Series-5 (June-2019)June-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: Diversity management when not managed well is an unpleasant fact in any organization as long as people compete for jobs, resources, power, recognition and security and this has led to conflict in the organization. The diversity experienced especially in workplace environment are essentially a continuation of ethnical rivalry and religious sentiments among employers or the workers in the organization. This paper examined the ethnic diversity and how it affects the behavioural outcome of employees in headquarters of selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The paper adopted the survey research design through quantitative research approach. Primary data was......
Keywords: Ethnic Diversity, Behavioural Outcome, Manufacturing Firms, Nigeria
[1]. Adeoti, J. (2011). Investment in technology and export potential of firms in southwest Nigeria. AERC Research Paper 231. Nairobi: African Economic Research Consortium.
[2]. Aina, S., Awolusi, O., & Odunlami, S. (2015). Dynamics of conflict in Nigerian educational system: evidence from Nigerian Universities. International Journal of Energy Policy and Management, 1(2), 33-42.
[3]. Albert, I. (2009). New Directions in the Management of Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Insights from the Activities of AAPW" in Otite, O. and Albert, I.O. (eds.) Community Conflicts in Nigeria: Management, Resolution and Transformation, Ibadan: Spectrum Books limited, 34 – 63.
[4]. Anifowose, R. (2012). Violence and Politics in Nigeria: The Tiv and Yoruba Experience. Lagos: NOK Publishers.
[5]. Chen, V.H. & Duh, H.B. (2014) Exploring the Influence of Cultural Diversity in Collaborative Design Teams: Preliminary Findings. Second IFIP TC 13 Symposium on Human Computer Interactions (HCIS)/ Held as Part of World Computer Congress (WCC), Sept 2010, Brisbane, Australia, pp246-254. 10.1007/978-3-642-15231-3_24. Hal-01055477.
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Abstract: Like many other economic and social activities that are intensive in infrastructure, the transport sector is an important component of the economy impacting on development and welfare of the people. Transport plays a major role in the Sri Lankan economy, contribution approximately 11% of GDP and 20% of the service sector. Also, Road transport is the one great part of transport and it for about 92% of both freight and passengers transport. During recent decades, many road development project were implemented in rural areas and IROAD project is big investment.........
Key Terms: Rural Poverty, IROAD Project, Livelihood Implication, Infrastructure Development
[1]. ADB. (2012). Infrastructure for Supporting Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction in Asia. Metro, Manila: Asian Development Bank.
[2]. Atsushi, J., Eric, L. R., Isabela, M., & Satoshi, O. (2015). Social and Economic Impact of Rural Road Improvement in the State of Tocantins, Policy Research Working Paper 7249. Washinto D.C: World Bank.
[3]. Balisacan, A., &Pernia, E. (2002). reviciting Growth and Poverty reduction in Indonesia: What do Subnational Data Show? ERD Working Paper Serious No 25, Manila; . Asian Development Bank: Economics and research department , Asian Development Bank.
[4]. Balisacan, A., &Pernia, E. (n.d.). Probing Beneath Cross-national Average: Poverty Inequality and Growth in the Philippines, ERD Working Paper serios No 07, Manila . Manila: Economics and Research Department, Asian Development Bank.
[5]. Chongvilaivan, A., Kiyoshi, T., & Rommel, R. (2016). Impact of Road Access on Subjective Well-Being in Timor-Least. Asian Economic Journal , 30(1), 91-114.
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Abstract: Insynchronization of regulations between Presidential Regulation Number 16 Year 2018 concerning Procurement of Government Goods / Services with Law Number 2 of 2017 concerning Construction Services specifically relating to (1) Requirements for selection of providers especially regarding (a) obligations of work competency certificates; (b) limits on the ability to carry out work at the same time and business qualifications and (c) market segmentation of construction services; (2) Building failure especially regarding (a) building failure definition; (b) the period of time, failure of the building's liability and the authority to sue for crime; (3) The role of community participation; and (4) Dispute resolution. Insynchronization of these regulations results in legal uncertainty for stakeholders to carry out their duties so that they will have a negative impact on national procurement so that it can hamper......
Key Terms: construction services, public procurement, synchronization, regulatory principles, procurement of construction
[1]. Adami Chazawi, Hukum Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo, 2016).
[2]. Adrian Sutedi, Aspek-Aspek Hukum Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa dan Berbagai Permasalahannya (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2009).
[3]. Ahmadi Miru and Sakka Pati, Hukum perikatan Penjelasan Makna Pasal 1233 Sampai 1456 BW (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2011).
[4]. Amiruddin and H. Zainal Asikin, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Hukum (Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2006).
[5]. Ahmad Feri Tanjung, P.L. Rika Fatimah dan Tan Kamello, Contract Law Perspective Mapping To Quality Characteristic of the Government Procurement in Indonesia: Doubt on the Practice of Corruption, Administrative or Civil Violations?, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 19 (6), 2014..
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Abstract: This study entitled "Assessment of the perception of TVET Tutors in Rwanda on their level of Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK): a Case of Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs)", was conducted to assess the perception of TVET Tutors in Rwanda on their level of Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. The output of this study will be helpful in contributing towards Rwanda current educational goals assessment and implementation review for their achievements since it demonstrates the level of TVET tutors in relation to Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. It also suggests possible solutions that among them TPACK training will facilitate to achieve its goals.The methodology that was used in data collection is descriptive survey. Purposive and stratified random were used as sampling techniques. Questionnaires..........
[1]. Ayoub, K. C., Petra, F., & Joke, V. (2013). Supporting teachers' collaboration in design teams to develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: the case of science teachers in Tanzania. roceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013 (pp. 4692-4697). Chesapeake: VA: AACE.
[2]. Ayoub, K., Petra, F., & Joke, V. (2012). Transforming Classroom Practices through Teachers' Learning of TPACK: The Case of In-service Teachers at Kibasila Secondary School in Tanzania. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1-8). Dar Es Salaam: University of Twente.
[3]. Denise, S. A., Evrim, B., Ann, T. D., Punya, M., Matthew, K. J., & Tae, S. S. (2009). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): Te Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument for Preservice Teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education , 123-149.
[4]. Dorit, M., & Pauline, R. (2014, May 29). Does the TPACK framework help to design a more engaging learning environment? Retrieved September 20, 2018, from
[5]. Frank, B., & Dorit, M. (2010). TPACK and the real world: How useful is the framework? University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Education. Sydney: ResearchOnline@ND.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Port-Town Pho Hien in Vietnam's Commerce in Century XVI – XVII |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Dinh Tien Hieu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2406053945 ![]() |
Abstract: Pho Hien Port-town plays an important role in the progress of Vietnam's history in general, and Vietnam's trade history in particular. In domestic trade relations, Pho Hien together with Thang Long and Domea form a trade triangle on the Dang Ngoai River - the trade route plays a crucial role in the development of the Dang Ngoai internal trade. Not only limited to the scope of Dang Ngoai, Pho Hien also contributed to the development of the trade relations between Dang Ngoai and Dang Trong. Besides, Pho Hien in Dang Ngoai and Hoi An in Dang Trong become two typical foreign trade cities, making an important contribution to the development of Vietnam's foreign trade, a "gateway" for Vietnam to reach international markets. However, bounded by the research done in this article, we only focus on Pho Hien Port-town in Dang Ngoai and its role in Vietnam's commerce in the sixteenth and seventeen century.
Keywords: Pho Hien, Dang Ngoai, Thang Long, Vietnam
[1] Domea or Do Ses is the name of the town port located at the junction of Thai Binh - Luoc - Do Ses river, this is an important trade gate where the activities of domestic trade and foreign trade of Dang Ngoai in the sixteenth-eighteenth century .94, p. 43
[2] Le Ba Thao, Geological Aspects of Pho Hien, in: Pho Hien Scientific Conference Memoirs, Publishing House of Hai Hung Sports and Culture Department. 1994, p. 30
[3] Truong Huu Quynh, The Birth and Development of Pho Hien; in: Pho Hien Scientific Conference Memoirs, Publishing House of Hai Hung Sports and Culture Department. 1994, p. 37
[4] Phan Huy Le, Pho Hien and Current Scientific Issues, in: Pho Hien Scientific Conference Memoirs, Publishing House of Hai Hung Sports and Culture Department. 1994, p. 20
[5] Phan Huy Le, Pho Hien and Current Scientific Issues, in: Pho Hien Scientific Conference Memoirs, Publishing House of Hai Hung Sports and Culture Department. 1994, p. 21
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Abstract: Word recognition is mediated by morphological processing. It has been argued that dual-mechanism models with rule-based and whole word routes explain the behaviour in late bilinguals, accounting for the differences between declarative and procedural memories. Nevertheless, the combinations between stems and inflectional suffixes in Romance verbal systems present great consistency; thus, bilinguals who speak two Romance languages might recycle their L1 mechanisms for L2 processing. We investigated L2 French speakers who have Brazilian Portuguese as their L1 by using two experiments with visual lexical decision task, one with surface and cumulative frequency effects and another with morphological violations in verbal structures..........
Keywords: Bilingualism, Morphological Processing, Psycholinguistics, Verbal Inflection, Word Recognition.
[1] H. Clahsen and C. Felser, "How native-like is non-native language processing?," Trends Cogn. Sci., vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 564–570, Dec. 2006. [2] C. Frenck-Mestre, "Commentary on Clahsen and Felser," Appl. Psycholinguist., vol. 27, no. 01, pp. 64–65, Jan. 2006. [3] H. Carrasco-Ortiz and C. Frenck-Mestre, "Phonological and orthographic cues enhance the processing of inflectional morphology. ERP evidence from L1 and L2 French," Front. Psychol., vol. 5, 2014.
[4] M. T. Ullman, "The neural basis of lexicon and grammar in first and second language: thedeclarative/procedural model," Biling. Lang. Cogn., vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 105–122, Aug. 2001.
[5] G. L. Estivalet and F. Meunier, "Processamento do verbo francês através da decomposição lexical," Caligrama Rev. Estud. Românicos, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 73, Jan. 2016
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Abstract: The implementation of rural construction program in Krong Pa district - Gia Lai province of Viet Nam in recent years has made significant progress, it has been creating a positive change of the face of mountainous rural areas, gradually improving material and spiritual life of the local people. However, many communes of the district have been facing difficulties and challenges, and one the difficulties and challenges is the implementation of environmental criteria symbolized as number 17 in the set of criteria for new rural areas. In order to have a general assessment of the current state of rural environment and the difficulties of the communes in the district, there need to have a research on status of environemnt as well as difficulties regarding construction of new rural of mountainous communes which are facing..........
KEYWORD: Difficulties, Environmental criteria, new rural, construction, Jrai people, Phu Can commune,
[1]. Nguyen Hoang Anh (2016), Improving the efficiency of implementing environmental criteria in new rural construction, Environmental Journal, May 2016 issue – Ha Noi – Viet nam.
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