Series-2 (Mar. – Apr. 2021)Mar. – Apr. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Starting with an infinite set of nonlinear equations for the Li-Keiper coefficients, we first specify a lower bound emerging from the infinite set and give a characterization of it. Then, we propose a possible new upper and lower bound for the coefficients in few of the partitions occurring in the cluster functions furnishing in a nonlinear way the coefficients. A numerical experiment up to n=15 confirms the proposed bounds and an experiment, i.e. the counting of the zeros in the binary representation of an integer for a constant related to the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant is also given up to n=32.
Keywords: Li-Keiper coefficients and an Infinite set of nonlinear Equations, partition function, partitions, Bell Numbers, upper and lower bounds, Glaisher-Kinkelin constant, Riemann Wave Background, Riemann Hypothesis.
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[5]. D. Merlini, M. Sala, N. Sala: "Spin system on a hexagon and Riemann hypothesis", IOSR Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 16, Issue 5 (Ser. II) (2020), pp.14-24.
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Abstract: The agricultural sector of Fars province plays a substantial role in ensuring food security, production, and employment in Iran. Unfortunately, in recent decade wide areas of the province have been affected by drought phenomenon. Due to interdependence drought characteristics and the existence of ungagged areas, in this research, a regional bivariate analysis is proposed for meteorological drought analysis. The cluster analysis and the L-moments method is used to identify homogenous regions of Fars. For meteorological drought analysis of the monthly rainfall series, standardized precipitation index method is used and the crucial drought characteristics, namely drought duration and severity, are determined. Marginal probability distributions of these characteristics are identified by fitting Gamma and Exponential distributions. Three types of bivariate copulas (i.e., Frank, Clayton, and Gumbel–Hougaard) are evaluated for modeling......
Keywords: copula functions, l- moment method, Regional bivariate frequency analysis, Water-Supply
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Abstract: In the presented article, we generalize the positive linear operator which is Kantorovich type with beta bases given by Dhawal. J. Bhatt et al. recently. We introduce the real positive parameters to generalize the operator, then prove uniform convergence for the sequence of this newly defined operators with the help of Korovkin's theorem. We estimate central and pointwise moments and also the rate of convergence through modulus of continuity. We have shown its asymptotic behaviors in terms of Voronovskaya type asymptotic formula. MSC(2020) : 41A36 ,41A10 ,47A58.
Keywords: Kantorovich operator, Beta bases, rate of convergence, Voronovskaya type asymptotic formula, modulus of continuity.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Using Different Methods to Overcome Modeling Problems |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Elsayed |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1702022843 ![]() |
Abstract: There are many problems of modeling process. Multicollinearity phenomenon one is happened when there are high collinearity between the independent variables. It makes hard to interpret the coefficients, and reduces the power of the model. In this paper, we tried to solve this problem using two methods. The first one used the ridge Regression model (RRM). It is compared with a traditional linear regression model (LRM). The second one modified the original dataset by differencing (using the function "diffM" in "MTS" package), and scaling (using the function "scale" in "base" package) processes. We supposed three cases of the independent variables for this justify this purpose. Independent, Dependent, and Combination linear cases. The simulation study is used to generate the dataset, with 500 observation for each variable, using R program. The "MASS" and the "ridg" packages, and their functions "lm.ridge", "check_collinearity()", and "Linear.Ridge" all are used to determine the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each independent variable to know whether the Multicollinearity is absent or.......
Keywords: Linear Regression Model; Ridge Regression Model; Ridge parameter; Multicollinearity; MASS package; Generate dataset.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fuzzy Rings and Anti Fuzzy Rings With Operators |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | M.Z.ALAM || AMIT KUMAR ARYA |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1702024450 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we studied the theory of fuzzy rings, the concept of fuzzy ring with operators, fuzzy ideal and anti-fuzzy ideal with operators, fuzzy homomorphism with operators etc., and their some elementary properties.
Keywords: Fuzzy rings, fuzzy ring with operators, fuzzy ideal with operators, anti-fuzzy ideal, and homomorphism.
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Abstract: This study is part of a larger study which explores the classroom students' contributions as implicative to their learning abilities in secondary school Mathematics. For this part, it uses both qualitative and quantitative research design of two teaching strategies on Sequence and Series (Arithmetic & Geometric Progression) in Mathematics. The qualitative method examines the students' contributions via the use of videotape and transcription. The quantitative part uses quasi-experimental research design of a pre-test and a post-test control group 2x3x2 factorial. Kuder- Richardson formula 21 (K-R, 21) method is used to determine the reliability of the instrument and the process returns reliability coefficients of 0.85 and 0.72 for pretest and posttest respectively.....
Keywords: students' contributions, learning abilities, Mathematics education
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