Version-7 (May-June 2014)
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Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to carry out breakdown maintenance on a faulty Universal Material Testing Machine (Model SM100) that is hydraulically powered. The machine was first test run to examine its working condition and defects in its operation were noted. The components of the machine were then disassembled and their parts were inspected. The worn defective parts were corrected as appropriate and the machine parts and components were then reassembled. Test specimens were designed and machined for three different types of material and are used to test the performance of the repaired machine. Defects like nonfunctioning load indicator system, broken seals and springs, worn balls on the hydraulic pump valves, inadequate and low viscous hydraulic oil were identified in the machine. The broken seals led to the leakage of oil observed, which in turn reduces the volume of oil inside the pump and the worn balls led to the inadequate supply of oil as well as pressure generated to move the machine columns. Tensile test results on Al and mild steel specimens from the repaired machine were within the standard value. The research work has helped to repair a Universal Material Testing Machine with a little amount of money being expended on the project (monetary savings of about 80 %) and has also helped in acquiring new practical skills in maintenance engineering. The research work will provides a platform for engineers and laboratory scientists in the institutions, especially in the developing economy, to challenge themselves in maintenance of their equipments and machineries using new low-cost systematic maintenance approach.
Keywords: Maintenance, Machine, Tensile Test, Material, Defect, Improved Performance
[1]. Ademulegun, F. (2007). "Engineering Maintenance." Fradem educational Publishers, Ado Ekiti.
[2]. Adesina (2011). Verbal Explanation On The History Of The Defective Universal Testing Machine. FUTA, Akure.
[3]. ASM Handbook (2005): Mechanical Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 8, ASM International, Materials Park.
[4]. Chan, F.T.S. and Kong, S. (2005). "Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance: A Case Study." International Journal of Production Economic.
[5]. Kauppi, P.K. and Yline P. (1995). "Make Maintenance Meaningful" McGraw Hill Publishers, Singapore.
[6]. Ogunjimi, Y.K. (1996). Maintenance Procedure: Industrial Training Workshop Organized by I.T.F. Jos.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Causes of building failures in Africa: A case study on collapsing structures in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Jackson Musyoka Kioko |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11370910 ![]() |
Abstract: This article elaborates the various causes of building failure in Africa, particularly Kenya. In addition to various causes that lead to collapse of buildings, Lack of African code of practice can also be a factor that should be put in consideration. Most codes of practice used in African countries are foreign codes either from Britain or Indian codes yet we use local materials for construction.
Keywords: building; code of practice; collapse; Life & properties; materials
[1] Kenya Red cross Society documentary 2013:-
[2] Kenya digital standard news on collapsed structures in the various parts of the country.
[3] 2012-2013: Concrete technology class-notes on major causes of building failure through various case studies on durability of concrete structure by Prof. Rathish Kumar Pancharathi, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Department of Civil Engineering, India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sustainable Public Transportation System for Emerging Metropolitan Cite |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pratik R. Borkar, S. D. Ghodmare |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11371114 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, the number of the vehicles has gotten more and more than before, especially the private cars and two wheelers with the development of the economics in India. The urbanized course is also more and more quick in the big city automobile holds assumes the geometric series to grow but the transportation infrastructure rate of rise is lower by far than the vehicles actually the rate of rise, thus our country metropolitans are facing the huge traffic pressure. Public this also affected the urban economy increase in some kind of degree further to develop and the promotion of the people lives level. It also brings traffic jam, the accident, the energy waste and the environmental pollution causes the transportation to become restriction bottleneck in the economic development. The effective method of solving the city municipal transportation problem is to develop the public transit vigorously, especially to establish bus rapid transit system in the big city.
Keywords: transport planning; bus rapid transit system; entropy proportion means; sustainable development
[1]. Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou," Bus-to-Depot Allocation: Models and Decision Support System" JOURNAL OF "TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING" of ASCE vol 10 P.P. 600-605 (2010)
[2]. Guojun Chen "Bus-Arrival-Time Prediction Models: Link-Based and Section-Based" JOURNAL OF "TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING" of ASCE vol 12 P.P. 60-65 (2012)
[3]. Hongfeng Xu, "Impact of Bus-Only Lane Location on the Developmentand Performance of the Logic Rule-Based Bus Rapid Transit Signal Priority " JOURNAL OF "TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING" of ASCE P.P. 293-314 (2012)
[4]. Mohammed A. Quddus, "Road Traffic Congestion and Crash Severity: Econometric Analysis Using Ordered Response Models" JOURNAL OF "TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING" of ASCE P.P. 424-435 (2010)
[5]. Yin ZHU "Study on Intelligent Traffic Control Based BRT" journal of IEEE P.P. 11-14 (2010)
[6]. Xue qingji "Evaluation On Sustainable Development Of Rapid Transit System Based On The Improved Entropy Method" JOURNAL OF "TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING" of ASCE vol 1 P.P. 196-200 (2009)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Decomposed solid waste impact on soil shear strength and California bearing ratio |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ayininuola, G.M. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11371517 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examined the impact of leachate from decomposed solid waste at an open dumpsite on the vicinity soil shear strength and California bearing ratio (CBR,) and suitability of such site for construction purpose. Soil samples were taken from three sections of an old solid waste dumpsite operated by the University of Ibadan, Ibadan for laboratory study. The properties determined were particle size, Atterberg limits, compaction test, and CBR and shear strength for two seasons. The CBR and cohesion c' at the core areas of dumpsite were found to be higher than those of surrounding soils that were a little far from dump areas. This shows that buildings and roads can be erected upon unused dumpsite; the soil is structurally safe.
Keywords: Leachate, Open dumpsite, California bearing ratio, Shear strength.
[1] H.S. Nanda, Impact of municipal solid waste disposal on geotechnical properties of soil, Proc. of Indian Geotechnical Conf. December 15-17, Kochi, 2011, 715-716.
[2] K. Ikehata, and Y. Liu, Land disposal of wastes (Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011).
[3] United Nations Environment Programme, Solid waste management ( Regional Overviews and information Sources, 2005).
[4] NRI, Rehabilitation of dumpsite into integrated waste management (Thailand:, 2011).
[5] J.C. Agunwamba, N. Egbuniwe, and T.C. Ogwueleka, Least cost management of solid waste collection, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 29(3), 2003, 154- 167
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Termite Social Insect Impact on Soil Geotechnical Properties |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ayininuola, G.M. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11371820 ![]() |
Abstract: Termites attack on building materials such as planks is highly destructive. The positive contribution of termites to the environmental soil was examined in the research. Five termitaria were selected at random from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Soil samples were taken at the cores of termitaria and also at 5m and 10m of either side of termitaria. The 25 soil samples geotechnical properties such as shear strength, California bearing ratio (CBR) among others were analyzed. The result revealed that the geotechnical properties of termitaria are far better than the adjacent or surrounding soils. The improvement was traced to the activities of termites in termitaria.
Keywords: Termitaria, Termites, California bearing ration, Shear strength.
[1] R. W. Longair, Tusked males, male dimorphism and nesting behaviour in a sub-social Afro tropical wasp, synagris cornuta and weapons and dimorphism in the genus (Hymenophera, vespidea, enumenie), Journal of the Kansas Entromological Society, 77(4), 2004, 528 – 557.
[2] J. A. Holt, and M. Leepage, Termites and soil properties: Evolotin, sociology, symbiosis, ecology (Amsterdam, the Netherland; Kluwer Academic Pub., 2000).
[3] P. Lavelle, M. Dangerfield, D. E. Lopex-Hernandez, B, Pashanasi, snd L. Brusaad, The relationship between macro fauna and tropical soil fertility, In , L.P. Wooner and M.J. Swift (Eds), The biological management of tropical soil fertility (New York; Wiley, 1994) 157 – 169.
[4] Wikipedia, Termite,
[5] F. D. Hole, Effects of animals on soil, Geoderma, 25, 1981, 75 – 112
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strengthening of Fly Ash Bricks By Ironite |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.Narmatha, R.Aruna, M.Saraswathi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11372126 ![]() |
Abstract: This project comprises of strengthening the compressed fly ash bricks by addition of Ironite powder.The green movement has greatly influenced the design and construction of the built infrastructure across the globe. There is a growing interest in delivering high performance building systems. A high-performance building is as defined in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 [1]:a building that integrates and optimizes all major high performance building attributes, including energy efficiency, durability, life cycle performance, and occupant productivity. This view was echoed by the US building enclosure community in 2008 when they launched a formal initiative which underscored the linkages between energy efficiency, durability and the quality of the indoor environment. The discussion in this paper focuses on the realization of high performance buildings through developing more ecological and durable walling elements based on the use of compressed fly ash bricks by adding the admixture named Ironite materials to the compressed fly ash bricks at certain ratio. In this we are going to show the improvement of strength in fly ash bricks through a comparative study.
Keywords: Fly ash , Sand/stone dust, Lime, Gypsum, Cement, Ironite.
[1] The manufacturing of fly ash bricks is referred from Indian standard "IS: 12894"
[2] The fly ash bricks is referred from Indian standard "IS: 3812"
[3] The lime is of from reference Indian standard "IS-1514"
[4] The gypsum is of from reference Indian standard "IS 1288-1982"
[5] The cement is of referred from Indian standard "IS-269, IS-8112 or IS-12269"
[6] "Guidelines For Manufacturing Quality Fly Ash Bricks"
[7] "Durability of compressed earth bricks: assessing erosion resistance using the modified spray testing"
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Abstract: In last few decades, structural walls have been used extensively in countries where high seismic risk is observed. The main reason behind inclusion of structural wall is ability to minimize lateral drift, simplicity in design and good performance in past earthquakes. At present various measures against the earthquakes are applied to reduce the damages. It is desired to check the effect of structural wall indexes. In this paper, Approximate Procedure (Wallace method), Elastic Analysis & In – elastic Analysis on 5 Storey building with different wall indexes is proposed. The effect of wall indexes under Dead load is adopted. The approximate procedure (Wallace method) is adopted from TEC 2007. The Elastic Analysis & In – elastic Analysis is performed in SAP2000.
Keywords: Structural Wall, Elastic Analysis, In – elastic Analysis, Approximate procedure
[1] A Vulcano, Use of wall macroscopic models in the non – linear analysis of RC frame – wall structure, Earthquake Engineering Tenth World Conference Balkema, Rotterdam ISBN 90 54 10 060 5
[2] Applied Technology Council, 1978, Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings, ATC-3-06 (Amended, April 1984, Second Printing, California, 1984).
[3] M Leonardo Massone, Kutay Orakcal and John Wallace, Flexural and shear responses in slender RC shear walls, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004 Paper No. 1067
[4] Trevor Kelly, A blind prediction test of nonlinear analysis procedures for reinforced concrete shear walls, Technical Director, Holmes Consulting Group, Auckland
[5] K .D .Baros and S.A .Anagnostopoulos, An overview of pushover procedures for the analysis of buildings susceptible to torsional behavior, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17,2008 Beijing, China
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Abstract: Concrete made of cement is the most adaptive material for construction purpose. Design and Preparation of such a concrete mix with good strength and durability has been always the need of the day. Use of mineral admixture in concrete mix has made a remarkable achievement in development and design of high strength concrete. Among many mineral admixtures available, Metakaolin (MK) is a mineral admixture, whose potential is not yet fully tested and only limited studies have been carried out in India on the use of MK for the development of high strength concrete. MK is a supplementary cementations material derived from heat treatment of natural deposits of kaolin. MK shows high pozzolanic reactivity due to their amorphous structure and high surface area. In this present study Metakaolin is replaced with 0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 % of cement to observe the compressive strength of M70 grade concrete. Conclusions are made from the various results and the discussions there on to identify the effect of partial replacement of cement by MK in the design concrete mix. The results conclude that, the use of Metakaolin Concrete (MKC) has improved the performance of concrete under various conditions
Key words: Metakaolin, High Strength Concrete, Temperatures and Acidic Medium.
[1]. Abdul Razak (2005) "Strength estimation model for high-strength concrete incorporating metakaolin and silica fume", Cement & Concrete Research 35, pp 688-695.
[2]. Bamonte p (2010) "Thermal and Mechanical Properties at High Temperature of a Very High-Strength Durable Concrete" Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ASCE, pp 545-555.
[3]. Bo Wu,Xiao-Ping Su. Hui Li and Jie Yuan (2002) "Effect of High Temperature on Residual mechanical properties of Confined and Unconfined high strength concrete", ACI-Materials journals, Vol.99, No.4, pp 231-239.
[4]. Beulah M (2012) "Effect of Replacement of Cement by Metakalion on the Properties of High Performance Concrete Subjected to Hydrochloric Acid Attack",IJERA, Vol.2, Issue 6, pp.033-038.
[5]. Chi-Sun Poon (2003) "Performance of metakaolin concrete at elevated temperatures", Cement & Concrete Research 25, pp 83-89.
[6]. Chi-Sun Poon (2006) "Compressive strength, chloride diffusivity and pore structure of high performance metakaolin and silica fume concrete", Cement & Concrete Research 20 pp 858-865.
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Abstract: A rail engine alternate set is the very important functional part of the rail. Impact excitations time varying transfer properties non stationary random response are typical characteristics of the rail engine alternator set vibration. These characteristics of the rail engine make its dynamic analysis and much more difficult than the other engines. Firstly, vibration frequency of the engine is going to find out at the various speed of engine. And also going to find the base frame vibration frequency to the various speeds. Based upon this analytic model of engine vibration frequencies are going to be an analysis with help of ansys .This includes software based synchronization for treatment of vibration signal is to determined. And going to find out resonance of the engine and the base frame. To get safety and comfortableness of the passenger while travelling in train.
Keywords: frame vibration frequency
[1]. Database in Indian railways.
[2]. European Institute for Railway Research(1999).
[3]. Union Internationale Del Chemins de Fer; UIC 526-1, Wagons, Tampons à course de 105 mm, 1998.
[4]. "Infrastructure (Iran)". Railway Gazette International1/2009: 16. January 2009.
[5]. Chow, Vincent."Derailment of Malaysia LRT". Vincent Chow dot Net. Retrieved 14 December 2011..
[6]. "Torsional vibration analysis of a multi-body single cylinder internal combustion engine model"Boysal, 1997 june
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Abstract: Earthquake in populated areas throughout the world causes extensive damage to the various structures that result in catastrophic loss of human life and enormous economic losses. However, the damage can be attributed to the inadequate design of the structures. Sometimes for low to medium rise structures, the analysis and design with respect to lateral forces has generally been a process of checking the vertical load resisting system for its ability to resist lateral forces. However, for tall buildings, the vertical load resisting system cannot resist lateral forces efficiently, it is well recognized that the incorporation of lateral force resisting systems in the form of shear walls, bracing systems etc. improve the structural performance of building subjected to lateral forces due to earthquake excitation. Further, the position of shear walls in a building alters the response of structure. It is desirable to decide the position of the of the shear walls judicially, so that maximum benefit can be derived. Similarly, adopting realistic approach for structure foundation soil behavior, a flexible approach analysis considering soil structure interaction, also alters the response of structure in terms of bending moment, axial thrust, etc. therefore response of building in terms of forces and bending moment in members, is required to be ascertained, with the placement of shear walls at different possible locations and also with the consideration of soil structure interaction effect. The phenomenon of soil-structure interaction is more pronounced in multi-storied building frames especially, when resting on poor soil, due to possibility of large unequal column loads. Neglecting SSI is reasonable for light structures in relatively stiff soil such as low rise buildings and simple rigid retaining walls. The effect of SSI, however, becomes prominent for heavy structures resting on relatively soft soils for example high-rise buildings, nuclear power plants and elevated-highways on soft soil.
Keywords: Seismic, Shear force & Bending moment, Supports, Soil structure, Elastic hall space.
[1]. Meyerhoff, G.G. (1953), "Some recent Foundation Research and its application to design", JI. Structural engineer, London, Vol.31 (Part-1), pp.151-167.
[2]. Lee, I.K (1975), "Structure- Foundation Supporting Soil Interaction Analysis" Proc, Gen. Session of the Sym. On Soil Mechanics- Recent Developments, University of New South Wales, Australia, pp. 225-294.
[3]. Mazid, K.I. Cunell, M.D.(1976),"A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation into Soil-Structure Interaction", Geotechnique, London,Vol.26,No.2pp.321-350
[4]. Papadopoulas (1976)4 proposed a method for taking into account the rigidity of superstructure. "Seismic response of vertically irregular structures". Vol 119, No.16 Dec 1186
[5]. Jain, O.P., Trihka, D.N. and Jain, S.C. (1975)," Differential Foundation Settlement of High Rise Buildings", Proc.Int. Symp. On Soil-Structure Interaction, vol I.pp.237-244.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strength Modeling of High Strength Concrete |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Zealakshmi D, Ravichandran A ,Kothandaraman S K |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11375761 ![]() |
Abstract: Silica fume is being used all over the world for many years in the area where high strength and durable concrete were required, and it also improves the characteristicsof both fresh and hard concrete. Incorporation of the silica fume increases the mechanical properties of high strength concrete than the conventional concrete. Standard cylinders and standard prisms were considered in this study and the specimens were cast with and without silica fume. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile & flexural strengths of high strength concrete of grade M60 were determined with various replacement of silica fume ranges from 0% to 15%. The experimental results of this research indicate that the optimum percentage of silica fume in concrete is 12%.
This paper presents the mathematical model for predicting the strength of the silica fume high strength concrete. The result from this studyrecommends that the model hasachieved remarkably well in predicting the strength of concrete mix.
Keywords: Silica fume, High strength concrete, Mineral admixtures, hyper plasticizer, mathematical model
[1] Umesh Sharma, AnkitaKhatri, and Abhishek Kanoungo , Use of Micro silica as Additive to Concrete-state of Art, International Journal of Civil Engineering Research,5(1),2014,9-12
[2] S. Bhanja, B.Sengupta, Influence of Silica fume on the tensile Strength of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research 35, 2005, 743-747.
[3] N.K. Amudhavalli, Jeena Mathew, Effect of Silica fume on strength and Durability Parameters of Concrete,International journal of Engineering Sciences &Emerging Technologies,3(1), 2012, 28-35.
[4] Muhannad Ismeik, Effect of Mineral Admixture on Mechanical Properties of HighStrength concrete made with locally Available Materials, Jordan Journal Of Civil Engneering,3(1), 2009, 78-90.
[5] Mohammad Panjehpour, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali, Ramazan Demirboga, Silica Fumes And its Effects on concrete Properties, International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering andTechnology, 2(2), 2011, 1-7.
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Abstract: Langat River is located in a financial strategic place in Malaysia where a number of industries have been developed over the time. All of them are completely depended on Langat River for water supply and navigation. Besides, the river water is also used for different purposes such as domestic use, agriculture, fisheries etc. Therefore,the quality (salinity level)and quantity ofthe river water is very important for the country from financial point of view and that is why the assessment of salinity level in the river system is essential for severe low flow event such as extreme drought condition. The assessment of salinity intrusion during extreme drought condition requires use of scientifically based and tested state-of-the-art mathematical modelling tools. This paper presents the selection of extreme drought event through Stream Flow Drought Index (SDI) and the assessment of salinity intrusion through Langat River system using such tested modeling tools. Three different models namely Hydrological, Hydrodynamic and Salinity models were developed and calibrated under this study to assess the salinity intrusion through Langat River. The study determines the extreme drought year as 1998 and 2010. All the models were simulated for2009 (an average condition), 1998 (extreme drought), 2010(extreme drought) and no flow from upstream. The results show that the Langat River is not vulnerable for salinity intrusion for any kind of extreme drought event but if there is no flow from upstream 1ppt saline line may intrude more 9km towards upstream.
Keyword: Langat River, Stream Flow Drought Index, Mathematical Modelling, Salinity Intrusion
[1]. H. Juahir, S.M. Zain, A.Z. Aris, M.K. Yusof, M.A.A. Samah and M.B. Mokhtar, Hydrological Trend Analysis Due to Land Use
Changes at Langat River Basin, Environment Asia 3 (special issue, 2010, pp 20-31
[2]. Climate Ark. Malaysian state begins water rationing amid dry spell 2002(cited 23 July 2008): Available from:
[3]. M. Angela, No Water Rationing in Klang Valley, in The Sun. 2002: Shah Alam
[4]. O. C. Austin, Risk in Malaysia Agriculture: The need for a strategic approach and a policy refocus, Kaijan Malaysia, Vol. 30, No. 1,
2012, 21-50
[5]. M.A. Beran and J.A. Rodier, Hydrological aspects of drought: A contribution to the International Hydrological Programe (Paris and
Geneva, UNESCO, 1985)
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to report the experimental work carried out to enhance the fabric (single jersey) quality of in terms of fabric GSM and fabric width in fabric dyeing process. Twenty experiments are planned using RSM by varying the three input parameters namely fabric heating temperature, peroxide dosing 1 and peroxide dosing 2 at five levels. The detailed examination of the results and testing of the varying input parameters for their significance at 95 % confidence interval using ANOVA technique by Design expert version 8 of stat ease Inc. is performed to calculate the percentage contribution of the input parameters and their interactions on the responses. From the results of the response surface model it was found that the optimized parametric combination for obtaining the required quality of fabric i.e. fabric GSM 150 and fabric width 180cm; are very obtained by using the identified parametric combinations namely fabric heating temperature as 90oC, peroxide dosing time 1 as 5 minutes and peroxide dosing time 2 as 7.5 minutes.
[1]. Najafi et al. (2009) "One bath method dyeing of polyester/cotton blend fabric with sulphatoethylsulphonyl disperse/reactive dyes treatment by chitin biopolymer" African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (6), pp. 1127-1135.
[2]. Murugesh B. K. and Selvadass. M (2013) "Influence of Wet Processing on Properties of Single Jersey Knitted Fabrics" International Journal of Fiber and Textile Research 2013; 3(1): 18-30, ISSN 2277-7156.
[3]. Saha et al. (2013) "Comparative study on Garments dyeing process and Fabric dyeing process on various parameters (PH, M: L, softener etc)" International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol. 3, Issue. 4, Jul - Aug. 2013, ISSN: 2249-6645, pp-2434-2441.
[4]. Syed et al. (2013) "Dyeing of Organic Cotton Fabric using Conventional and Ultrasonic Exhaust Dyeing Method" Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Volume 32, No. 2, April, 2013, ISSN 0254-7821.
[5]. Tepparin et al. (2012) "Dyeing of Cotton, Bombyx Mori and Eri Silk Fabrics with the Natural Dye Extracted from Tamarind Seed" International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2012.
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Abstract: Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers are one of the most popular types of exchanger in heat transfer applications. Due to the flexibility, the designer has to allow for a wide range of pressures and temperatures. They are widely used in petroleum refineries, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, natural gas processing, air-conditioning, refrigeration and automotive applications. It utilizes a bundle of tubes through which one of the fluids flows. These tubes are enclosed in a shell with provisions for the other fluid to flow through the spaces between the tubes. In most designs of this type, the free fluid flows roughly perpendicular to the tubes containing the other fluid, in what is known as a cross-flow exchange. In nuclear reactors fuel rods may replace the tubes, and the cooling fluid flowing around the rods removes the heat generated by the fission process.A comprehensive Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been performed on the critical heat exchanger components in order to validate the results of the components designed using the prescribed codes. The computational analysis helps visualize the areas of high stress concentration thereby aiding the designer to identify the failure prone regions. The regions susceptible to failure can be suitably modified to safeguard against failure. This paper aims at performing a design outputs by IBR codes of critical components of a shell and tube type heat exchanger in an attempt to show the redundancy in designing the components. Furthermore FEA shown the values of stress getting developed in the components for given operating conditions are much lesser than the allowable values of stress for those respective material. Thus the components are safe against such loading.
Keywords: Shell and tube type heat exchanger, IBR, tube sheet, steam drum. FEA.
[1]. F. Vera-García et al, "A simplified model for shell-and-tubes heat exchangers", Practical application, Engineering, Volume, July 2010, Pages 1231–1241.
[2]. G. Manenti et al, "Design of SRU thermal reactor and waste heat boiler considering recombination reactions", 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2012, 25 – 29 August 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Procedia Engineering 42 (2012) 376 – 383.
[3]. A. V. Hantodkar et al. "Design and Analysis for Tube Sheet of Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger Using Finite Element Technique", ASME, G201.
[4]. F. Osweiller, "Tube sheet Heat Exchangers: Analysis and Comparison of TEMA, Code and ASME Methods", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Held in Beijing, People's Republic of China, 11–15 September 1988-1989, Pages 385–400.
[5]. Hamidou Benzenine, Rachid Saim, Said Abboudi and Omar Imine, "Numerical analysis of a turbulent flow in a channel provided with transversal waved baffles", International Journal of thermal science, Vol. No. 17, pp. 1491-1499, 2013
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Abstract: An IC engine is a major source of noise pollution, where exhaust noise play major contribution. That is why the reduction of exhaust noise from engines is an important issue. A muffler in the exhaust pipe is used for reducing noise. Muffler requires specific design considering various noise parameters. In this the tunable resonator is used whose length can be varied by using a piston that can be set at different positions. Noise level is also measured at the different positions of resonator to check the effect of variation of length of silencer that shows the smaller the resonator size better is insertion loss. A muffler for stationary petrol engine (engine test rig) has been designed. Sound level is measured before and muffler installation at different position of resonator piston & the effect of resonator length is studied.
Keywords:- Muffler, Insertion loss, Resonator, Exhaust noise
[1] N. S. Chavan and D. S. B. Wadkar, "Design and Performance Measurement of Compressor Exhaust Silencer By CFD," International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN No 2277 - 8179, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 156-158, 2013.
[2] Potente and Daniel , "General Design Principles for an Automotive Muffler," in Australian Acoustical Society, Busselton, Western Australia, 2005.
[3] T. D. Whitehead, "The Design of Resonant Absorbers," University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2005.
[4] B. B. Ghosh, P. Bhattacharya, R. Panua and P. K. Bose, "Prediction of Noise Level by Mathematical Modeling in the Exhaust Muffler and Validation of these Analytical Results with the Experimental Results for 4-Stroke Diesel Engine," Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis, ISSN 0973-5313, vol. Volume 2, pp. 41-47, 2007.
[5] S. D. Pangavhane, A. B. Ubale, V. A. Tandon and D. R. Pangavhane, "Experimental and CFD Analysis of a Perforated Inner Pipe Muffler for the Prediction of Backpressure," International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN : 0975-4024, vol. 5, pp. 3940-3950, 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analytical Study of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Using Diffuser and Subcooling |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | NeerajUpadhyay |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11379297 ![]() |
Abstract: This Paper Presents The Concept Of Analytical Study Ofvapour Compression Refrigeration System Using Diffuser And Subcoolingmainly Carried Out To Improve The Coefficient Of Performance Of System. To Improve The Coefficient Of Performance, It Is To Required That Compressor Work Should Decrease And Refrigerating Effect Should Increase. Initially The Diffuser Of Increasing Cross-Sectional Area Profile Was Designed, Fabricated And Introduced In Our VCR Apparatus. The Size Of Diffuser Selected Was Of 15 Degree Divergence Angle. . By Using Diffuser Power Consumption Is Less For Same Refrigerating Effect So Performance Is Improved. The Size Of The Condenser Can Also Be Reduced Due To More Heat Transfer. So Cost Of The Condenser Will Be Reduced.The Parameters Pressure And Temperature Were Measured. After Result Analysis, We Have Found That The COP Was Enhanced From2.65 To 3.38 In The Case When Conventional VCR System Was Used With Diffuser.
Keywords: VCR System, COP, Diffuser, Sub-cooling, Divergence angle.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Design and analysis of spindle head for micro milling machine" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. S. Valsange, M. L. Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/1684-113798109 ![]() |
Abstract: We are well known of phrase "World is becoming so smaller" i.e. the current era is of micro parts and the sizes of the parts are reducing day by day. On the other hand these small parts required to be manufactured with great accuracy and high surface finish. Usually these complex, three dimensional shapes are manufactured with the special milling machine called micro milling. The problems associated with micro milling are, increase in spindle run out & its vibrations with increase in speed. Also, critical design of high speed bearings & drive system adds to its complex nature. Thus challenge lies with controlling the stated noise factors. It is proposed to have friction disc drive for micro milling machine spindle. In the present work the emphasis is laid on controlling the spindle run out by proper design. Also, analysis of spindle by FEM (Finite element method) is undertaken. The results obtained for designed spindle under stipulated conditions of cutting force (3-7 N) are motivating. The maximum run out for spindle in this case found to be 20μ & minimum is 13μ. The analysis carried out takes in to account the linear as well as non linear aids. The speed adopted in current case is in the range of 1600 to 9600 rad/sec. However it is recommended to use speed in the range of 4000 to 4800 rad/sec. the stiffness of air bearing is kept in the range of 8×104 to 8.8×105 N/m. it is recommended to keep stiffness of air bearing between 5.2×105 to 7.2×105. The diameter of tool shank must be in the range of 2.5 to 3.2mm. Length of tool shank is to be kept in between 38 to 50mm & the tool with young's 6.8×1011 N/m2 must be used so as to have minimum spindle run out.
Key words: contact stress, drive system, micro milling, and spindle run out
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