Version-4 (May-June 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Automobile Concrete Pump |
Country | : | Rwanda |
Authors | : | TurabimanaPacifique |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1503040105 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper has been written with the following objective; "design an automobile concrete pump uses hydraulic power to transport the concrete with high efficiency and safely". To reduce the accidents and increasing the construction efficiency related to time this machine should be the preferable to use. The hydraulic force from a prime mover is used to push the mixed concrete in a metallic pipe. This concrete pump performs to maximum height of 85m. After studying the currently available concrete pumps, three working conditions were chosen; a maximum working pressure of 74 bars, flow rate of 150 m3/ h and a load of 145040 N. The final wall thickness was, however, reached after considering the thickness of available hydraulic cylinders working under similar conditions. The thickness of cylinder was obtained to be 5 mm; with maximum working speed of 0.78 m/s and discharge of 150m3/h; similar design procedures were followed in designing the cylinder piston rod, which is 50 mm diameter and 800 mm length of hydraulic and concrete cylinder. With this simple and quick machine the time saving and quality construction structures will be done.
Keywords: Machine Design, Hydraulic system, diesel engine, and mechanicalstructure analysis with ANSYS.
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[4]. Concrete pumping and spry by Dr. Carlton Akeley. 1895. ISBN:0-7176-1068-3
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Abstract: The deterioration of buildings hampers the ability to adequately perform their intended functions. The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent of building renewal in commercial buildings in selected towns in Kenya which included Meru, Embu, Nyeri, Nakuru and Eldoret. The specific focus was to assess the current extent of building renewal of commercial buildings, reasons for non-renewal of buildings, analyse the building renewal policy and the practice of renewal of buildings in Kenya The study targeted 85,500 buildings in the selected major town in Kenya, 15 500 building owners, 60 000 occupants and 10 000 building experts. Simple random sampling was used to sample, 69 commercial buildings in the selected towns. Owners of the selected buildings were purposively selected.............
Keywords: Building renewal,Commercial buildings, Obsolescence.
[1]. Abdullah, M. R., Aftab, H. M., Azis, A.&Rahman, I.A. (2010). Factors Affecting Construction Cost Performance in Project Management Projects: Case of Mara Large Projects. Malaysia: University of Hussein.
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[3]. Afrane, S. K. & Osei -Tutu, E. (1999). Building Maintenance in Ghana: Analysis of Problems, Practices and Policy Perspectives. Ghana: World Bank.
[4]. Ahmad, M. &Culp, C. (2006). Un-calibrated Building Energy Simulation Modeling Results. Research, 12 (4), 1141-115.
[5]. Akinpelu, J. A. (2002). The Need for Code of Conduct, Building Regulations and By-Laws for The Building Industry in Nigeria, The Professional Builder. Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Building, pp. 11-14.
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Abstract: This paper is a survey of TPM implementation results by industries. The paper reveals the important issues in Total Productive Maintenance ranging from maintenance techniques, framework of TPM, overall equipment effectiveness(OEE), TPM implementation practices, productivity improvement etc. The contributions of comprehensive TPM program towards improving production competencies of industries also taken care of. The review is carried out by surveying number of papers presented about various TPM implementation results demonstrated by industries. TPM program is a practice that involves everyone including top level management to machines and equipment where the basic target being productivity increase with zero breakdowns. TPM practice optimizes..........
Keywords: Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5 s, productivity.
[1]. Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance, by S. Nakajima, [1988], Productivity press, Cambridge, MA
[2]. A study of Total Productive Maintenance Implementation, F. Ireland and B.G. Dale, [2001], Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.
[3]. Relationship between total productive maintenance and Performance, Shaukat A. Brah and ei-Kwek Chong [2004], Article International Journal of Production Research.
[4]. In an international journal paper TPM can go beyond maintenance: excerpt from a case implementation, [2005] by Shamsuddin Ahmed, Masjuki Hj. Hassan and Zahari Taha University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
[5]. Implementation of total productive maintenance: A case Study, [2005], F.T.S. Chan, H.C.W. Lau, R.W.L. Ipc, H.K. Chan, S. Konga,Elsevier..
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Abstract: This study was conducted for simulation of storm surge level at a tidal channel due to cyclone along the Bangladesh coast. Bay of Bengal hydrodynamic model (BoB) developed by IWM (Institute of Water Modelling) using MIKE21 was updated with finer mesh resolution at Baleshwar channel. The model was calibrated and validated for water level using the measured data of the year 2017 and 2015 respectively. Moreover, cyclone model of MIKE21 maintained by IWM was calibrated for measured wind speed at several locations for cyclone 1991, cyclone SIDR 2007 and cyclone AILA 2009. These two calibrated models (hydrodynamic and cyclone model) were coupled together and storm surge model was developed for Bangladesh coastline. Finally, this storm surge model was calibrated and validated using the measured storm surge levels for cyclone SIDR............
[1]. Ali, A. (1979).'Storm surges in the Bay of Bengal and some related problems'. PhD Thesis, University of Reading, England.
[2]. Haider, R.A.A., Rahman and Huq, S., (1991). 'Cyclone '91: An Environmental and Perceptional Study'. Dhaka, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies.
[3]. Harper, B. A., Holland, G.J. (1999).'An updated parametric model of the tropical cyclone'. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology, Dallas, Texas, 893–896.
[4]. Hasan, M.M. (2009).'A study on impact of sea level rise and cyclonic surge on selected coastal islands of Bangladesh'. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[5]. Holland, G. (1980).'An analytic model of the wind and pressure profiles in hurricanes'. Mon. Wea. Rev, 108, 1212–1218..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thermal Analysis of Composite Hollow Cylinders Using COMSOL Software |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishal Rai || Shashank Nigam |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1503044046 ![]() |
Abstract: The composite hollow cylinders are used in design of steam pipes and electrical cable wires where insulating material is added to them so as to avoid the heat transfer to surroundings and stream turbine where the stream running in pipe. The stream generated in the boiler is taken into pipes up to the steam turbine.For these reasons it is necessary to know the temperature distribution in these composites. In this paper the thermal analysis of composite cylinders for a steady state heat transfer with convective boundary conditions is done with the help of COMSOL. Solution is obtained for steady state temperature distribution for a hollow cylinder by COMSOL software.
Keywords: Composite Cylinders, Thermal Analysis, COMSOL, Temperature.
[1]. Saber Mohammadi1and BijanValipour (2014).; the analytic approach to the heat and mass transfer phenomena on the conduction process in one dimensional compound material International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol. 4, Issue, 6, pp. 3006-3019, June, 2014
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[4]. M. Jabbari et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 79 (2002) 493–497 Mechanical and thermal stresses in a functionally graded hollow cylinder due to radially symmetric loads
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Abstract: Design of air intake system (i.e. carburetor) is very important in SI engine in order to improve fuel economy and engine efficiency. Primary function of carburetor is to evenly distribute combustion mixture. (i.e. air-fuel mixture) and supply it at the right time. Design of carburetor affects the distribution of air-fuel mixture. Proper design of carburetor elements alone ensures the supply of desired composition of the mixture under different operating conditions of the engine by CFD analysis.
Keywords: Air-fuel ratio, Carburetor, CFD.
[1]. Kriti Gupta, Saumya Sharma, Jayashree Aseri, Anupriya, "CFD Analysis of Flow through a Throttle Body of a Spark Ignition Engine for different Throttle Valve Shaft Configurations", IJETR, 2016, 5(4), pp.92-96
[2]. Rangu P, Ganesha T, M. C. Math, "CFD analysis on a simple carburetor for different positions of throttle valve and fuel nozzle valve", IJATES,July 2014,pp.441-449.
[3]. Shashwat Sharma,Prateek Jain and Adhar Singh, "A study on optimization of flow through venturi of a carburetor", International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, May 2014,3(5), pp.570-573.
[4]. Vatsal Brahmbhatt, Dr. Pravin P. Rathod," cfd analysis of carburetor for Different positions of Aerodynamic shape throttle Valve and fuel nozzle angle", IJARIIE,2017, 3(2),pp.5017-5025
[5]. G.Sivarayudu , dr. B.Jayachandraiah," Computational Flow Analysis Of Carburetor Venturi Effecting On Obstacles", IJRAES ,2015,5(4),pp.1-12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance on The Arterial Road In North Luwu Regency |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sardin || Muhammad Yamin Jinca || Ganding Sitepu |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1503045458 ![]() |
Abstract: Arterial roads in North Luwu Regency are Sultan Hasanuddin road, serving local traffic within cities, intercity within the province and inter province. This research aims to analyze the performance of road segments and formulate the handling of roads, using traffic survey methods and performance indicators analysis. It can be explained that the geometric road varies on road segment, low speed, the ratio between traffic volume with road capacity (VCR) 0.56-0.64. The level of service road, categorized C, relatively stable. Predicted traffic growth rate 10 years ahead with the assumption of traffic growth rate of 9%, the VCR is on the service level D, close to VCR saturation between 0.80-0.91. A strategy to improve road performance by reducing side constraints, completing road markings and road signs and parking controls and improving road geometric conditions by maximizing the benefits of road space, road widening and pedestrian building for pedestrians.
Keywords: Traffic volume, Capacity, Speed, Road network.
[1]. Tamin, Z.O, 2000, Transport Planning and Modeling, Institute Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung
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[3]. Jinca, M.Y. 2015, Transportation Planning, Course Module, Master of Transportation Engineering and Faculty of Engineering, Makassar
[4]. Government Regulation No. 34 Year 2006 on Road, 2006. Jakarta
[5]. Department of Public Works Directorate General of Highways, 1997, Indonesia Road Capacity Manual (IRCM), Jakarta
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Abstract: The present study investigates the vibration behaviour of orthotropic double-nanoplate system subjected to an in-plane magnetic field and in-plane preload with various boundary conditions. The nonlocal governing equations of motion are derived via Hamilton's principle with the consideration the Eringen's differential nonlocal elastic law, where the influences of the Lorenz magnetic force are obtained via a Maxwell's relation. Analytical methods are employed and explicit solutions for vibrational frequency are obtained for orthotropic double-nanoplate system for various boundary conditions. The obtained results are compared with the results available in the literature to check their validation. Effects of nonlocal parameter, magnetic field strength, number of half waves, initial preload (compression and tension), size of nanoplate and boundary conditions on vibrational frequency are presented.
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[4]. Eichler A, Moser J, Chaste J, Zdrojek M, Wilson-Rae I, Bachtold A. Nonlinear damping in mechanical resonators made from carbon nanotubes and graphene. Nature Nanotechnology 2011;6:339-342.
[5]. Behfar K, Naghdabadi R. Nanoscale vibrational analysis of a multi-layered graphene sheet embedded in an elastic medium. Composites Science and Technology 2005;65:1159-1164.
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Abstract: In present study, the matrix material Al 1200 reinforced with various percentages (5% and 10%) of SiC particles. Stir casting method employed for producing AlSiC MMCs since it is simple and cheapest method used for producing Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs). Main purpose of this investigation is to study the effects of drilling parameters (Spindle Speed, Feed Rate and Depth of Cut) on Surface Roughness. Drilling carried out using CNC Vertical Machining Centre for varying drilling parameters. Surface roughness found out around drilled hole circumferences using surface roughness tester. Taguchi method and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) employed for finding optimal drilling parameters values on minimizing surface roughness and also to find out most effective drilling parameter on minimizing surface roughness. It was found that Depth of cut is the most effective parameter for 5% AlSiC MMC and Spindle speed is the most effective parameter for 10% AlSiC MMC.
Keywords: Metal Matrix Composites, Stir Casting, Surface Roughness, Taguchi, ANOVA.
[1]. Rajender Singh, Yogesh Sharma, Vikas Sharma, "Examine of Mechanical Properties of Al 6061-SiC Metal Matrix Composites", International Journal for Research Publication & Seminar, Vol.05, Issue 03, March 2014.
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[5]. J.W. Yeh, S.K. Chen, S.J. Lin, J.Y. Gan, T.S. Chin, T.T. Shun, C.H. Tsau, S.Y. Chang, Adv. Eng. Mater 6 (2004) 299–303
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Quadratic Triangular (T6) Elements in Java |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | I.E Umeonyiagu || N.P Ogbonna |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1503048594 ![]() |
Abstract: This study developed Quadratic Triangular (T6) elements using an object oriented approach and the Java programming language. A review of the work of Kansara (2004) and Nikishkov (2010) was conducted to develop a finite element program which addresses the deficiencies of Constant Strain Triangle (CST) elements developed by Kansara (2004). The program computes displacements and stresses at each node of the finite element model. Several test examples were analyzed using the program and results were compared with those obtained from Kansara (2004), the commercial finite element analysis program SAP 2000 and LISA respectively. The results obtained from the analysis of the example problems were found to be very accurate when compared to those obtained from Kansara (2004), SAP 2000 and LISA. The difference in displacements and stresses computed by the two programs was very negligible.
Keywords: Finite Element Model, Object Oriented Approach, Java Programming Language, Quadratic Triangular Elements, Constant Strain Triangle.
[1]. Kansara, K. (2004), Development of Membrane, Plate and Flat Shell Elements in Java, Thesis, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2004.
[2]. McNeal R. H., (1978) A Simple Quadrilateral Shell Element, Computers and Structures, Vol. 8, pp. 175-183.
[3]. Clough R. W. and Tocher J. L.,( 1965) Finite Element Stiffness Matrices for Analysis of Plate Bending, Proc. Conference on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanic, WPAFB, Ohio, pp. 515-545.
[4]. Green B. E., Strome D. R., and Weikel R. C.,( 1961) Application of the stiffness method to the analysis of shell structures, Procedures on Aviation Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Los Angeles, March.
[5]. Nikishkov, G.P., (2010) Programming Finite Elements in Java™, Springer-Verlag London Limited.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigation of Different Parameters of Air Cooler by CFD Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Swanand Shrinivas Joshi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-15030465101 ![]() |
Abstract: Air cooler is appliance that keeping atmosphere cold in a very cost effective manner. The basic concept of water cooling is to find medium that can reduce the temperature of the environment cool. Water has a very good ability to retain heat, in the meantime stay in liquid form. In this case, there is study about various air cooler models and select one of the model that is better and cost effective. The psychometric principles studied and compare the efficiency of the air cooler at various humidity conditions. Then we study about the evaporation rate of the water of specific quantity with different air velocity. The comparison analysis of air cooler with water and without water and how much effectiveness it is providing based on experimental studies.
Keywords: Air cooler, Cooling pad, Mass flow rate, Humidity.
[1]. Application of Evaporative Cooling Concept to Save Energy while improving the indoor Environment, Brown. W. K, ASAHRE Transaction 97 pt2, 2013.
[2]. "Development and Testing of Regenerative Evaporative Cooler", J.K..Jain and Hindoliya D.A, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Vol.3, No. 6, Pp 694-697,2012.
[3]. "Design and Development of Energy Efficient Multi-Utility Desert Cooler", M.P.Poonia, A.Bhardwaj, Upender Pandel and A.S.Jethoo A.S, Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, Vol. 1 Pp 39-44, 2011.
[4]. "Modified Desert Cooler", B.Chandrakant, Kothare and NitinB.Borkar, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2, Pp 166-172, 2011.
[5]. "Development of Clay Evaporative Cooler for Fruits and VegetablesPreservation", Ndukwu Macmanus Chinenye, AgriculturalEngineering International: CIGR Journal Manuscript No.1781. Vol. 13, No.1, Pp 1-8, 2011.