Version-3 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Now a day's Demand for concrete as construction material is increasing and the production of cement also increasing. The production of one ton of cement liberates about one ton of CO2 to atmosphere. In order to address environmental effect associated with Portland cement, there is need to develop alternative binder to make concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is one of the best alternatives for conventional concrete. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) that is produced by the polymeric reaction of alkaline liquids with byproduct like fly ash and rice husk ash. Compared with ordinary Portland cement the geopolymer concrete has many advantages..........
Keywords: Alkaline Solutions, Materials, Mix Proportions, Super Plasticizer, Geopolymer Concrete
[1]. C.D. Budh and N.R. Warhade (2014) A paper on "Effect of Molarity on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar" International Journal of Civil Engineering Research. ISSN 2278-3652 Volume 5, Number 1 (2014), pp. 83-86.
[2]. Effect of Aggressive Chemical Environment on Durability of Green Geopolymer Concrete by Neetu Singh, Sameer Vyas, R.P.Pathak, Pankaj Sharma, N.V.Mahure, S.L. Gupta.
[3]. Effect of inclusion of steel fibers on the Properties of Geopolymer concrete composites by K. Vijay, R. Kumutha and B.G.Vishnuram(2010)
[4]. Evaluation of Sorptivity and Water Absorption of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Thermal Industry Waste (Fly Ash) by Jayeshkumar Pitroda and Dr F S Umrigar(2013).
[5]. Kishan L.J and Radhakrishna (2013) A paper on "Comparative Study Of Cement Concrete And Geopolymer Masonry Blocks" IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology.
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Abstract: Scour is the consequence of the erosive action of flowing water, which removes material from the bed and banks of streams. Local scour downstream stilling basin is so complex that it makes it difficult to establish a general empirical model to provide accurate estimation for scour depth. Lack estimation of local scour can endanger to stability of hydraulic structure and can cause risk of failure. So minimizing this phenomenon is very important. The blocks and sills over stilling basin play very important role for reducing the scour, and dissipating excess energy of the flow. The present study was focused on investigating experimentally the effect of sill over stilling basin of regulator on scour formation...........
Keywords: blocks, regulators, scour, sill, Stilling Basin
[1] M.A Abourehim., (1997), Local scour downstream culvert outlets Jour. of Alexandria University, 36(1).
[2] Gamal abouzied A.Rahim., (2006), Estimation of minimum floor length behind sulice gates against scour utilizing solid bed and
erodible basin Jour. of Assuit University, 34(3).
[3] Abdel-Aal, G.M, Mohamed, Y.A, Waheed E-Din, O. and El-folly, M., (2008), Local scour mitigation around bridge piles using
protective plate (collar), Scientific bulletin. Faculty of engineering. Ain Shames University. Faculty of engineering. Cairo. Egypt.
[4] Hager, W. H. (1992). Energy dissipators and hydraulic jump, Kluwer London.
[5] Ali, A.M., Mohamed, Y.A., (2010). Effect of stilling basin shape on the hydraulic characteristics of the flow downstream radial
gates. AEJ, 49, 393-400 328 JES, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 3, May 2015, pp. 311 – 329
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Abstract: Nowadays, there is a globalized concern on behalf of the scientist of the subject, to use low-impact, sustainable materials that contribute to energy saving. Earth-based construction has proven to be a viable alternative and studies are being further continued. This paper analyzes one of the most important properties inherent to this material as it is the calorific capacity associated with hygrothermia, specifically in one of its constructive systems as is the poured earth. The analyzed samples were made with Champayan, soil of the region, ixtle fiber, obtained from the Agave Lechuguilla Torrey; the measurements...........
Keywords: ultrasonic measurement, sustainable architecture, material calorific capacity, poured earth
[1]. Adrian, Z. M., Hien, N., Marcel, I., & Kardinal, S. (2013). Predicting the envelope performance of commercial office buildings in Singapore. Energy and Buildings. Volumen: 66. 66-76.
[2]. Beccali, M., Strazzeri, V., Germanà, M. L., Melluso, V., & Galatioto, A. (2017). Vernacular and bioclimatic architecture and indoor thermal comfort implications in hot-humid climates: An overview. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
[3]. Benghida, D. (2016, March). Earth architecture: An eco-compatible solution for future green buildings. In Advances in Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea, August 21-23, 2015 (p. 77). CRC Press.
[4]. Correia da Silva, J. J., Pereira, J. P., & Sirgado, J. (2015). Improving rammed earth wall thermal performance with added expanded granulated cork. Architectural Science Review, 58(4), 314-323.
[5]. Correia da Silva, J. J., Pereira, J. P., & Sirgado, J. (2015). Improving rammed earth wall thermal performance with added expanded granulated cork. Architectural Science Review, 58(4), 314-323
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimal use of Negative Stiffness Damper for Seismic Resistant Frames |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mirza Arif Baig || Dr M.A. Chakrabarti |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1406032331 ![]() |
Abstract: The seismic protection of the structures is one of the most important goals of structural engineers in order to save lives and minimize damages to structures in case of high intensity earthquakes. Many attempts are being made to meet this goal.One such attempt is made by the researchers by introducing a negative stiffness damper (NSD). The NSD is a device that produces a force which is in the same direction as the imposed displacement thus the name "negative stiffness". NSD is capable of dissipating seismic forces within the structure without affecting the strength serviceability and functionality of main structure. Negative stiffness devices emulate weakening of the structural system without inelastic excursions and permanent deformations. This study focuses on modelling the device...........
Keywords: Apparent yielding, Negative stiffnessdamper, Seismic response control
[1] ASCE. (2010), "Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures." Standard ASCE 7-10, Reston, VA.
[2] Computers and Structures. (2015), SAP2000: Structural and earthquake engineering software (version 18.0.1) analysis reference manual. Computers and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, CA.
[3] Gisha M.M, Asim Q and Jangid R.S. (2015), "Optimal placement of negative stiffness damping system," Proc.,ASME 2015 conference on smart materials adaptive structures and intelligent systems, Colorado springs, USA.
[4] Iemura H, Kouchiyama O, Toyooka A and Shimoda I. (2008), "Development of the friction-based passive negative stiffness damper and its verification tests using shaking table" Proc., 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Seismological Press of China, Beijing.
[5] Iemura H. and Pradono M.H. (2009), "Advances of development of pseudo-negative stiffness dampers for seismic response
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Abstract: The present investigations are getting considerable attention under sustainable development now-a-days. The use of Recycled Aggregate (RA) from construction and wastes is showing prospective application in construction as alternative to primary (natural) aggregates. It conserves natural resources and decrease the space required for the landfill disposal. The High Strength concrete has become more popular in recent years owing to the extraordinary advantages it offers over the conventional concrete but at the same time strong enough to be used for the structural purpose...........
Keywords: Demolished Aggregate (DA), Portland cement, Mechanical properties of concrete, Silica fume of concrete
[1]. Al-Mabrook, F.A. 2010. Utilization of dust profile path of cement factory in producing low-cost building materials. Civil Department, College of Engineering, Qar Younis, Libya. The 11th Arabic Conference of Mineral Wealth. Trablus
[2]. ASTM C 143-89. 1989. Standard test method for slump of hydraulic cement concrete. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 04.02: 85-86.
[3]. ASTM C 496-86. 1989. Standard test method for splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimens. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 04.02: 259-26
[4]. ASTM C 494-82. 1982. Standard specification for chemical admixtures for concrete. Annual Book of ASTM standards, Philadelphia.
[5]. B.S.1881. Part 116. 1989. Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes. British Standards Institution, 3 pp.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Using a Subsidiary Pillar for Local Scour Mitigation at Bridge Piers |
Country | : | Egypt. |
Authors | : | HeshamFouli || ShazyShabayek |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1406033849 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental study on local scour at circular bridge piers. The main objective was to examine the effect of placing a circular subsidiary pillar upstream of a single circular pier on the local scour that occurs at the latter. 46 experiments, in 2 sets, were performed. In set A, experiments were performed with the pier alone to compare live bed scour and clear water scour, to investigate the effect of Froude number on the scour hole dimensions and to observe the temporal development of the scour hole under clear water scour condition in order to estimate the time of equilibrium of scour. In set B, the experiments were performed with the pillar placed upstream of the pier. Clear water scour conditions were established and Fr=0.2 was used. Three different diameters for the pillar and six different.......
Keywords: ridge Piers, Local Scour, Mitigation, Subsidiary Pillar
[1]. E. V. Richardson and S. R. Davis, Evaluating Scour at Bridges, 4th Ed, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No 18, Report. No. FHWA NHI 01- 001, (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Dep of Transportation, Fedral Highway Adminstration,2001).
[2]. L. Briaud, K. Ting, C. Chen, R. Gudavalli, S. Perugu and G. Wei, Prediction of scour rate in cohesive soils at bridge piers,J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. ASCE, vol.125, 1999, 237-246.
[3]. M. Beg and S. Beg, Scour reduction around bridge piers: A review,International Journal of Engineering Inventions, 2 (7), 2013, 7-15.
[4]. A. Jahangirzadeh, H. Basser, S. Akib, S. Karami and S. Shamshirband, Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of different shapes of collars on the reduction of scour around a single bridge pier,PloS ONE, vol. 9, 2014, p. Article ID e98592.
[5]. W. H. Graf and M. S. Altinakar, Fluvial hydraulics: flow and transport processes in channels of simple geometry(California: Wiley, 1998)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consistent Mass Formulation in Dynamic Analysis of Structural System |
Country | : | Indonesia. |
Authors | : | Binsar H. Hariandja |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1406035057 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals with frequency analysis of irregular framed structures. The analysis used finite element method cast in matrix formulation. In frequency analysis of framed structure with relative rigid floor system, the mass of structure is lumped at each floor. In the dynamic analysis proposed herein, the analysis is carried out by adopting consistent mass formulation, i.e., the inertial forces are applied material point wise. Using finite element formulation tends to increase structural degrees of freedom.To reduce structural degrees of freedom, static condensation and multi-point constraint algorithms are used. The natural frequency resulted out of proposed analysis is then compared to that obtained by assuming rigid floor. The difference between due two results differ significantly, especially for irregular type of structure.
Keywords:consistent mass formulation, dynamic analysis, finite element method, multi point constraint, natural frequency, static condensation.
[1]. Paz, M., Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation, second edition, Van Nostrand Reindhold Com. Inc., (1985).
[2]. Hariandja, B., Analisis Struktur Berbentuk Rangka Dalam Formulasi Matriks, Penerbit Aksara Hutasada, Bandung (1997).
[3]. Hariandja, B., Metoda Elemen Hingga, Penerbit Teknik Sipil, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta (2015).
[4]. Herisono, B., Analisis Dinamis Sistem Struktur Dengan Skema Massa Konsisten, master thesis, Civil Engineering Department, University of Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Indonesia (2016)..
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Abstract: The utilization of crushed granite aggregate samples from different localities and regions (Abakaliki and Auchi) for concrete work is investigated in this work. Normal concrete is produced from different aggregates and this imparts different property to the resulting concrete. The most important property of concrete is its compressive strength. In this work, comparisons were made of the various properties of concrete made of crushed rock aggregates from four (4) sites in two different locations; two samples each from Abakaliki in Ebonyi state South-East geopolitical zone and Auchi in Edo state, South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria respectively. The properties compared include workability, bulk density, specific......
Keywords:Aggregate, Concrete, Compressive strength, Mechanical properties
[1]. Abdullahi. M. (2012). Effect of Aggregate Type on Compressive Strength of Concrete. International Journal of Civil And Structural Engineering, 2(3).
[2]. Arum, C. & Alhassan, Y.A. (2005). Combined Effect of Aggregate Shape, Texture and Size on Concrete Strength. Journal of science, Engineering and technology, 13(2), 44-46.
[3]. Chen, H.S., Xu, W.X. & Lv, Z. (2013). Effects of Particle Size Distribution, Shape and Volume Fraction of Aggregates on the Wall Effect of Concrete via Random Sequential Packing of Polydispersed Ellipsoidal Particles. Elsevier, Physica A, 392, 416–426.
[4]. Chindaprasirt, P., Hatanaka, S., Mishima, N., Yuasa, Y. & Chareerat, T. (2009). Effects of Binder Strength and Aggregate Size on the
[5]. Compressive Strength and Void Ratio of Porous Concrete. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 16(6), 714-719.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A stable finite element method for compressible flows using enthalpic variables |
Country | : | Morocco. |
Authors | : | Nacer E. EL KADRI E |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1406036774 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we present a finite element method for the simulation of two-dimensional compressible flows. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved in terms of so-called enthalpic variables: static pressure, momentum per unit volume, and total specific enthalpy. The variational formulation is a variant of the Petrov-Galerkin method. The discretization of the variational formulation is done on a P1/P2 element and uses an implicit scheme. The algebraic system is solved using the GMRES algorithm with diagonal pre-conditioning. Several simulations have been carried out, in order to validate the methods proposed and the computation code developed. Subsequently, this computation code was used to model the flow in an intake system of a car engine.
Keywords: Navier-Stokes equations, enthalpic variables, Petrov-Galerkin, car engine intake system.
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[5] Nacer E. EL Kadri E, Une méthode d'éléments finis pour la dynamique des gaz et conception orientée objet du code de calcul. Ph.D., Thèse de doctorat, Département de génie mécanique, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 1996..
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Abstract: A system developed for commercially distributing the liquid in desired volume comprises a structure to detach the cup from said bunch of glasses from hopper and filling the liquid in said detached cup by the spring return type pressure actuated nozzle which has been integrated with sensors for the input of hopper, plates (a&b) and pump which is connected to the nozzle.
Keywords: glass detachment, liquid filling, plastic glasses
[1]. Asutkar, Sachin More(2013), "Automated bottle filling using microcontroller volume correction", International journal of engineering research and technology (IJERT). (vol 2, Issue 3, march-2013).
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[4]. T. kalaiselvi, R. Praveena(2012), "plc based automatic bottle filling and capping system with user defined volume selection", International journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering. (Vol 2, Issue 8, August2012)...
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Abstract: The Mexican industry related to the manufacture of automobiles, is a very important economic branch in Mexico and is in constant growth. The manufacture of parts produced from sheet metal by dies requires, facing tough competition scenarios, not only in Mexico but in the world. As an example of constant improvement, we present the redesign of tools for the processing of sheet, for the manufacture of an electrical terminal required for the electrical system of automobiles. This paper offerings the proposal to reduce the number of tools used with the reduction of manufacturing time of an automotive part.Currently the piece that is taken as a case study, is manufactured in a small Mexican company, but the necessary to reduce manufacturing time to avoid changing supplier, due to strong international competition.
Keywords: Redesign, dies, sheet metal.
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