilities identified in Rimuka were Pour-flush, Pit and Flush latrines. The study revealed that most sanitation facilities were exposing residents to diarrhoeal disease hazards. Strategies used by Kadoma City Council (KCC) in dealing with sanitation challenges were desludging of filled toilets, cleaning toilets and installation of water tanks in the residential area.
[1]. Asian Development Bank (2014). Economic costs of in adequate water and sanitation, Available at,, Accessed on 3 June 2014.
[2]. African Development Bank Group (2011). Development Aid and Access to water and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Available at, Accessed on 9 June 2015.
[3]. Banana, E., chitekwe-Biti, B., and Walnycki, A. (2015). Co-producing inclusive city wide sanitation strategies: Lesson from Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, Journal of Environment and Urbanisation, 27(1)
[4]. Dornyei, Z (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methodologies. 1st Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[5]. Hawkins, P., Blackett and Heymans, C. (2013). Poor-Inclusive urban sanitation: An Overview, available at, Accessed on 17 July 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nutritional Status of Under-Five Children by Anthropometric Indicators among Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in West Bengal, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Uttam Kumar Sikder |
Abstract: The present paper I want to examine the nutritional status of under-five children of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe children relative to general caste children by using anthropometric indicators that is, weight for height and weight for age in West Bengal, India. For this purpose I have chosen North 24 Parganas District of West Bengal as this district is one of Scheduled Castes – Scheduled Tribes (SCs – STs) concentrated districts in West Bengal. The Scheduled Casts and Scheduled tribe group of population is socioeconomically oppressed from historical era. It is rational behind the study of nutritional status of under-five children of SCs – STs. The results revealed that nutritional status of under-five children of SCs - STs is better than that of GEN. Keywords: Nutritional Status, Under-Five Children, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Castes, Anthropometric Indicators and Health Care.
[1]. Acharya, L.B., and Cleland, J. (2000), "Maternal and Child Health Services in rural Nepal: Does Access or Quality Matter more"? Health Policy Planning, 15(2), 223-229.
[2]. Ahjuja, R. (2004), "Health Insurance for the poor in India", Working paper No. 2, Indian Council for Research on International Economics Relation.
[3]. Ahjunja, R. and Jutting, J. (2003), "Design of incentives in community based health insurance" ZEF – Discussion paper on development policy, No. 63, Bonn, Centre for development research.
[4]. Akhtar, R. (2000), "Urban Health in the Third World." Delhi: APH Publishing Cooperation.
[5]. Akhtar, R. (Ed.), (1991) "Health Care Patterns and Planning in Developing Countries," Westport: Greenwood Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotional Intelligence of Late Adolescent Boys and Girls Belonging To Nuclear Family |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L. Sati || S. Gir |
Abstract: The present study was an attempt to assess and compare the emotional intelligence of late adolescent boys and girls residing in nuclear family. The total sample for the present study consisted of N= 120 late adolescents (n=60 boys and n=60 girls). The sample was selected from 6 non coeducational government schools of Udaipur city. A preliminary survey was conducted among 11th and 12th class students to select the sample as per the delimitation of the study. To assess emotional intelligence, Mangal's emotional intelligence inventory (2004) was administered. Four dimension of emotional intelligence namely intrapersonal awareness, interpersonal awareness, intrapersonal management and interpersonal management were also assessed. The data was collected, coded and analyzed. Frequency and percentage was computed for each category.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Intrapersonal awareness, Interpersonal awareness, Intrapersonal management, Interpersonal management.
[1]. Aquino, A. 2003. Gender and Age Differences in the Emotional Intelligence of a Group of Internet Users. Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega [Lima, Peru] 103-415-836 Available at
[2]. Baron-Cohen, S. 2003. The essential difference: men, women & the extreme male brain. London: Allen Lane.
[3]. Baron-Cohen, S. 2005. The essential difference: the male and female brain. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 85, 22-26.
[4]. Berk, L. E. 1992. Children's private speech: An overview of theory and the status of research. In R. M. Diaz & L. E. Berk (Eds.), Private speech: From social interaction to self-regulation 17–53. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
[5]. Biswas, C. 1981. Interpersonal relationship in classroom situations as effected on social disability scale. Indian Dissertation Abstract, 10, 131-135.
[6]. Bond,L., Toumbourou,J.W.,Thomas,L.,Catalano,R.F.&Patton,G. 2005. Individual,family,school and community risk and protective factors for depressive symptoms in adolescents: A comparison of risk profiles for substance use and depressive symptoms. Prevention Science, 6(2), 73-88.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cross culture motifs and motives via updated technologies: Coke Studio and AIB |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrinal Singh || Neha Bhagat |
Abstract: Internet today is probably the fastest mode of widespread communication. This paper involves the understanding on internet in India is being used/ utilised for rapid transfer of news, stories and opinions crossing various barriers. We will also study the opinions and ways in which opinions are making its dominance in today's society. We shall look at how new shows like Coke Studio and AIB are helping people around the world to communicate on a common platform. Information Technology, being expeditious, is the platform these programs are utilizing to provide information to its users at a single time. Truly said that music binds people together. Music knows no boundaries, and coke studio is one of the established and flourishing platform that is crossing all boundaries. Singers from across borders collaborate with talented artists from different countries, and all it spreads is musical love. This communication with music is done so beautifully that no boundary can stop people from sharing their values and cultures with the rest of the world.
[1]. IB Times, AIB knockout controversy fir against Ranveer, Arjun, Karan, Deepika and others bollywood stars -
[2]. The Times of India, AIB Knockout Controversey-
[3]. Soundcloud, All India backchod-
[4]. Firstpost, Technology widening scope musicians- Amit Trivedi -
[5]. Forbes India,Coke Studio brings people together-
[6]. Firstpost- MTVs Coke Studio, season-3 to feature A R Rahman-
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Conspiracy of Silence in Mamoni Raisom Goswami's the Bronze Sword of Thengphakhri Tehsildar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tejoswita Saikia |
Abstract: Western epistemology has handed down a knowledge system based on hegemony and binaries. The South Asian region had been destabilized by this knowledge system during its colonial days. Internalization of the foreign knowledge and value system has led to an apparent unmaking of the history and culture of the colonized nations. A kind of amnesia has taken over obliterating the past narratives and superimposing on them the discourse of Orientalism as constructed by the colonizers. In the midst of the complex interplay of memory and amnesia silence plays a very significant role. In the dominant discourse, silence has always been seen as the binary opposite of voice and agency; silence is made to be an appendage of oppression, but what needs close scrutiny is the role of silence as something that is powerful, rebellious and transformative.
[1]. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture, London: New York: Routledge, 1994
[2]. Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth, translated from French by Richard Philcox, New York: Grove Press, 2004
[3]. Goswami, Indira. The Bronze Sword of Thengphakhri Tehsildar. Translated by Aruni Kashyap, New Delhi: Zubaan, 2013
[4]. Goswami, Mamoni Raisom. Thengphakhri Tahchildarar Tamar Tarowal, Guwahati: Jyoti Prakashan, 2011
[5]. Loomba, Ania. Colonialism/Postcolonialism. Oxon: Routledge, 1998 (Second edition 2005).
[6]. Malhotra, Sheena and Rowe, Aimee Carrillo, ed. Silence, Feminism, Power: Reflections at the Edges of Sound, New York: London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
[7]. Mullins, Cody C. "Silence as Insubordination: Friday and Michael K‟s Wordless Weapon, A Post-Colonial Approach to J.M. Coetzee‟s Foe and Life and Times of Michael K,", Accessed on 31/10/2015, 1:14 PM
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entrepreneurial Communication Challenges for Dalits in India: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam District in Andhra Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa |
Abstract: According to the Economic Survey 2006-07, Scheduled Castes constitute 16.23% of the total population of the country (2001 Census) but continue to suffer on account of severe socio-economic deprivation arising out of poor asset base, dependence on wage labour, subsistence level of farming, engagement in scavenging and other unclean jobs and other social evils. The research on SC entrepreneurship is scarce and there are few in-depth studies on this subject. There is an urgent need as well as wide scope for research on SC entrepreneurship in a developing country like India, which is riddled with the unique caste system non-existent anywhere else in the world. The study intends to provide insight into the entrepreneurial challenges among persons belonging to Scheduled Castes.
Keywords: Dalit Entrepreneurship, SC Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Communication
[1]. Iyer, L. Khanna, T. Varshney, A. (2011). "Caste and Entrepreneurship in India", Harvard Business School.
[2]. Planning Commission (n.d.). "Entrepreneurial Challenges for SC Persons in India- A Research Study". Bhartiya Shishu Evom Mahila Vividh Vikash Samiti, Government of India, New Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Environmental Policies in India towards Achieving Sustainable Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. G. Indira priyadarsini |
Abstract: Environmental policies in India have been evolved considerably over the past three decades. The policies have been responsive to the emerging concerns of both local and global origin. Policies have covered a wide-range of issues such as air and water pollution, waste management, biodiversity conservation (The Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution, 1992; The Forest Policy, 1988). However, the policies have traditionally been aimed at environmental protection and geared towards responding to local issues. India faces challenges in economic development, which is to be met from limited resources; with minimum externalities and in presence of an uncertain climate. One of the approaches to overcome this challenge is through the path of sustainable development (SD).
[1]. National Environment Policy, 2008
[2]. UNEP, 2011, Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication - A Synthesis for Policy Makers,
[3]. Ibid 2
[4]. Ernst&Young survey 2013
[5]. Ethan Goffman, India and the Path to Environmental Sustainability, ProQuest is part of Cambridge Information Group, (,, (Released February 2008).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Creative Ways of Using Esl To Name Children |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Mrs Flosie Florence Green || Mr Jhamba Dureen |
Abstract: The study examines English names which second language speakers give their children. The names may be English but have a distinct African flavour such as No Please and Talknomore hence the term Afro English. The study interrogates the background of over sixty names collected over a period of ten years. The researchers conclude that ESL speakers of all linguistic groups exercise creativity when they choose English names .Furthermore the study reveals that the less educated the parents are, the more creative they get to be in name choice. Key words: Afro English, onomastics, ESL, SFL, indigenous and circumstances.
[1]. Ellis, R.(1997) Second Language Acquisition.Oxford:Oxford university Press.
[2]. Halliday, M.A.K. (1985)The input hypothesis: Issues and Implications. New York: Longman.
[3]. Hillside Teachers‟ College (2014)Class of 2013 Award List. Bulawayo: Hillside Teachers‟ College.
[4]. Krashen, S (1985) The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. New York: Longmans.
[5]. Mutema, F. and Njanji T.M.L. (2013) Tofiraushe! Nhamoinesu! Naming as Negotiation For Space in Contemporary Zimbabwe. In Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2(4)251-255.Emerging Academy Resources.(ISSN:2276-8467).
[6]. Pfukwa, C.(2008)Shona Description of Diurnal Time: An Onamastic Perspective,NAWA Journal of language andCommunication,pp57-65 at 10/08/14)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | व्यंग्यकारो के सानिध्य में पनपता व्यंग्य का स्वरूप |
Country | : | भारत |
Authors | : | डॉ महेश चन्द्र चौधरी |
Abstract: ......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | भरतपुर शहर में सुजान गंगा नहर में जल प्रदूषण का भौगोलिक अध्ययन |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | ![]() |
Abstract: ....