Series-1 (Jan. – Feb. 2023)Jan. – Feb. 2023 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Collection of Research on Graph Energy After Covod-19 Pandemic |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Rupesh. R. Atram || Sharad. A . Barde |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1901010103 ![]() |
Abstract : This survey lists some important papers on graph energies, known to the authors, published after pandemic covid-19 , and summarizes their main collective characteristics. In addition to new mathematical results, after the pandemic several noteworthy and somewhat unexpected nonmathematical applications of graph energies have been proposed. The general conclusion of our analysis is that research on graph energies is active as far as further research is concerned.also use of graph theory specially energy of the different graphs used widely in different branches of sciences ,it shows the growth in research....
Key Word:Pandemic ,Covid-19 , Graph energies , ABC Energy,Laplacian energy
[1] Yalçın, F. A. Skew ABC energy of digraphs.
[2] Ramane, H. S., Parvathalu, B., Ashoka, K., & Pirzada, S. (2022). On families of graphs which are both adjacency equienergetic and distance equienergetic. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1-12.
[3] Wan, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., Ying, S., & Gao, Y. (2022). Structure Evolution on Manifold for Graph Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
[4] Deng, B., Chang, C., & Das, K. C. (2023). The Sachs theorem and its application on extended adjacency matrix of graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 45(1), 1-12.
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Abstract : This review article focuses on the use of Vedic Mathematics sutras to create high-speed floating point multipliers. Numerous Vedic multiplication methods, including Urdhva Tiryagbhyam, Nikhilam, and Anurupye, have been thoroughly studied for arithmetic multiplications. The Urdhva Tiryagbhyam Sutra has been discovered to be the most effective Sutra (algorithm), delivering the least amount of delay for multiplying all kinds of numbers. The Mantissa is multiplied using the Urdhva-triyakbhyam sutra. Cases involving underflow and overflow are handled. With the Urdhva Tiryakbhyam sutra, many Vedic multipliers with great speed have been presented. Compressor-based Vedic multipliers outperform conventional ones in terms of speed and area efficiency, according to observations.
Key Word: Vedic Mathematics, Urdhva-triyakbhyam, Floating Point Number
[1]. Leonard Gibson Moses S and Thilagar M, "VLSI Implementation of High Speed DSP algorithms using Vedic Mathematics"
[2]. M.E.Paramasivam,Dr.R.S.Sabeenian, "An Efficient Bit Reduction Binary Multiplication Algorithm using Vedic Methods"
[3]. K.N. Vijeyakumar , S. Kalaiselvi and K. Saranya, "VLSI Implementation of High Speed Area Efficient Arithmetic Unit using Vedic Mathematics"
[4]. Yogita Bansal, Charu Madhu, and Pardeep Kaur, "High Speed Vedic Multiplier Design"
[5]. Ravi Kishore Kodali, Lakshmi Boppana and Sai Sourabh Yenamachintala, "FPGA Implementation of Vedic Floating Point Multiplier"
[6]. Aniruddha Kanhe, Shishir Kumar Das, and Ankit Kumar Singh, "Design and Implementation of Floating Point Multiplier based on Vedic Multiplication Technique
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Abstract : Mathematical prototype to fight malaria by interrupting the life cycle of the Anopheles mosquito through the use of biological enemies in the larval, pupal and adult stages has been derived to eradicate larvae, pupae and adult Anopheles mosquitoes using natural predators. The new model is a control flowchart of the predator-prey interaction model in the mosquito life cycle, considering an open population of mosquitoes and predators. These models provide a solid understanding of malaria control in our environment, especially when models are based on vector population ecology and a solid understanding of transmission-relevant parameters and variables Model equations were derived using parameters and variables from the model Stability analysis of free equilibrium states was analyzed simultaneously using equilibrium point, Maple software, elimination and substitution methods........
Key Word: Mathematical prototype; Biological enemies; Anopheles; Control; Malaria
[1]. Adigun, A. B., Gajere, E. N., Oresanya, O., & Vounatsou, P. (2015). Malaria risk in Nigeria: Bayesian geostatistical modelling of 2010 malaria indicator survey data. Malaria Journal, 14(1).
[2]. Antonio-nkondjio, C., Kerah, C. H., Simard, F., Awono-ambene, P., Chouaibou, M., Tchuinkam, T., & Fontenille, D. (2006). Complexity of the Malaria Vectorial System in Cameroon: Contribution of Secondary Vectors to Malaria Transmission. Journal of Medical Entomology, 43(6), 1215–1221.
[3]. Atta, H., & Reeder, J. (2014). World Malaria Day 2014: invest in the future. Defeat malaria. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 20(04), 219–220.
[4]. Bernard, K. A., Pacheco, A. L., Burdz, T., Wiebe, D., & Bernier, A.-M. (2020). Corynebacterium godavarianum Jani et al. 2018 and Corynebacterium hadale Wei et al. 2018 are both later heterotypic synonyms of Corynebacterium gottingense Atasayar et al. 2017, proposal of an emended description of Corynebacterium gottingense Atasayar et al. 2017. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(5), 3534–3540.
[5]. CDC Weekly, C. (2020). The 13th World Malaria Day — April 25, 2020. China CDC Weekly, 2(17), 277–277.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing Learners' Mathematical Performance Through Mathscore |
Country | : | Philippines |
Authors | : | Joniel S. Cerbito |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1901012229 ![]() |
Abstract : This study aimed to determine the mathematical performance of 60 students who are using conventional way of learning and using the mathscore program in Sinalhan Integrated High School for the school year 2020 – 2021. A quasi-experimental research design was applied in this study. The statistical tools used are Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test of independent and dependent samples, and Cohen's d. The results reveal that the experimental group got much higher mean scores than the comparison group on their formative and post-test. Each group shows improvement before and after the experimental study. However, the mean difference of the group that utilized the mathscore program depicts that they performed better than the comparison group, which proves that the program can.....
Key Word: geometry, learners' mathematical performance, mathscore program
[1]. Aziza, M. (2021). Online learning during covid-19: what is the most effective platform for teaching and learning mathematics?. Edumatika: Journal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 4(1), 166–178.
[2]. Christen, A. (2009). Transforming the classroom for collaborative learning in the 21st century. Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, 84(1),28-31.
[3]. Costley, K. (2014). The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning. ERIC - Education Resources Information Center.
[4]. Department of Education (2010).DO 78, s. 2010 – Guidelines on the Implementation of the DepEd Computerization Program (DCP).
[5]. DePasquale, R., McNamara, E., & Murphy, K. (2013). Meaningful connections: Using technology in primary classrooms. Young Children on the Web. Retrieved from
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Abstract : In this paper, we introduce semi-slant pseudo-Riemannian submersions from indefinite almost para-contact manifolds onto pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. We investigate necessary and sufficient conditions for foliations determined by horizontal and vertical distributions to be totally geodesic. We also obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for submersions to be totally geodesic and provide a non- trivial example. Moreover, we discuss the harmonicity of such submersions.
Key Word: Pseudo-Riemannian manifold, Riemannian submersion, almost para- contact pseudo-metric manifold, para-complex para-contact pseudo-Riemannian submersion.
[1]. Altafini, C.; Redundant robotic chains on Riemannian submersions, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(2), (2004), 335-340.
[2]. Bourguignon, J. P. and Lawson, H. B.; Stability and isolation phenomena for Yang-mills fields, Commum. Math. Phys. 79, (1981), 189-230.
[3]. Bourguignon, J. P. and Lawson, H. B.; A Mathematicians visit to Kaluza-Klein theory, Rend. Semin. Mat. Torino Fasc. Spec. (1989), 143-163.
[4]. Chinea, D.; Almost contact metric submersion, Rendiconti del Circolo Mate. di Palermo, Series II, 34(1984), 319-330.
[5]. Chinea, D.; Transference of structures on almost complex contact metric submersions, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 14, No. 1, (1988).
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Abstract : In this paper we consider an adaptive approach for estimating reliability growth, based on prior information which is motivated from practical considerations. We discuss two situations: in the first, both the prior distribution and the posterior distributions of the mean time to failure of an exponential distribution are stochastically ordered; in the second situation, the prior distribution is stochastically ordered with respect to the last posterior distribution. The former situation leads us to procedure which is not fully Bayesian, and is therefore termed "pseudo-Bayesian". Since we do not know the properties of this pseudo-Bayesian approach, we can best describe our work here as being a "pseudo-Bayesian scheme". The second situation leads us to an approach which is fully Bayesian under certain assumptions. Our work along the lines indicated in this paper is still in progress, and we invite the attention of other researchers to some of the problems we have posed, and the questions we have raised..
Key Word: Bayesian estimation, Reliability growth, Prior and Posterior distributions..
[1] H. Balaban, "Reliability Growth Models", Environmental Sci. (1978) 11-18.
[2] R.E. Barlow, D.J. Bartholomew, J.M. Bremner and H.D. Brunk, Statistical Inference Under Order Restrictions (Wiley, New York,
[3] W.S. Jewell, "Stochastically Ordered Parameters in Bayesian Prediction", Technical Report ORC 79-12, Operations Research
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[4] N.R. Mann, R.E. Schafer and N.D. Singpurwalla, Methods for Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life Data (Wiley, New York,
[5] A.P.M. Smith, "A Bayesian Note on Reliability Growth During a Development Testing Program", IEEE Trans. Reliability R-26
(1977) 346-347.
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Abstract : In this paper, we consider the greek rho of Asian option and Best of asset option. These type of options are options with more than one underlying assets. The greeks which are represented by the sensitivities are obtained with Malliavin calculus. We use the Malliavin calculus to derive weight function of the Greeks for both Asian and Best of Asset Options. The weight function were used to derive expressions for the Greeks which represent the sensitivities of the two options with respect to the interest rate of the underlying process..
Key Word: Asian Option, Best of Asset options, Brownian motion, Greeks, Malliavin Calculus
[1]. Akeju Adeyemi. O (2021). Malliavin Calculus Approach to Pricing and Hedging of Options with More than One Underlying Assets. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[2]. Da Prato. G. (2007). Introduction to Stochastic Analysis and Malliavin Calculus, Vol. 6 of Appunti Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
[3]. Giulia Di Nunno. (2002). Stochastic Integral representation, Stochastic derivatives and minimal variance hedging. Stoch. Rep, 73 (1-2):181-198.
[4]. Giulia Di Nunno et al. (2009). Malliavin Calculus for Levy Processes with Application to Finance. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
[5]. Klebaner. F. C. 2005. Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications. 2nd Edition, Imperial College Press.
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Abstract : This research aimsto describe the adversity quotient of junior high school students in learning mathematics. The description is based on dimensions the adversity quotient, namely control (control), origin and ownership (origin proposal and recognition), reach (range), and endurance power hold). more carry-on described based on type adversity quotient, namely quitters, campers, and climbers. The research subjects consisted of 32 students of class VII SMP Negeri 1 Latambaga. The results of this research include: (1) an average adversity quotient student of 87.89; (2) there are 10 (31.25%) students with type climbers, 15 (45.88%) students with type camper, and 7 (21.88%) students with type quitters; and (2) the average value of control (control) and origin and ownership (origin proposal and recognition) of 87.03 and 86.52, the average reach value (range) of 87.97, and the average endurance value hold) of 90.04; and (3) adversity quotient student class VII SMP Negeri 1 Latambaga is the type camper with level Power high endurance..
Key Word: adversity quotient, quitters, campers, climbers
[1]. Amir, Z., Risnawati, Kurniati, A., & Prahmana, RCI (2017). Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Learning (Quantitative Study on Students Boarding School in Pekanbaru). IJEME: International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education , 1 (2), 169–176.
[2]. Baharun, H., & Adhimah, S. (2019). Adversity Quotient: Complementary Intelligence in Establishing Mental Endurance of Santri in Islamic Boarding Schools. Futura Islamic Scientific Journal, 19 (1), 128–143.
[3]. Biswas, R. (2018). Adversity Quotient (AQ): A Review of Related Literature along with Literature Matrix. IJRAR: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews , 5 (4), 936–958.
[4]. Fatchuroji, D. (2020). The Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Learning Readiness in PAI Subjects (Study of Class XII Students of MA Negeri 1 Serang Regency). Qathruna Journal, 7 (1), 19–42.
[5]. Haidar, I., & Jahring. (2022). Comparison of Students' Perceptions of Mathematics Education on Online, Offline and Blended Learning. Journal of Mathematics Education Work , 9 (2), 13–20.