Abstract: This study examines the relationship between organizational Commitment (OC), Stressors (ST) and Technological stress (TNS) in Nigerian organizations. The study is based on 50 samples drawn from Nigerian postgraduate students of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), who are on study leave. Quite surprisingly, however, one finds little empirical research with conceptual models of the relationships between OC, TS and TNS. This study is premised on Person – Environment fit model which either occurs between the values of a person, and the environmental resources available, or between the abilities of the person, and the demands placed by the environment. A model was proposed and two questions were asked and empirically answered. Q1: Does strong relationship exist between OC and TS in organizations. Q2: Does relationship exist between OC and TNS that affect adoption behavior in firms. SPSS software was employed for the analysis. Despite the varying views of the respondents on the influence of additional factors, it was generally demonstrated that relationships exist between OC, TS and TNS.
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, technology, Technostress, Stressors,
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