Series-2 (Mar. – Apr. 2022)Mar. – Apr. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Minimal proof of the four-color theorem |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Vilém Kmuníček |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1802020104 ![]() |
Abstract:The proof of the four-color theorem is led from its definition to the notion of a "complete triangular network" CTN(n) to a description of its construction to see if it is possible to construct a CTN(n) enforcing the 5th color. A negative answer then allows us to claim that the four-color theorem is thereby proved.1 MSC 54C99
Key words:Four-color theorem, complete triangular network, graph map, color forcing
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Abstract: A campaign is a series of ads that is aimed to fulfill a purpose, such as generating leads or increasing the number of app installs. Machine learning techniques are used in ad campaigning. In machine learning, there are many types of algorithms, such as classification algorithm, regression algorithm, clustering algorithm, etc. Among the clustering algorithms, K-means algorithm is widely used because it is a simple and fast algorithm. Random forest algorithms are used for classification and regression both. In this paper clustering and regression both techniques are used for ad campaigning analysis and sales prediction. First, ad groups are created using the K-means clustering algorithm then Random Forest Regressor algorithm is used to optimize sales conversion and predict future sales.
Key words: Supervised learning, Clustering, Regression, K-means, Random Forest, advertising data
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Predicting Restaurant Ratings using Back Propagation Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhavsar Shachi || Ravi Gor |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1802021014 ![]() |
Abstract: Restaurants or any other shopping websites are growing their business these days. And the mass group of costumers tend to trust on ratings given to the products. Prior prediction of rating the product before launching, with the help of product features, would be beneficial for the business firm. Here restaurant ratings are predicted with the Back propagation neural network model. For experimental results three different optimizers are used. The proposed model shows 70% of the accuracy.
Keywords: Back propagation, Artificial Neural Networks, Optimizers, Ratings
[1]. Atharva Kulkarni, Divya Bhandari and Sachin Bhoite, "Restaurants Rating Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms", International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, Volume 8–Issue 09, pp. 375-378, 2019.
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Abstract: In this study, we investigated the effect of cholesterol on drug distribution in the body. This work also involves mathematical models that represent drug concentration in the blood and in the tissue by introducing a constant cholesterol parameter and treatment in previous works stated in the literature, in an attempt to understand the behavior of a drug administered in the human body over time. In addition, the models help to study and assess the behavior of medication distribution in the body associated with a high or low level of cholesterol. The analytical solutions for the drug concentration in the bloodstream and that of the tissues were obtained using the Laplace's........
Keywords: Mathematical Models, Pharmacokinetics, Cholesterol, Drug Distribution, Ordinary Differential Equations, Lipid
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Abstract: The flow of nanofluid flow through a porous medium has attracted several authors in the field of science, engineering and several industries over the decades. The viscous force in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids causes friction in the motion of several fluids. However, Buoyancy effect on MHD nanofluid flow and the characteristics of the thermophysical properties of copper (Cu) -nanofluid over a porous medium in the presence of Dufour and Ohmic heating is considered in this study. The transformed governing equation is solved numerically using midpoint methods known as midrich method with Richardson extrapolation enhancement or deferred correction.....
Keywords: Buoyancy effect, MHD, Nanofluid, Porous Medium, Dufour, Ohmic heating, thermal radiation. Thermo-physical properties, Richardson extrapolation
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Abstract: In this paper, a coupled fixed-point theorem for maps satisfying contractive conditions in perspective of complex valued dislocated metric spaces have been established. Our main result generalizes, extends and improves the some known result in the existing literature of [10] and [16]. Also provide an example in support of our main result.
Keywords: Coupled fixed point, Complex valued dislocated metric spaces, Contractive condition. MSC:47H10, 54 H25
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Biconditional Cordial Graphs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. I. Andharia || R. K. Dharsanda |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1802024551 ![]() |
Abstract: For a graph , a binary vertex labeling function of is called a biconditional cordial labeling if an induced edge labeling function defined by , satisfies the two conditions: and 1 where and denotes respectively the number of vertices and edges of having label . A graph is called biconditional cordial graph if it admits biconditional cordial labeling. In this manuscript we have proved that the crown graph, armed crown, helms, closed helms, gears and flower graphs are biconditional cordial graphs.
Keywords: Crown graph; Flower graph; Biconditional cordial labeling; Biconditional cordial graph.
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