Version-1 (March-2017)
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Abstract: Voting is the main form of political participation in democratic societies and the study of voting behavior is a highly specialized sub-field in political and social science. The study was concerned with the reasons why people vote the way they do. The main objectives of the present study were to find out the factors why some citizens vote while others do not, comparing the voting behavior of the casting and non-casting voters and the influences of socio-economic and political determinants of voting behavior of the local people. That study has diagnosises the inner catalyst behind the changing trend of voting behavior in democratic form of local self-government in local area in Bangladesh...........
Keywords: Voting, Local-election, Voting Behavior, Casting Voter, Non-Casting Voter
[1] Abbas, (2014),' Social Factors Hindering Political Participation in Pakistan: A Review Article,' Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy, Vol -5 No 23, November.
[2] Ahmed, Nizam, (2000), 'Politician and Bureaucrats in Local Government in Bangladesh: Social Background and Role of Orientation', The Journal of Local Government, Vol. 29, No. 1, January-June, 2000.
[3] Akhter, Muhammad Yeahia,(2001) ',Electoral Corruption in Bangladesh', Hampshire, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
[4] Alam,A.Z.MSamsul, (1986), 'Democracy and Election,' Dhaka, Bangladesh Co-operative Book Society Ltd.
[5] Blais. A.G. Elizabeth and N.Neil.(2004). Where Does Turnout Decline Come From? European Journal of Political Research.43:221-23.
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Abstract: Losing an election is not a suitable 'song' that politicians aspire to sing and conceding defeat in public is what no politician ever prays to do. Nonetheless, there must be a winner and there must be a loser especially in a competition as politics. This work investigated the underlying meanings of the concession speeches of President Goodluck Jonathan, Governor Kayode Fayemi and Governor Mitt Romney. The study applied Fairclough and Wodak's Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse the concession speeches of the said politicians. The study is carried out using a qualitative descriptive methodology to analyse the pragmatic, grammatical elements and cohesive devices that are used to decode the ideologies in the speeches............
Keywords: Concession speech, politics, discourse analysis, cohesive, contrastive
[1] Blommaert, J. (2005). Discourse: A critical introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University PressBloor, M. & Bloor, T. (2006). An Introduction: The practice of critical discourse
[2] analysis. London: Hodder Education.
[3] Cook, G. (1989). Discourse and literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Crystal, D. (1991). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
[4] Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and social change. Cambridge: Polity Press. Fairclough, N. (1993): "Critical discourse analysis and the modification of public
[5] discourse", Discourse & society. 4.2: 133 - 168. Fairclough, N. (1995a). Media discourse. London: Arnold.Fairclough, N. (1995b): Critical discourse analysis. London: Longman
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cattle Culture of Gorkhas and Dairy Development of Assam |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bishnu Prasad Upadhaya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2203012730 ![]() |
Abstract: Commercial Dairy farming in Assam had begun during British period. After establishing a bond with Nepal through signing the Treaty of Segowli in 1816, the British Government encouraged the migration of Gorkhas from Nepal with their families. After the Yandaboo treaty in 1826 the Gorkha army men along with the British reached Burma and the kinsman of the Gorkha soldiers accompanied them were offered to rear buffaloes there as sundry jobs. The Syiems (chiefs) of United Khasi Jayantia Hill, who levy a grazing tax on immigrants- a tax which they cannot levy on their own subjects, had encouraged Gorkha graziers to immigrate in this part of NER. During War II numbers of Gorkha Graziers moved to NER from Burma creating milk pockets in different parts of Assam. Depending on this milk pockets numbers of Dairy Cooperatives came up..............
KEY WORDS: Cattle, Cooperative Gorkha,Graziers,Milk
[1] Amena Passah (2003): Gorkha's in Meghalaya: Diaspora and Identity; in Sinha, A.C. and Subba, T.B. (eds) The Gorkhas in North-east India: a community in search of Indian identity (New Delhi, Indus)
[2] Assam State Gazetteer (1999): Vol.-I, The editor-in-Chief, District Gazetteers; Government of Assam, Guwahati.
[3] B. C. Allen (1906): Assam District Gazetteers.Volume X. The Khasi And Jaintia Hills, The Garo Hills And The Lushai Hills) Pp 81
[4] Jugal Saikia(2009): Economics of Informal Milk Producing Units in Guwahati City; a thesis submitted for the award of Doctor of Philosophy in economics of North Eastern Hill University Shilllong, Meghalaya.
[5] Lopita Nath(2006): Migration, Insecurity and Identity: The Gorkha Dairymen in India's Northeast; Asian Ethnicity, Volume 7, Number 2, June 2006
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Abstract: Recent disasters are becoming increasingly diversified, larger and increasingly uncertain. However, disaster management still lacks various research and lessons, and it exposes various problems in management. Disruption of the command system, a number of non-practical response manuals, failure to function effectively at the local government headquarters, a lack of unified system, failure of national emergency support function, disruption of central control tower. The majority of responding problems are due to the manual method of approaching each type of disaster and the distributed management system.In this study, we aim to review the disaster safety management plan from the viewpoint of total value chain aiming at total optimization. To this end, the system should be directed to a systematic model that is characterized by a systematic approach to disaster management and safety management.
Keywords : Complex Risk Society, Disaster Safety Management , Systemic Approach
[2] Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Harvard University Press.
[3] Santos-Reyes, Jaime and Beard, Managing safety. "Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 21.
[4] Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (2007). Principles of emergency management supplement. Washington, DC: US
[5] Pine, J. C. (2009). Natural Hazards Analysis: Reducing the Impact of Disasters. CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, FL: Boca Raton
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Abstract: This study was designed to assess the levels of awareness and practises regarding Child and Adolescent Mental Healthcare (CAMH) among the Primary Healthcare Providers (PHP) in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
A hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted using a three-stage sampling technique. A total of 371 (191 nurses and 180 community health workers) respondents were randomly selected from ten (10) primary health care centres in two local government areas selected for the study. The respondents' age ranged from 18 to 56 years (mean age = 35.7 years). Information was collected using a self- administered semi-structured questionnaire. Results of data analyses indicated that about half of the primary healthcare workers have worked for a period of 1-5 years in primary health care centres...........
Key words :- Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Primary Healthcare Providers, Awareness and Practices, Nigeria.
[1] Abiodun O. A. (1992). Emotional illness in a pediatric population in Nigeria.East Afr Med J 10: 557-559.
[2] Adewuya, A., Efinfolami A.R., Ola B.A., (2011). Correlates of self-stigma among out-patients with mental Illness in Lagos, Nigeria.Int. j. social psychiatry, 57: 418-227.
[3] Adewuya A. O., Oguntade, A.A., (2007). Doctors' Attitude towards people with mental illness in western Nigeria.SocPsychiatriEpidemiol 42: 931-936.
[4] Akerele, D., Adewuyi, S. A. (2011) "Analysis of Poverty Profiles and Socioeconomic Determinants of Welfare among Urban Households of Ekiti State, Nigeria" Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(1): 1-7
[5] Bernal P., Estroff, D., Aboudarham, J. (2000). Psychosocial Morbidity: The economic burden in a pediatric health maintenance organization sample. Archives of Pediatrics& Adolescent Medicine 154: 261-266.
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Abstract: Hospital has a tendency to use large amounts of resources, making it difficult for the government to meet all the needs of the hospital. This difficulty is then led to a new management concept for hospital by giving autonomy to hospital. The given autonomy then called as Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) in which hospitals have the right and authority to manage its resources. In managing these resources, it is required a good knowledge and understanding of the relevant hospital autonomy. This survey aims to determine the extent of stakeholder understanding of the hospital autonomy and hospital autonomy-related training needs. The study design was a survey conducted by using the tool "Balanced Score Card Diagnosis" that was used to measure the respondents' knowledge.............
Keywords: Hospital, Hospital Autonomy, Knowledge Management
[1] Chawla, G. (1996). Recent Experiences with Hospital Autonomy in Developing Countries, What Can We Learn? Hospital Autonomy Journal, 5-8.
[2] Collins, David. (1996). Hospital Autonomy in Kenya: The Experience of Kenyatta National Hospital. Hospital Autonomy, 8-10.
[3] Ministry of Health. Minister of Health Regulation Number 20 of 2014 on the Management of Non civil servants Unit on the Health Ministry Applying Financial Management Pattern Public Service Autonomy. Jakarta: 2014.
[4] President of the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesian Government Regulation Number 23 Year 2005 on the Financial Administration of the Public Service. Jakarta: 2005.
[5] President of the Republic of Indonesia. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 Year 2009 about the Hospital. Jakarta: 2009.
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Abstract: This paper analyzes the comparatively jarimah hudud for criminal khamar Aceh province that adopts European law Continental, with the State of Brunei Darussalam which adheres to the legal system of Anglo-Saxon is a very interesting thing because the two countries with different backgrounds legal system but can apply the legal system Islam in the enforcement of criminal law, whether hudud, qisas criminal offense / diyat or ta'zir. Results of analysis of the differences and similarities in the understanding and application of sanctions for the perpetrators of criminal acts relating to the liquor like. The method used is content analysis (content analysis) of the reference data to the issues discussed. Both systems jinayat adopted by both countries / regions that have the advantages that can be dikembang by both countries / areas to achieve legal stability in each of the area.
Keywords: Hudud, Ta'zir.
[1] Ahmad Ali, Menguak Teori Hukum dan Teori Peradilan, (Brenada Media Group, Jakarta, 2012).
[2] Al-Yasa' Abubakar, Syari'at Islam di Aceh, Paradikma, Kebijakan dan Kegiatan, (Banda Aceh: Dinas Syari'at Islam Aceh, 2008).
[3] Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned, the State Mufti of Brunei Darussalam kingdom, Qanun CrimeSyar'iah an introduction, (Brunei: Position Mufti kingdom, Position Minister of Brunei Darussalam, 2013).
[4] Komariah Emong Sapardjaja, Supreme Court, paper, Qanun Aceh, Jakarta, March 7, 2012.
[5] Sulaiman Rasyid, Fiqh Islam, (Jakarta; Athahiriyyah, 1978).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Future Demands of Education in Fijian Classrooms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manpreet Kaur || Sanjaleen Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2203015458 ![]() |
Abstract: The education system in Fiji by far constitutes the punitive approaches of teaching using chalk and blackboard and is usually teacher-centered. The Ministry of Education is continuously pressing on the need to incorporate innovation in the teaching pedagogies and shifting from teacher-centered to student-centered. Education for the future will have to change. Some secondary schools have switched to teaching using whiteboards, interactive boards and even the social media and internet. This is a promising move as it enhances student interaction and engagement. Presently, the secondary students are digital natives primarily engaged with the many gadgets they own.............
Keywords: Technology, Fijian Ministry of Education, Reforms, Facilitator, Teaching pedagogy
[1] Cava, L. (2016) 'Tablets for Students'The Fiji Times, 7 September. Available from [Accessed 12 December 2016].
[2] Costley, K. C. (2014) 'The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning' Arkansas Tech University, United States of America.
[3] Geta, T. &Abera, B. (2015) 'Comparative advantages of using modern technology for teaching-learning process in agricultural sciences in Jigjiga University, Ethiopia' Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, 7(3) pp. 19-24.
[4] Gulek, J. C. &Demirtas, H. (2005) 'Learning with technology: The impact of laptop use on student achievement',Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 3(2). Available from [Accessed 12 December 2016].
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Abstract: In order to judge the gravity of written errors, teachers generally resort to different sets of criteria. In addition, the majority of error gravity research studies focus on the judgment of native versus non-native speakers. However, little concern has been paid to the role of criteria selection in shaping gravity judgment in the Tunisian context. Therefore, this research attempted to investigate the impact of criteria selection in shaping teachers' judgment of the gravity of written errors. Fifty essays of third year management students were analysed. Fifteen Tunisian teachers participated in the evaluation process.............
Keywords: Acceptability, error gravity, feedback, irritation, severity judgment
[1] Eun-pyo, L. (2002). Error analysis on medical students‟ writing. Eulji University, School of Medicine.
[2] Kasanga, L. A. (2006). Requests in a South African variety of English, pp 1; 65-89.
[3] Rivers, W and Temperley, M (1978). A practical Guide to the Teaching of English as a Foreign or Second Language. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN0-19-502210-6
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Abstract: De nombreux changements qui se produisent tant dans l'emploi que dans la famille font que la conciliation entre la vie familiale et la vie professionnelle des salariés devient un impératif majeur dans plusieurs pays.Le droit du travail a une double approche aux interférences de la vie familiale et de la vie professionnelle. D'une part, il s'agit de l'autonomie de la vie personnelle -et familiale- par rapport à la vie professionnelle. L'employeur ne peut par exemple procéder un licenciement pour un motif tiré de la vie familiale que si le comportement, compte tenu de la nature de ses fonctions et de la finalité propre de l'entreprise
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Abstract: Communication Apprehension is the feeling of anxiety concerning speaking with others. Communication Apprehension (CA) prevents individuals' ability to communicate effectively in communication contexts. Employers of labour prefer graduates who can effectively communicate in the workplace without apprehension. CA has been established as a barrier to communication and therefore has implication for employability. This study assessed the communication apprehension of mass communication final year undergraduates in Nigeria. A total of 405 respondents were surveyed from four tertiary institutions, namely: Lagos State University (LASU), University of Lagos.............
Keywords: Communication Apprehension, Group discussion, Interview, Conversation, Presentation, Employability
[1] Ahadzadeh, A. S., Sharif, S. P., Wei, K. K., & Emami, H. (2015). Narcissism, Self-esteem, Communication Apprehension, and Need for Affiliation: Difference between Social Networking Site Users and Non-users. Taylor's Business Review (TBR), 4(2). doi: 10.7603/s40932-014-0002-z.
[2] Arquero, J. L., & Tejero, C. (2009). Ambiguity tolerance levels in Spanish accounting students: A comparative study. Revista de Contabilidad – Spanish AccountingReview, 12(1), 95–116.
[3] Arquero, J. L., & Tejero, C. (2011). How well adapted are accounting students forBologna? A comparative analysis of learning styles of Spanish social sciencesstudents. EDUCADE: The Spanish Journal of Accounting, Finance and ManagementEducation, 2, 145–156.
[4] Azevedo, A., Apfelthaler, G., & Hurst, D. (2012). Competency development in busi-ness graduates: An industry-driven approach for examining the alignment ofundergraduate business education with industry requirements. The Interna-tional Journal of Management Education, 10(1), 12–28.
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Abstract: There is something mildly hypnotic about the illusion of movement that holds the attention whenever it comes in close contact to the optic nerves...just like the case of Cinema or motion picture house as it catches attentionat inception. The art of motion pictures had frequently undergone changes that seemed fundamental, such as those resulting from introduction of sound, which is of great difference based on the style adopted from country to country.The paper examines the historical perspective of Cinema Culture from the point of view of the Economic nerve centre of Nigeria, Lagos State.The paper dwells on the trends in the habit of cinema goers in the early 19th century when it all began and how it then evolved over the years in the economic hub of Nigeria as a form of relaxation and entertainment as well as information tools............
Keywords: Re-Emergence, Cinema, Culture, Dynamics, Challenges
[1] Aderinokun, T (2005). The economics of nigerian film, art and business. (Online). Available from: (Accessed18 August, 2011).
[2] Akomfrah, J. (2006). On the national in African Cinema(s), In Vital, V. and Willemen, P. Theorizing National Cinema. London: BFI.
[3] Akpabio, E.(2003) African communication system : An introductory text . Lagos: B print publications.
[4] Alabi S.(2009) projecting Nigeria‟s image through the film industry . In O. Onabanjo & R. Mbayo (eds), Emergency, Growth And Challenges Of Films And Home Video In Nigeria. Bowie Maryland, USA: African Renaissance Books incorporated.
[5] Allafrica.Com.(2008). Nigeria: Nollywood in retrospect.(Online) Available at http://allafrica. com/ Retrieved May 3, 2011.
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Abstract: Rural development is a part of larger process of development of national society. It is legitimate that it contributes to the overall goals of national development, employment generation, equity development of industries and services for self-reliance and so on. Rural development strategy logically forms an integral part of overall national development. It aims at raising quality of living standard of this population. Rural development defines its most dominant concern and major deployment of means and organizational energy. It should go for ensuring health, happiness and learning and meaningful work opportunities for rural population.
Keywords: Rural Development, Employment, Emancipation, backwardness and work opportunities
[1]. "Himachal, Past, Presented and Future". Directorate of Correspondence Courses, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla 1995 P. 169.
[2]. Chaarlas, L. J. and Velmurugan, J. M. (2012). 'MGNREGA: Issues and Challenges', International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol. 2(6).
[3]. Chand, K.P. & Swanip, R. (1985) "Impact of National Rural Employment Programme in Himachal Pradesh," Agro-Economic Research Centre, H.P. University, Shimla, 1985.
[4]. Chatterjee, S. (2009) "SGSY: Developing Banking Habits among Rural Poor". Kurukshetra, P. 29. Feb. 2009.
[5]. Creswell, John W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches (4th Ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Body Cathexis and Clothing Interest among Middle Age Working Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rashmi Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2203019698 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body cathexis, and clothing interest among middle age working women. Subjects consisting of 200 females which include 100 college/university lecturers and 100 doctors from different hospitals in Alwar, Rajasthan. No previous research had investigated body cathexis, and clothing interests of the middle age working women. Since clothing is such an integral part of the self, it was important to examine the influences and contributions of these variables to working life and age. The proposed research model hypothesized that these variables body cathexis and clothing interests would be correlated with each other......
[1]. Carlson, A. & Dionne, E.J. (1997).Carolyn Kundel, "Clothing Practices and Preferences of working women and Their Families," Home Economics Research Journal, 4(1976), 225-234.
[2]. Cassill, N. L. & Drake, M. F. (1987). Apparel selection criteria related to female consumers' lifestyles. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 6(1), 20-28.
[3]. Ebeling, M.&Rosencranz, M.L. social and personal aspects of clothing for middle-aged women. Journal of home economics,1961,6 464-465.
[4]. LaBat, K., & DeLong, M. (1990). Body cathexis and satisfaction with the fit of apparel. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 9, 43-48
[5]. Rook, D. W. (1985). Body cathexis and market segmentation. In M. R. Solomon (Ed.), The psychology of fashion (pp. 233-241). Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath