Volume-2 ~ Issue-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress and Deflection Analysis of Belleville Spring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H.K.Dubey, Dr. D.V. Bhope |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0250106 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper reports stress and deflection analysis of a Belleville Spring using finite element method.
The different combinations of ratios of its outer diameter and inner diameter i.e. (D/d) and its Height to
thickness i.e. (h/t) have been considered to investigate the principal stresses on inner (σi) and outer (σo)
surfaces of the spring along with the deflections. Finite element method is used for analysis. The FE results are
compared with existing analytical results.
Keywords: Stress, Deflection, Finite element method, Belleville Spring
Keywords: Stress, Deflection, Finite element method, Belleville Spring
[1]. Almen. J. O., and Laszlo, A., "The Uniform Section Disk Spring," Trans. ASME, Vol. 58, 1936, pp. 305-314.
[2]. Spotts, M. F., "Mechanical Design Analysis," Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1964, pp. 80-90.
[3]. Shigley J.E. ―Mechanical engineerng design.‖ McGraw-Hill International Edition (1986).
[4]. Wahl, A. M., "Mechanical Springs", McGraw Hill Book Co, New York, 1963, pp. 179-181.
[5]. Schremmer, G., "Endurance Strength and Optimum Dimensions of Belleville Springs," ASME-paper 68-WA/DE-9, 1968.
[6]. Belleville Springs—Design Manual, E. C. Styberg Eng. Co., Racine, Wis.
[7]. Schnorr Disc Spring Handbook, Karl A. Neise Inc., Woodside New York.
[2]. Spotts, M. F., "Mechanical Design Analysis," Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1964, pp. 80-90.
[3]. Shigley J.E. ―Mechanical engineerng design.‖ McGraw-Hill International Edition (1986).
[4]. Wahl, A. M., "Mechanical Springs", McGraw Hill Book Co, New York, 1963, pp. 179-181.
[5]. Schremmer, G., "Endurance Strength and Optimum Dimensions of Belleville Springs," ASME-paper 68-WA/DE-9, 1968.
[6]. Belleville Springs—Design Manual, E. C. Styberg Eng. Co., Racine, Wis.
[7]. Schnorr Disc Spring Handbook, Karl A. Neise Inc., Woodside New York.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behavior of Lateral Resistance of Flexible Piles in Layered Soils |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.S.Chawhan, S.S.Quadri, P.G.Rakaraddi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0250711 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral load carrying capacity of model
piles of different flexural stiffness embedded in loose sand between dense sand and dense sand between loose
sand layered soil strata. Attempts has been made to study the variation of lateral stiffness, eccentricity and soil
layer thickness ratio and the effect of various parameters on the magnitude of Nh. The result of a model tested
for the piles embedded in IS grade-II dry Ennore sand under monotonic lateral loadings. Experimental results
are used for the load-deflection curves (p-y curves) for laterally loaded piles. The proposed p-y curves were
compared to the existing curves with Nh and were evaluated with the experimental data. The ultimate lateral soil
resistance and subgrade modulus were investigated and discussed.
Key Words: Subgrade modulus, flexural stiffness, ground line deflection, model tests, piles, soil-pile interaction.
Key Words: Subgrade modulus, flexural stiffness, ground line deflection, model tests, piles, soil-pile interaction.
[1]. Byung Tak Kim, nak-Kyung Kim, Woo Jin, Lee
[2]. and Young Su Kim. (2004), Experimental Load- Transfer Curves of Laterally Loaded Piles In Nak-Dong River Sand, Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 130(4),416-425.
[3]. Dewaikar D.M and Patil P.A. (2006), Analysis of a Laterally Loaded Pile in Cohesionless Soil, IGC 2006,14-16 December
2006, Chennai, INDIA, 467-4.
[4]. Dewaikar D.M and Patil, D.S.(2001), Behaviour of laterally loaded piles in cohesion-less soil under oneway cyclic loading, The
New Millennium Conference, 14-16 December-2001.
[5]. Ghosh,D.P and Meyerhof,G.G.(1989), The ultimate bearing capacity of flexible piles in layered sand under eccentric and inclined
loads, Indian Geotech.J,(19)3, 187-201.
Murthy.V.N.S. (1992), Nonlinear Behaviour of Piles Subjected to Static Lateral Loading.
[6]. P.Bandopadhyay and. B.C.Chattopadhyay. (1989), Ultimate Lateral Resistance of Vertical Piles, (2)4, 165-168.
[7]. Rees.L.C and Metlock.H. (1956), Non-dimensional solutions proportional to depth, Prooceedings 8th Texas conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Special publication no.29, Bureau of Engineering Research, University of Texas, Austin.
[8]. Terzaghi.K.(1955), Evaluation of coeeficient of subgrade reaction, Geotechnique, (5)4, 297-326.
[2]. and Young Su Kim. (2004), Experimental Load- Transfer Curves of Laterally Loaded Piles In Nak-Dong River Sand, Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 130(4),416-425.
[3]. Dewaikar D.M and Patil P.A. (2006), Analysis of a Laterally Loaded Pile in Cohesionless Soil, IGC 2006,14-16 December
2006, Chennai, INDIA, 467-4.
[4]. Dewaikar D.M and Patil, D.S.(2001), Behaviour of laterally loaded piles in cohesion-less soil under oneway cyclic loading, The
New Millennium Conference, 14-16 December-2001.
[5]. Ghosh,D.P and Meyerhof,G.G.(1989), The ultimate bearing capacity of flexible piles in layered sand under eccentric and inclined
loads, Indian Geotech.J,(19)3, 187-201.
Murthy.V.N.S. (1992), Nonlinear Behaviour of Piles Subjected to Static Lateral Loading.
[6]. P.Bandopadhyay and. B.C.Chattopadhyay. (1989), Ultimate Lateral Resistance of Vertical Piles, (2)4, 165-168.
[7]. Rees.L.C and Metlock.H. (1956), Non-dimensional solutions proportional to depth, Prooceedings 8th Texas conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Special publication no.29, Bureau of Engineering Research, University of Texas, Austin.
[8]. Terzaghi.K.(1955), Evaluation of coeeficient of subgrade reaction, Geotechnique, (5)4, 297-326.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Measuring Transit Accessibility Potential: A Corridor Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh J Pandya |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0251219 ![]() |
Abstract: Buses are the most widely used and essential component of a public transit system and the
selection of a bus route are very important as it affects the overall performance of the system and its efficiency.
Moreover the bus routes and bus stop locations are very important criteria for selection of this mode of
transport by commuters. Bus stops attain their importance to the transit service as they are the main points of
contact between the passenger and the bus. Considering spatial attributes, both the location and the spacing of
bus routes and bus stops significantly affect transit service performance and passenger satisfaction, as they
influence travel time in addition to their role in ensuring reasonable accessibility. Knowing that every transit
trip begins and ends with pedestrian travel, access to a bus stop is considered a critical factor for assessing the>
accessibility of the stop location. In this paper, on the basis of the actual population surrounding the stop, the
potential of a particular bus route / corridor is estimated for a particular corridor so as to assess a bus route /
corridor on a more spatial basis. This potential measures the efficiency of a bus route / corridor through the
surrounding road network, which can be used to compare the performance / efficiency of two or more routes /
corridors in a system and also o ways to improve the performance of a particular route by increasing number
of bus stops or changing their locations.
[1] AccessibilityGuidelineforBuildingandFacilitiescap:10TransportationFacilities,Availableashttp://www.accessboard.gov/adaag/html/a
[2] Ammons, D.N.2001, Municipal Benchmarks: Assessing Local Performance and Establishing Community Standards, Second
Edition. Sage,thousand Oaks,CA.
[3] Central Ohio Transit Authority, 1999, Planning and Development Guidelines for Public Transit.COTA,Columbus,OH.
[4] Christchurch, Bus Stop Location Policy, Available as http://www.ccc.govt.nz/policy/bus-2,asp;
[5] Mohamed A. Foda, "Using GIS for Measuring Transit Stop Accessibility Considering Actual Pedestrian Road Network.
[2] Ammons, D.N.2001, Municipal Benchmarks: Assessing Local Performance and Establishing Community Standards, Second
Edition. Sage,thousand Oaks,CA.
[3] Central Ohio Transit Authority, 1999, Planning and Development Guidelines for Public Transit.COTA,Columbus,OH.
[4] Christchurch, Bus Stop Location Policy, Available as http://www.ccc.govt.nz/policy/bus-2,asp;
[5] Mohamed A. Foda, "Using GIS for Measuring Transit Stop Accessibility Considering Actual Pedestrian Road Network.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Performance Evaluation of a Cassava Pelletizer |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O. B. Oduntan, O. A. Koya, M. O. Faborode, A. O. Oduntan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0252024 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper reports on the performance evaluation of a machine for cottage level production of pellets
from cassava mash. Peeling, grating and drying freshly harvested cassava tubers, produced cassava flour. The
flour was mixed with water at different blend ratios to form cassava mash of different moisture contents. The
performance of the pelletizer was evaluated in terms of the density, durability, crushing strength and cyanide
content of the pellets, and the throughput of the machine, against the moisture content of the mash (18, 20 and
22 % w.b.), die size (4, 6 and 8 mm) and the auger speed (90, 100 and 120 rpm). Test results showed that the
bulk density and the durability of pellets decreased while the moisture content increased significantly (p<0.05)
and separately with increasing die size and moisture content of cassava mash. The pellets with the best quality
attributes were obtained from cassava mash at 18% moisture content (w.b.) through the 4 mm die at 90 rpm and
a maximum throughput of 54 kg/hr. The machine, thus, provides a significant leverage in the utilization of
cassava as pelletized animal feed.
Key Words: Density, die, durability, pelletizer, throughput.
Key Words: Density, die, durability, pelletizer, throughput.
[1]. Adeeko, K. A. and Ajibola, O. O, Processing factors affecting yield and quality of mechanically expressed groundnut oil, Journal of
Agricultural Engineering Research, 45, 1990, 31-43.
[2]. Ashaye O. A., Couple A. A., Fasoyiro S. B. and Adeniji A, Effect of Location and Storage Environment on the Quality Attributes of Gari in South-Western Nigeria, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1(1) 2005, 52-55.
[3]. Hrishi, N. Problems and prospects of cassava production in India. Cassava Processing and Storage. In: Proceedings of an
interdisciplinary workshop, Thailand, Int. Develop. Res. Centre IDRC-031e 1974 pp.59-62.
[4]. Prestlokken, E, Protein value of expander-treated barley and oats or ruminants, Agricultural University of Norway, Doctor
Scientiarum Thesis 1999:5,142pp, 1999
[5]. Pabis, S., Jayas, D. S, Grain drying Theory and Practice (John Wiley, New York, 1998)
[6]. Odigboh, E. U, Mechanization of cassava production and processing: A decade of design and development, University of Nigeria
Inaugural Lecture, Series No.8, 1985.
[7]. Kwatai, J. T, Rural Cassava Processing and Utilization Centre UNICEF/IITA Collaborative Program for Household Food Security (
Lidato Press, Ibadan, 1986)
[8]. Oduntan, O. B, Development of a cassava pelletizer. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria,
[9]. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Standard practice for reporting uniaxial strength data and estimating Weibull
distribution parameters for advanced ceramics.(ASTM, 1995) C 1239-95: 1-18.
[10]. American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineering (ASABE), Standard S269.4 Cubes, pellets and crumbles-definitions
and methods for determining density, durability, and moisture content. (ASABE, 2003) St. Joseph, M1
Agricultural Engineering Research, 45, 1990, 31-43.
[2]. Ashaye O. A., Couple A. A., Fasoyiro S. B. and Adeniji A, Effect of Location and Storage Environment on the Quality Attributes of Gari in South-Western Nigeria, World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1(1) 2005, 52-55.
[3]. Hrishi, N. Problems and prospects of cassava production in India. Cassava Processing and Storage. In: Proceedings of an
interdisciplinary workshop, Thailand, Int. Develop. Res. Centre IDRC-031e 1974 pp.59-62.
[4]. Prestlokken, E, Protein value of expander-treated barley and oats or ruminants, Agricultural University of Norway, Doctor
Scientiarum Thesis 1999:5,142pp, 1999
[5]. Pabis, S., Jayas, D. S, Grain drying Theory and Practice (John Wiley, New York, 1998)
[6]. Odigboh, E. U, Mechanization of cassava production and processing: A decade of design and development, University of Nigeria
Inaugural Lecture, Series No.8, 1985.
[7]. Kwatai, J. T, Rural Cassava Processing and Utilization Centre UNICEF/IITA Collaborative Program for Household Food Security (
Lidato Press, Ibadan, 1986)
[8]. Oduntan, O. B, Development of a cassava pelletizer. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria,
[9]. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Standard practice for reporting uniaxial strength data and estimating Weibull
distribution parameters for advanced ceramics.(ASTM, 1995) C 1239-95: 1-18.
[10]. American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineering (ASABE), Standard S269.4 Cubes, pellets and crumbles-definitions
and methods for determining density, durability, and moisture content. (ASABE, 2003) St. Joseph, M1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Element Analysis of Various Shapes of Flexures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sunil Girde, Prof. Y. L. Yanarkar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0252529 ![]() |
Abstract:The flexural bearing is used for micro-machining and precision applications where low
displacement is involved. It offers the advantage of almost frictionless, vibration free and maintenance free
operation. The bearing element is deformed to provide desire relative motion between the surfaces. They are
made up of deformable bodies called flexure. These flexures are to be designed for required displacement.
However the analytical procedure for analysis of the flexure is not available. Hence, an alternative approach
of using FEA is applied for design of flexure analysis.
In this work flexure having different size and shape such as triangular, square, rectangular and
elliptical are analyzed. The analysis of all the above shapes with various thicknesses for least axial,
maximum radial stiffness and equivalent stresses is made. Later the results have been analyzed to choose
optimum design of flexure.
Key Words: Flexural Bearing, Stress Analysis, Deformation, Finite Element Analysis
Key Words: Flexural Bearing, Stress Analysis, Deformation, Finite Element Analysis
1]. Saurabh Anand Malpani, Yogesh Yenarkar, Suhas Deshmukh, FE Analysis of flexural bearing for linear compressor, International
Journal of applied research in Mechanical Engg. Vol. I, issue-I, 2011. S. Gaunekar, T. Goddenhenrich, C. Heiden, Finite
element analysis & testing of flexure-bearing elements, Cryogenics-1996, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 359-364.
[2]. W. E. Kepple, Dave W. Read, Fouad Y. Zeidan, Christian Paraskevakos, Matthew P. Dawson, proceedings of the 15th
International pump users symposium.
[3]. M. Mai, I. Ruchlich, C.Rosenhagen & Th. Wiedmann, Development of the miniature flexure bearing cryocoolers, SFO70,
International Cryocoolers Conference, INC, Boulder Co, 2009.
[4]. C. Rosenhagen & Th. Wiedmann, Flexure Bearing Compressor in the One Watt Linear (OWL) Envelope,
Electrodynamic oscillating compressor Part- 1, pp.656-663 and Part-2, pp.664-670.
[5]. Shorya Awtar, Alexander H., Slocum, Parasitic Error-free Symmetric Diaphragm Flexure, and a set of precision compliant
mechanisms based it: Three and Five DOF flexible torque couplings, Five DOF motion stage, single DOF linear/axial bearing,
Paper publish in precission in Engg. Research Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[6]. Willem Van de Groep, Tony Benschop, Wordragen, The development of a new generation of miniature long – life linear
coolers, Conference ICC16, p.1 of 10 year 2010, Thals publication.
[7]. T.R. Chandrupatla. A.D. Belagundu, Finite elements in engineering (Pearsons Education)
[8]. Practical finite element analysis finite to infinite publications, Pune By Nitin Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande.
[9]. Timoshenko, Theory of plates and shells (McG r a w H i l l p u b l i c a t i o n ) , second edition, p p . 62, 63
Journal of applied research in Mechanical Engg. Vol. I, issue-I, 2011. S. Gaunekar, T. Goddenhenrich, C. Heiden, Finite
element analysis & testing of flexure-bearing elements, Cryogenics-1996, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 359-364.
[2]. W. E. Kepple, Dave W. Read, Fouad Y. Zeidan, Christian Paraskevakos, Matthew P. Dawson, proceedings of the 15th
International pump users symposium.
[3]. M. Mai, I. Ruchlich, C.Rosenhagen & Th. Wiedmann, Development of the miniature flexure bearing cryocoolers, SFO70,
International Cryocoolers Conference, INC, Boulder Co, 2009.
[4]. C. Rosenhagen & Th. Wiedmann, Flexure Bearing Compressor in the One Watt Linear (OWL) Envelope,
Electrodynamic oscillating compressor Part- 1, pp.656-663 and Part-2, pp.664-670.
[5]. Shorya Awtar, Alexander H., Slocum, Parasitic Error-free Symmetric Diaphragm Flexure, and a set of precision compliant
mechanisms based it: Three and Five DOF flexible torque couplings, Five DOF motion stage, single DOF linear/axial bearing,
Paper publish in precission in Engg. Research Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[6]. Willem Van de Groep, Tony Benschop, Wordragen, The development of a new generation of miniature long – life linear
coolers, Conference ICC16, p.1 of 10 year 2010, Thals publication.
[7]. T.R. Chandrupatla. A.D. Belagundu, Finite elements in engineering (Pearsons Education)
[8]. Practical finite element analysis finite to infinite publications, Pune By Nitin Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande.
[9]. Timoshenko, Theory of plates and shells (McG r a w H i l l p u b l i c a t i o n ) , second edition, p p . 62, 63
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Torque Control System for Diesel Engine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh H, Arihant U |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0253032 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents an idea on torque control system for variable speed diesel engine. A
dynamometer assembly is designed to measure the frictional torque on the disc and hence the engine torque.
The resistance or frictional torque offered by the dynamometer will vary with time in a desired manner. A
transducer is used to measure the torque or force which is the output from dynamometer and is of
electromechanical type. The load acting on the transducer creates bending in the sides and a strain gauge has
been used to sense the strain. The output of the strain bridge is proportional to the load applied and hence the
transducer will give an electrical output proportional to the force. Thus the output of the measuring system will
be an emf. The emf signal is proportional to the load torque. However a calibration graph would be necessary>
to relate the emf output to the load torque.
Keywords - Diesel engine, Dynamometer assembly, Emf signal- load torque, Transducer, Strain gauge,
Keywords - Diesel engine, Dynamometer assembly, Emf signal- load torque, Transducer, Strain gauge,
[1] Shigley J.E and Mischke C. R., "Mechanical Engineering Design", Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill , 2003.
[2] Sundararajamoorthy T. V, Shanmugam .N, "Machine Design", Anuradha Publications, Chennai, 2003..
[3] Maitra G.M., Prasad L.V., "Hand book of Mechanical Design", II Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1985.
[4] Bhandari, V.B., "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1994.
[5] Ugural A.C, "Mechanical Design, An Integrated Approach", McGraw-Hill, 2003.
[2] Sundararajamoorthy T. V, Shanmugam .N, "Machine Design", Anuradha Publications, Chennai, 2003..
[3] Maitra G.M., Prasad L.V., "Hand book of Mechanical Design", II Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1985.
[4] Bhandari, V.B., "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1994.
[5] Ugural A.C, "Mechanical Design, An Integrated Approach", McGraw-Hill, 2003.
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Abstract: Fibre composites are being used in various applications from aerospace, military, marine boats and
submarine to renewable energy generation. Higher energy demands across the developed and growing world
for the usage and replacement of conventional materials with polymer composite materials for engineering
applications which is always questioned by the end user, unless the research oriented reliable supporting
certification is made available. The reinforcement materials are highly hygroscopic, the matrix material
provides protection to the reinforcement. When the parts made of composite materials are exposed to
environment, water molecules travel along the reinforcement and cause damage to the interfacial bonding,
further the performance of the composite laminate get effected. In this scenario, the investigation related to this
aspect requires quantitative assessment which is carried out with accelerated simulation of the real time
situation to provide a scope to chacterization of Glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (GFRP) laminates
subjected to variable environmental conditions. This investigation was to study the effect on weight gain and
mechanical property of GFRP laminate subjected to different environmental conditions. The test results reviled
that remarkable reduction in tensile property and moisture absorption for samples in water absorbed more
moisture than NaOH and salt water.
Keywords: Glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (GFRP), Resin transfer moulding(RTM), Moisture absorption, tensile modulus and Environmental conditions.
Keywords: Glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (GFRP), Resin transfer moulding(RTM), Moisture absorption, tensile modulus and Environmental conditions.
[1] Busel, J. P. FRP composites in construction application—A profile in progress, SPI Composite Institute-1995
[2] Meiarashi, S., Kishima, T., Nishizaki, I., and Sasaki, I. ‗‗Application of fiber reinforced plastics to construction structural
materials.Volume 1:.'' Cooperative Research Report No. 252, 1998
[3] Nishizaki and Meiarashi,S (2002) Long term Deteration GFRP in Water and Moist Environment Journal of Composite for
Construction, Vol.6 NO.1 PP21-27.
[4] Moisture Absorption and Desorption of Composite Materials‖ by author Chi-Hung shen and George S. Springer journal of
composite materials january1976]
[5] The "Durability of bamboo-glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix hybrid composites" by author MOE MOE THWE, KIN LIO
publised in journal of Composites Science and Technology 63 (2003) 375–387
[6] The environmental stress corrosion cracking of glass fibre-reinforced laminates and single E-glass filaments by author
F.R.JONES. J.W.ROCK, J.E.BAILEY (19833)1059-1071
[7] Wan B, Petrou MF, Harries KA. The effects of the presence of water on the durability of bond between CFRP and concrete. J
Reinf Plast Composites 2006; 25(8):875–90.
[8] C.Tukta and O.Buyukozturk on the ―Deterioration of FRP/concrete bond system under variable moisture conditions quantified by
fracture mechanic Composites: PartB 42(2011)145-154 Elsevier.
[9] Long-term water immersion ageing characteristics of GFRP composites by K.Berketis publised in journal of
[10] Mechanical testing of advanced fibre composites J M Hodgkinson Wood Head Publishng Limited.
[2] Meiarashi, S., Kishima, T., Nishizaki, I., and Sasaki, I. ‗‗Application of fiber reinforced plastics to construction structural
materials.Volume 1:.'' Cooperative Research Report No. 252, 1998
[3] Nishizaki and Meiarashi,S (2002) Long term Deteration GFRP in Water and Moist Environment Journal of Composite for
Construction, Vol.6 NO.1 PP21-27.
[4] Moisture Absorption and Desorption of Composite Materials‖ by author Chi-Hung shen and George S. Springer journal of
composite materials january1976]
[5] The "Durability of bamboo-glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix hybrid composites" by author MOE MOE THWE, KIN LIO
publised in journal of Composites Science and Technology 63 (2003) 375–387
[6] The environmental stress corrosion cracking of glass fibre-reinforced laminates and single E-glass filaments by author
F.R.JONES. J.W.ROCK, J.E.BAILEY (19833)1059-1071
[7] Wan B, Petrou MF, Harries KA. The effects of the presence of water on the durability of bond between CFRP and concrete. J
Reinf Plast Composites 2006; 25(8):875–90.
[8] C.Tukta and O.Buyukozturk on the ―Deterioration of FRP/concrete bond system under variable moisture conditions quantified by
fracture mechanic Composites: PartB 42(2011)145-154 Elsevier.
[9] Long-term water immersion ageing characteristics of GFRP composites by K.Berketis publised in journal of
[10] Mechanical testing of advanced fibre composites J M Hodgkinson Wood Head Publishng Limited.
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Abstract: This paper first discusses the importance of electricity in development of India along with its
current status. It explores the gap between power requirement and power production in current and in
prospective Indian power scenario. Then it suggests human power (HP) as an alternative which needs to be
included in portfolio for providing electricity power to rural India through Micro Grid combinations with solar
energy, wind energy and biomass energy due to its inherent advantages. Further discussion on Micro Grid
layouts and implementation of layout in association with economics is carried out with a study on Jaipur,
Rajasthan in a computer software HOMER.
Keywords: Economic comparison of alternative power sources, Grid electrification, Human power, rural electricity, Power in India.
Keywords: Economic comparison of alternative power sources, Grid electrification, Human power, rural electricity, Power in India.
[1] http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/countries/profiles/IND.html
[2] 12th Five year plan Government of India www.gov.in.
[3] Report on 17TH Electric power survey of India Oct.-Nov.2005.
[4] Powering India : The Road to 2017, A report by Mckinskey & Company.
[5] http://www.powermin.nic.in/.
[6] Final_RGGVY_Policy_Brief, March 2012.
[7] India Power Consumption to double by 2020, Report by KPMG , November 2009.
[8] http://censusindia.gov.in.
[9] Vijay Modi, Improving Electricity Services in Rural India, CGSD Working Paper No. 30 December 2005.
[10] Rangan Banerjee, Overview of Renewable Energy Scenario in India, Energy Systems Engineering, Lecture delivered at RENET Workshop, IIT Bombay, September 21, 2006.
[2] 12th Five year plan Government of India www.gov.in.
[3] Report on 17TH Electric power survey of India Oct.-Nov.2005.
[4] Powering India : The Road to 2017, A report by Mckinskey & Company.
[5] http://www.powermin.nic.in/.
[6] Final_RGGVY_Policy_Brief, March 2012.
[7] India Power Consumption to double by 2020, Report by KPMG , November 2009.
[8] http://censusindia.gov.in.
[9] Vijay Modi, Improving Electricity Services in Rural India, CGSD Working Paper No. 30 December 2005.
[10] Rangan Banerjee, Overview of Renewable Energy Scenario in India, Energy Systems Engineering, Lecture delivered at RENET Workshop, IIT Bombay, September 21, 2006.