Volume-2 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: Mine tailings is an industrial by-product obtained from mining industry. The effective disposal of mine tailings(MT) is a great challenge to both civil engineers and mining engineers. On the other hand red earth(RE) is a non expansive soil which is having kaolinite as primary clay mineral and it is a natural soil available in vast areas of India, and also in Karnataka. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to improve the engineering properties of red earth by using mine tailings. The mine tailings properties were studied and treated with red earth soil in the presence of optimum lime content. Unconfined compressive strength tests were conducted to evaluate the engineering properties of the soil samples. The increase in strength due to long term pozzolanic reaction of the calcium oxide present in mine tailings with red earth resuling in the flocculation of particles. This encourages the effective utilization of Mine tailings for Geotechnical applications.
Keywords – Mine tailings, Maximum dry density, Optimum moisture content, Pozzolanic reaction, Strength
Keywords – Mine tailings, Maximum dry density, Optimum moisture content, Pozzolanic reaction, Strength
[1] Pebble Project, Tailings and Tailings Managements, Northern Dynasty Mines Inc., 2005, 1-4
[2]. P.K.Dhawan, O.P.Bhatnagar and R.K.Swamy ,Design of Soil-lime mixes and the durability aspects- A new approach, HighwayReseaechBulletin(IRC)36,1998,13-25
[3]. G.P.Broderick and D.E.Daniel, Stabilization compacted clay against chemical attack, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.116, 1990, 1549-1567
[4]. Ergin Arioglu, Ali Yuksel and Agrali, Strength characteristics of lime-stabilized mine tailings, Mining Science and Technicalogy3,1986,161-166
[5]. P.V.Shivapullaiah, H. Lakshmikanth and K.Madhukiran, Geotechnical Properties of Stabilized Indian red earth, GeotechnicalandGeologicalEngineering,21,2003,399-413
[6]. P.V.Shivapullaiah and H.Lakshmikanth, Chemical Compatability of lime Stabilized Indian Red Earth as a Liner Material, SoilandSedimentContamination14,2005,515-526.
[7]. T.Soosan , A. Sridhan, B.Jose and B.Abraham, Utilization of Quqry dust to improve the geotechnical properties of soil in highwayconstruction,Geotechnicaltestingjournal,28(4),2005,391-400
[8]. S.Y.Thian and C.Y.Lee, Effect of Plastic Fines on over Consolidated Mining Sand, ARPN Journal of Engineering and AppliedScience,5(11),2010,6-14
[9]. Surendra Ray, Govinda R. Adhikari and Rama N Gupta, Use of gold mill tailings in making bricks: a feasibility study. Wast management and Research, 25, 2007, 475-482
[10] A Text Book of Soil Chemical Analysis by P.R.Hesse, Published by Chemical Pub. Co., University of Michign, 1972
[2]. P.K.Dhawan, O.P.Bhatnagar and R.K.Swamy ,Design of Soil-lime mixes and the durability aspects- A new approach, HighwayReseaechBulletin(IRC)36,1998,13-25
[3]. G.P.Broderick and D.E.Daniel, Stabilization compacted clay against chemical attack, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.116, 1990, 1549-1567
[4]. Ergin Arioglu, Ali Yuksel and Agrali, Strength characteristics of lime-stabilized mine tailings, Mining Science and Technicalogy3,1986,161-166
[5]. P.V.Shivapullaiah, H. Lakshmikanth and K.Madhukiran, Geotechnical Properties of Stabilized Indian red earth, GeotechnicalandGeologicalEngineering,21,2003,399-413
[6]. P.V.Shivapullaiah and H.Lakshmikanth, Chemical Compatability of lime Stabilized Indian Red Earth as a Liner Material, SoilandSedimentContamination14,2005,515-526.
[7]. T.Soosan , A. Sridhan, B.Jose and B.Abraham, Utilization of Quqry dust to improve the geotechnical properties of soil in highwayconstruction,Geotechnicaltestingjournal,28(4),2005,391-400
[8]. S.Y.Thian and C.Y.Lee, Effect of Plastic Fines on over Consolidated Mining Sand, ARPN Journal of Engineering and AppliedScience,5(11),2010,6-14
[9]. Surendra Ray, Govinda R. Adhikari and Rama N Gupta, Use of gold mill tailings in making bricks: a feasibility study. Wast management and Research, 25, 2007, 475-482
[10] A Text Book of Soil Chemical Analysis by P.R.Hesse, Published by Chemical Pub. Co., University of Michign, 1972
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Abstract: The The Korea South–South Cooperation (NAMNAM) started to explore the Maddhapara Hardrock mine in 1994 within an area of 1.25 Km2 and handed over it to Petrobangla. Petrobangla is planning now to extend the area of mine to fulfill the yearly production target 1.65 million tons. There are two shafts (skip & cage) at Maddhapara Hardrock mine and NAMNAM didn't propose any ventilation shaft for ventilation. But if the mine will go for targeted production then more air will be required for miners for a good working environment. This additional air can be ventilated though a ventilation shaft. The present study proposes a ventilation shaft that can be constructed by conventional freezing method.
Keywords - Ventilation shaft, Freezing method, Ice wall, Vertical Ground Pressure, Freezing hole.
Keywords - Ventilation shaft, Freezing method, Ice wall, Vertical Ground Pressure, Freezing hole.
Journal Papers:
[1] Littlejohn, G.S. 1993. Chemical grouting. In Thorburn. S. and Littlejohn, G.S. (eds.) Underpinning and retention, Blackie, p. 242-273.
[2] Goodman, R.E., Introduction to rock Mechanics. (John Wiley & sons, New York, Second Edition, 1989)
[3] Harris, J.S. 1995. Ground Freezing in Practice, Thomas Telford Services Ltd. Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London, E144JD, 264p.
[4] Chowdhury, K. R. and Islam, M.S., Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Gondwana rocks in the Barapukuria Basin, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh. An unpublished Ph.D. thesis of Jahangirnagar University, 2002.
[5] Raza, M.J., Hydrogeology of Maddhapara area, Hard rock Mining area and Environment in relation to Mining Geology, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Dhaka, 1998
[6] NAMNAM, Rahman, A., 1987. Geology of Maddhapara Area, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh. Record of Geological Survey of Bangladesh, v.5.p.2,61.
Unpublished Reports:
[7] NAMNAM, 1996. Freezing report of Maddhapara Hard rock Mining Project, Unpublished Report of MHMP, 100p.
[8] NAMNAM, 2001. Hydrogeological Survey data of Underground roadways of Mine. Unpublished Report of MHMP, 27p.
[9] NAMNAM, 2000. Calculation developing workings of stopes 1-5 ( Technical Design), Bangladesh. Unpublished Report of MHMP, 19-40p.
[1] Littlejohn, G.S. 1993. Chemical grouting. In Thorburn. S. and Littlejohn, G.S. (eds.) Underpinning and retention, Blackie, p. 242-273.
[2] Goodman, R.E., Introduction to rock Mechanics. (John Wiley & sons, New York, Second Edition, 1989)
[3] Harris, J.S. 1995. Ground Freezing in Practice, Thomas Telford Services Ltd. Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London, E144JD, 264p.
[4] Chowdhury, K. R. and Islam, M.S., Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Gondwana rocks in the Barapukuria Basin, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh. An unpublished Ph.D. thesis of Jahangirnagar University, 2002.
[5] Raza, M.J., Hydrogeology of Maddhapara area, Hard rock Mining area and Environment in relation to Mining Geology, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Dhaka, 1998
[6] NAMNAM, Rahman, A., 1987. Geology of Maddhapara Area, Dinajpur District, Bangladesh. Record of Geological Survey of Bangladesh, v.5.p.2,61.
Unpublished Reports:
[7] NAMNAM, 1996. Freezing report of Maddhapara Hard rock Mining Project, Unpublished Report of MHMP, 100p.
[8] NAMNAM, 2001. Hydrogeological Survey data of Underground roadways of Mine. Unpublished Report of MHMP, 27p.
[9] NAMNAM, 2000. Calculation developing workings of stopes 1-5 ( Technical Design), Bangladesh. Unpublished Report of MHMP, 19-40p.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Settlement during an earthquake in the un saturated crest of embankment on soft soil |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | B.Gordan, A.B.Adnan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0241421 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to evaluate of damages like to cracks in the embankment during an earthquake so cased to piping or overtopping and failure are main purpose. Review study indicated that the maximum displacement during dynamic loading is led to the crest and interaction between embankment with foundation or water was cased. Numerical analysis to investigate of relationship between material properties of the crest with unsaturated condition in short height embankment on the soft soil is performed. Analyses of models with plane strain were concerned by the finite-element method with ANSYS13 software so earthquake record as NAGAN with 5.02 second and peak ground acceleration equal to PGA=0.65g is used. Analysis of results in the main points indicated that to control dynamic settlement with minimum value of displacement in the vertical and horizontal axis and maximum shear stress in the foundation must follow from Ratio. This ratio was conducted to modulus elasticity between an unsaturated crest of embankment and soft soil in the foundation and this value between 0.13to0.20 Was defined and the best suggest of the ratio was =0.16 to satisfy all the conditions. In addition, Numerical analysis had good agreements with literature review. Search more to evaluate the best value of this ratio for height embankment is a suggestion for future.
KEYWORDS: dynamic settlement, material properties, embankment, ratio, ANSYS softwar
KEYWORDS: dynamic settlement, material properties, embankment, ratio, ANSYS softwar
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[2]. Mononobe, H.A., (1936). Seismic stability of the earth dam. Proceeding of the 2nd Congress on Large Dams, (CLD‟36), Washington DC., USA., pp: 435-442.
[3]. Gazetas, G., (1981). A new dynamic model for earth dams evaluated through case histories. Soils Foundat.,21: 67-78. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003914595
[4]. Clough, R.W. and A.K. Chopra, (1966). Earthquake stress analysis in earth dams. J. Eng. Mech., ASCE., 92: 197-211. http://nisee.berkeley.edu/elibrary/Text/300451
[5]. Zeghal, M. and A.M Abdel-Ghafar, (1992). Local global finite element analysis of the response of earth dams. Comput. Struct.,42:569-579.DOI: 10.1016/0045-7949(92)90124-I
[6]. Ming, H.Y. and X.S. Li, (2003). Fully coupled analysis of failure and remediation of lower San Fernando dam. J. Geotechnic. Eng. Div., ASCE., 129: 336-349. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) 1090-0241(2003)129: 4(336)
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[10] R. Noorzad and M. Omidwar (2010). Seismic displacement analysis of embankment dams with reinforced cohesive shell. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30 (2010) 1149–1157 journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/soildyn
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Abstract: This paper reports an experimental study carried out to investigate the influence of synergic effects of metakaolin and Fly ash on the mechanical and transport properties of self compacting concrete. The results showed that the combination of metakaolin and fly ash provides a positive effect on mechanical and transport properties of self compacting concrete. Besides, the sample incorporating the ternary blend of cement with 15% metakaolin and 15% fly ash showed better compressive strength than that of the normal self compacting concrete without metakaolin and fly ash. This blend proved to be the optimum combination for achieving maximum synergic effect. In addition, the resistance to chloride ion penetration was directly varied with the (Si O2 + Al2 O3 + Fe2 O3) / Ca O ratio.
Key words: Chloride permeability; Pozzolanic materials; Self compacting concrete; Strength; Synergic effect
Key words: Chloride permeability; Pozzolanic materials; Self compacting concrete; Strength; Synergic effect
[1] Amrutha, Gopinatha Nayak, Mattur C. Narasimhan and Rajeeva S.V. "Chloride-Ion Impermeability of Self-Compacting High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete Mixes". International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS, 11(4), 2009, 29- 35
[2] Ambroise J, Maximillen S, Pera J. Properties of metakaolin blended cements. Advanced Cement Materials, 1(4), 1994, 161-168.
[3] Okan karahan, Khandaker M.A hossain, Erdogan Ozbay, Mohamed Lachemi, Emre sancak. Effect of metakaolin content on the properties self- compacting light weight concrete. Construction and building materials, 31, 2012, 320-325.
[4] Hassan, K.E., Cabrera, J.G., and Maliehe, R.S. The Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Properties of High-Performance Concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites, 22, 2000, 267-271.
[5] Gopalakrishna S., Rajamane N.P., Neelamegam M., Peter, J.A. and Dattatreya, J.K. Effect of partial replacement of cement with fly ash on the strength and durability of HPC. The Indian Concrete Journal, 2001, 335-341.
[6] Luiz Antonio Pereira de oliveira, Joao Paulo de castro gomes, Cristiana nadir gonilho Pereira. Study of sorptivity of self-compacting concrete with mineral additives. Journal of civil engineering and management. 9, 2006, 215-220.
[7] Goh, Chia-Chia., Show, Kuan-Yeow and Cheong, Hee-Kiat. Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash as a Blended Cement Material. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 15, 2003, 513-53-23.
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[10] Wang, Shuxin and Li, Victor C. Engineered Cementitious Composites with High-Volume Fly Ash. Materials Journal of ACI, 104 (3), 2007, 233-241.
[2] Ambroise J, Maximillen S, Pera J. Properties of metakaolin blended cements. Advanced Cement Materials, 1(4), 1994, 161-168.
[3] Okan karahan, Khandaker M.A hossain, Erdogan Ozbay, Mohamed Lachemi, Emre sancak. Effect of metakaolin content on the properties self- compacting light weight concrete. Construction and building materials, 31, 2012, 320-325.
[4] Hassan, K.E., Cabrera, J.G., and Maliehe, R.S. The Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Properties of High-Performance Concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites, 22, 2000, 267-271.
[5] Gopalakrishna S., Rajamane N.P., Neelamegam M., Peter, J.A. and Dattatreya, J.K. Effect of partial replacement of cement with fly ash on the strength and durability of HPC. The Indian Concrete Journal, 2001, 335-341.
[6] Luiz Antonio Pereira de oliveira, Joao Paulo de castro gomes, Cristiana nadir gonilho Pereira. Study of sorptivity of self-compacting concrete with mineral additives. Journal of civil engineering and management. 9, 2006, 215-220.
[7] Goh, Chia-Chia., Show, Kuan-Yeow and Cheong, Hee-Kiat. Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash as a Blended Cement Material. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 15, 2003, 513-53-23.
[8] Skarendhal.A. "Early age and hardened properties in self compacting concrete" state-of-art report of rilem technical committee 174-SCC, rilem publications. 2000, 43-46.
[9] EFNARC, specification and guidelines for self compacting concrete. Association house, UK, Feb 2002.
[10] Wang, Shuxin and Li, Victor C. Engineered Cementitious Composites with High-Volume Fly Ash. Materials Journal of ACI, 104 (3), 2007, 233-241.
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Abstract:This research centers on the development and application of a customized integrated waste management environmental assessment (IWMEA) modeling tool for developing countries. A prime objective is to evolve an effective Solid Waste Management (SWM) scheme which meets cost, energy, and safe environmental emissions. SWM system consisting of several unit processes which includes collection, transfer, sorting, treatment (e.g combustion, composting, recycling), and final disposal. In the study, waste is categorized into 48 items and their generation rates are defined for three types of sectors: single-family dwelling, multi-family dwelling, and commercial. The mass flow of each item through all possible combinations of unit processes is represented in a linear programming model using a unique modeling approach. Cost, energy consumption, and environmental emissions associated with waste processing at each unit process are computed in a set of specially implemented unit model. The Life Cycle Assessment approach is used to compute energy consumption and emissions of CO, fossil-fuel, and biomass-derived CO2, NOx, SOx, particulate matter, PM10 and greenhouse gases. A fuzzy multi-criteria decision support tool called IWMEA model for environmental assessment of integrated waste was developed. Four different scenarios of waste management systems were considered. These are: scenario one where all wastes (100,000 tonnes) landfilled; scenario two is 25% (25,000 tonnes) recycled, and the rest landfilled. In scenario three, we have 25% recycled, 20% composted and 55% landfilled; the last scenario has 25% recycled, 20% composted, 25% Energy From Waste (EFW), and the remaining landfilled. Results show that the energy saving with the scenarios are: +6978; -366,028; -366,963 and -545,407 GJ respectively. There was more reduction of greenhouse gases in scenario four as compared with others. However, there was more reduction of acid gases in scenario two in relation to others. Moreso, the reduction in heavy metals concentration was more pronounced in scenario three with respect to the rest scenarios. Economically, the fourth scenario was the best in term of cost, energy saving and greenhouse gas emission. It is therefore recommended for application in developing countries.
Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment, IWMEA model, Solid Waste Management, Energy saving, Greenhouse gases
Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment, IWMEA model, Solid Waste Management, Energy saving, Greenhouse gases
[1] Ajadi, B.S. and Tunde, A.M. ―Spatial Variation in Solid Waste Composition and Management in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria‖. J Hum Ecol, 32(2): 101-108. 2010.
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[2] Aumonier, B. ―Life Cycle Analysis of Waste Streams‖. Presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Incineration, Towards a Waste Management Strategy. 8-9 February 1995.
[3] Adedibu, A.A. ―Spatial Pattern of Solid Waste Generation in the Third World Countries: A Case study of Ilorin, Nigeria‖. Third World Planning Review, 5(2): 136-143. 1983.
[4] Adedibu, A.A. ―Measuring Waste Generation in Third World Cities. A case study of Ilorin, Nigeria‖. Environmentalist, pp. 20-23. 1987.
[5] Awomuti, A.A. ―An Analysis of Waste Generation Rate and Pattern in Ilorin, Nigeria‖. Lapai International Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 1(1): 171- 183. 2008.
[6] Badran, M.F. and El-Haggar, S.M. ―Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Port Said – Egypt‖. Waste Management 26, 534-545. 2006.
[7] Caruso, C., Colorni, A., Paruccini, M., ―The regional urban solid waste management system: A modelling approach‖. European Journal of Operational Research 70, 16-30. 1993.
[8] Chang, N.B., Chen, Y.L., Wang, S.F. ―A Fuzzy Interval Multi objective Mixed Integer Programming Approach for the Optimal Planning of Solid Waste Management Systems‖. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 89, 35-60. 1997.
[9] Chang, N.B., Wang, S.F. ―Solid Waste Management System Analysis by Multi objective Mixed Integer Programming Model‖. Journal of Environmental Management 48, 17-43. 1996.
[10] Costi, P., Minciardi, R., Robba, M., Rovatti, M., Sacile, R. ―An environmentally sustainable decision model for urban solid waste management‖. Waste Management 24, 277-295. 2004.
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Abstract: The traversing mechanism on a winding machine causes the yarn guide and hence the yarn to reciprocate. It was thought that a very interesting work would result if this reciprocating motion could be eliminated. This work is an attempt to eliminate the too and fro motion of the yarn guide wherein the guide profile ensures proper transfer of yarn with the desired pattern and pitch. The change in yarn direction after completing one axial traverse poses the most challenging aspect in designing an efficient guide profile. With idealizing assumption of the yarn behaving as a thin wire under the taut condition between three support points at the top ring, profile point on the guide and the bobbin, the ideal profile for consistent guidance of the yarn has been developed.
Keywords: chain, transfer-zone, tension, yarn-guid
Keywords: chain, transfer-zone, tension, yarn-guid
[1] Roland R.Nydegger - patent number US 2238128
[2] John Morris Horwood, Llanyravon, Cwmbran – patent number US3294327
[3] Naotoshi Otsuka, Mishia-shi, and Masayuki Nozawa, Numazushi - patent number US 3374961.
[4] Hans H. Richter, Cranston, R.I - patent number US 348935
[2] John Morris Horwood, Llanyravon, Cwmbran – patent number US3294327
[3] Naotoshi Otsuka, Mishia-shi, and Masayuki Nozawa, Numazushi - patent number US 3374961.
[4] Hans H. Richter, Cranston, R.I - patent number US 348935
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Violation of Building Bye-Laws and Development Control Rules: A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.N.Boob, Dr. Y.R.M. Rao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0244859 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to the inherent migration of rural population to urban areas, towns are developing very rapidly.
For every municipal council, Development Control Rules and Building Bye- laws are framed as per
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966. It is obligatory on the part of every individual who desires
to construct a structure to obtain necessary permission from the local authority before proceeding for
construction. In spite of rules and regulations framed for good reasons, instances of violation of development
control rules are observed. As a result, the development of town experiences haphazard and unplanned
urbanization. This paper presents the critical analysis of development control rules which are violated at large.
An attempt has been made to find the factors for such violation of these rules. The scope of the study is limited to
residential constructions. Class "B & C" municipal councils of Yavatmal district of Maharashtra state (India)
which is a progressive district in terms of development has been identified for this case study. It is expected that
recommendation like three-tier real time information and control system, violation reducing mechanism
presented will inspire new initiatives and stimulate debate in the often neglected area of urban development
control rules & regulations.
Keywords: - Violation, building regulation, building permission, development control rules, floor space index.
Keywords: - Violation, building regulation, building permission, development control rules, floor space index.
[1]. Eran Ben Joseph, "Innovating regulations in Urban Planning and development", Journal of Urban Planning and Development
ASCE/December 2005/Pg. 201.www. bmtpc.org
[2]. M. Subash Chandira."Development control rules and byelaws in Tamilnadu", ITPI Journal 4:1(2007) Pg. 37-43.
[3]. Md. Akter Mahmud, "Corruption in Plan permission process in RAJUK A study of violations and proposals. Aug.2007 , www.tibangladesh.org www.joburg.org.za.
[4]. Report of Tajendra Khanna Committee,
[5]. www.urbanindia.nic.in/what'snew/tkc.htm
[6]. Sandeep Moudgal, (News paper editor) Bangalore, (Oct.4-2011, Deccan Herald News)
[7]. Karnataka town and country planning act (Sec.76F)
[8]. http://www.south-derbys.gov.uk/planning and building control/buil.
[9]. National building code. 2005 published by Bureau of Indian Standards www.bis.org.in
[10]. Mubushar Hussain, Kashif Siddiki, "Assessing applicability of GIS as a development management tool at local level: A case
study of the city district government, Lahore Pakistan.
ASCE/December 2005/Pg. 201.www. bmtpc.org
[2]. M. Subash Chandira."Development control rules and byelaws in Tamilnadu", ITPI Journal 4:1(2007) Pg. 37-43.
[3]. Md. Akter Mahmud, "Corruption in Plan permission process in RAJUK A study of violations and proposals. Aug.2007 , www.tibangladesh.org www.joburg.org.za.
[4]. Report of Tajendra Khanna Committee,
[5]. www.urbanindia.nic.in/what'snew/tkc.htm
[6]. Sandeep Moudgal, (News paper editor) Bangalore, (Oct.4-2011, Deccan Herald News)
[7]. Karnataka town and country planning act (Sec.76F)
[8]. http://www.south-derbys.gov.uk/planning and building control/buil.
[9]. National building code. 2005 published by Bureau of Indian Standards www.bis.org.in
[10]. Mubushar Hussain, Kashif Siddiki, "Assessing applicability of GIS as a development management tool at local level: A case
study of the city district government, Lahore Pakistan.