Series-2 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The issue of female poverty has gained prominence among researchers and policy makers alike culminating into the concept of feminization of poverty. This concept describes a phenomenon in which women represent a disproportionate percentage of the world's poor. A more serious concern however relates to how female headship of a household contributes to feminization of poverty. Some of the factors responsible for female headship include, but are not limited to male migration, the deaths of males in civil conflicts and wars, un-partnered adolescent fertility and family disruption. In other words, a woman may become the head of the household if she is divorced, widowed..........
Key Word: FHH; NBS; GiniCoefficient; Lorenzcurve
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Abstract: Meningococcal Meningitis disease outbreak is a common phenomenon in the African Meningitis belt. The monumental death tolls resulting from the recurring outbreaks call for public health concern. Consequently, a deterministic model for the transmission dynamics of the disease which incorporates vaccination of the susceptibles and timely treatment of the infectives as control measures is considered. The problem is formulated as an optimal control problem with the goal of minimizing the annual incidence of the disease as well as the cost of..........
Key Word: Constraint equations, Meningococcal Meningitis, Objective functional, Optimality system, Pontryagin's Maximum Principle
[1]. Asamoah, J.K. , Nyabadza, F., Seidu, B., Chand, M., and Dutta, H. (2018). Mathematical modeling of Bacterial Meningitis Transmission Dynamics with Control Measures. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.
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Abstract: In this paper, we use Maple software to determine the exact analytical solutions for the current flows through a simple electrical circuit of a diode, a resistor and generators with four different types of electrical signals. We derive exact analytical expressions for the voltages at the terminals of all elements in the circuit. Then, we calculate the diode dynamical resistances. The proposed analytical solutions are all expressed using the Lambert W function. We highlight the influence for different intervals of the resistance and the four types of applied electrical signals on the expressions of the current intensity through the circuit and those of voltage across all circuit components. Finally, we show the influence of saturation current intensities, ideality factor values and temperature.
Key Word:Exact analytical solution of an electrical circuit's equation, Lambert W function, ideality factor,
dynamic resistance of a diode
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Abstract: Outer theorem Napoleon in the parallelogram, on each side of the parallelogram is constructed a square in outside direction, then each midpoint square if connected it will be shape square. This square is called the outer Napoleon quadrilateral . While outer semi Napoleon's theorem on a kite that is on each side of a kite is constructed square in outside direction, then each midpoint square if connected it will produce a rectangle that is not a square. This quadrilateral is called the outer semi Napoleon quadrilateral. In this paper, the area of the outer Napoleon will be discussed in the parallelogram and the area of outer semi Napoleon's of kites. The process of proof is done in a simple way, namely by using trigonometric concepts and using congruence.
Keywords: Parallelogram, Kites, Napoleon Theorem, Semi Napoleon Theorem
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Abstract: The generalized multiquadrics radial basis function (GMQ-RBF) methods are numerical methods which are used independently or combined with other numerical methods to develop hybrid numerical methods for approximating partial differential equations (PDEs), integral equations (IQs), integro-differential equations (IDEs) and interpolation problems. The standard GMQ-RBFs are well known and are commonly applied for approximating the solutions of some mathematical problems, however, GMQ-RBFs having non-standard exponents appear in literature but are not commonly used. In this paper, two GMQ-RBFs with non-standard exponentsare used for the space discretization...........
Keywords: Radial Basis Functions, Generalized Multiquadric Radial Basis Functions, Radial Basis Function Method of Lines.
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Abstract: This paper introduces the Rayleigh-Ritz method (RR) with different basis function and comparing this method with other numerical methods for solving second order boundary value problems to describe how this method is achieving the high accuracy, using linear basis function, quadratic, cubic hermit, cubic b-spline and polynomial functions and different step size h to show how the choice of the trail function effect on reducing the errors and this is illustrated by using the cubic b-spline which is the best for RR . The models described in this paper were implemented through a prototype software developed by the authors in a Mathematica environment.
Keywords: Rayleigh-Ritz, quadratic interpolation, Cubic Hermite, Cubic b-spline, Finite Element Method, boundary value problems, Finite Difference Method, Least Squares Method, Collocation Method, and Galerkin Method.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Analysis about Two Types of Special Assignment Problems |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Zhao Chun-Xue |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/5728-1503026164 ![]() |
Abstract: The athlete selection problem is a typical assignment problem of the optimization. In this paper, we analyze two types of assignment problems about the number of people is less than the number of tasks and use integer programming algorithm to solve the them, which provides method guidance for the athlete assignment problem.
Keywords: assignment problem; integer programming; Lingo
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study of a mathematical model for two phase pulmonary blood flow in arterioles. Here blood has been represented by non-Newtonian fluid obeying Herschel Bulkley fluid. We have collected clinical data of the patient in case of TB. The problem is solved by using numerical techniques with help of boundary conditions and results are displayed graphically for hematocrit and pressure drop. The graphical presentation for particular value is much closer to clinical observation.
Keywords:Non Newtonian fluid, pressure drop, Clinical data.
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