Volume-5 ~ Issue-1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Scheduling in Job Shop Process Industry" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shantanu Kolharkar, Prof. D. R. Zanwar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0510117 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's manufacturing scenario Production Scheduling plays a vital role in planning. The
scheduling deals directly with the time. The allocation of available resources over time to perform a specific
task. Assigning an appropriate number of workers to the jobs during each day, determining when an activity
starts and end depending upon the duration of an activity, predecceor activity, resource availability and target
completion date. A scheduling problem is to find sequences of jobs on specific machines with an objective to
minimize total elapsed time or makespan. Job Shop Scheduling is type where the machine order can be different
for each jobs. It becomes complex and agile to evolve optimal solution. JSP is widely defined as a NP hard and
combinatorial in nature. In this paper the characteristics of JSP is analyzed and proposed Genetic Algorithm as
one of the efficient optimization tool to solve problem like JSP. This research work aim to analyze the JSP at
Job shop Process Industry considering static scheduling and also considered due dates as dynamic scheduling.
Coding is done in MATLAB Version 7.10 through GUI. Compared the results with and without using GA
Keywords: JSSP (Job shop scheduling problem), Genetic Algorithm, Crossover, Mutation, MATLAB, GUI (Graphical User Interface),
Keywords: JSSP (Job shop scheduling problem), Genetic Algorithm, Crossover, Mutation, MATLAB, GUI (Graphical User Interface),
[1] Ye LI and Yan CHEN from Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, PR.China in Journal of
Software Vol.5, No.3 March2010.A Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling.
[2] Mahanim Omar, Adam Baharum, Yahya Abu Hasan School of Mathematical Sciences, in proceedings of the 2nd IMT –GT Regional
Conference on Mathematics,Statistics and Applications Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang,June 13-15,2006,A Job shop Scheduling
problem using GA.
[3] Kanate Ploydanai and Anan Mungwattana, IJCSE International journal on Computer Science and Engineering
Vol.02,No.05,2010,1919-1925 Algorithm for solving job shop scheduling problem based on machine availability constraints,.
[4] Ramezanali Mahdavinesad of University of Tehran in International journal of Quality researchUniversity of Tehran.UDK-658.524
short Scientific Paper (1.03), A new Approach to Job Shop Scheduling Problem
[5] E.Falkenauer and S.Bouffouix, CRIF - Research Center for Belgian Metalworking Industry published CP 106-
P4,50,av.F.D.Roosevelt,B-1050 brussels,Belgium. A Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop.
[6] Milos Seda published a paper in World academy of Science Engineering and technology 31 2007. Mathematical Model of Flow
shop and Job shop scheduling problem.
[7] Takeshi Yamada and Ryohei Nakano rom NTT Communication Science Labs in the proceeedings of Modern Heuristic for decision
Support,pp. 67-81,UNICOM Seminar,18-19 March 1997,London. Genetic Algorithms for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems.
[8] Shignebu kobayash, Isao and Masayuki Yamamura in Proceedings of ICGA in 1995,pp.506-511(1995) An Efficient Genetic
Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem .
[9] M.A.Adibi,M Zandieh,m.Amiri.in Elsevier Expert System with Applications 37 (2010) 282-287 Multi objective scheduling of
dynamic job shop using variable neighborhood search.
[10] Shyh-chang Lin Erik d goodman William F.Punch,III, Genetic algorithm research and Applications group Michigan State
University A Genetic Algorithm Approach to dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problems
Software Vol.5, No.3 March2010.A Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling.
[2] Mahanim Omar, Adam Baharum, Yahya Abu Hasan School of Mathematical Sciences, in proceedings of the 2nd IMT –GT Regional
Conference on Mathematics,Statistics and Applications Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang,June 13-15,2006,A Job shop Scheduling
problem using GA.
[3] Kanate Ploydanai and Anan Mungwattana, IJCSE International journal on Computer Science and Engineering
Vol.02,No.05,2010,1919-1925 Algorithm for solving job shop scheduling problem based on machine availability constraints,.
[4] Ramezanali Mahdavinesad of University of Tehran in International journal of Quality researchUniversity of Tehran.UDK-658.524
short Scientific Paper (1.03), A new Approach to Job Shop Scheduling Problem
[5] E.Falkenauer and S.Bouffouix, CRIF - Research Center for Belgian Metalworking Industry published CP 106-
P4,50,av.F.D.Roosevelt,B-1050 brussels,Belgium. A Genetic Algorithm for Job Shop.
[6] Milos Seda published a paper in World academy of Science Engineering and technology 31 2007. Mathematical Model of Flow
shop and Job shop scheduling problem.
[7] Takeshi Yamada and Ryohei Nakano rom NTT Communication Science Labs in the proceeedings of Modern Heuristic for decision
Support,pp. 67-81,UNICOM Seminar,18-19 March 1997,London. Genetic Algorithms for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems.
[8] Shignebu kobayash, Isao and Masayuki Yamamura in Proceedings of ICGA in 1995,pp.506-511(1995) An Efficient Genetic
Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem .
[9] M.A.Adibi,M Zandieh,m.Amiri.in Elsevier Expert System with Applications 37 (2010) 282-287 Multi objective scheduling of
dynamic job shop using variable neighborhood search.
[10] Shyh-chang Lin Erik d goodman William F.Punch,III, Genetic algorithm research and Applications group Michigan State
University A Genetic Algorithm Approach to dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problems
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Abstract: The increasing industrialization and motorization of the world has led to a steep rise for the demand
of petroleum products. Petroleum based fuels are obtained from limited reserves also use of conventional diesel
fuel causes serious problem of air pollution and effects on the environment. Hence, it is necessary to look for
alternative fuels, which can be produced from renewable sources. In this work, reports about biodiesel engine
performances and emissions published by highly rated journals in scientific indexes, from these reports, the
effect of biodiesel on engine power, economy, and emissions of a four strokes compression ignition engine are
surveyed and analyzed in detail. Also describes many researches worked in optimization of C.I. engine
performance and operating parameters for biodiesel fuel using software methods. Lastly the scope and
challenges being faced in this area of research are clearly described.
Keywords: Bio-diesel, Diesel Engine Performance, Exhaust Emissions, Optimization technique.
Keywords: Bio-diesel, Diesel Engine Performance, Exhaust Emissions, Optimization technique.
[1] Jinlin Xue, Tony E. Grift , Alan C. Hansena, 'Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions', Renewable and Sustainable
Energy (2011).
[2] Mustafa Balat , Havva Balat , 'Progress in biodiesel processing', Applied Energy, Vol. 87, 1815–1835, (2010).
[3] Magın Lapuerta, Octavio Armas, Jose Rodriguez-Fernandez, 'Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions', Progress in
Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 34, 198-223, (2008).
[4] T.T. AL-Shemmeri, S. Oberweis, 'Correlation of the NOx emission and exhaust gas temperature for biodiesel', Applied Thermal
Engineering, vol. 31, 1682-1688 (2011).
[5] K. Sivaramakrishnan, P. Ravikumar, 'Determination of Cetane Number of Biodiesel and It's Influence on Physical Properties',
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol. 7, No. 2, (2012).
[6] Aldo Okullo, A. K. Temu, P. Ogwok, J. W. Ntalikwa, 'Physico-Chemical Properties of Biodiesel from Jatropha and Castor Oils'
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Vol.2, No.1, (2012).
[7] M. Venkatraman, G. Devaradjane, 'Computer Modeling of a CI Engine for Optimization of Operating Parameters Such as
Compression Ratio, Injection Timing and Injection Pressure for Better Performance and Emission Using Diesel -Diesel Biodiesel
Blends', American Journal of Applied Sciences vol. 8, 897-902, (2011).
[8] R.Manjunatha, P. Badari Narayana, K. Hema Chandra Reddy, 'Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Emission Modelling of
Biodiesels for a C.I Engine under Varying Operating Conditions', modern applied science vol.4 (2010).
[9] Anant Bhaskar Garg, Parag Diwan, Mukesh Saxena, 'Artificial Neural Networks based Methodologies for Optimization of Engine
Operations' International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, (2012).
[10] N. Balajiganesh, B.Chandra Mohan Reddy, 'Optimization of C.I Engine Parameters Using Artificial Neural', International Journal of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-1, Issue-2, (2011).
Energy (2011).
[2] Mustafa Balat , Havva Balat , 'Progress in biodiesel processing', Applied Energy, Vol. 87, 1815–1835, (2010).
[3] Magın Lapuerta, Octavio Armas, Jose Rodriguez-Fernandez, 'Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions', Progress in
Energy and Combustion Science, vol. 34, 198-223, (2008).
[4] T.T. AL-Shemmeri, S. Oberweis, 'Correlation of the NOx emission and exhaust gas temperature for biodiesel', Applied Thermal
Engineering, vol. 31, 1682-1688 (2011).
[5] K. Sivaramakrishnan, P. Ravikumar, 'Determination of Cetane Number of Biodiesel and It's Influence on Physical Properties',
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol. 7, No. 2, (2012).
[6] Aldo Okullo, A. K. Temu, P. Ogwok, J. W. Ntalikwa, 'Physico-Chemical Properties of Biodiesel from Jatropha and Castor Oils'
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Vol.2, No.1, (2012).
[7] M. Venkatraman, G. Devaradjane, 'Computer Modeling of a CI Engine for Optimization of Operating Parameters Such as
Compression Ratio, Injection Timing and Injection Pressure for Better Performance and Emission Using Diesel -Diesel Biodiesel
Blends', American Journal of Applied Sciences vol. 8, 897-902, (2011).
[8] R.Manjunatha, P. Badari Narayana, K. Hema Chandra Reddy, 'Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Emission Modelling of
Biodiesels for a C.I Engine under Varying Operating Conditions', modern applied science vol.4 (2010).
[9] Anant Bhaskar Garg, Parag Diwan, Mukesh Saxena, 'Artificial Neural Networks based Methodologies for Optimization of Engine
Operations' International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, (2012).
[10] N. Balajiganesh, B.Chandra Mohan Reddy, 'Optimization of C.I Engine Parameters Using Artificial Neural', International Journal of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE), ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-1, Issue-2, (2011).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pull-Out Capacity of Granular Anchor Piles in Expansive Soils |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P. Hari Krishna, Dr. V. Ramana Murty |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0512431 ![]() |
Abstract: The stability of structures founded in expansive soils depends upon their pull-out capacity or
resistance. The pile foundations adopted to alleviate the damages to the structures resting in these soil fail due
to their inadequate pull-out capacity. In an attempt to develop a simple, easy to install and cost-effective
alternative foundation system to the conventional concrete piles, the possible use of granular anchor piles below
shallow footings was studied by conducting pull-out tests in the field after conducting pilot tests in the
laboratory. From these studies, it is found that the pull-out resistance of granular anchor piles is more than
twice the value of concrete piles in both unsaturated and saturated states. The pull-out resistance of concrete
and granular anchor piles is decreased by about 32% and 25% respectively upon saturation.
Keywords: Concrete Pile,Expansive soil, Granular anchor pile, pull-out capacity, pull-out resistance
Keywords: Concrete Pile,Expansive soil, Granular anchor pile, pull-out capacity, pull-out resistance
[1] Katti RK, Search for solutions to problems in black cotton soils, First IGS Annual Lecture, Indian Geotechnical Journal, 9(1),
1979, 1-80. (80).
[2] Chen, F.H. Foundations on Expansive Soils (Elsevier Pub. Co, 1988)
[3] Subba Rao, K.S. Swell-shrink behaviour of expansive soils – Geotechnical challenges, 22nd IGS Annual Lecture, Indian
Geotechnical Journal, 30(1), 1999, 1-68.
[4] Petry Thomas, M. and Little Dallas, N. Review of stabilization of clays and expansive soils in pavements and lightly loaded
structures - History, practice and future, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 150th Anniversary paper, 2002: 447-457.
[5] Puppala, Anand J., Napat Inthara Sambat and Rajan K. Vempati, Experimental studies on ettringite – induced heaving in soils,
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.131(3), 2005, 325-337.
[6] Snethen, D.R. et. al, An evaluation of methodology for prediction and minimization of detrimental volume change of expansive
soils in highway subgrades", Research Report, Vol.1, Prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Washington, 1979.
[7] Freeman, T. J., Burford, D. and Crilly, M. S. Seasonal Foundation Movements in London Clay, Proc. of 4th International
Conference Ground Movements and Structures, Cardiff, 1991, 485-501.
[8] Jie Li and Donald A Cameran, Case study of courtyard house damaged by expansive soils, Journal of Performance of Constructed
Facilities, Vol.16, 2002, 169-175.
[9] Vu Q. Hung, Fredlund, G., Delwin, G. The prediction of one, two and three dimensional heave in expansive soils, Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, 2004, 173-177.
[10] Ahmed A, Assessment of drying – wetting cycles to mitigate the potential of expansive soil in Upper Egypt, Journal of Applied
Science Research, 5(12), 2009, 2277-2284.
1979, 1-80. (80).
[2] Chen, F.H. Foundations on Expansive Soils (Elsevier Pub. Co, 1988)
[3] Subba Rao, K.S. Swell-shrink behaviour of expansive soils – Geotechnical challenges, 22nd IGS Annual Lecture, Indian
Geotechnical Journal, 30(1), 1999, 1-68.
[4] Petry Thomas, M. and Little Dallas, N. Review of stabilization of clays and expansive soils in pavements and lightly loaded
structures - History, practice and future, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 150th Anniversary paper, 2002: 447-457.
[5] Puppala, Anand J., Napat Inthara Sambat and Rajan K. Vempati, Experimental studies on ettringite – induced heaving in soils,
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.131(3), 2005, 325-337.
[6] Snethen, D.R. et. al, An evaluation of methodology for prediction and minimization of detrimental volume change of expansive
soils in highway subgrades", Research Report, Vol.1, Prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Washington, 1979.
[7] Freeman, T. J., Burford, D. and Crilly, M. S. Seasonal Foundation Movements in London Clay, Proc. of 4th International
Conference Ground Movements and Structures, Cardiff, 1991, 485-501.
[8] Jie Li and Donald A Cameran, Case study of courtyard house damaged by expansive soils, Journal of Performance of Constructed
Facilities, Vol.16, 2002, 169-175.
[9] Vu Q. Hung, Fredlund, G., Delwin, G. The prediction of one, two and three dimensional heave in expansive soils, Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, 2004, 173-177.
[10] Ahmed A, Assessment of drying – wetting cycles to mitigate the potential of expansive soil in Upper Egypt, Journal of Applied
Science Research, 5(12), 2009, 2277-2284.
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Abstract: Long Span, Column free structures are the most essential in any type of industrial structures and
Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) fulfill this requirement along with reduced time and cost as compared to
conventional structures. The present work involves the comparative study of static and dynamic analysis and
design of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and Conventional steel frames. Design of the structure is being done
in Staad Pro software and the same is then compared with conventional type, in terms of weight which in turn
reduces the cost. Three examples have been taken for the study. Comparison of Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB)
and Conventional steel frames is done in two examples and in the third example, longer span Pre Engineered
Building structure is taken for the study. In the present work, Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) and
Conventional steel frames structure is designed for dynamic forces, which includes wind forces and seismic
forces. Wind analysis has been done manually as per IS 875 (Part III) – 1987 and seismic analysis has been
carried out as per IS 1983 (2002).
Keywords: Pre-Engineered-Buildings; Staad Pro; Utilization Ratio; Tapered Sections.
Keywords: Pre-Engineered-Buildings; Staad Pro; Utilization Ratio; Tapered Sections.
[1] Dale C. Perry, Herbert S. Saffir, James R. McDonald, "Performance of Metal Buildings in High Winds", Journal of Wind
Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 36 (1990) 985-999 985, Elsevier Science Publishers.
[2] Syed Firoz, Sarath Chandra Kumar B, S.Kanakambara Rao," Design Concept of Pre Engineered Building", IJERA Vol. 2, Issue
2,Mar-Apr 2012, pp.267-272 http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol2_issue2/AS22267272.pdf
[3] IS 875- Part II (1987), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures.
[4] IS 1893- Part I (2002) Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant of Design of Structures.
[5] IS 875- Part III (1987), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures.
Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 36 (1990) 985-999 985, Elsevier Science Publishers.
[2] Syed Firoz, Sarath Chandra Kumar B, S.Kanakambara Rao," Design Concept of Pre Engineered Building", IJERA Vol. 2, Issue
2,Mar-Apr 2012, pp.267-272 http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol2_issue2/AS22267272.pdf
[3] IS 875- Part II (1987), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures.
[4] IS 1893- Part I (2002) Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant of Design of Structures.
[5] IS 875- Part III (1987), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures.
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Abstract: In this paper we propose to assess seismic performance of a five storey reinforced concrete building
designed according to the Moroccan seismic code RPS2000[1].the building is residential and has a reinforced
concrete frame structural system. In the first time a set of dynamic analysis are carried out to compute dynamic
properties of the building (fundamental period, natural frequencies, deformation modes,..), in the second time a
pushover analysis is performed to assess the seismic performance of the building and detect the locations of the
plastic hinges. Pushover analysis was performed using SAP2000.the results obtained from this study show that
designed building perform well under moderate earthquake, but is vulnerable under severe earthquake.
Keywords: seismic, building, pushover, performance, performance point
Keywords: seismic, building, pushover, performance, performance point
[1] RPS2000 "seismic Moroccan provisions" published by Ministry of housing 2000.
[2] M Mouzzoun, O. Moustachi and A.Taleb, fragility curve for seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings,
International Journal of materials and environmental science, Sci. 3 (6) (2012) 1037-1044.
[3] P. Fajfar, A nonlinear analysis method for performance based seismic design,Earthquake Spectra, Vol.16, 573 -592, August, 2000.
[4] H Krawinkler, K Seneviratna, Pros and cons of a pushover analysis of seismic performance evaluation, Engineering Structures
1998; 20(4-6): 452-464.
[5] AK Chopra, R Goel "A modal pushover analysis procedure to estimate seismic demands for buildings", theory and preliminary
evaluation. Report No. PEER 2001/03, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center .
[6] SAP2000 "Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures", University of California,
Berkeley, CA, 2001.
[7] FEMA273 "Federal Emergency Management Agency", recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and
Other Structures
[8] ATC 40 "Applied Technology Council, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings", Volume 1 Report, , Redwood City,
California, 1996.
[9] FEMA 356 "Federal Emergency Management Agency", Pre standard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings.
[10] CSI "Analysis Reference Manual for SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE – Computers and Structures, Inc", Berkeley, California, USA,
October 2005.
[2] M Mouzzoun, O. Moustachi and A.Taleb, fragility curve for seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings,
International Journal of materials and environmental science, Sci. 3 (6) (2012) 1037-1044.
[3] P. Fajfar, A nonlinear analysis method for performance based seismic design,Earthquake Spectra, Vol.16, 573 -592, August, 2000.
[4] H Krawinkler, K Seneviratna, Pros and cons of a pushover analysis of seismic performance evaluation, Engineering Structures
1998; 20(4-6): 452-464.
[5] AK Chopra, R Goel "A modal pushover analysis procedure to estimate seismic demands for buildings", theory and preliminary
evaluation. Report No. PEER 2001/03, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center .
[6] SAP2000 "Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures", University of California,
Berkeley, CA, 2001.
[7] FEMA273 "Federal Emergency Management Agency", recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and
Other Structures
[8] ATC 40 "Applied Technology Council, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings", Volume 1 Report, , Redwood City,
California, 1996.
[9] FEMA 356 "Federal Emergency Management Agency", Pre standard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings.
[10] CSI "Analysis Reference Manual for SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE – Computers and Structures, Inc", Berkeley, California, USA,
October 2005.
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Abstract: Today companies are still tolerating an indecisive future due to apathetic consumer demand and rising
product prices. Reductions in manufacturing throughput time reduce the time required to respond to customer
orders. Throughput time influenced by mainly two elements called cycle time and inventory. The aim of the paper is
to reduce throughput (flow) time through decrease in cycle or process time of bottleneck machines and work in
process inventory. The physical tracking study conducted on the high demand product among various products
based on average daily requirement on Gemba i.e. workplace through ABC Analysis. Avoidance of starvation and
blocking can be improved through reduction in flow time. This leads to achieve the customer demand in time,
increase the productivity and to reduce the cost incurred during the process.
Keywords: Cycle time, Inventory, Productivity, Throughput time, Customer Demand
Keywords: Cycle time, Inventory, Productivity, Throughput time, Customer Demand
[1] Danny J. Johnson , "A Framework for Reducing Manufacturing Throughput Time," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 22/No. 4 ,
pp. 283-298, 2003.
[2] Rajeev Choudhary, Pushpinder Kaushik, Neeraj Nirmal and Vinod Dhull, "An empirical study on role of Lean Manufacturing in
manufacturing industry," International Journal on Emerging Technologies , Issue No : 3(1) , pp. 185-192, 2012.
[3] Steven Brown, Joerg Domaschke, and Franz Leibl , "No Cost‟ Applications For Assembly Cycle Time Reduction", International
Conference on Semiconductor Manufacturing Operational Modeling and Simulation , pp. 17-20, 1999
[4] Minnich, T.M., "Use Process Integration for Plant Modernization," Chem. Eng., pp. 70–76, 2000.
[2] Rajeev Choudhary, Pushpinder Kaushik, Neeraj Nirmal and Vinod Dhull, "An empirical study on role of Lean Manufacturing in
manufacturing industry," International Journal on Emerging Technologies , Issue No : 3(1) , pp. 185-192, 2012.
[3] Steven Brown, Joerg Domaschke, and Franz Leibl , "No Cost‟ Applications For Assembly Cycle Time Reduction", International
Conference on Semiconductor Manufacturing Operational Modeling and Simulation , pp. 17-20, 1999
[4] Minnich, T.M., "Use Process Integration for Plant Modernization," Chem. Eng., pp. 70–76, 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of a Biomass Fired Stream Boiler |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | M.A. Akintunde, K. A. Adetoro |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0516064 ![]() |
Abstract: The current trends and future outlook highlights the need for utilization of the vast untapped energy
potential of agro-waste and biomass. In this work a mini- biomass fired stream boiler was developed. The aim is
to use agro-waste to generate high pressure steam to drive micro turbine for the purpose of generating
electricity. The concept of a simple water tube boiler and a free circulation method, where water and stream
mixture circulates through the tubes naturally, was used in the design of the boiler. The system was designed to
generate steam at pressure of 3 bar and 150 oC temperature. After testing the system produces steam at 3 bar
and 146oC. Hence the system has a temperature efficiency of 97.33% and pressure efficiency of 100%. Actual
efficiency of the boiler based on the usage (combustion) of fuel wood was estimated to be 61.8%. The overall
efficiency was estimated to be 60.02%.
Keywords: design, boiler, generation, biomass, fuel-wood, steam, combustion
Keywords: design, boiler, generation, biomass, fuel-wood, steam, combustion
[1] Arvind, KA (2009), Biomass as fuel in small boilers. Asian productivity Organization, Tokyo.
[2] Chagger, HK; Kendall, A; McDonald, A; Pourkashnian, M and Williams, A (1998), Formation of dioxins and some volatile
organic compounds in biomass combustion Applied energy. Vol. 60 No: 1 pp 101 – 114.
[3] Dale, CF (2009), High efficiency wood or biomass boiler. United State Patent Application Publication. Publication No: US
[4] Krik, JC (2011), Biomass boiler system for LTHW heating and DHW. Sustainable energy, renewable energy system and the
environment. A Master's Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Strathclyde.
[5] Michael, FA (2000), Materials selection in mechanical design. Second edition. Publisher reed educational and professional
[6] Saidur, R; Abdelaziz, EA; Demirbas, A; Hossain, MS; Mekhilef, S, (2008), A review on biomass as fuel for boiler. Renemable
and sustainable energy reviews, Vol. 15, No: 1, pp 2283 – 2287.
[7] Woodruff, EB; Lammers, HB; and Lammers, TF, (1985), Fundamentals of steam generation. Steam plant operations. Eighth
[8] Olumide, SA; Ayedun, S; Udom, O; and Adebayo, A. (2012), Development of a biomass-fired steam boiler. Department of
Mechanical Engineering, the Federal University of Technology, Akure. (Unpublished).
[9] RC, (2004) Royal Commission, "Biomass as a renewable energy source. Reported by the Royal Energy Commission on
environmental pollution.
[10] Yogesh, J. (2007), Design and optimization of thermal systems. Second edition, CRC press. London.
[2] Chagger, HK; Kendall, A; McDonald, A; Pourkashnian, M and Williams, A (1998), Formation of dioxins and some volatile
organic compounds in biomass combustion Applied energy. Vol. 60 No: 1 pp 101 – 114.
[3] Dale, CF (2009), High efficiency wood or biomass boiler. United State Patent Application Publication. Publication No: US
[4] Krik, JC (2011), Biomass boiler system for LTHW heating and DHW. Sustainable energy, renewable energy system and the
environment. A Master's Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Strathclyde.
[5] Michael, FA (2000), Materials selection in mechanical design. Second edition. Publisher reed educational and professional
[6] Saidur, R; Abdelaziz, EA; Demirbas, A; Hossain, MS; Mekhilef, S, (2008), A review on biomass as fuel for boiler. Renemable
and sustainable energy reviews, Vol. 15, No: 1, pp 2283 – 2287.
[7] Woodruff, EB; Lammers, HB; and Lammers, TF, (1985), Fundamentals of steam generation. Steam plant operations. Eighth
[8] Olumide, SA; Ayedun, S; Udom, O; and Adebayo, A. (2012), Development of a biomass-fired steam boiler. Department of
Mechanical Engineering, the Federal University of Technology, Akure. (Unpublished).
[9] RC, (2004) Royal Commission, "Biomass as a renewable energy source. Reported by the Royal Energy Commission on
environmental pollution.
[10] Yogesh, J. (2007), Design and optimization of thermal systems. Second edition, CRC press. London.