Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Abstract: Contrac to rasowner of theris kypr of ession, has always been subject to variousrisks, and at any moment may beliable for accidents and incidents that threat. To fulfill civil contractor's responsibility need the conditions, some of these conditions, as general conditions in all types of civil liability are presented such as losses, and the relationship of committing a harmful act and causation relationship between the harming act and the harmful entry; three elements of the Iranian legal system, and most legal systems, are called to fulfill civic responsibility elements. Aside from this, there are some tools that fulfill specific requirements, are the civil contractor responsibility. These conditions are necessity damage entry during operation, the employment law required on the contractors (employers) and employee adverse action. In this case the civil responsibility of the contractor will fulfill, therefore, in this paper, together with the general and specific terms civil contractor liability, is presented.
Keywords: Civil Liability, Contractor, loss-injured, employee
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[3]. Ismaili Harris, E., Principles of Contract law, Tehran, Forest Publications - javdaneh, Fourteenth Edition, 2009.
[4]. -, Law, engineering (Note Agreement), Tehran, Justice Press, first edition, 1390
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Abstract: Nowadays, forest conditions in Indonesia show a trend of increase in forest areas release. It provides negative impacts, especially for the people who have been living around the forest areas. Various phenomena of community resistance to the government and forest companies become indicators that community empowerment policy implementation around the forest areas is not effective. This research intends to get a model of effective community empowerment policy to solve problems of forest use so that it is right on target for the community, government, and company (SIL). This research uses a qualitative research design. The results show that the empowerment model that has been implemented currently has positive impacts on the community and company, especially intercropping and komplangan of cassava programs, as well as rubber tapping. The impacts can be seen from the increased people incomes, improved social and economic infrastructure of the local community, as well as increased awareness of the importance of forest resources. This research has also shown strong evidences of positive impacts, in form of private property ownership of local community, and cassava farming skills. However, the existing model also provides negative impacts, i.e. forest encroachment, agrarian conflicts and even social conflicts in Mesuji. These result in the termination of the empowerment programs normatively, and detrimental to stakeholders, including the community, company and government (local). The new model resulted from policy reconstruction can guarantee the continuity of implementation of community empowerment programs through forestry partnership.
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Forestry Partnership, Mesuji
[1]. Bogdan, R. C. and S. K. Biklen. 2003. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theories and Methods. Pearson Education Group. New York.
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[10]. Lachapelle, Paul R. et all. 2004. Access to Power or Genuine Empowerment? An Analysis of Three Community Forest Groups in Nepal.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The representation of women in Moroccan proverbs |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Meryem Belfatmi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1711521 ![]() |
Abstract: This study looks into a number of Moroccan proverbs to see whether proverbs support women secondary position in society. The fact that a proverb's authority has the function of legitimizing certain role patterns as well as preventing those patterns from possibly being questioned, we want to discover the main attributions that are attached to women while talking about proverbs in Morocco. Women's secondary position is faithfully mirrored in culture. Nothing defines the latter as clearly as its language. This language, in turn, encapsulates a society's thoughts, beliefs and values. The fact that proverbs are part of people's popular culture which includes language, it is important to know how these proverbs function and how they are structured to both convey and maintain certain man made ideologies and policies. Moreover, since proverbs are based on common sense and practical experience of humanity, they call into question the extent of their truth and validity. This article focuses on the different representations of women in Moroccan proverbs. It shows an analytical comparison of these proverbs on the basis of women and gender differences. Our focus is based on the idea that proverbs maintain certain beliefs and attitudes that last for ages. Yet, these attitudes are not always positive, mainly when it comes to women. Therefore, we suppose that these proverbs with negative gender connotations should be altered.
Keywords: gender discrimination, popular culture, proverbs,
[1]. Wolfrang Yksel. Women in proverbs. Oxford university. 1993:P.65,66
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the power of emotional intelligence (EI) and ambiguity tolerance in predicting EFL learners' language learning strategy (LLS)and probe any possible relationship among these variables. The participants of the study were 130 EFL students, between 18 -30 years old, majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Islamic Azad University at Central Tehran, Iran. The instruments utilized in this study were a) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) to assess the learners' strategy-use-frequency in language learning, b) Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I) to measure learners' emotional intelligence, and c) Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (SLTAS) to identify participants' tolerance of ambiguity. The results of the study showed that regression model including EI predicted about 6.8 percent, and tolerance of ambiguity 3.2 percent of students' LLSs. Also, running Pearson correlation indicated a statistically significant relationship between learners' EI and LLSs and the components of both EI and SILL. In addition, Pearson correlation revealed statistically significant relationship between learners' tolerance of ambiguity and their overall LLSs use, and components of SILL.
Key words: language learning strategies, emotional intelligence, tolerance of ambiguity, EFL learners, effective learning
[1]. M.Zarafshan.andM.Ardeshiri, The relationship between Emotional Intelligence, language learning strategies and English proficiency among Iranian EFL university students. Journal of educational and instructional studies in the world, 2(3), 2012,105-114.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Translating Rebu in Karonese Society into English |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Milisi Sembiring |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1713036 ![]() |
Abstract: The aims of this study were to translate and to describe the themes, and specific culture-bound terms of rebu clauses in SL into the TL. The research was conducted using the qualitative method. The data obtained was analyzed by using interdiciplinary approach. The corpus for this study consists of three texts, the first text was the text of mukul which consisted of the beginning of rebu in Karonese society. The second text consisted of rebu in Karonese society. Thirdly was the text of participation observation. All 121 clauses were translated and examined in this study.The focuses of the analysis were the ideational theme and culture-bound terms of rebu texts in Karonese society . The results reveal both unmarked and marked themes in SL are higher than TL . Literal and semantic translations methods were applied to determine the direction of translating the whole texts. Translation procedures of descriptive equivalence, transference, paraphrase, transposition, omission, couplets , notes and cultural equivalence were applied to translate the rebu texts in Karonese society into English.
Key words: bound-culture terms, rebu, theme, translation strategies
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[8] AIJMER, Brno Studies in English Volume 35, No. 2, 2009 ISSN 0524-6881 [91
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women Development And Government Schemes With Special Reference To Ksy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Tanusree Sarker |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1713741 ![]() |
Abstract: Women are the most vulnerable group in a major parts of India. India's North Eastern region is quite backward comparing to other parts of the country and the condition of women is also not so good. Adolescence is a stage when a girl sees a number of changes in her physical and mental health. In this stage she needs proper nutrition for her all round growth. But in our country specially in this part of the country the girls face lot of obstacles including mal nutrition due to which she lacks proper growth of her body and mind. The Government of India thus introduced a number of schemes for the welfare of the people and more specifically for the women and girls. But the schemes also do not reach to the appropriate group of people because of lack of awareness and corruption along with a number of other reasons. In this paper a modest attempt has been made to analyse the causes of poor performance of the Govt. schemes on the basis of available data collected from different sources and Govt. data and produces a comparative chart of the implementation of the Govt. schemes in the eight North Eastern states of India. The study has given special emphasis on KSY(Kishori Shakti Yojona), an important scheme for the development of adolescent girls and its implementation in different states of North East India.
Key Words: Adolescence, Govt. schemes, Human Development Index, KSY, Mal nutrition, UNDP
[[1]. Human Development Reports- United Nations Development Programme
[2]. "Women and Human Development"; Martha C. Nussbarm
[3]. "Women empowerment in Assam: A Human Development Approach"; Bidisha Mahanta.
[4]. "Human Development in North East India", Yojana, Dec. 2010; pp-30-34
[5]. Guidelines of KSY;
[6]. Department of Social welfare, Govt. of Assam
[7]. Ibid
[8]. Guidelines of KSY
[9]. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India
[10]. Department of Social Welfare, Govt. of Assam
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ori, Ritual and Yoruba Drama of Existence |
Country | : | New Zealand |
Authors | : | Lekan Balogun |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1714247 ![]() |
Abstract: By their nature, rituals cannot provide scientific link between cause and effect, yet for their functional value they produce results. The Yoruba understanding expressed through belief in Ori as a potent vehicle through which man confronts life draws attention to this reality. Drama has also functioned in underlining this fact. The paper engages this Yoruba ritual concept and makes a case for an authentic Yoruba (African) value by exploring this aspect of the people's ritual, through an exploration of Wole Soyinka's Death and the King's Horseman. By examining the character of Elesin Oba and his son, Olunde, showing how each comes to the understanding and the crucial perception of their individual Ori, and the exploration of their iwa, the paper shows the essential place of that aspect of the people's belief in their lives and worldview.
Keywords: archetypes, consciousness, cosmos, performative art, ritual.
[1] Caudillo, Elizabeth Diane. Prayers to the Yoruba: A Look at Santeria, Spring 1994, Fall 1995.
[2] Fatunmbi, Awo Falokun. Iba'Se Orisa: Ifa Proverbs, Folktales, Sacred History and Prayer. Bronx, New York: Original Publications,1994.
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Abstract: Crop-wise production function analysis will clearly indicate many points which are not evident in aggregate and size-wise models. But crop-wise analysis is a farm of aggregate model as the output of a crop coming from different size enterprises has been put together. Land is an important factor for production and its effect on technology must be fully emphasized. It is only an inter-size analysis of production function for a particular crop, which can do away the limitations of an aggregate crop model. Inter-size crop models would also indicate the relative superiority of different crops for different size-group of farms that it is helpful for crop-cum-size level planning. Hence the present study aims to analyse the resource use efficiency of input factors in different size-level farms cultivating staple crop-paddy based on entire sample of Farms in three revenue mandals of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. Data was collected for the variables with the help of survey method through personal interviews of the farmers selected through mixed sampling. By studying the Marginal Value Products of factors of production, we assessed the relative importance of factors of production.
Key Words: Resource use Efficiency, Marginal Value Product, Marginal Cost, regression Co-efficient Geometric Mean.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Route of the Tunisian swimmer Oussama Mellouli : an entry by bricolage |
Country | : | Tunisia |
Authors | : | Abdelaziz Hentati, Imen Ben Amar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1715662 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this article is to show the interest which the concept represents, celebrates since Lévi-Strauss, of bricolage, sociological paradigm which contains a demonstrative opportunity exploited here to analyze the course and success of swimming champion Oussama Mellouli. An interview is devoted to him because he is a special case of success, reflecting the scarcity of global sporting success of Tunisia. The interview is guided by a first dimension relative to the estimate of the importance of individual actions with respect to structures and a second that questions on the part of rational and the subjectivity in determining success. The results indicate a marked course of repeated arrangements, imagined according to the circumstances of the subject and its surroundings, in spite of their dependence structures. They also show the primacy of passion over reason. Interpretations suggest that the seclusion in a system of preparation of the elites preaching rationality any azimuth occults actually the possibility with other logics to be asserted, those in particular founded on a randomly more open dynamics, with uncertainty and sensitive to the complex thought.
Keywords: Course of life, high level sport, bricolage, rationality, passion.
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Abstract: This study examined the relationship between governance practices and the performance of self-help help organizations in Siaya County, Kenya. This was a cross-sectional survey, which covered twenty seven help organizations, out of which 243 respondents were selected through stratified random sampling. Members of the self-help organizations were the primary respondents in the study. Data was collected by use of interview schedules and then analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Pearson and Spearman Product Moment Correlations, and Chi-Square analysis were used to carry out further analysis of the data collected. General Systems theory and Collective Action theory were used to explain the operating environment of these groups, and why people join them respectively. There was a significant relationship between group size, size of groups' executive committees, election cycle, number of terms served by executive committees, incidences of disputes on the one hand and performance of self-help organizations in Siaya County of Kenya on the other hand. Understanding self-help organizations in terms of governance and performance is indeed significant at a time when communities through grassroots based organizations are increasingly being urged to take charge of their development needs. In terms of policy, this study recommends for the development of a national policy framework to regulate self-help organizations sector, and the establishment of financial and insurance institutions to handle financial and insurance needs of these organizations respectively.
Key Words: Governance, Performance, Practices, Self-help Organizations
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Abstract: The study aimed to explore the extent to which knowledge management activities are being applied in Human Resource (HR) functions and practices in Zimbabwean Universities. The research was premised on the Nonaka's Knowledge Creation Process Model. The study employed a descriptive survey design within the qualitative research paradigm to solicit for the research data. Purposive sampling was used to select the study respondents from 6 of the 10 universities in Zimbabwe. The study revealed that HR departments in Zimbabwean universities are using knowledge management as a strategy albeit to a limited extent in the areas of recruitment and selection, training, and to a certain extent in rewards management. HR departments are also facilitating the creation of "communities of practice" which are considered important in knowledge management activities. The HR departments were however found wanting in the promotion of externalisation, combination and internalisation as well as the creation of an appropriate communication, structural and cultural environment (Ba). It was recommended that the HR departments should introduce knowledge sharing as an attribute in their recruitment and selection policies, promote the establishment of a knowledge sharing culture, incorporate knowledge management practices in their training policies as well as use knowledge management as a metric in performance evaluation.
Keywords: academia, human resource, knowledge, strategy, Zimbabwe
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence of personality and age on attitude towards crime among adolescents. A total number of 176 participants comprising of 110 males (of different classes) and 66 females (of different classes) were selected from Command Secondary School Jos, Nigeria. They were between the ages of 12 and 20 (with the mean age of 15years). Two set of instruments were used, (Big Five Inventory (John et. al., 1991) and Attitude towards crime scale).Cross Sectional Survey research design was adopted while multiple linear Regression was applied as a statistical test to analyze the data. Two hypotheses were postulated and tested, one on personality and the other on age. The hypotheses on personality was further divided into five sub-hypotheses to explain the dimensions of the personality characteristics, the results were as follows; extroversion, (β=.21, p<.01), agreeableness, (β=.27, p<.05) conscientiousness, (β=.27, p<.05), neuroticism (β=-.01, p>.05), openness (β=.19, p>.05). The first 3 personality characteristics were significant predictors of attitude towards crime while the other two were not. The second null hypothesis on age was not rejected (β=-.13, p>.05) the implications of the findings were reviewed and suggestion for further studies were made.
Keywords: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness, age, attitude towards to crime
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Indigenous People and the International Discourse: Issues and Debates |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arunima Deka |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1718799 ![]() |
Abstract: The question of tribal identity is not new either to international concern or internal contentions of any state but the theme needs to be revisited because of the mounting international pressure in many parts of the world for their dignified rights. The focus is on how global interconnectedness has influenced their lives today and impacted the very discourse of tribal rights. There are two very important reasons why this problem requires serious attention. Firstly, since we are close to the end of the Second Decade for the Rights of the Indigenous People, what implications the two decades of international attention impacted on the existence of the indigenous people. And secondly, with the recent upsurge of violence in Kokrajhar and other disturbed areas of Assam, what future does this issue holds. This paper attempts to trace the growth of the international concern for indigenous people, moving to a crucial issue of defining the very idea of 'indigenous'. The next section takes up three key issues of self determination, land rights and community and its space in international discourse and finally moving on to the concluding remarks.
Key words: indigenous people, rights, identity.
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Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the relationship among EFL learners' Autonomy (AU), Critical Thinking (CT), Personality Type (PT), and use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS). To fulfill this objective, 140 randomly selectedEFLlearners were asked to fill out four pertinent questionnaires.After performing preliminary analyses to check the assumptions of linear correlation, the data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient the results of which revealed the existence of a statistically significant relationship betweenAU and CT,AU and overall use of VLS, among the components of VLS and AU,CTand overall use ofVLS, and among the components of VLS and CT. However, no significant relationship was observedbetween PTand other variables of concern.
Keywords: Autonomy, critical thinking, individual differences, personality type, vocabulary learning strategies
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Abstract: The mining industry across the globe has always made use of large stocks of labourto achieveorganizational objectives. It is against this background that the study was conducted to determine the HR practices currently being implemented in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. The Results Based View approach to the strategic leadership of organisations was adopted to act as a benchmark against which the current HR practices can be compared with. The research data was gathered through a non-random, convenient sample of HR managers from 8 mining entities in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe. Convenience sampling was necessitated by the limited finances and time at the disposal of the researcher. However, the relatively large size of the sample would ensure a high degree of generalisability of findings for the mining industry in the Midlands Province in Zimbabwe. The findings of the study revealed that in the mining industry in Zimbabwe, employees are treated as valuable, rare and inimitable resource which they deploy in various ways to achieve organisational objectives. As such the mining companies have come up with innovative methods of managing their human resources which includes providing job security, competitive rewards, and social welfare services amongst other methods. These findings confirm that HR departments in the mining industry in Zimbabwe's Midlands Province are practising the RBV approach to the management of human resources in their organisations and by so doing manage to resource their mining entities efficiently and effectively.
Keywords: Human, Mining,Practices, Resource, Zimbabwe
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Abstract: This paper thinks a standard political analysis, Africa Works by Patrick Chabal and Jean-Pascal Daloz in whichthe social, the political, the economic, and the cultural factors in sub-Saharan Africa are described as being upside down. The discussion brings out Africa's typical politics of irrational practice of witchcraft and religion, unbelievable misdistribution of money; misuse of power; and the instrumentalization of disorder. The argument the book undergoes is to help reveal the fact that the African politics is informal and personalized. It confirms the illegitimate tie between patron and client that invites corruption and war in the societies; and ultimately creates the productivity of economic failure. The corrupt leaders and the clientelistic constituency are the cores of the management of patrimonial and the particularistic nature of politics. Chabal and Daloz divide the book into four chapters; and each has the information of how Africa is going backward; at the same time has reformation of institutionalizing the whole continent's politics properly. Both authors consider the African states are colonial; arbitrary as well as poorly bureaucratized that these states durably fail to meet the democratized notion of the western political modernization. The authors end discussion holding Africa's political infrastructure accountable for legitimating criminalization in the societies.
Keyword: Corruption, Criminalization,disorder,Patrimonial politics, war.
[1]. Africa Works: Disorder As Political Instrument. by Patrick Chabal; Jean-Pascal Daloz
[2]. Review by: Gwyn Prins
[3]. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) , Vol. 75, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 440-441
[4]. Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Royal Institute of International Affairs
[5]. Article Stable URL: